What first made you a Republican?

June 15 2020
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is releasing evidence today of how the Trump administration has secretly turned the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) into a bonanza of tax-paid handouts for churches and religious leaders.

FFRF is providing audio documentation, via a recording that it made, of clandestine calls the White House set up with Trump-allied preachers and church leaders specifically to funnel taxpayer money to churches through the PPP. This giveaway to churches is the first time in U.S. history that tax funds have been directly used to pay the salaries of ministers and religious staff for religious purposes. Religious organizations received at least $7.3 billion in forgivable loans, with megachurches and thousands of Catholic dioceses amassing millions.

They don't pay taxes.

February 5 2020
As promised in his State of the Union Address, President Trump’s 2021 budget includes $5 Billion of taxpayer spending to fund a troubling private school tuition tax credit scheme. The proposed spending follows up on the president’s announcement supporting the creation of a federal program to subsidize private school tuition, including religious school tuition.

The legislation he referenced, H.R. 1434, would create dollar-for-dollar federal tax credits up to 10% of an individual and 5% of a corporation’s taxable income for payments toward a child’s private school tuition. The bill explicitly includes religious school tuition as eligible for the tax payments.

They don't pay taxes.

They may not pay taxes but they were harmed big time because various governments closed them down during covid. That's where the churches get their money from--the parishioners. Furthermore it's Congress (Democrat at the time) that provides the funding--not the President.
We weren't talking about talk, we were talking about actions which you can't provide. Apples and oranges.
Intent is ACTION, moron.
Go into a bank and ask for $$$, you get charged with attempted bank robbery.

Yes, and that's why I don't have to break up a post into sentences like you public school victims have to. With the proper education, you can answer a post in one or a few paragraphs.

Making a claim isn't defamation. That's besides the fact you didn't post it to back up your claim so I doubt they ever did.
I just did.
Here is an another example of the orange, whiner.

September 9 2022
Donald Trump threatened Fox News on Thursday, and it wasn’t with a good time.

The former president announced on his reportedly financially challenged Truth Social platform that he is considering suing the news network for false advertising after an insulting ad created by The Lincoln Project aired on Fox News in one local market — where Trump owns a golf course. The ad was not bought through Fox News and did not air nationally.

The ad is titled “Sucker,” and it basically explains to MAGA Republicans why they are suckers for believing basically anything Trump tells them:

THAT would be YOU.
The evidence is with the LeftBI and they're not going to do anything with it, just like nobody did anything to Hunter for owing back taxes or lying on a federal firearms application.
WHO filed a complaint?
These RWNJ's whine, complain and make accusations on TV and radio, but not ONE has even filed a complaint.

This is where the SUCKER ad comes in, RWNJ's as well as Trump knows his cult are gullible idiots, that will listen, then send them $$$ for accusations and lies, they regurgitate.

In the MAGA tard world, lies sell quicker than sex does, in any advertisement.
They may not pay taxes but they were harmed big time because various governments closed them down during covid.
NO, they didn't.
Churches are of the same ilk as the GQP, $$$.
That's where the churches get their money from--the parishioners. Furthermore it's Congress (Democrat at the time) that provides the funding--not the President.
Sure moron.

FFRF is providing audio documentation, via a recording that it made, of clandestine calls the White House set up with Trump-allied preachers and church leaders specifically to funnel taxpayer money to churches through the PPP.

Just like Mnuchin did.

June 13 2020
Building ramparts of secrecy around a $600 billion-plus coronavirus aid program for small businesses, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin moved from delay to denial in refusing to disclose the recipients of taxpayer-funded loans.

Mnuchin told Congress at a hearing last week that the names of loan recipients and the amounts are "proprietary information."
NO, they didn't.
Churches are of the same ilk as the GQP, $$$.

Sure moron.

FFRF is providing audio documentation, via a recording that it made, of clandestine calls the White House set up with Trump-allied preachers and church leaders specifically to funnel taxpayer money to churches through the PPP.

