What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

Remember in 2003 when we gave blacks reparations? Bad idea.

What reparations did we get in 2003? As I am black, I'd damn sure like to know.
That was a joke from the Dave Chappelle show.

P.S. Notice Unkotare didn't respond to my posts? I absolutely demonstrated why Republicans offer nothing to blacks and he refused to address the points I made. Republicans don't think it's a problem that 9 out of 10 executives in corporate America are white men. They don't see the need for a diversity pledge. This is proof Republicansa are only the party for rich white men.

So, any black who votes Republican is either a rich person who doesn't care about the black community or they are ignorantly voting in favor of the status quo that says it's black people's fault that they are under represented in corporate America.

So Republicans do not offer blacks economic opportunities. It's only liberal corporations who are TRYING to become more diverse. Even they aren't as diverse as they should be and they admit it. At least they are trying and understand that bias and prejudice for centuries is why blacks and women are far too under represented in corporate America especially in the executive level.

But instead of having a good conversation on this Unkotare responded to me this: The democrats would be busy if they had their way, taking a census every six months then sending their stormtroopers off to boardrooms across America defenestrating ‘surplus’ white males and replacing them with genetically-tested and approved units to maintain the government mandated proportions of races, genders, heights, weights, and sexual inclinations as determined by Diana Moon Glampers.

How do you have a conversation with a moron like this? The answer is you don't.

I don't reply to him for him to see what I wrote. I write to him so that other more intelligent people will see what I'm saying to him.

My bad sealybobo. I apologize.

Unkotare is a idiot. A racist piece of trash who lies about being non racist. He's a joke and a waste of time. No you don't have a conversation with such a moron. Therefore I won't.

I think I said all I have to say. If Republicans are opposed to diversity programs then that is all the proof I need that Republicans are racists.

And this is how fucked up white Republican racists like unkotare are. They will now try to convince us that the CEO's who signed the diversity pledge are actually the racists.

Do you see how fucked up their logic is?

And it's not like they are even trying to listen to us because if they were intellectually honest they would of course admit that signing the diversity pledge is of course the right thing to do.

But they can't admit any of this because then it would expose their positions as being racist. They are against Affirmative Action. That is racist and they don't even see it. When 9 out of 10 bosses is a white male, and they don't see anything wrong with that, then what is that saying to women and minorities? It's saying they like the status quo and they don't think you are capable of filling those jobs. Or it's your fault that there aren't more of you in the executive bathrooms. Not their fault.

So that's all you have to ask a Republican from now on if they try to suggest they aren't the racists. Ask them if they would sign a diversity pledge and do everything they can to fill more executive positions with minorities and women.

They wouldn't and that's why they offer black people less than nothing. Because when they fight programs like affirmative action they are actually making you take a step backward.

There is no need for me to ask a question when I already know the answer. Maybe you just figured this out, but I knew this about 40 years ago.
Block-headed democrat simpletons cannot think beyond colors as if people were a box of their fat-grip crayons.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

Remember in 2003 when we gave blacks reparations? Bad idea.

What reparations did we get in 2003? As I am black, I'd damn sure like to know.
That was a joke from the Dave Chappelle show.

P.S. Notice Unkotare didn't respond to my posts? I absolutely demonstrated why Republicans offer nothing to blacks and he refused to address the points I made. Republicans don't think it's a problem that 9 out of 10 executives in corporate America are white men. They don't see the need for a diversity pledge. This is proof Republicansa are only the party for rich white men.

So, any black who votes Republican is either a rich person who doesn't care about the black community or they are ignorantly voting in favor of the status quo that says it's black people's fault that they are under represented in corporate America.

So Republicans do not offer blacks economic opportunities. It's only liberal corporations who are TRYING to become more diverse. Even they aren't as diverse as they should be and they admit it. At least they are trying and understand that bias and prejudice for centuries is why blacks and women are far too under represented in corporate America especially in the executive level.

But instead of having a good conversation on this Unkotare responded to me this: The democrats would be busy if they had their way, taking a census every six months then sending their stormtroopers off to boardrooms across America defenestrating ‘surplus’ white males and replacing them with genetically-tested and approved units to maintain the government mandated proportions of races, genders, heights, weights, and sexual inclinations as determined by Diana Moon Glampers.

How do you have a conversation with a moron like this? The answer is you don't.

I don't reply to him for him to see what I wrote. I write to him so that other more intelligent people will see what I'm saying to him.

