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What fear tactics are the conservatives using libs?

Both sides use fear tactics, It is however a cornerstone of the rights platform.

We have become a fear driven nation.
Sad so sad.

It's the only chance they have of winning elections. The tax-cut platform is getting a tad worn-out :lol:

And didn't Bush have a net job loss?

do you do any research prior to putting your foot in your mouth? Does the truth ever matter to you?
Why is it so important to win that anyone would lie?
I am so tired of the left lying about Bush

2001...... 131,826 110,708 23,873 606 6,826 16,441
2002...... 130,341 108,828 22,557 583 6,716 15,259
2003...... 129,999 108,416 21,816 572 6,735 14,510
2004...... 131,435 109,814 21,882 591 6,976 14,315
2005...... 133,703 111,899 22,190 628 7,336 14,226
2006...... 136,086 114,113 22,531 684 7,691 14,155
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
If so, these panels already exist in our current private sector insurance carriers. Yes? When my MRI was ordered by my doctor, and declined by such a panel by CIGNA, what would you call it?

The liberal becomes very confused, very fast
No-one ever claimed that private sector insurance companies are without sin

What the real issue is Obama lied about how we are going to pay for it, for starters
now I ask a question about these so called scare tactics

were are they?

So, if they already exist in our current system, why did Caribou Barbie and all of the rest of the right wing loons make such a big deal about them? Hell, they paid for television ads trying to scare Grandma and Grandpa with the stupid bullshit.

Hey! Fuckface. How would you catagorize the demonRat ad which depicts Paul Ryan pushing grandma off the cliff. You fucking hypocrite!
Libs the tax cutting platform is no where near wore out. If you paid any income tax or capital gains tax you would know why
the system is broke to start with

In addition the truth sucks and should scare you
Our president and his administration along with congress from 07-10 spent over 4 trillion dollars more than we had and have lost 6 million jobs during the same time
GWB would not sign the 09 budget, this is why BHO signed it in 3/2009

I have issues with the GOP, I have alot of fear with Obama and concern more than I can put on paper

thats not scare tactics
thats facts

Think "death panels".

What would you call a panel of people deciding what insurance is going to cover or not
When I had cancer, if my cancer was not covered by insurance, I would be dead
What would you call this panel that is real?

If so, these panels already exist in our current private sector insurance carriers. Yes? When my MRI was ordered by my doctor, and declined by such a panel by CIGNA, what would you call it?

Yes...they do exist now.
But we have the right to go to another company.

When "death panels" came out it was in response to the single payer system....and the thoiught of "death panels" comprised of government personnel with no alternative was certainly something that warranted a debate.

Truth is....the whole "death panels" thing sparked the debate.....it was necessary at the time.

Unless you are OK with a government employee deciding if you really needed surgery seeing as you were already in your golden years....
I just read a post saying the conservatives are using fear tactics

they have not had congress sense 07
(just the house this year)
the white house sense 09

Libs do you have any idea how foolish this stuff sounds?
can you help me understand what your talking about?

How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory

Fox & Friends is where the smear about Obama having attended a madrassa was first broadcast, with Doocy – an Ailes lackey from his days at America’s Talking – stating unequivocally that Obama was “raised as a Muslim.” And during the campaign, the show’s anchors flogged Obama’s reference to his own grandmother as a “typical white person” so relentlessly that it even gave Fox News host Chris Wallace pause. When Wallace appeared on the show that morning, he launched a rebuke that seemed targeted at Ailes as much as Doocy. “I have been watching the show since six o’clock this morning,” Wallace bristled. “I feel like two hours of Obama-bashing may be enough.”

The Obama era has spurred sharp changes in the character and tone of Fox News. “Obama’s election has driven Fox to be more of a political campaign than it ever was before,” says Burns, the network’s former media critic.“Things shifted,” agrees Jane Hall, who fled the network after a decade as a liberal commentator. “There seemed suddenly to be less of a need to have a range of opinion. I began to feel uncomfortable.” Sean Hannity was no longer flanked by Alan Colmes, long the network’s fig-leaf liberal. Bill Sammon, author of At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried to Steal the Election, was brought in to replace Moody as the top political enforcer. And Brit Hume was replaced on the anchor desk by Bret Baier, one of the young guns Ailes hired more than a decade ago to inject right-wing fervor into Fox News.

