What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

I don’t know why such a diverse country votes for the white male party. Maybe it’s their stupid white wives that are the key to their success.

What have Democrats done for the black race other than to convince them that they cannot get ahead on their own, they're not good enough and they need to depend on the plantation (government)?
If you don’t know then you don’t want to know.

See that black kid in your kids school? See that black working in your department? See that black neighbor? That was us. If not for us you guys would have never allowed any of this

Try again, my good friend. Some actual research on your part would serve you well.

Yea but those were liberals back then and back then the Democrats were the conservatives. You know that right?

Funny how it was you Republicans who beat the south and freed the slaves but today it is you who fight to fly your confederate flags and keep up the statues of that liberal democrat robert e lee. Can you explain this?

I always wonder when Republicans say what you just said, do you realize how stupid you sound suggesting that it was people like you, modern day Republicans, who freed the slaves. That's utter nonsense and you should know better.
I don’t know why such a diverse country votes for the white male party. Maybe it’s their stupid white wives that are the key to their success.

What have Democrats done for the black race other than to convince them that they cannot get ahead on their own, they're not good enough and they need to depend on the plantation (government)?
If you don’t know then you don’t want to know.

See that black kid in your kids school? See that black working in your department? See that black neighbor? That was us. If not for us you guys would have never allowed any of this

Try again, my good friend. Some actual research on your part would serve you well.


Lets see how Republicans are acting today, not in the 1960's ok?

Take for example the race for governor in Florida. A white Republican vs a black Democratic candidate

DeSantis has been dogged by accusations of racism for months. In August, he told voters not to “monkey this up” by voting for Gillum. The phrase was interpreted as a racist dog-whistle, but DeSantis ― who has a history of spreading racist and Islamophobic conspiracy theories ― insisted he said it innocently.

During Wednesday’s debate, DeSantis got visibly angry when he was questioned about earlier speaking engagements at racially charged far-right conferences and accepting campaign contributions from a donor who’d called former President Barack Obama a N WORD on Twitter.

Gillum, who has served as the mayor of Tallahassee since 2014, has been targeted in two extremely racist robocalls during his campaign. The most recent went out on Tuesday and featured an actor using an exaggerated minstrel dialect, saying: “Well hello there. I is the Negro Andrew Gillum, and I be asking you to make me governor of this here state of Florida.”
According to this article, they have a lot to offer blacks:
Man arrested after black GOP volunteer threatened at polling place, called N-word

Nothing that wouldn't be offered one or two hundred years ago though.
Exactly what I've been saying. If you read my posts from the last few days I've been trying to remind women that the GOP offers them nothing as well. I read this part of the story and it reminded me of what I wrote earlier:

....the polling place has experienced similar issues in the past few days. Shaheen said that volunteers, specifically female GOP volunteers and African-Americans, had been targeted.

“The fact that I had to step in between a voter and a female Republican volunteer to keep her from feeling verbally threatened and harassed was just unconscionable,” he said.
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The democrats would be busy if they had their way, taking a census every six months then sending their stormtroopers off to boardrooms across America defenestrating ‘surplus’ white males and replacing them with genetically-tested and approved units to maintain the government mandated proportions of races, genders, heights, weights, and sexual inclinations as determined by Diana Moon Glampers.

We don't have to do all this unkotare. All we are asking is that corporations sign this pledge.

The Pledge

In June 2017 175 CEO's have signed this pledge. I'm sure by now it's much higher than that.

175 CEOs Join Forces For Diversity and Inclusion

If Republicans won't sign this pledge, and they won't, then they offer blacks nothing. You offer blacks the status quo. If Blacks like the status quo, then they should vote Republican. You think the status quo is fine. Most blacks do not. I think I'm safe speaking for blacks here.

This is why blacks need to stop crying that the Democrats have let them down. We have never stopped fighting for them. Black people forget we implemented affirmative action and then they don't show up to vote for us, next thing you know Republicans are doing away with affirmative action.

Hell women benefited most from AA and half those stupid bitches vote Republican.

