What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

But it is also my opinion that they are incredibly gifted at basketball and boxing. Is that offensive?

Yes it’s offensive, you idiot.

But it's true! It's also true they aren't that naturally gifted in wrestling or swimming.

Why else do blacks dominate track and field but this guy has all the swimming golds?

It doesnt cost much to run, play basketball, football but swimming you need training and access to a pool. Usually if Black people dont dominate in something its only because of the wealth gap and systemic racism denying access.

So you believe that blacks are superior athletes?

Then I guess I shouldn't feel bad believing that you guys just naturally suck at wrestling and swimming. I mean it's just the opposite of what you believe right? You believe if given the chance blacks would most of the time be superior in any athletic challenge and all I'm saying is there are some things you guys aren't better at.

But both of us are suggesting either that blacks are inferior in some sports or that blacks are superior in all sports.

Man, maybe you and I are the racists. LOL.
I think we Blacks are superior at everything we do and not just sports. Whenever we concentrate and focus on something we always become the best at it. I dont consider myself a racist but if people think I am who am I to convince them otherwise?
Us Greeks think we are superior in every way too. Unkotare worships asians. No different except for he's Irish. Why would an Irish punk worship Asians? Check out all the threads he has started. Dude has a serious asian fetish.
Yes it’s offensive, you idiot.

But it's true! It's also true they aren't that naturally gifted in wrestling or swimming.

Why else do blacks dominate track and field but this guy has all the swimming golds?

It doesnt cost much to run, play basketball, football but swimming you need training and access to a pool. Usually if Black people dont dominate in something its only because of the wealth gap and systemic racism denying access.

I'll agree with that. Does Unkotare disagree with you? Probably. But he's not a racist.
Unk is usually drunk so I dont engage with him much.
Unk is a punk and beating him intellectually is so easy it's a slam dunk.
see I wasnt even trying to rhyme when I made that statement, Didnt even notice until you made this post.
But it is also my opinion that they are incredibly gifted at basketball and boxing. Is that offensive?

Yes it’s offensive, you idiot.

But it's true! It's also true they aren't that naturally gifted in wrestling or swimming.

Why else do blacks dominate track and field but this guy has all the swimming golds?

It doesnt cost much to run, play basketball, football but swimming you need training and access to a pool. Usually if Black people dont dominate in something its only because of the wealth gap and systemic racism denying access.

So you believe that blacks are superior athletes?

Then I guess I shouldn't feel bad believing that you guys just naturally suck at wrestling and swimming. I mean it's just the opposite of what you believe right? You believe if given the chance blacks would most of the time be superior in any athletic challenge and all I'm saying is there are some things you guys aren't better at.

But both of us are suggesting either that blacks are inferior in some sports or that blacks are superior in all sports.

Man, maybe you and I are the racists. LOL.
I think we Blacks are superior at everything we do and not just sports. Whenever we concentrate and focus on something we always become the best at it. I dont consider myself a racist but if people think I am who am I to convince them otherwise?
Maybe you are a racist. LOL. Nothing wrong with thinking your race, nationality or religion is the best. We all do it.

But if whites who think whites are superior are racist, I guess you are a racist for thinking the opposite.
Yes it’s offensive, you idiot.

But it's true! It's also true they aren't that naturally gifted in wrestling or swimming.

Why else do blacks dominate track and field but this guy has all the swimming golds?

It doesnt cost much to run, play basketball, football but swimming you need training and access to a pool. Usually if Black people dont dominate in something its only because of the wealth gap and systemic racism denying access.

So you believe that blacks are superior athletes?

Then I guess I shouldn't feel bad believing that you guys just naturally suck at wrestling and swimming. I mean it's just the opposite of what you believe right? You believe if given the chance blacks would most of the time be superior in any athletic challenge and all I'm saying is there are some things you guys aren't better at.

But both of us are suggesting either that blacks are inferior in some sports or that blacks are superior in all sports.

Man, maybe you and I are the racists. LOL.
I think we Blacks are superior at everything we do and not just sports. Whenever we concentrate and focus on something we always become the best at it. I dont consider myself a racist but if people think I am who am I to convince them otherwise?
Maybe you are a racist. LOL. Nothing wrong with thinking your race, nationality or religion is the best. We all do it.

But if whites who think whites are superior are racist, I guess you are a racist for thinking the opposite.
Well I look at it this way. Whites that were honest in the past felt that Blacks were superior. The facts show that Blacks can be great even when under duress. We are the ultimate survivors and the first to bring civilization to the planet. No other race on the planet has done what we have done nor been through what we have been through yet still we thrive.
Stick to the subject of this thread. IF you can't, then stay out.
But it's true! It's also true they aren't that naturally gifted in wrestling or swimming.