Just like Mnuchin did.

June 13 2020
Building ramparts of secrecy around a $600 billion-plus coronavirus aid program for small businesses, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin moved from delay to denial in refusing to disclose the recipients of taxpayer-funded loans.

Mnuchin told Congress at a hearing last week that the names of loan recipients and the amounts are "proprietary information."

A deeply divided Supreme Court doubled down on religious rights late Friday, ruling that California can no longer continue with a ban on indoor church services put in place to fight to the coronavirus pandemic. But the court said that the state, for now, can keep in place restrictions on singing and chanting inside.

The two cases at the center of Friday's ruling marked a test of how far states can go to safeguard public health before running afoul of constitutional protections for the free exercise of religion. In response to suits brought by the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and the Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, the court said California cannot bar in-person services altogether, but can limit attendance to 25% of capacity.

A deeply divided Supreme Court doubled down on religious rights late Friday, ruling that California can no longer continue with a ban on indoor church services put in place to fight to the coronavirus pandemic. But the court said that the state, for now, can keep in place restrictions on singing and chanting inside.

The two cases at the center of Friday's ruling marked a test of how far states can go to safeguard public health before running afoul of constitutional protections for the free exercise of religion. In response to suits brought by the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and the Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, the court said California cannot bar in-person services altogether, but can limit attendance to 25% of capacity.

In response to suits brought by the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and the Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, the court said California cannot bar in-person services altogether, but can limit attendance to 25% of capacity.

So, not shut down.............in ONE state.
Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs figured, 25% of something is better than 0%.

Regardless of the health consequences, they need that $$$.
In response to suits brought by the South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and the Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, the court said California cannot bar in-person services altogether, but can limit attendance to 25% of capacity.

So, not shut down.............in ONE state.
Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs figured, 25% of something is better than 0%.

Regardless of the health consequences, they need that $$$.

With a 75% reduction of funds a church can't stay open. They may be tax free, but they still have to pay people and utilities. And that's just one state. I'm sure I can find more lib states that did the same thing until the SC ruling.
With a 75% reduction of funds a church can't stay open. They may be tax free, but they still have to pay people and utilities. And that's just one state. I'm sure I can find more lib states that did the same thing until the SC ruling.
Sure, they can.
Trump made sure of that.

Televangelists, megachurches tied to Trump approved for millions …

Cross Church of Arkansas, whose pastor emeritus has been a member of Trump’s evangelical advisory board, received a $1.8 million loan and will seek loan forgiveness if the requirements …

Evangelical Megachurch With Close Ties To Trump Approved for …

Religious organizations -- mostly Christian -- received a total of $7.3 billion in pandemic aid from the Small Business Administration. Chris Prentice. Jul 7, 2020, 09:37 AM EDT | Updated Jul 7, …
So sad, it's sad do that those who lack empathy and only care about themselves do give a damn about the needy. Not Christianity, and It's clear that historians have already put trump in the top three of the worst President ever.
Is that what they did in those socialist utopias that helped to force the illegals to come up here? All of that empathy. There is to me, a balance of social programs and capitalism. It is finding the perfect mix and it still will not make everyone happy. As we see today.
Is that what they did in those socialist utopias that helped to force the illegals to come up here? All of that empathy. There is to me, a balance of social programs and capitalism. It is finding the perfect mix and it still will not make everyone happy. As we see today.
Social programs are programs of capitalism.

Thanks to those pre-clearance laws that was still in place at the time -- voting rights acts (ALL PROVISIONS) were federally enforced......but you are too much of a moron to know that...

I also noticed none of you morons have told me what polcies are so extreme now -- unless its culture war bullshit...

By the way, FDR called out fascists back in his day....and I also don't recall Democrats storming any capitols over elections since Carter was president....or before then....unless you count the Anti-Reconstruction Democrats.....or as I call them, Confederates....aka, Conservatives...

I see you have a really short memory.