As I AM black I will speak for blacks in this instance.

We owe white democrats nothing, and you white democrats need to erase the attitude that we do. Or blacks will leave the party because your attitude would be no different than republicans. MLK and other black leaders forced Johnsons hand. You forget that.

You also need to understand that since the 1960's, democrats have done very little for blacks. When AA was signed democrats opposed it. Now we know the parties switched, so let's not use the republican book of lies as democrats. So having said that focus on white progressives who don't vote during mid terms instead of blaming blacks.
Johnson wouldn't have done shit if there weren't so many of us liberal white Americans forcing his hand. If it was just MLK and you blacks complaining you'd still be sitting in the back of the bus.

I truly think that you black people have taken for granted all that liberal whites have done for you.

And the Democrats didn't let you down. You let the Democrats down. Same for all the stupid white people who voted for Obama in 2008 but didn't show up in 2010. So the Democrats didn't let you all down. YOU let them down. They were already having trouble getting things done even when Obama Pelosi and Reed ran all three branches of government and you stupid people didn't show up in 2010 and gave Republicans power back again. What is wrong with you?

The nation's three biggest minority groups—blacks, Hispanics and Asians—each accounted for unprecedented shares of the presidential vote in 2008. Overall, whites made up 76.3% of the record 131 million people 3 who voted in November's presidential election, while blacks made up 12.1%, Hispanics 7.4% and Asians 2.5%.

A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Overall voter turnout – defined as the share of adult U.S. citizens who cast ballots – was 61.4% in 2016, a share similar to 2012 but below the 63.6% who say they voted in 2008.

I bet that 2% that didn't vote would have made a difference. And this is 2016. I couldn't find how many blacks voted in 2010. I bet the number was pathetic.

I know what you are saying. A lot of stupid white poor and middle class white people voted for Trump. But hey, this isn't about what Trump offers them. He offers them a white run country where whites are privileged. He offers them less brown immigrants and doing away with affirmative action. In other words he offers conservative whites a lot. You blacks should have shown up like you did for Obama.

Drop the attitude white boy. Whites who voted for Obama decided to vote for Trump. That's what happened. 88 percent of blacks voted for Clinton. That's more than voted for her husband both times he won. Whites are why democrats lost buddy.

Black "liberals" forced whites make the changes they made. You white liberals sat on your hands from reconstruction until 1965. During that time blacks fought and fought. We fought for 100 years after slavery until whites decided to do the right thing. And even then the deeds were limited. AA only applies to government departments and government contracts. Private business can still discriminate on the basis of race if they do not receive government money. So what exactly did white liberals do?

Barely anything. The democratic party has done little for blacks. The republican party has done nothing. And we are mostly democrats because of the little democrats have done. So for you to say what you did is bullshit and the democratic party must be more aggressive in addressing the concerns of others besides whites or blacks will leave the party. It is why we left the republican party. Republicans thought blacks owed them eternal gratitude just like you and many while liberals do because you were forced to end something that never should have happened in the first place. Heed that warning.

And you know what? Screw you guys. LOL. As soon as the GOP stop being racist you guys are going to jump right back to being Republicans again. Black people in general are very conservative people. So why do I even bother?

When you say 88% of blacks voted for Clinton, that's 88% of the blacks that voted. I'm talking about the ones that didn't show up. They allowed whites to put Trump into office.

And you know what really? I don't even mind Trump. I mind him having a Republican congress and senate. A Democratic Senate would have only allowed his good ideas through, not all the bad ones. There would have been checks and balances. He wouldn't have got that Supreme Court douche bag seated.

I don't see the republican party turning non racist. For if the republican party gets it's way, I don't see any blacks dumb enough to join the party that gutted civil rights. You are talking about blacks who didn't show up but you are not talking about voter suppression, and the numbers of whites who voted Obama and switched to Trump are larger numbers than the number of blacks you are trying to blame. I was the RURAL white vote that gave Trump the victory. Small all white towns and counites in 3 states where over 200,000 people were purged from the voting rolls.
The democrats would be busy if they had their way, taking a census every six months then sending their stormtroopers off to boardrooms across America defenestrating ‘surplus’ white males and replacing them with genetically-tested and approved units to maintain the government mandated proportions of races, genders, heights, weights, and sexual inclinations as determined by Diana Moon Glampers.