My bad sealybobo. I apologize.

Unkotare is a idiot. A racist piece of trash who lies about being non racist. He's a joke and a waste of time. No you don't have a conversation with such a moron. Therefore I won't.

I think I said all I have to say. If Republicans are opposed to diversity programs then that is all the proof I need that Republicans are racists.

And this is how fucked up white Republican racists like unkotare are. They will now try to convince us that the CEO's who signed the diversity pledge are actually the racists.

Do you see how fucked up their logic is?

And it's not like they are even trying to listen to us because if they were intellectually honest they would of course admit that signing the diversity pledge is of course the right thing to do.

But they can't admit any of this because then it would expose their positions as being racist. They are against Affirmative Action. That is racist and they don't even see it. When 9 out of 10 bosses is a white male, and they don't see anything wrong with that, then what is that saying to women and minorities? It's saying they like the status quo and they don't think you are capable of filling those jobs. Or it's your fault that there aren't more of you in the executive bathrooms. Not their fault.

So that's all you have to ask a Republican from now on if they try to suggest they aren't the racists. Ask them if they would sign a diversity pledge and do everything they can to fill more executive positions with minorities and women.

They wouldn't and that's why they offer black people less than nothing. Because when they fight programs like affirmative action they are actually making you take a step backward.

Idiot democrats on this thread would have been right at home during the Cultural Revolution. Sign the little red book or be subjected to a “self-criticism session” by an angry mob in the streets backed up by armed PLA soldiers.

What a fucking disgrace.
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That is a bad mistake to make. The sport of wrestling was first practiced in Africa. There are a lot of Black guys just walking the street that I would never want to get on the ground with. My motto is to always always assume someone can wrestle. My take down defense is beyond reproach.

Well. I would bet $1 zillion dollars that I would snap your arm in less than five minutes. Not that I would but I could.

5 minutes is a very long time in a fight.

Lifetime. Id make him suffer for 4 of them.
I joke that today I would fight anyone.....for about a minute and then I would need to finish the fight from my chair.

I feel the same. Plus fights cause lawsuits.
I got in a fight about 10 years ago. I'm a short fat old man now. I was in my late 30's and I was out of shape then too and I'll admit the shorts and matching soccer top were too tight. Looking back, I was just asking for 20 something year olds to make fun of me. Anyways, long story short is 3 20 somethings were making fun of me in the mall parking lot. I told the biggest one who was BIG, "that's really funny but one day you're going to fuck with the wrong guy and get your ass kicked". He laughed and came at me. Within 30 seconds I had him on the ground knocked out and I was choking him with his own shirt. He was coming at me so I had the right to defend myself under stand your ground laws. But the cop didn't know that was a new law so I got arrested. $1000 later the case was thrown out.

I'll never fight again. I have nothing to win and everything to lose.
The democrats would be busy if they had their way, taking a census every six months then sending their stormtroopers off to boardrooms across America defenestrating ‘surplus’ white males and replacing them with genetically-tested and approved units to maintain the government mandated proportions of races, genders, heights, weights, and sexual inclinations as determined by Diana Moon Glampers.

We don't have to do all this unkotare. All we are asking is that corporations sign this pledge.

The Pledge

In June 2017 175 CEO's have signed this pledge. I'm sure by now it's much higher than that.

175 CEOs Join Forces For Diversity and Inclusion

If Republicans won't sign this pledge, and they won't, then they offer blacks nothing. You offer blacks the status quo. If Blacks like the status quo, then they should vote Republican. You think the status quo is fine. Most blacks do not. I think I'm safe speaking for blacks here.

This is why blacks need to stop crying that the Democrats have let them down. We have never stopped fighting for them. Black people forget we implemented affirmative action and then they don't show up to vote for us, next thing you know Republicans are doing away with affirmative action.

Hell women benefited most from AA and half those stupid bitches vote Republican.

As I AM black I will speak for blacks in this instance.

We owe white democrats nothing, and you white democrats need to erase the attitude that we do. Or blacks will leave the party because your attitude would be no different than republicans. MLK and other black leaders forced Johnsons hand. You forget that.

You also need to understand that since the 1960's, democrats have done very little for blacks. When AA was signed democrats opposed it. Now we know the parties switched, so let's not use the republican book of lies as democrats. So having said that focus on white progressives who don't vote during mid terms instead of blaming blacks.
Johnson wouldn't have done shit if there weren't so many of us liberal white Americans forcing his hand. If it was just MLK and you blacks complaining you'd still be sitting in the back of the bus.