Why else do blacks dominate track and field but this guy has all the swimming golds?

It doesnt cost much to run, play basketball, football but swimming you need training and access to a pool. Usually if Black people dont dominate in something its only because of the wealth gap and systemic racism denying access.

So you believe that blacks are superior athletes?

Then I guess I shouldn't feel bad believing that you guys just naturally suck at wrestling and swimming. I mean it's just the opposite of what you believe right? You believe if given the chance blacks would most of the time be superior in any athletic challenge and all I'm saying is there are some things you guys aren't better at.

But both of us are suggesting either that blacks are inferior in some sports or that blacks are superior in all sports.

Man, maybe you and I are the racists. LOL.
I think we Blacks are superior at everything we do and not just sports. Whenever we concentrate and focus on something we always become the best at it. I dont consider myself a racist but if people think I am who am I to convince them otherwise?
Maybe you are a racist. LOL. Nothing wrong with thinking your race, nationality or religion is the best. We all do it.

But if whites who think whites are superior are racist, I guess you are a racist for thinking the opposite.
Well I look at it this way. Whites that were honest in the past felt that Blacks were superior. The facts show that Blacks can be great even when under duress. We are the ultimate survivors and the first to bring civilization to the planet. No other race on the planet has done what we have done nor been through what we have been through yet still we thrive.
It’s true and simple evolution. You’ve stayed physical when we got soft fat and lazy. Then we even intentionally bred blacks down south to be bigger. Sure we kept several generations of blacks back intellectually but that doesn’t stop the next generations, if given equal opportunity, to be just as smart or smarter. Better? The best? You blacks have a strong argument.

Us Greeks do too. Even the Asians. Not the Irish so much. They are like the white bastards of history. Australians too. They’re Europe’s castaways.

I think aryan whites are the lowest common denominators. They were just better at war and they took over the smarter more peaceful humans
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
So tell Corporate America to do a better job at diversity. Seriously minorities and women are way too under represented in this country.

We are way too diverse to be this un diverse in the boardroom you dumb mother fucker.

And no I’m not suggesting passing laws that force un diverse corporations into becoming diverse. I’m actually glad to see corporations are far more progressive than republicans on this. They’re actually trying to go more diverse. Not enough though. Not even close. And until you acknowledge that fact and are willing to discuss it, you’re just a stubborn con who has nothing to offer blacks.

Who knows what you think about the lack of diversity in corporate. America. Do you think it’s women and blacks fault? Seems that’s what you believe. And do you think the corporations who admit a lack of diversity is a problem and due to bias’ are wrong? You disagree with all those corporations? You think it’s ok 9 out of 10 are white men? Then you offer women and blacks nothing mr republican racist. This is why you’re the racist.

Oh and both ice this is a Irish male. No shit he likes the status quo
only if you were betting against me. I've never lost a fight.

Neither did Fedor until he did.
Well somebody gotta get me. My guess is that it will be a Black person.
No offense, but here comes a racist comment from me the local area racist liberal. Black people just aren't tough. They have absolutely no ground game. I'm not talking about black guys who've been trained. I'm talking about your average big black guy on the street. They simply don't know how to wrestle so they are easy to manhandle.

White guys who don't know how to wrestle seem to still know how to fight on the ground. But black people are only good on their feet boxing. I would never box you. I would take you down and ground and pound you..

Now, after saying all that. The first person I'd like to pound is unkotare. You would be the last person I'd want to fight. Why? Because I like and agree with you most always. I have respect for you.

P.S. It's like saying blacks can't swim. Sure some can but most can't wrestle or swim worth a damn. LOL.
That is a bad mistake to make. The sport of wrestling was first practiced in Africa. There are a lot of Black guys just walking the street that I would never want to get on the ground with. My motto is to always always assume someone can wrestle. My take down defense is beyond reproach.

Well. I would bet $1 zillion dollars that I would snap your arm in less than five minutes. Not that I would but I could.

5 minutes is a very long time in a fight.
Well somebody gotta get me. My guess is that it will be a Black person.
No offense, but here comes a racist comment from me the local area racist liberal. Black people just aren't tough. They have absolutely no ground game. I'm not talking about black guys who've been trained. I'm talking about your average big black guy on the street. They simply don't know how to wrestle so they are easy to manhandle.

White guys who don't know how to wrestle seem to still know how to fight on the ground. But black people are only good on their feet boxing. I would never box you. I would take you down and ground and pound you..

Now, after saying all that. The first person I'd like to pound is unkotare. You would be the last person I'd want to fight. Why? Because I like and agree with you most always. I have respect for you.

P.S. It's like saying blacks can't swim. Sure some can but most can't wrestle or swim worth a damn. LOL.