We don't have to do all this unkotare. All we are asking is that corporations sign this pledge.

The Pledge

In June 2017 175 CEO's have signed this pledge. I'm sure by now it's much higher than that.

175 CEOs Join Forces For Diversity and Inclusion

If Republicans won't sign this pledge, and they won't, then they offer blacks nothing. You offer blacks the status quo. If Blacks like the status quo, then they should vote Republican. You think the status quo is fine. Most blacks do not. I think I'm safe speaking for blacks here.

This is why blacks need to stop crying that the Democrats have let them down. We have never stopped fighting for them. Black people forget we implemented affirmative action and then they don't show up to vote for us, next thing you know Republicans are doing away with affirmative action.

Hell women benefited most from AA and half those stupid bitches vote Republican.

As I AM black I will speak for blacks in this instance.

We owe white democrats nothing, and you white democrats need to erase the attitude that we do. Or blacks will leave the party because your attitude would be no different than republicans. MLK and other black leaders forced Johnsons hand. You forget that.

You also need to understand that since the 1960's, democrats have done very little for blacks. When AA was signed democrats opposed it. Now we know the parties switched, so let's not use the republican book of lies as democrats. So having said that focus on white progressives who don't vote during mid terms instead of blaming blacks.
Johnson wouldn't have done shit if there weren't so many of us liberal white Americans forcing his hand. If it was just MLK and you blacks complaining you'd still be sitting in the back of the bus.

I truly think that you black people have taken for granted all that liberal whites have done for you.

And the Democrats didn't let you down. You let the Democrats down. Same for all the stupid white people who voted for Obama in 2008 but didn't show up in 2010. So the Democrats didn't let you all down. YOU let them down. They were already having trouble getting things done even when Obama Pelosi and Reed ran all three branches of government and you stupid people didn't show up in 2010 and gave Republicans power back again. What is wrong with you?

The nation's three biggest minority groups—blacks, Hispanics and Asians—each accounted for unprecedented shares of the presidential vote in 2008. Overall, whites made up 76.3% of the record 131 million people 3 who voted in November's presidential election, while blacks made up 12.1%, Hispanics 7.4% and Asians 2.5%.

A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Overall voter turnout – defined as the share of adult U.S. citizens who cast ballots – was 61.4% in 2016, a share similar to 2012 but below the 63.6% who say they voted in 2008.

I bet that 2% that didn't vote would have made a difference. And this is 2016. I couldn't find how many blacks voted in 2010. I bet the number was pathetic.

I know what you are saying. A lot of stupid white poor and middle class white people voted for Trump. But hey, this isn't about what Trump offers them. He offers them a white run country where whites are privileged. He offers them less brown immigrants and doing away with affirmative action. In other words he offers conservative whites a lot. You blacks should have shown up like you did for Obama.

Drop the attitude white boy. Whites who voted for Obama decided to vote for Trump. That's what happened. 88 percent of blacks voted for Clinton. That's more than voted for her husband both times he won. Whites are why democrats lost buddy.

Black "liberals" forced whites make the changes they made. You white liberals sat on your hands from reconstruction until 1965. During that time blacks fought and fought. We fought for 100 years after slavery until whites decided to do the right thing. And even then the deeds were limited. AA only applies to government departments and government contracts. Private business can still discriminate on the basis of race if they do not receive government money. So what exactly did white liberals do?

Barely anything. The democratic party has done little for blacks. The republican party has done nothing. And we are mostly democrats because of the little democrats have done. So for you to say what you did is bullshit and the democratic party must be more aggressive in addressing the concerns of others besides whites or blacks will leave the party. It is why we left the republican party. Republicans thought blacks owed them eternal gratitude just like you and many while liberals do because you were forced to end something that never should have happened in the first place. Heed that warning.
Keep in mind the Democratic party does barely anything for us poor and middle class whites too. And the Republican party has done nothing for us. So really how can I disagree with you?