I truly think that you black people have taken for granted all that liberal whites have done for you.

And the Democrats didn't let you down. You let the Democrats down. Same for all the stupid white people who voted for Obama in 2008 but didn't show up in 2010. So the Democrats didn't let you all down. YOU let them down. They were already having trouble getting things done even when Obama Pelosi and Reed ran all three branches of government and you stupid people didn't show up in 2010 and gave Republicans power back again. What is wrong with you?

The nation's three biggest minority groups—blacks, Hispanics and Asians—each accounted for unprecedented shares of the presidential vote in 2008. Overall, whites made up 76.3% of the record 131 million people 3 who voted in November's presidential election, while blacks made up 12.1%, Hispanics 7.4% and Asians 2.5%.

A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Overall voter turnout – defined as the share of adult U.S. citizens who cast ballots – was 61.4% in 2016, a share similar to 2012 but below the 63.6% who say they voted in 2008.

I bet that 2% that didn't vote would have made a difference. And this is 2016. I couldn't find how many blacks voted in 2010. I bet the number was pathetic.

I know what you are saying. A lot of stupid white poor and middle class white people voted for Trump. But hey, this isn't about what Trump offers them. He offers them a white run country where whites are privileged. He offers them less brown immigrants and doing away with affirmative action. In other words he offers conservative whites a lot. You blacks should have shown up like you did for Obama.
Remember in 2003 when we gave blacks reparations? Bad idea.

What reparations did we get in 2003? As I am black, I'd damn sure like to know.
That was a joke from the Dave Chappelle show.

P.S. Notice Unkotare didn't respond to my posts? I absolutely demonstrated why Republicans offer nothing to blacks and he refused to address the points I made. Republicans don't think it's a problem that 9 out of 10 executives in corporate America are white men. They don't see the need for a diversity pledge. This is proof Republicansa are only the party for rich white men.

So, any black who votes Republican is either a rich person who doesn't care about the black community or they are ignorantly voting in favor of the status quo that says it's black people's fault that they are under represented in corporate America.

So Republicans do not offer blacks economic opportunities. It's only liberal corporations who are TRYING to become more diverse. Even they aren't as diverse as they should be and they admit it. At least they are trying and understand that bias and prejudice for centuries is why blacks and women are far too under represented in corporate America especially in the executive level.

But instead of having a good conversation on this Unkotare responded to me this: The democrats would be busy if they had their way, taking a census every six months then sending their stormtroopers off to boardrooms across America defenestrating ‘surplus’ white males and replacing them with genetically-tested and approved units to maintain the government mandated proportions of races, genders, heights, weights, and sexual inclinations as determined by Diana Moon Glampers.

How do you have a conversation with a moron like this? The answer is you don't.

I don't reply to him for him to see what I wrote. I write to him so that other more intelligent people will see what I'm saying to him.

My bad sealybobo. I apologize.

Unkotare is a idiot. A racist piece of trash who lies about being non racist. He's a joke and a waste of time. No you don't have a conversation with such a moron. Therefore I won't.

I think I said all I have to say. If Republicans are opposed to diversity programs then that is all the proof I need that Republicans are racists.

And this is how fucked up white Republican racists like unkotare are. They will now try to convince us that the CEO's who signed the diversity pledge are actually the racists.

Do you see how fucked up their logic is?

And it's not like they are even trying to listen to us because if they were intellectually honest they would of course admit that signing the diversity pledge is of course the right thing to do.

But they can't admit any of this because then it would expose their positions as being racist. They are against Affirmative Action. That is racist and they don't even see it. When 9 out of 10 bosses is a white male, and they don't see anything wrong with that, then what is that saying to women and minorities? It's saying they like the status quo and they don't think you are capable of filling those jobs. Or it's your fault that there aren't more of you in the executive bathrooms. Not their fault.

So that's all you have to ask a Republican from now on if they try to suggest they aren't the racists. Ask them if they would sign a diversity pledge and do everything they can to fill more executive positions with minorities and women.

They wouldn't and that's why they offer black people less than nothing. Because when they fight programs like affirmative action they are actually making you take a step backward.

Idiot democrats on this thread would have been right at home during the Cultural Revolution. Sign the little red book or be subjected to a “self-criticism session” by an angry mob in the streets backed up by armed PLA soldiers.

