What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
dear, employment is at the will of either part. there is no appeal to ignorance of the law.

Nothing you post makes any sense at all. Is English a second language for you?
no dear. you really are just, too dumb.

Let me guess...you're gainsaying my subjective contention again? Speaking of "dumb"...
The right wing is nothing But, Obtuse; yet, I am the one who gets banned more consistently.
Well we were worth more in 1970.

Back then the ceo made 30x more today they make 350x more.

No we are not all paid our exact worth unless you are the greedy employer then yes they think things are perfect the way they are now.

Where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

You know who else is paid what their worth? Mexican workers in Mexico. At least that’s what Mexican corporations think

As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

You can. Just go to work at your local Walmart and try to unionize. I'm sure they'll just love you.
Actually, not being in a union benefits me personally. Everyone else at my company complains they don't make enough but I make more than enough. They should unionize.

I'm just here arguing for them. For the masses. It's like when Warren Buffet advocates for his secretary. He's not arguing for himself. He's arguing for the masses. THEY aren't making their fair share.

Back when 35% of working Americans were unionized, we made our fair share. Since the corporations broke the unions we have not made our FAIR share but CEO pay has skyrocketed.
Unions would not need to "be about the money", so much with an institutional upward pressure on wages through equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Unions could focus more on craftsmanship and quality.
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

Walmart and other retailers have lines of people hoping to go to work for them. How is that a bad thing? Just because they're billionaires, how is that wrong and how does that justify paying employees more?
No they don't. Unemployment is supposedly at zero and companies can't find help. Shut up.

Unemployment at zero is impossible, we are at full employment and have more than a million jobs available for which we don't have workers.
There is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment. Why are wages relatively stagnant for the Poor when compared to the Rich?
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor


The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!
lol. we know how to read ten year employment charts and the national debt clock.
How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

U.S. Unemployment Rate Remains at Near-Historic Low of 3.7 Percent; African-American Unemployment Rate Hits New Series Low
September 6, 2019
U.S. Unemployment Rate Remains at Near-Historic Low of 3.7 Percent; African-American Unemployment Rate Hits New Series Low | The White House
Why is that not enough to produce budget surpluses instead deficits?
As for what made America great? Claiming that liberal policies made the US great is a bit of a stretch to be quite frank. We came out of WWII as the only major power that hadn't been decimated by the conflict. We literally became the "factory" to rebuild much of the rest of the world! The resulting boom in our economy wasn't because we had unions...unions became stronger because we had so much demand for goods and services at that time.

We will ever see that kind of economic dominance again? It's rather doubtful actually. We now compete globally with many other nations. Imposing your progressive agenda won't help with that competition.
FDR's brand of Social-ism is what commanded our economy out of the third world through second world policies to make it to the first world.
Keep repeating yourself.........

Just like the Bible scriptures, my posts must be repeated over and over and never forgotten for they are right and true. The question is, will you ever pull your whining head out of your crying ass long enough to figure it out.
dear, you are only "right" because you are on the right wing not because you all are for Any, "gospel Truth".
If blacks want something from Republicans they could start being a little smarter in the way they vote. Their lock-step 90% support of Democrats mean both parties write them off as a group that cannot be persuaded to vote Republican no matter how much the Democrats abuse them.
It should be about better solutions at lower cost under Any form of Capitalism.
Did you cut hair?

Well I prefer a company that pays you $60,000 the first year while you are building up your business.

If they aren’t willing to pay then they tend to hire a lot of salespeople and make it so they know only 10% are going to make it so they get the other 90% to market their product for free. If I owned a company I may resort to such tactics too but I prefer not to work for companies like that.

I'm a Realtor.
Why so much empty floor space in malls, during the "best of Tax Cut economics times?"
Straight from your favorite CNN:

This must-have pained CNN greatly! But, as is characteristic of CNN and MSNBC,

Trump has gained among black voters since the 2016 election
Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN
Updated 9:32 AM ET, Sat August 18, 2018
What's the point: There is another poll out in which more than 30% of black voters supposedly approve of Trump's job performance. Trump's biggest fans have trumpeted this poll as a sign that he is breaking through with African-Americans. The problem is the poll is almost certainly incorrect. [Typical of CNN, impossible for them to simply publish the news.]

Trump has gained support among black voters since 2016 - CNNPolitics


Why Trump’s Approval Ratings
Are Up Among Minorities

American Spectator, by David Catron
Original Article
Posted By: Garnet, 8/19/2019 5:40:59 AM

A mounting number of voter polls show that, despite shrill denunciations of the President by the Democrats for his alleged racism, Trump is enjoying a dramatic increase in his approval ratings among minorities. This isn’t, as some liberal news outlets and pundits have suggested, wishful thinking based on outlier polls. The trend began showing up in surveys early this year and appears to be gaining momentum. Some polls now show his approval numbers at 25 percent among African-American voters and 50 percent among Hispanic voters. If those figures hold for the next 15 months, they will render Trump unbeatable in November of 2020.

Lucianne.com News Forum - Why Trump’s Approval Ratings</br/> Are Up Among Minorities


POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
Published on : Published by : Jacob Palmieri

POLL: Trump approval 49% with Latinos, 28% with Blacks
I'm black. I know what black support is for Trump.

And it's not 28 percent. And still, if it had been, it means 72 percent don't approve of Trump. I think we can safely say that even with your numbers, blacks cannot stand Donald Trump.

I don't watch CNN.

IM2 the political Chump and race traitor

Why is that? The right wing has nothing but obtuse social fallacy not any valid argument or economic policies.
the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

"...poor kids are just as bright as white kids" -- Joe Biden, leading democrat Presidential nominee
As for what made America great? Claiming that liberal policies made the US great is a bit of a stretch to be quite frank. We came out of WWII as the only major power that hadn't been decimated by the conflict. We literally became the "factory" to rebuild much of the rest of the world! The resulting boom in our economy wasn't because we had unions...unions became stronger because we had so much demand for goods and services at that time.

We will ever see that kind of economic dominance again? It's rather doubtful actually. We now compete globally with many other nations. Imposing your progressive agenda won't help with that competition.
FDR's brand of Social-ism is what commanded our economy out of the third world through second world policies to make it to the first world.

Actually, Daniel...quite a few economists believe that FDR's economic policies...as well intentioned as they were...extended The Great Depression. Anyone who believes that the US was a third world economy before FDR is so laughably ignorant of American economic history that they don't even warrant a response! You really need to educate yourself!
Did you cut hair?

Well I prefer a company that pays you $60,000 the first year while you are building up your business.

If they aren’t willing to pay then they tend to hire a lot of salespeople and make it so they know only 10% are going to make it so they get the other 90% to market their product for free. If I owned a company I may resort to such tactics too but I prefer not to work for companies like that.

I'm a Realtor.
Why so much empty floor space in malls, during the "best of Tax Cut economics times?"

Brick and mortar stores are taking a beating from internet sales, Daniel...it's something that's been taking place for quite some time now and will continue to get worse. If you weren't as oblivious to what's happening around you...you'd know that! It has nothing to do with "tax cut economics"!

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