P.S. Did you see the Blackish where the father finally decided to call the police? The episode was about how black people don't call the cops. But he started liking having that power to call the police and used it a lot. But then the Air B2B was being rented by a black group and he wouldn't call the cops on them. At first you think it's because he's a racist but then the gist of the story is how differently things go for black people when the cops get called on them. The cops show up acting a lot differently towards black men than they do white men.

I don't watch blackish. I am black. I live blackish every day. You are neither poor or meddle class sealybobo. You have bragged about being wealthy.
According to this article, they have a lot to offer blacks:
Man arrested after black GOP volunteer threatened at polling place, called N-word

Nothing that wouldn't be offered one or two hundred years ago though.
Exactly what I've been saying. If you read my posts from the last few days I've been trying to remind women that the GOP offers them nothing as well. I read this part of the story and it reminded me of what I wrote earlier:

....the polling place has experienced similar issues in the past few days. Shaheen said that volunteers, specifically female GOP volunteers and African-Americans, had been targeted.

“The fact that I had to step in between a voter and a female Republican volunteer to keep her from feeling verbally threatened and harassed was just unconscionable,” he said.

We know what the GOP has to offer. What you fail to understand is democrats don't offer much more.
...a Republican doctrine with no crime, drug, or terror clauses; but, the right wing prefers to cut social services for the Poor, anyway.
I don’t know why such a diverse country votes for the white male party. Maybe it’s their stupid white wives that are the key to their success.

What have Democrats done for the black race other than to convince them that they cannot get ahead on their own, they're not good enough and they need to depend on the plantation (government)?
If you don’t know then you don’t want to know.

See that black kid in your kids school? See that black working in your department? See that black neighbor? That was us. If not for us you guys would have never allowed any of this

Try again, my good friend. Some actual research on your part would serve you well.


You republicans and your disingenuous lying has grown old. Sealy busted your asses when he said what he did about your support for confederate monuments and symbols.
...no public policies to increase our minimum wage to "entice first worlders" to come over not just, cheap labor from the less developed world.
We don't have to do all this unkotare. All we are asking is that corporations sign this pledge.

The Pledge

In June 2017 175 CEO's have signed this pledge. I'm sure by now it's much higher than that.

175 CEOs Join Forces For Diversity and Inclusion

If Republicans won't sign this pledge, and they won't, then they offer blacks nothing. You offer blacks the status quo. If Blacks like the status quo, then they should vote Republican. You think the status quo is fine. Most blacks do not. I think I'm safe speaking for blacks here.

This is why blacks need to stop crying that the Democrats have let them down. We have never stopped fighting for them. Black people forget we implemented affirmative action and then they don't show up to vote for us, next thing you know Republicans are doing away with affirmative action.

Hell women benefited most from AA and half those stupid bitches vote Republican.

As I AM black I will speak for blacks in this instance.

We owe white democrats nothing, and you white democrats need to erase the attitude that we do. Or blacks will leave the party because your attitude would be no different than republicans. MLK and other black leaders forced Johnsons hand. You forget that.

You also need to understand that since the 1960's, democrats have done very little for blacks. When AA was signed democrats opposed it. Now we know the parties switched, so let's not use the republican book of lies as democrats. So having said that focus on white progressives who don't vote during mid terms instead of blaming blacks.
Johnson wouldn't have done shit if there weren't so many of us liberal white Americans forcing his hand. If it was just MLK and you blacks complaining you'd still be sitting in the back of the bus.

I truly think that you black people have taken for granted all that liberal whites have done for you.

And the Democrats didn't let you down. You let the Democrats down. Same for all the stupid white people who voted for Obama in 2008 but didn't show up in 2010. So the Democrats didn't let you all down. YOU let them down. They were already having trouble getting things done even when Obama Pelosi and Reed ran all three branches of government and you stupid people didn't show up in 2010 and gave Republicans power back again. What is wrong with you?

