What first made you a Republican?

Obviously I'm talking to somebody ignorant of taxes. Yes, you pay state taxes for services such as snow removal, road repair, lights on the highways, highway patrol........
So, you think federal taxes do not pay for the same services on federal property?
AND helping states with their issues that require federal dollars?
National $$$ for disaster declarations by governors?

Obviously, I'm talking to someone who is ignorant of taxes.
So, you think federal taxes do not pay for the same services on federal property?
AND helping states with their issues that require federal dollars?
National $$$ for disaster declarations by governors?

Obviously, I'm talking to someone who is ignorant of taxes.

At least I know the difference between income and payroll taxes. You leftists lie so much you lie to the person you are creating the lie about.
At least I know the difference between income and payroll taxes. You leftists lie so much you lie to the person you are creating the lie about.
Fucking, WOW.
You don't know shit about shit you fucking retard.
Payroll taxes ARE income taxes, MORON.
Businesses can deduct them.

Employer payroll taxes are a business expense that you can deduct on your business taxes.

Employee wages are also a business tax write-off. Employee wages include employee payroll taxes, so your business deducts everything you pay your employees, including the portion that goes toward employee payroll taxes.

You know even less than your dear leader.

In March 2016, Trump told a rally crowd, “I know more about taxes than any human being that God ever created.”
In May 2016 during an interview with Good Morning America, saying, “I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world.” Trump claimed.

June 27 2021
“And yet they go after good, hardworking people for not paying taxes on a company car. Company car. You didn’t pay tax on the car, or a company apartment. You used an apartment because you need an apartment ‘cause you have to travel too far where your house is, you didn’t pay tax. Or education for your grandchildren. I don’t even know, do you have to …? Does anybody know the answer to that stuff? Okay. But they indict people for that stuff.”
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I've always been a republican.
It was how I was raised,to me the left has always been abhorrent because they dont follow natural law and common sense.
Everything they do is geared toward getting re elected and not what is good for the people.
They cant seem to see what their actions will bring in the future,or you could say the unintended consequences of their actions.
I became a Republican shortly after the Democratic Oarty went batshit crazy.

That occurred when Democrats started to take Bernie Sanders and his Marxist socialist plans for our nation seriously. That was only the beginning. It honestly looks like the Democratic Party today is out to destroy our nation by letting violent criminals go free, opening the Mexican border to illegal immigrants and drug smugglers and printing money like it was toilet paper.
I'll always think of it as home. You must have seen the Mahu Mansion in it's prime.

Just vague memories of driving by it. It's in an area of town that we didn't go to much. Most of the shopping was north and west of there back then.


I was I registered as an independent for more than 15 years, having come from a very Democrat household. Early on I did not buy into the two-party system too much. I believed in the principles that the Democratic party once put forth.... But during the Clinton era I realized that the Democratic party was being slowly bought out by globalists, to be used as a vehicle for converting America to a globalist machine. So that's why I registered as an independent because at the time I didn't completely trust Republicans either... And I still don't. When Obama's time finally came around I saw what trash and scum the Democrats had become and I wanted to start voting in the primaries. Republicans were simply standing up more for my beliefs than any Democrats were. How much does since as an independent I was not allowed to vote in the primaries I registered as a Republican, and generally vote as such. But there are still plenty of Republicans out there I would not vote for UNLESS it was to keep a particular Democrat out of office. Instead of subscribing absolutely to one political faction, I play my political involvement by ear. Until these modern Democrats who have been completely corrupted by globalist, leftist interests are mostly politically castrated I will probably continue to vote for republicans until Republicans start to do the same at the same rate. It's a dirty world out there and I realize that neither side is really the good guy.

It's simply time for the people to start using politicians instead of the politicians using us. By saying that I mean that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.... Until I eventually get tired of him too. I intend to vote for Trump in 2024 if he runs. But there may come a time when I get tired of trump too and wanting improvement over him as well. Right now the Democrats are the biggest threat to America.
Just vague memories of driving by it. It's in an area of town that we didn't go to much. Most of the shopping was north and west of there back then.


I guess that was the outskirts of town back then.
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?

Common sense. It really is that simple.
In other words, they had their rights denied because they were Republicans, not white? Do you understand how much of a dumb ass you are

And why did you have to go back to the Civil War? I tell you what..what federal law prevented white men from voting? name it or shut the ENTIRE FUCK UP

You’re a turd.

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