What first made you a Republican?

I used to be a Republican. After Reagans stint I gave up on them. All about the wealthy as if they are somehow more important. I voted for Bush 1. He was ok. As I've aged I've become more liberal. I cannot vote Democrat as they are way too far gone. So right now I am a citizen without a platform I can support. A citizen alot smarter than most who won't buy into selling out for the wealthy.
I am not a Republican, but I vote Republican.


Well, when I was young, I was a bleeding heart liberal. Most young people are.

Then I went out into the world and started interacting with some of the folks for whom my heart had been bleeding.

Wow! Was that a shock! I learned the hard way that a large proportion of those folks for whom I had been crying were not very nice people.

So now I vote a straight Republican ticket.

(But if the Dems can get the federal government to pay the expenses for old folks' caregivers, then I would switch back in a New York minute to the Dems.)
Is that what they did in those socialist utopias that helped to force the illegals to come up here? All of that empathy. There is to me, a balance of social programs and capitalism. It is finding the perfect mix and it still will not make everyone happy. As we see today.
Socialist utopias and Skinner's Waldon II are washed away when the people and the fictions are comprehended by realities. However, empathy was part of THE EIGHT BEATITUDES OF JESUS.

Odd isn't that the 21st Century self claiming conservatives like you are opposed to funding the poor and needy and the conservatives (so to speak) are cutting taxes for corporations and the top 5% wealthy.

Socialist utopias and Skinner's Waldon II are washed away when the people and the fictions are comprehended by realities. However, empathy was part of THE EIGHT BEATITUDES OF JESUS.

Odd isn't that the 21st Century self claiming conservatives like you are opposed to funding the poor and needy and the conservatives (so to speak) are cutting taxes for corporations and the top 5% wealthy.

Then why do conservatives give far more to charities than libs?
I mean you guys are all about helping the poor as long as it's not your money and with half of America not paying federal taxes it's pretty easy to guess who wants the charity.
Socialist utopias and Skinner's Waldon II are washed away when the people and the fictions are comprehended by realities. However, empathy was part of THE EIGHT BEATITUDES OF JESUS.

Odd isn't that the 21st Century self claiming conservatives like you are opposed to funding the poor and needy and the conservatives (so to speak) are cutting taxes for corporations and the top 5% wealthy.

Jesus asked that his followers give of themselves, not have government confiscate money to give to the poor. Jesus and the government didn't get along so well.

Outside of mental or physical disabilities, poverty is a choice in America. If you don't want to give up the dope to get a good job that does drug tests, wish to learn nothing and sweep floors for a living, want to waste money on things you don't really need, have children you could never afford, yes, you will be poor.

If you take responsibility in your life, learn a trade or line of work that pays well, invest your money instead of the newest iPhone that comes out every year, give up taking expensive vacations all the time, you can do very well for yourself.

Conservatives have no problem helping people because of poverty through no fault of their own, but most people in poverty in the US is self inflicted, and no, we do not want to help such people.
That's not true, they have employees that pay taxes just like every other nonprofit.

THAT'S the employees, what about the church owner.
They contribute to the SS and Medicare taxes for their employees, but not the income from their income.
A lot of people don't pay taxes, but they get help all the time from government, in fact they can't live without them. And if you're talking actual income taxes, you know, where this loan money came from, nearly half our country doesn't pay those.
Yes, they do.
It comes out of their paycheck each week.
Just because they don't owe $$$, at the end of the year, doesn't mean they don't pay taxes.
If people were unemployed, not collecting unemployment, you didn't get shit from the PPP.
Rush Limbaugh made me a Conservative. Any party representing traditional American Judeo Christian morals and values or the party most aligned with that is who I will vote for. Right now, that is the Republican party but, not all Republicans are strict Conservatives, many are more liberal. Unlike the Democrat party that are infected with the alt-left Marxists who want to 'reset' America and 'build back better.'
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
Watching how racist democrats are as a child made me the democrat hater I am today.
Why should they be treated differently from any other nonprofit, trade union or college for that matter?
Separation of church and state.

ANY of those, non-profit, union or colleges gets into politics, publicly, should lose their tax-exempt status.