What a fucking disgrace.
And idiot Racist Republicans like you would have been right at home at Klan rallies.

Red or Green pill neo. Which one?
Block-headed democrat simpletons cannot think beyond colors as if people were a box of their fat-grip crayons.
I like it how you don't reply to anyone because then you don't have to answer any of our questions. So you just chime in with this usual blather of nonsense.

So again how come you won't answer my question? Would you sign a diversity pledge if you were a CEO? Would you be committed to making sure your employees are as diverse as this country is? Or would you just stick with the status quote where 9 out of 10 of your VP's are always white males?

Why don't you tell us why you think 9 out of 10 VP's in this country are white males. Do you think it's because white males are smarter than women and blacks? Do you think bias plays a role? Because lots of CEO's understand bias is why so few blacks and women make it up to the executive level. And those companies are going to go above and beyond to find diversity candidates.

I understand that scares white men like yourself but don't worry. You're doing a woman's job now and you are in a union so you have job security. You'll be fine. Thank a liberal you dumb cont.
Block-headed democrat simpletons cannot think beyond colors as if people were a box of their fat-grip crayons.

And you can't answer a simple question.

The Pledge

After looking over this pledge, let me ask all the republicans here, would they go along with this diversity pledge? If they would not, then they offer blacks AND women nothing and blacks and women should not vote Republican in the future until Republicans admit that there is a problem in America with a lack of diversity in corporate America. There is bias here. Many companies admit it today. If you deny this, what are you suggesting that white men are smarter and better at business than women and blacks?

How many of you Republicans would sign this pledge and look for diversity candidates to fill the jobs your companies provide? None of you. This is why you offer blacks nothing. Signing this pledge is the LEAST you could do.

See, first a company has to give a guy a shot at an entry level positions. Some companies will do this but they won't promote the minority, even if he or she is good. This a lot of times is because of bias. So a lot of companies may hire black people but they don't promote them. So it's not enough for Walmart to tell me half their employees are black. If none of the black employees are managers, what's going on there?
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There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

I think I will be able to drop the mic after this post. Ready?

It all comes down to this. This country is a very diverse country. If that is true, and it is, then our executive boardrooms need to be more diverse. Right now it's like 9 out of 10 executives is a white man. This brings me to the question of what do republicans have to offer blacks? The answer is NOTHING. You see, right now companies understand they need to be more diverse. They understand it so much that they have signed a diversity pledge to become more diverse. I have shown you all this pledge in the past but I'll link it again.

The Pledge

After looking over this pledge, let me ask all the republicans here, would they go along with this diversity pledge? If they would not, then they offer blacks AND women nothing and blacks and women should not vote Republican in the future until Republicans admit that there is a problem in America with a lack of diversity. There is bias here. If not, what are Republicans saying? Are they saying the status quo is just because white men are smarter and better at business? This should be unacceptable to minorities and women.

How many of you Republicans would sign this pledge and look for diversity candidates to fill the jobs your companies provide? None of you. You think this is hogwash. You think the status quo is ok and not racist. This is why Unkotare is a racist. He wouldn't sign this pledge.

Deleted Personal attack
The pledge is an ignorant one. Identity politics is a failed ideology that keeps making regret all over this country. One's gender or color doesn't indicate what so ever the character that lay within a person.

How many times in the past have status quoes or diversification led to regret ??

The only thing any company or society should ever look at is a person's character. The same goes for the poor, where as the character of the person who is poor needs to be evaluated. Not everyone who is poor is somehow these poor victim's by someone else's actions put upon them. Some people if poor might be victim's of their own making, and if they haven't changed then it best to stay clear else they might drown you with them by standing on your drowning body while they climb you for air.

Never should companies or people assume that because a person is black, white, female, male, that somehow the person would be a win, win situation for anything without assessing the person's character 1st.

Martin Luther King knew this, and so should anyone with the slightest bit of common sense to be present in their lives.
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What reparations did we get in 2003? As I am black, I'd damn sure like to know.
That was a joke from the Dave Chappelle show.

P.S. Notice Unkotare didn't respond to my posts? I absolutely demonstrated why Republicans offer nothing to blacks and he refused to address the points I made. Republicans don't think it's a problem that 9 out of 10 executives in corporate America are white men. They don't see the need for a diversity pledge. This is proof Republicansa are only the party for rich white men.