The nation's three biggest minority groups—blacks, Hispanics and Asians—each accounted for unprecedented shares of the presidential vote in 2008. Overall, whites made up 76.3% of the record 131 million people 3 who voted in November's presidential election, while blacks made up 12.1%, Hispanics 7.4% and Asians 2.5%.

A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Overall voter turnout – defined as the share of adult U.S. citizens who cast ballots – was 61.4% in 2016, a share similar to 2012 but below the 63.6% who say they voted in 2008.

I bet that 2% that didn't vote would have made a difference. And this is 2016. I couldn't find how many blacks voted in 2010. I bet the number was pathetic.

I know what you are saying. A lot of stupid white poor and middle class white people voted for Trump. But hey, this isn't about what Trump offers them. He offers them a white run country where whites are privileged. He offers them less brown immigrants and doing away with affirmative action. In other words he offers conservative whites a lot. You blacks should have shown up like you did for Obama.

Drop the attitude white boy. Whites who voted for Obama decided to vote for Trump. That's what happened. 88 percent of blacks voted for Clinton. That's more than voted for her husband both times he won. Whites are why democrats lost buddy.

Black "liberals" forced whites make the changes they made. You white liberals sat on your hands from reconstruction until 1965. During that time blacks fought and fought. We fought for 100 years after slavery until whites decided to do the right thing. And even then the deeds were limited. AA only applies to government departments and government contracts. Private business can still discriminate on the basis of race if they do not receive government money. So what exactly did white liberals do?

Barely anything. The democratic party has done little for blacks. The republican party has done nothing. And we are mostly democrats because of the little democrats have done. So for you to say what you did is bullshit and the democratic party must be more aggressive in addressing the concerns of others besides whites or blacks will leave the party. It is why we left the republican party. Republicans thought blacks owed them eternal gratitude just like you and many while liberals do because you were forced to end something that never should have happened in the first place. Heed that warning.
Keep in mind the Democratic party does barely anything for us poor and middle class whites too. And the Republican party has done nothing for us. So really how can I disagree with you?

P.S. Did you see the Blackish where the father finally decided to call the police? The episode was about how black people don't call the cops. But he started liking having that power to call the police and used it a lot. But then the Air B2B was being rented by a black group and he wouldn't call the cops on them. At first you think it's because he's a racist but then the gist of the story is how differently things go for black people when the cops get called on them. The cops show up acting a lot differently towards black men than they do white men.

I don't watch blackish. I am black. I live blackish every day. You are neither poor or meddle class sealybobo. You have bragged about being wealthy.
I’m upper middle class but only because

1. I have no kids.

2. I paid off my cheap condo

3. I will get at $200k-$500k when my dad dies assuming the healthcare giants don’t take all his money when he dies. He worked for a union company ford. Thank a liberal.

4. I got lucky and found a company that values my skills.

5. My parents were amazing

6. I’m a white male.

7. Republicans haven’t sabotaged social security and Medicare yet. If they do then I’m squarely middle class
I don’t know why such a diverse country votes for the white male party. Maybe it’s their stupid white wives that are the key to their success.

What have Democrats done for the black race other than to convince them that they cannot get ahead on their own, they're not good enough and they need to depend on the plantation (government)?
If you don’t know then you don’t want to know.

See that black kid in your kids school? See that black working in your department? See that black neighbor? That was us. If not for us you guys would have never allowed any of this

Try again, my good friend. Some actual research on your part would serve you well.


You republicans and your disingenuous lying has grown old. Sealy busted your asses when he said what he did about your support for confederate monuments and symbols.
You can be sure of one thing. I’m 100% honest. I’m a white male who can’t just go along with these white male lying racists just because I’m a white male.
I’m searching to see if unkotare has posted one thoughtful post or does he just attack in an attempt to derail the conversation. This way you can’t explain to him how and why his positions or party is in fact racist.

You can’t argue with someone who gives you nothin

Unkotare is a waste of time.

Im2 is a shameless racist
That’s what I thought. To you any white guy who defends blacks is a racist and so are the black people we defend.