More racist stupidity from Bobobrainless the idiotic hypocrite.

Many of the best wrestlers in the country and the world are black. Bobobrainless knows as much about wrestling as he does about politics or any other subject... NOTHING.

You want to see a real racist? There it is ^^^^, Bobobrainless the idiot.

I said blacks who haven't been trained. I grew up in an all black neighborhood. Black people don't know how to fight. ....

Even for you that was a remarkably stupid thing to say.[/QUOTE

But it is also my opinion that they are incredibly gifted at basketball and boxing. Is that offensive?

They are also the best wide receivers. White people love to watch Gronk play because it's rare for a great receiver to be white.

I'm not the only Greek to think this stuff. Remember this?

"The black is a better athlete to begin with because he's been bred to be that way, because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs and he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the Civil War when during the slave trade...the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid."
Well somebody gotta get me. My guess is that it will be a Black person.
No offense, but here comes a racist comment from me the local area racist liberal. Black people just aren't tough. They have absolutely no ground game. I'm not talking about black guys who've been trained. I'm talking about your average big black guy on the street. They simply don't know how to wrestle so they are easy to manhandle.

White guys who don't know how to wrestle seem to still know how to fight on the ground. But black people are only good on their feet boxing. I would never box you. I would take you down and ground and pound you..

Now, after saying all that. The first person I'd like to pound is unkotare. You would be the last person I'd want to fight. Why? Because I like and agree with you most always. I have respect for you.

P.S. It's like saying blacks can't swim. Sure some can but most can't wrestle or swim worth a damn. LOL.
That is a bad mistake to make. The sport of wrestling was first practiced in Africa. There are a lot of Black guys just walking the street that I would never want to get on the ground with. My motto is to always always assume someone can wrestle. My take down defense is beyond reproach.
My friend thinks he has the best defense against a takedown. He doesn't realize that if my plan A doesn't work, next comes plan b then if that don't work C then D and eventually I got you.

I was the best at Greco Roman wrestling. I only wrestled my 10th, 11th and 12th grade year of highschool and got a partial ride to Eastern Michigan University. I practiced with olympic gold medalist Steve Fraser. Once you wrestle a guy like that wrestling a schlub like unkotare is like wrestling a baby.

Keep riding that unicorn, fish.

But it is also my opinion that they are incredibly gifted at basketball and boxing. Is that offensive?

They are also the best wide receivers. White people love to watch Gronk play because it's rare for a great receiver to be white.

I'm not the only Greek to think this stuff. Remember this?

"The black is a better athlete to begin with because he's been bred to be that way, because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs and he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the Civil War when during the slave trade...the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid."

Jimmy "The Greek".

Fucked up his career with that statement.
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

I think I will be able to drop the mic after this post. Ready?

It all comes down to this. This country is a very diverse country. If that is true, and it is, then our executive boardrooms need to be more diverse. Right now it's like 9 out of 10 executives is a white man. This brings me to the question of what do republicans have to offer blacks? The answer is NOTHING. You see, right now companies understand they need to be more diverse. They understand it so much that they have signed a diversity pledge to become more diverse. I have shown you all this pledge in the past but I'll link it again.

The Pledge

After looking over this pledge, let me ask all the republicans here, would they go along with this diversity pledge? If they would not, then they offer blacks AND women nothing and blacks and women should not vote Republican in the future until Republicans admit that there is a problem in America with a lack of diversity. There is bias here. If not, what are Republicans saying? Are they saying the status quo is just because white men are smarter and better at business? This should be unacceptable to minorities and women.

How many of you Republicans would sign this pledge and look for diversity candidates to fill the jobs your companies provide? None of you. You think this is hogwash. You think the status quo is ok and not racist. This is why Unkotare is a racist. He wouldn't sign this pledge.

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There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

Racial Diversity: There’s More Work to be Done in the Workplace

If republicans disagree that more work needs to be done in the workplace then they offer blacks nothing. And any black who agrees with white Republicans is a sellout uncle tom. Or just a rich greedy liar who doesn't care about other black people. Ben Carson for example. He's so set in his ways and such a die hard republican he would argue against companies going diverse. He would probably equate it to slavery. LOL.
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.
Well that's kind of impossible. Consider the small mom and pop who needs a little help but can't afford to pay a person a wage that can support a family. They need high school kids, drop outs, guys with GED's, stay at home moms who want to work part time.

Same for Walmart. Are you suggesting every employee at Walmart should be making enough that they could raise a family on that income? I wouldn't mind that. I wouldn't mind it if the Walton's only made $65 million dollars profit last year instead of the $130 million they made and instead gave all their employees that other $65 million. That would mean every Walmart employee makes about $30K more than they do now. That would be perfect! And the Walton's would still make $65 million dollars profit.