So, any black who votes Republican is either a rich person who doesn't care about the black community or they are ignorantly voting in favor of the status quo that says it's black people's fault that they are under represented in corporate America.

So Republicans do not offer blacks economic opportunities. It's only liberal corporations who are TRYING to become more diverse. Even they aren't as diverse as they should be and they admit it. At least they are trying and understand that bias and prejudice for centuries is why blacks and women are far too under represented in corporate America especially in the executive level.

But instead of having a good conversation on this Unkotare responded to me this: The democrats would be busy if they had their way, taking a census every six months then sending their stormtroopers off to boardrooms across America defenestrating ‘surplus’ white males and replacing them with genetically-tested and approved units to maintain the government mandated proportions of races, genders, heights, weights, and sexual inclinations as determined by Diana Moon Glampers.

How do you have a conversation with a moron like this? The answer is you don't.

I don't reply to him for him to see what I wrote. I write to him so that other more intelligent people will see what I'm saying to him.

My bad sealybobo. I apologize.

Unkotare is a idiot. A racist piece of trash who lies about being non racist. He's a joke and a waste of time. No you don't have a conversation with such a moron. Therefore I won't.

I think I said all I have to say. If Republicans are opposed to diversity programs then that is all the proof I need that Republicans are racists.

And this is how fucked up white Republican racists like unkotare are. They will now try to convince us that the CEO's who signed the diversity pledge are actually the racists.

Do you see how fucked up their logic is?

And it's not like they are even trying to listen to us because if they were intellectually honest they would of course admit that signing the diversity pledge is of course the right thing to do.

But they can't admit any of this because then it would expose their positions as being racist. They are against Affirmative Action. That is racist and they don't even see it. When 9 out of 10 bosses is a white male, and they don't see anything wrong with that, then what is that saying to women and minorities? It's saying they like the status quo and they don't think you are capable of filling those jobs. Or it's your fault that there aren't more of you in the executive bathrooms. Not their fault.

So that's all you have to ask a Republican from now on if they try to suggest they aren't the racists. Ask them if they would sign a diversity pledge and do everything they can to fill more executive positions with minorities and women.

They wouldn't and that's why they offer black people less than nothing. Because when they fight programs like affirmative action they are actually making you take a step backward.

Idiot democrats on this thread would have been right at home during the Cultural Revolution. Sign the little red book or be subjected to a “self-criticism session” by an angry mob in the streets backed up by armed PLA soldiers.

What a fucking disgrace.
And idiot Racist Republicans like you would have been right at home at Klan rallies.

Red or Green pill neo. Which one?
I thought you pledged to become a republican or you became a republican ?? Did you lie ??
Well. I would bet $1 zillion dollars that I would snap your arm in less than five minutes. Not that I would but I could.

5 minutes is a very long time in a fight.

Lifetime. Id make him suffer for 4 of them.
I joke that today I would fight anyone.....for about a minute and then I would need to finish the fight from my chair.

I feel the same. Plus fights cause lawsuits.
I got in a fight about 10 years ago. I'm a short fat old man now. I was in my late 30's and I was out of shape then too and I'll admit the shorts and matching soccer top were too tight. Looking back, I was just asking for 20 something year olds to make fun of me. Anyways, long story short is 3 20 somethings were making fun of me in the mall parking lot. I told the biggest one who was BIG, "that's really funny but one day you're going to fuck with the wrong guy and get your ass kicked". He laughed and came at me. Within 30 seconds I had him on the ground knocked out and I was choking him with his own shirt. He was coming at me so I had the right to defend myself under stand your ground laws. But the cop didn't know that was a new law so I got arrested. $1000 later the case was thrown out.

I'll never fight again. I have nothing to win and everything to lose.
Nobody cares if you get your ass kicked, boob.
Well. I would bet $1 zillion dollars that I would snap your arm in less than five minutes. Not that I would but I could.

5 minutes is a very long time in a fight.

Lifetime. Id make him suffer for 4 of them.
I joke that today I would fight anyone.....for about a minute and then I would need to finish the fight from my chair.

I feel the same. Plus fights cause lawsuits.
I got in a fight about 10 years ago. I'm a short fat old man now. I was in my late 30's and I was out of shape then too and I'll admit the shorts and matching soccer top were too tight. Looking back, I was just asking for 20 something year olds to make fun of me. Anyways, long story short is 3 20 somethings were making fun of me in the mall parking lot. I told the biggest one who was BIG, "that's really funny but one day you're going to fuck with the wrong guy and get your ass kicked". He laughed and came at me. Within 30 seconds I had him on the ground knocked out and I was choking him with his own shirt. He was coming at me so I had the right to defend myself under stand your ground laws. But the cop didn't know that was a new law so I got arrested. $1000 later the case was thrown out.