I've always been a republican.
It was how I was raised,to me the left has always been abhorrent because they dont follow natural law and common sense.
Everything they do is geared toward getting re elected and not what is good for the people.
They cant seem to see what their actions will bring in the future,or you could say the unintended consequences of their actions.

What makes you think the consequences were unintended? Their intent is to destroy the country and it all started with removing order and discipline from the schools. Then they went after the family by telling kids to call the police if their parents disciplined them at home. You're seeing now what a few decades of the lack of order and discipline in society can do. Teachers being attacked in their classrooms, rampant crime and no value for human life. Welcome to the fully intended consequences.

Sure, they can.
Trump made sure of that.

Televangelists, megachurches tied to Trump approved for millions …

Cross Church of Arkansas, whose pastor emeritus has been a member of Trump’s evangelical advisory board, received a $1.8 million loan and will seek loan forgiveness if the requirements …

Evangelical Megachurch With Close Ties To Trump Approved for …

Religious organizations -- mostly Christian -- received a total of $7.3 billion in pandemic aid from the Small Business Administration. Chris Prentice. Jul 7, 2020, 09:37 AM EDT | Updated Jul 7, …

Your second link doesn't work. Your first link had this to say:

Launched on April 3, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) allows small businesses, nonprofits and individuals hurt by the pandemic to apply for forgivable government-backed loans.
What makes you think the consequences were unintended? Their intent is to destroy the country and it all started with removing order and discipline from the schools. Then they went after the family by telling kids to call the police if their parents disciplined them at home. You're seeing now what a few decades of the lack of order and discipline in society can do. Teachers being attacked in their classrooms, rampant crime and no value for human life. Welcome to the fully intended consequences.


While true for the most part I really believe a lot of are just that stupid.
Especially when it comes to teachers. I've found that a lot of teachers aren't anymore mature than the students they teach.
Seeing how many teachers get caught fuckng their students backs that up.
Your second link doesn't work. Your first link had this to say:

Launched on April 3, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) allows small businesses, nonprofits and individuals hurt by the pandemic to apply for forgivable government-backed loans.
Worked for me, just fine.
Regardless, churches don't pay taxes.
Why are they getting taxpayer $$$?

FDR policies would be considered for more progressive and "extreme" by Conservatives than anything Demcorats have put forth in the past 20 or so years...and Jimmie Carter installed fucking solar panels on the White House.....

Usually, when folks who claim they were Democrats but became Republican because Democrats were too extreme -- they will not speak on policies...just their feelings.....about how uncomfortable it is that Democrats support gay rights, voting rights or criminal justice reform -- basically anything that ain't centered around white men...
Hey... maybe your spelling error is CORRECT!!! " Demcorats" as that and my experiences in college journalism courses made me aware of
WHY the biased MSM is the way they are, i.e. supporting Demcorats!
The biased MSM wants to sell advertising and studies show bad news sells! Well what Party has created the most "BAD NEWS"?
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
Americans in general have begun to catch on: 66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll, 62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
So making GOP politicians, policies out as bad news helps sell advertising!
BECAUSE studies show negative news gets viewers, viewers get advertising!
News coverage of current affairs is predominantly negative.
Cross-national evidence of a negativity bias in psychophysiological reactions to News coverage of current affairs is predominantly negative. American accounts of this tendency tend to focus on journalistic practices, but this cannot easily account for negative news content around the world. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1908369116
Final FACT:
While true for the most part I really believe a lot of are just that stupid.
Especially when it comes to teachers. I've found that a lot of teachers aren't anymore mature than the students they teach.
Seeing how many teachers get caught fuckng their students backs that up.

Well that happens when you tell people they're children till age 26.

Worked for me, just fine.
Regardless, churches don't pay taxes.
Why are they getting taxpayer $$$?

A lot of people don't pay taxes, but they get help all the time from government, in fact they can't live without them. And if you're talking actual income taxes, you know, where this loan money came from, nearly half our country doesn't pay those.

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