The only blacks and liberals who are not racists are the ones who don’t talk about the racism coming from your side. Got it.

I have to infer since you never whitesplain anything.

Unkotare is a shameful racist. That’s why he won’t whitesplain himself ever.

And you are a waste of time other than bring me and im2 closer together

Unkotare is pretty bad at explaining himself,

but IM2 is a shameless racist.

And I'm a white guy that has defended several blacks, generally from liberals.
Thanks Correll for admitting that even you on the right think unkotare is bad at explaining himself. Basically bad at communicating. I told him he contributes about as much as a fly on the wall who only occasionally flies around the room and shits on liberal democratic posters. That's the only reason you guys on the right don't hate him as much as we do. He never shits on you. If he did and you tried to engage him you would see he does not know how to communicate. He's like a retard.

But even you guys admit he contributes very very little to any and every conversation. Thanks for admitting that.

He has often accused me of being a racist, and been utterly unable to explain why.

But IM2 really is a shameless racist.
Unkotare is a waste of time.

Im2 is a shameless racist
That’s what I thought. To you any white guy who defends blacks is a racist and so are the black people we defend.

The only blacks and liberals who are not racists are the ones who don’t talk about the racism coming from your side. Got it.

I have to infer since you never whitesplain anything.

Unkotare is a shameful racist. That’s why he won’t whitesplain himself ever.

And you are a waste of time other than bring me and im2 closer together

Unkotare is pretty bad at explaining himself,

but IM2 is a shameless racist.

And I'm a white guy that has defended several blacks, generally from liberals.
Thanks Correll for admitting that even you on the right think unkotare is bad at explaining himself. Basically bad at communicating. I told him he contributes about as much as a fly on the wall who only occasionally flies around the room and shits on liberal democratic posters. That's the only reason you guys on the right don't hate him as much as we do. He never shits on you. If he did and you tried to engage him you would see he does not know how to communicate. He's like a retard.

But even you guys admit he contributes very very little to any and every conversation. Thanks for admitting that.

He has often accused me of being a racist, and been utterly unable to explain why.

But IM2 really is a shameless racist.
Your parties policies negatively affect poor and middle class people of all colors. So I’ll give you it’s not necessarily racism.

I can see how being a have can make a weak minded person turn into a conservative especially if that person is happy with their station in life. They don’t want to change the status quo even if it is fucked up. I just can’t intellectually be dishonest about right and wrong.

There’s probably so much you agree with us on but can’t get yourself to meet us half way or give an inch. It’s tactics. We do it too.
...a preference for Government solutions to foreign problems, while proclaiming Capitalism Matters in public venues.
Im2 is a shameless racist
That’s what I thought. To you any white guy who defends blacks is a racist and so are the black people we defend.

The only blacks and liberals who are not racists are the ones who don’t talk about the racism coming from your side. Got it.

I have to infer since you never whitesplain anything.

Unkotare is a shameful racist. That’s why he won’t whitesplain himself ever.

And you are a waste of time other than bring me and im2 closer together

Unkotare is pretty bad at explaining himself,

but IM2 is a shameless racist.

And I'm a white guy that has defended several blacks, generally from liberals.
Thanks Correll for admitting that even you on the right think unkotare is bad at explaining himself. Basically bad at communicating. I told him he contributes about as much as a fly on the wall who only occasionally flies around the room and shits on liberal democratic posters. That's the only reason you guys on the right don't hate him as much as we do. He never shits on you. If he did and you tried to engage him you would see he does not know how to communicate. He's like a retard.

But even you guys admit he contributes very very little to any and every conversation. Thanks for admitting that.

He has often accused me of being a racist, and been utterly unable to explain why.

But IM2 really is a shameless racist.
Your parties policies negatively affect poor and middle class people of all colors. So I’ll give you it’s not necessarily racism.

I can see how being a have can make a weak minded person turn into a conservative especially if that person is happy with their station in life. They don’t want to change the status quo even if it is fucked up. I just can’t intellectually be dishonest about right and wrong.