Most striking, Ailes hired Glenn Beck away from CNN and set him loose on the White House. During his contract negotiations, Beck recounted, Ailes confided that Fox News was dedicating itself to impeding the Obama administration. “I see this as the Alamo,” Ailes declared. Leading the charge were the ragtag members of the Tea Party uprising, which Fox News propelled into a nationwide movement. In the buildup to the initial protests on April 15th, 2009, the network went so far as to actually co-brand the rallies as “FNC Tax Day Tea Parties.” Veteran journalists were taken aback. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a news network throw its weight behind a protest like we are seeing in the past few weeks,” said Howard Kurtz, the then-media critic for The Washington Post. The following August, when the Tea Party launched its town-hall protests against health care reform, Fox & Friends urged viewers to confront their congressmen face to face. “Are you gonna call?” Gretchen Carlson demanded on-air, “or are you gonna go to one of these receptions where they’re actually there?” The onscreen Chyron instructed viewers: HOLD CONGRESS ACCOUNTABLE! NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK YOUR MIND.

Fox News also hyped Sarah Palin’s lies about “death panels” and took the smear a step further, airing a report claiming that the Department of Veterans Affairs was using a “death book” to encourage soldiers to “hurry up and die.” (Missing from the report was any indication that the end-of-life counseling materials in question had been promoted by the Bush administration.) At the height of the health care debate, more than two-thirds of Fox News viewers were convinced Obama*care would lead to a “government takeover,” provide health care to illegal immigrants, pay for abortions and let the government decide when to pull the plug on grandma. As always, the Chairman’s enforcer made sure that producers down in the Fox News basement were toeing the party line. In October 2009, as Congress weighed adding a public option to the health care law, Sammon let everyone know how Ailes expected them to cover the story. “Let’s not slip back into calling it the ‘public option,’” he warned in an e-mail. “Please use the term ‘government-run health insurance’ ... when*ever possible.” Sammon neglected to mention that the phrase he was pushing had been carefully crafted by America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s largest lobbying organization, which had determined that the wording was “the most negative language to use when describing a ‘public plan.’”

The result of this concerted campaign of disinformation is a viewership that knows almost nothing about what’s going on in the world. According to recent polls, Fox News viewers are the most misinformed of all news consumers. They are 12 percentage points more likely to believe the stimulus package caused job losses, 17 points more likely to believe Muslims want to establish Shariah law in America, 30 points more likely to say that scientists dispute global warming, and 31 points more likely to doubt President Obama’s citizenship. In fact, a study by the University of Maryland reveals, ignorance of Fox viewers actually increases the longer they watch the network. That’s because Ailes isn’t interested in providing people with information, or even a balanced range of perspectives. Like his political mentor, Richard Nixon, Ailes traffics in the emotions of victimization.

“What Nixon did – and what Ailes does today in the age of Obama – is unravel and rewire one of the most powerful of human emotions: shame,” says Perlstein, the author of Nixonland. “He takes the shame of people who feel that they are being looked down on, and he mobilizes it for political purposes. Roger Ailes is a direct link between the Nixonian politics of resentment and Sarah Palin’s politics of resentment. He’s the golden thread.”
What would you call a panel of people deciding what insurance is going to cover or not
When I had cancer, if my cancer was not covered by insurance, I would be dead
What would you call this panel that is real?

If so, these panels already exist in our current private sector insurance carriers. Yes? When my MRI was ordered by my doctor, and declined by such a panel by CIGNA, what would you call it?

Yes...they do exist now.
But we have the right to go to another company.

When "death panels" came out it was in response to the single payer system....and the thoiught of "death panels" comprised of government personnel with no alternative was certainly something that warranted a debate.

Truth is....the whole "death panels" thing sparked the debate.....it was necessary at the time.

Unless you are OK with a government employee deciding if you really needed surgery seeing as you were already in your golden years....

Single payer was never really a major part of the discussion. If I remember correctly Death panels were associated with talks around the public option. An option that would allow you to choose your provider. Thus making death panels a non issue and scare tactic for the most part.
If so, these panels already exist in our current private sector insurance carriers. Yes? When my MRI was ordered by my doctor, and declined by such a panel by CIGNA, what would you call it?

Yes...they do exist now.
But we have the right to go to another company.

When "death panels" came out it was in response to the single payer system....and the thoiught of "death panels" comprised of government personnel with no alternative was certainly something that warranted a debate.

Truth is....the whole "death panels" thing sparked the debate.....it was necessary at the time.

Unless you are OK with a government employee deciding if you really needed surgery seeing as you were already in your golden years....