Trump keeps talking about kicking illegals out so wages will go up. Well, we are pretty close to zero unemployment and wages aren't going up like they should be. Companies like Walmart should be forced to pay $25 hr or they won't be able to find anyone to work for them. But that's not happening. Instead companies like Walmart are still able to pay $15 hr. That ain't making America great again. My dad graduated high school and went to work for Ford for $15 hr back in the 1970's.
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.

Also who's fault is it that the masses aren't making shit?

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

The poor are doing it to themselves. They have no political voice because they don't vote. Fuck em.
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.
Well that's kind of impossible. Consider the small mom and pop who needs a little help but can't afford to pay a person a wage that can support a family. They need high school kids, drop outs, guys with GED's, stay at home moms who want to work part time.

Same for Walmart. Are you suggesting every employee at Walmart should be making enough that they could raise a family on that income? I wouldn't mind that. I wouldn't mind it if the Walton's only made $65 million dollars profit last year instead of the $130 million they made and instead gave all their employees that other $65 million. That would mean every Walmart employee makes about $30K more than they do now. That would be perfect! And the Walton's would still make $65 million dollars profit.

Trump keeps talking about kicking illegals out so wages will go up. Well, we are pretty close to zero unemployment and wages aren't going up like they should be. Companies like Walmart should be forced to pay $25 hr or they won't be able to find anyone to work for them. But that's not happening. Instead companies like Walmart are still able to pay $15 hr. That ain't making America great again. My dad graduated high school and went to work for Ford for $15 hr back in the 1970's.
Do you also believe revenue and Spending don't have to correlate?

Structural unemployment happens. What you want is the help those who already have money, at the expense of those who don't. We can't afford to subsidize low wage jobs; they have to clear the cost of social services. It is an economic reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing merely appeals to ignorance of macroeconomics with their microeconomic special pleading.
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.

Also who's fault is it that the masses aren't making shit?

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

The poor are doing it to themselves. They have no political voice because they don't vote. Fuck em.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.
Well that's kind of impossible. Consider the small mom and pop who needs a little help but can't afford to pay a person a wage that can support a family. They need high school kids, drop outs, guys with GED's, stay at home moms who want to work part time.

Same for Walmart. Are you suggesting every employee at Walmart should be making enough that they could raise a family on that income? I wouldn't mind that. I wouldn't mind it if the Walton's only made $65 million dollars profit last year instead of the $130 million they made and instead gave all their employees that other $65 million. That would mean every Walmart employee makes about $30K more than they do now. That would be perfect! And the Walton's would still make $65 million dollars profit.

Trump keeps talking about kicking illegals out so wages will go up. Well, we are pretty close to zero unemployment and wages aren't going up like they should be. Companies like Walmart should be forced to pay $25 hr or they won't be able to find anyone to work for them. But that's not happening. Instead companies like Walmart are still able to pay $15 hr. That ain't making America great again. My dad graduated high school and went to work for Ford for $15 hr back in the 1970's.
Do you also believe revenue and Spending don't have to correlate?

Structural unemployment happens. What you want is the help those who already have money, at the expense of those who don't. We can't afford to subsidize low wage jobs; they have to clear the cost of social services. It is an economic reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. The right wing merely appeals to ignorance of macroeconomics with their microeconomic special pleading.
I understand now. In other words companies like Walmart shouldn't be allowed to pay such a low wage that their employees are getting foodstamps from the government. I agree.

And the government is the ultimate referee. Maybe they make a different minimum wage for a company like Walmart than they do for a small business. Or, no tax breaks for any company paying so low that their employees qualify for welfare.
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.

Also who's fault is it that the masses aren't making shit?

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

The poor are doing it to themselves. They have no political voice because they don't vote. Fuck em.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

They already give unemployment insurance if you are unemployed. In MI it used to be 6 months but then the GOP governor cut it to 5 months during the Great Recession when it was hard to find work. What a dick huh?

But I think you mean pay all the people who aren't working. Sorry, it's just the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I'm a liberal. You are encouraging slackers. The people who won't get off their lazy asses will never get off if they are paid to stay home indefinitely.

If you can't convince me a liberal, forget about it.
Opportunity is a better offer than dependency.
From one left wing perspective, if Capitalists can Only make it on Cheap Labor, why should they be subsidized to succeed in our First World, economy.

Let's end, "cheap labor dependency" in our First World Economy.

Also who's fault is it that the masses aren't making shit?

Bernie Sanders said poor people don't vote

The poor are doing it to themselves. They have no political voice because they don't vote. Fuck em.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed!

Remember in 2003 when we gave blacks reparations? Bad idea.


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