I'll never fight again. I have nothing to win and everything to lose.

This one time at band camp...
Well I look at it this way. Whites that were honest in the past felt that Blacks were superior. The facts show that Blacks can be great even when under duress. We are the ultimate survivors and the first to bring civilization to the planet. No other race on the planet has done what we have done nor been through what we have been through yet still we thrive.

Same for Walmart. Are you suggesting every employee at Walmart should be making enough that they could raise a family on that income? I wouldn't mind that. I wouldn't mind it if the Walton's only made $65 million dollars profit last year instead of the $130 million they made and instead gave all their employees that other $65 million. That would mean every Walmart employee makes about $30K more than they do now. That would be perfect! And the Walton's would still make $65 million dollars profit.

That's a joke.

How many people are employed by Walmart? Let me help you. TWO MILLION. TWO MILLION!

$65,000,000 / 2,000,000 = $32.50 That's THIRTY-TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. That is over a full year. That's sixty-five cents a week.

I take it that arithmetic was not your strong subject.
Racial Diversity: There’s More Work to be Done in the Workplace

If republicans disagree that more work needs to be done in the workplace then they offer blacks nothing. And any black who agrees with white Republicans is a sellout uncle tom. Or just a rich greedy liar who doesn't care about other black people. Ben Carson for example. He's so set in his ways and such a die hard republican he would argue against companies going diverse. He would probably equate it to slavery. LOL.

Specifically, why should anyone OFFER blacks anything?

Are you saying that blacks are inferior to all other races and therefore need should be given something?
Ben Carson grew up in the projects. Now he wants to raise rent in the projects. The punk is a sellout.

According to you then, blacks are inferior to whites and can't make it without help. Really?

Leftists love stupid, ultimately meaningless attempts at controlling people. This is the party that brought you slavery and a bloody civil war to maintain it, after all.

Anyone waving a “pledge” in your face should have it shoved right straight up their ass.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

I think I will be able to drop the mic after this post. Ready?

It all comes down to this. This country is a very diverse country. If that is true, and it is, then our executive boardrooms need to be more diverse. Right now it's like 9 out of 10 executives is a white man. This brings me to the question of what do republicans have to offer blacks? The answer is NOTHING. You see, right now companies understand they need to be more diverse. They understand it so much that they have signed a diversity pledge to become more diverse. I have shown you all this pledge in the past but I'll link it again.

The Pledge

After looking over this pledge, let me ask all the republicans here, would they go along with this diversity pledge? If they would not, then they offer blacks AND women nothing and blacks and women should not vote Republican in the future until Republicans admit that there is a problem in America with a lack of diversity. There is bias here. If not, what are Republicans saying? Are they saying the status quo is just because white men are smarter and better at business? This should be unacceptable to minorities and women.

How many of you Republicans would sign this pledge and look for diversity candidates to fill the jobs your companies provide? None of you. You think this is hogwash. You think the status quo is ok and not racist. This is why Unkotare is a racist. He wouldn't sign this pledge.

Deleted Personal attack
The pledge is an ignorant one. Identity politics is a failed ideology that keeps making regret all over this country. One's gender or color doesn't indicate what so ever the character that lay within a person.

How many times in the past have status quoes or diversification led to regret ??

The only thing any company or society should ever look at is a person's character. The same goes for the poor, where as the character of the person who is poor needs to be evaluated. Not everyone who is poor is somehow these poor victim's by someone else's actions put upon them. Some people if poor might be victim's of their own making, and if they haven't changed then it best to stay clear else they might drown you with them by standing on your drowning body while they climb you for air.

Never should companies or people assume that because a person is black, white, female, male, that somehow the person would be a win, win situation for anything without assessing the person's character 1st.

Martin Luther King knew this, and so should anyone with the slightest bit of common sense to be present in their lives.

What these companies are acknowledging is that bias exists out there. That’s what’s leading to all white men getting all the executive jobs. So they are going through training their hiring managers that this bias indeed exists either intentionally or subconsciously.

So they are going out of their way to promote minorities and women and guess what? They’re proving you wrong.

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