Single payer was never really a major part of the discussion. If I remember correctly Death panels were associated with talks around the public option. An option that would allow you to choose your provider. Thus making death panels a non issue and scare tactic for the most part.

But if you recall, the public option was a "once you are in you cant get out" option...and "once you leave or want to change your existing plan you MUST enter the public option".....ultinmately leading to a single payer system..

And thus why the discussion of death panels came up.

And unfortunately, no one in the media...or on the left....pointed out what VaYankj pointed out...they already exist in every insurance company.

Instead, the rhetoric was "thats nonsense"
Yes...they do exist now.
But we have the right to go to another company.

When "death panels" came out it was in response to the single payer system....and the thoiught of "death panels" comprised of government personnel with no alternative was certainly something that warranted a debate.

Truth is....the whole "death panels" thing sparked the debate.....it was necessary at the time.

Unless you are OK with a government employee deciding if you really needed surgery seeing as you were already in your golden years....

Single payer was never really a major part of the discussion. If I remember correctly Death panels were associated with talks around the public option. An option that would allow you to choose your provider. Thus making death panels a non issue and scare tactic for the most part.

But if you recall, the public option was a "once you are in you cant get out" option...and "once you leave or want to change your existing plan you MUST enter the public option".....ultinmately leading to a single payer system..

And thus why the discussion of death panels came up.

And unfortunately, no one in the media...or on the left....pointed out what VaYankj pointed out...they already exist in every insurance company.

Instead, the rhetoric was "thats nonsense"

I don't remember the portion about once you enter the public option, you can't get out or anything like that. Not saying it wasn't there, just don't remember reading about that.
"obamacare is a government takeover of healthcare"
"death panels"
"healthcare bill is a job killer"

obamacare is a government takeover of healthcare" it comes just short of that when you finally get all that you demand
"death panels" you can find the reference yourself that kicked of this nuttery
"healthcare bill is a job killer it did
The biggest thing we use is the threat of independant responsibility.

That scare the fuck out of liberals b/c once they lose the support of those that get off welfare, they won't have anything left to stand for.
I think the fact that the GOP refers to everything the Dems do as "job killing" would qualify.

Didn't they claim that hiring census workers was job killing?
A list of Conservative fear-mongering and tactics, taken from threads on this board:

Scary Muslims are coming to kill us!
Scary Black guys are coming to threaten us!
Scary "Death Panels" are coming to kill Grandma!

I'd list some more, but I'm too lazy.

Not to say that Democrats don't do the same thing - they certainly do.
"obamacare is a government takeover of healthcare"
"death panels"
"healthcare bill is a job killer"

obamacare is a government takeover of healthcare" it comes just short of that when you finally get all that you demand
"death panels" you can find the reference yourself that kicked of this nuttery
"healthcare bill is a job killer it did

Solid response. Really. :eusa_eh:
I just read a post saying the conservatives are using fear tactics

they have not had congress sense 07
(just the house this year)
the white house sense 09

Libs do you have any idea how foolish this stuff sounds?
can you help me understand what your talking about?

Think "death panels".

What would you call a panel of people deciding what insurance is going to cover or not
When I had cancer, if my cancer was not covered by insurance, I would be dead
What would you call this panel that is real?
An insurance company.
You know.......the GOP has lied and used fear several times.

Think abortion. Think death panels. Think about the job killing Obama care bill, just to name a few.

Then.......there's that other fear lie they used in WI. The governor gave tax breaks to the corporations and the rich, then screamed that the state was going broke and the unions were robbing them blind.


Know what happens when fear stops working for the conservatives? Their next little card to play is that God told 'em to do it. Several of the GOP candidates (Bachman included) have stated that God told them to run for office.

So did Jr. incidentally. He also put Bible verses on his briefing sheets for the Iraq war.
is a death panel still a death panel if its not actually called a death panel?

the left says "yes"!
I just read a post saying the conservatives are using fear tactics

they have not had congress sense 07
(just the house this year)
the white house sense 09

Libs do you have any idea how foolish this stuff sounds?
can you help me understand what your talking about?

Read Tim Dickerson's article on Roger Ailes and Fox News in Rolling Stone magazine, and if you approach it with an open mind, you will be enlightened.
I just read a post saying the conservatives are using fear tactics

they have not had congress sense 07
(just the house this year)
the white house sense 09

Libs do you have any idea how foolish this stuff sounds?
can you help me understand what your talking about?

Think "death panels".

And who from other than dems said that? Are/were they a significant player or is/was this a reactionary meme sent by the administration?

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