There are a total of 3,254 businesses in the Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools industry across the country that received PPP loans. They received an average of $636,003 per loan.

That was wrong too.
Their students may have left to go home, but if the student didn't continue to pay their tuition, they were dropped.
And who do you think owns churches?

Separation of church and state.

ANY of those, non-profit, union or colleges gets into politics, publicly, should lose their tax-exempt status.

There are a total of 3,254 businesses in the Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools industry across the country that received PPP loans. They received an average of $636,003 per loan.

That was wrong too.
Their students may have left to go home, but if the student didn't continue to pay their tuition, they were dropped.

Separation of church and state.
Exactly where can I find that in the Constitution? Or are you just like that other commie that doesn't understand the English language?

Exactly where can I find that in the Constitution?
The 1st amendment, dumbass.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

The point of such an amendment is twofold. First, it ensures that religious beliefs - private or organized - are removed from attempted government control. This is the reason why the government cannot tell either you or your church what to believe or to teach.

Second, it ensures that the government does not get involved with enforcing, mandating, or promoting particular religious doctrines, even including belief in any gods. This is what happens when the government "establishes" a church. Doing so created many problems in Europe and because of this, the authors of the Constitution wanted to try and prevent the same from happening here.

Courts have ruled on this several times.
1878,1947,1962, 1968,1971, 2002 and 2005.
Or are you just like that other commie that doesn't understand the English language?

You're the moron who supports communism.

April 20 2021
Trump has defended his close personal relationship with the leaders of Russia and North Korea, telling Fox News that his ties with them as president were "a good thing and not a bad thing."

September 4 2022
Former President Donald Trump renewed praise for Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin during a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

"Putin, fierce—they're smart. You know a lot of times I'll say somebody's smart and the fake news will go 'He called President Xi smart.' He rules with an iron fist 1.5 billion people, yeah I'd say he's smart," Trump then added.
Yes, they do.
It comes out of their paycheck each week.
Just because they don't owe $$$, at the end of the year, doesn't mean they don't pay taxes.
If people were unemployed, not collecting unemployment, you didn't get shit from the PPP.

I said actual income taxes. Payroll taxes are not income taxes. You get deductions for various programs like SS, Medicare, and then you pay local state, city and county taxes in some areas. But not one dime of that money goes towards running our government. The taxes out of your paycheck you likely get back, either throught services of your city or state, or when you retire or become disabled.
I said actual income taxes.
They are.
Payroll taxes are not income taxes.
Payroll taxes ARE income taxes, dumbass.
You get deductions for various programs like SS, Medicare, and then you pay local state, city and county taxes in some areas. But not one dime of that money goes towards running our government.
YES, they do.
The taxes out of your paycheck you likely get back, either throught services of your city or state, or when you retire or become disabled.
Doesn't matter, state taxes are still taken out of your paycheck, another tax paid.
Still waiting for you to name these policies that are so abhorent

Social Security, Medicare, Overtime Pay Protection, FDIC, Pell grants, Children's Health Insurance? Family Leave?


Matter of fact...tell me about all of the popular conservative policies out there...
I was a democrat my whole life until Biden. I became a Republican after the stolen election, watching BLM burn cities to the ground with support from democrats, letting 3rd world scum over our southern borders with no checks, the whole tranny thing where guys think they are girls and scumbags supporting it, the attack on the oil industry that will lead us to ruin, the giving out of free money (both are bad but Dems are worse) I could go on and on.
They are.

Payroll taxes ARE income taxes, dumbass.

YES, they do.

Doesn't matter, state taxes are still taken out of your paycheck, another tax paid.

Obviously I'm talking to somebody ignorant of taxes. Yes, you pay state taxes for services such as snow removal, road repair, lights on the highways, highway patrol........
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
Back when I considered myself a "Republican" it was after the 1994 assault weapons ban, and it was all about gun rights--the most important issue...bar none....PERIOD.

If we lose that right, even in the slightest, we are dead meat. That right exercised almost exclusively in America is the ONLY thing keeping the entire world from falling into an open dictatorship. They can't make a move elsewhere while we still have the power to overthrow and control the most powerful military.

Because Republicans have such little regard for any rights (gun rights included) I cannot call myself one ever again.

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