There’s probably so much you agree with us on but can’t get yourself to meet us half way or give an inch. It’s tactics. We do it too.

If that was true, you wouldn't defend IM2.
First off I am not your son. I couldn’t possibly come from someone as openly racist an ignorant as you. The burden of proof is on the accuser ( you ). Your talking points are hallow, rife with bias and ignorant drivel. You always post a bold statement but never delve into what the statements actually mean. You’re a whiny little racist punk that thinks they are owed something. You aren’t. The playing field is level, deal with it. If you want to help your race, teach them to make something of themselves, stop having babies like rabbits, aspire to greatness and realize that they are the answer to their fate. Until you do that, you are a detriment to your race.

I really don't listen to a member of the race who has received the most handouts in US history trying to tell me what I need to do.
I’m searching to see if unkotare has posted one thoughtful post or does he just attack in an attempt to derail the conversation. This way you can’t explain to him how and why his positions or party is in fact racist.

You can’t argue with someone who gives you nothin

Unkotare is a waste of time.

Im2 is a shameless racist
That’s what I thought. To you any white guy who defends blacks is a racist and so are the black people we defend.


That kind of pathetic, pandering, presumptuous, pretentious bullshit isn’t “defending” anyone. It’s an arrogant, insidious form of racism. No one needs the likes of you to “defend” them. Americans are quite capable of defending themselves without the ‘help’ of a doucheclown like you.
I really don't listen to a member of the race who has received the most handouts in US history trying to tell me what I need to do.
I’m searching to see if unkotare has posted one thoughtful post or does he just attack in an attempt to derail the conversation. This way you can’t explain to him how and why his positions or party is in fact racist.

You can’t argue with someone who gives you nothin

Unkotare is a waste of time.

Im2 is a shameless racist
That’s what I thought. To you any white guy who defends blacks is a racist and so are the black people we defend.


That kind of pathetic, pandering, presumptuous, pretentious bullshit isn’t “defending” anyone. It’s an arrogant, insidious form of racism. No one needs the likes of you to “defend” them. Americans are quite capable of defending themselves without the ‘help’ of a doucheclown like you.
Nonsense. Im2 said that blacks fought for what they have today. No liberal white gave them nothing. I disagree. I don’t recall Jackie Robinson fighting to get into Major League Baseball. A white liberal owner gave him the job because it was the right thing to do.

Back then democrats didn’t allow blacks to play with whites. Us liberal republicans made it happen. Of course today we would have been republicans.
That’s what I thought. To you any white guy who defends blacks is a racist and so are the black people we defend.

The only blacks and liberals who are not racists are the ones who don’t talk about the racism coming from your side. Got it.

I have to infer since you never whitesplain anything.

Unkotare is a shameful racist. That’s why he won’t whitesplain himself ever.

And you are a waste of time other than bring me and im2 closer together

Unkotare is pretty bad at explaining himself,

but IM2 is a shameless racist.

And I'm a white guy that has defended several blacks, generally from liberals.
Thanks Correll for admitting that even you on the right think unkotare is bad at explaining himself. Basically bad at communicating. I told him he contributes about as much as a fly on the wall who only occasionally flies around the room and shits on liberal democratic posters. That's the only reason you guys on the right don't hate him as much as we do. He never shits on you. If he did and you tried to engage him you would see he does not know how to communicate. He's like a retard.

But even you guys admit he contributes very very little to any and every conversation. Thanks for admitting that.

He has often accused me of being a racist, and been utterly unable to explain why.

But IM2 really is a shameless racist.
Your parties policies negatively affect poor and middle class people of all colors. So I’ll give you it’s not necessarily racism.

I can see how being a have can make a weak minded person turn into a conservative especially if that person is happy with their station in life. They don’t want to change the status quo even if it is fucked up. I just can’t intellectually be dishonest about right and wrong.

There’s probably so much you agree with us on but can’t get yourself to meet us half way or give an inch. It’s tactics. We do it too.

If that was true, you wouldn't defend IM2.
True. But I don’t always agree or defend him. Just when he’s right

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