What first made you a Republican?

Posting a single link written a year ago is ludicrous. Way before the Special Committee in the House of Rep. has evidence to support the opposite, and those arrested and have been indicted and convicted have testified who organized them.

Nobody testified that anybody organized them. If anybody did, it was under threat like the Democrats always do. Do you really think a bunch of dress shirt politicians can do a better job of investigations than the FBI?
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
I was 1st always a Democrat, until I started working for them in NW Indiana. I was paid low wage, and had to kick back 2% of gross to their slush fund. When their Presidential nominee came to town that year, he was given 50% of the slush fund as a campaign contribution, and our pay out went to 3% to refund their shortfall.

You must understand the reality of the situation----------------->I was paying.......or maybe because it was low income nothing...100% of the freight in taxes on what I made. They were paying 0...........let me spell that for you, ZERO, on what I paid them! Trust me, if I thought I could sue them and get back what I paid with interest, I would do it, just to prove a point.

When Jimmy Carter (actually his wife) came to town, they paid us to carry signs in support of good ole JC at the train station. It was a paid rally by the Democrats. It was all over not only the local news, but Chicago stations as well. They insisted he was unbeatable, while all......or most of us thought he was incompetent, and the only reason we were there was because we were on the clock. They even gave us signs to wave around, and if our signs and we got on the news or newspapers, we got a bonus! Of course, we waved and screamed. When you get paid squat, if they are going to give you a 25 dollar bonus which was alot back in the day, you try harder, because you want that free money.

And then, I really learned my lesson! Come voting day, I hadn't voted by 3pm. I wasn't going to vote, because I was young, under 21. I had no idea, and really didn't care. Got a phone call from the local DNC, saying they seen that I had not come in to vote. If I did not vote, my job was on the line. So of course, since I had a very young family to support and times were tough, I went. I voted REPUBLICAN, straight ticket in retaliation.

After that incident, I was lucky enough that the economy started picking up. I started working for the Ford Motor Company where I was despised by the union, although in the following election, most of my fellow workers voted for Reagan, AKA Reagan Democrats.

This taught me many things, one of them is that Americans are not stupid. After seeing 2016, it also shows not to believe any poll. NOBODY wants to be seen as racist, or any other nasty thing, but they know when things are not good; they just won't admit they seem on the WRONG SIDE as defined by media on a survey! (who would?)

I am here to tell you, this November, this is going to be an a**kicking. Media is going to ask------>how could this be! Voting is NOT being an activist, is about being for what you think is best. We may NOT be activists, but many of us do vote, and anyone who thinks the Democrats are going to come out of this smelling like a rose..........is well....looking through rose colored glasses!
Jimmy Carter’s policies made me a Republican. I was only 9 but witnessed first-hand what leftist Democrat policies do to small business. Reagan was a huge breath of fresh air.
I don't know what that has to do with the topic,
It was a reply from post 84.
"It could be because you’re a racist and love cheap labor".

Try to follow along.
but government shouldn't be mandating wages on anybody. It's not their job. That's besides the fact very few work for MW anyway these days.
Then, the people who are making minimum wage would be making half that now.
Trump never used our federal law agencies to spy on a political opponent.
June 14 2021
The Department of Justice under former President Donald Trump issued secret subpoenas that allowed them to spy on two members of Congress, members of the news media, and even Trump’s White House Counsel Don McGahn has shocked a nation that thought they couldn’t be shocked anymore by this administration. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced on Monday that a formal investigation has begun into the reports.

The latest target of the Trump DOJ’s subpoenas is Don McGahn, and Apple says it was forced by the Trump Administration to hand over his data and keep the intrusion a secret in 2018.

Nor did he ever use our federal agencies to seek revenge on the opposing party or use them as his personal police.
October 10 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”
Trump never had the FBI lie on a federal application for a surveillance warrant, nor did he have the head of the FBI recommend to the AG not to bring charges against a criminal. DumBama did that.
When did Obama do that?
June 14 2021
The Department of Justice under former President Donald Trump issued secret subpoenas that allowed them to spy on two members of Congress, members of the news media, and even Trump’s White House Counsel Don McGahn has shocked a nation that thought they couldn’t be shocked anymore by this administration. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced on Monday that a formal investigation has begun into the reports.

The latest target of the Trump DOJ’s subpoenas is Don McGahn, and Apple says it was forced by the Trump Administration to hand over his data and keep the intrusion a secret in 2018.

Oh right. Secret warrants. Hey, I have a bridge I want to sell you. You're a Democrat. You know you people are born liars. A secret warrant that nobody can prove was issued.......right, because a fellow commie said so.

October 10 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

“Where are all of the arrests?” Trump said, after several dozen tweets on the subject over the past 24 hours. “Can you imagine if the roles were reversed? Long term sentences would have started two years ago. Shameful!”

So WTF does this have to do with the price of rice in China? I said Trump never used our federal agencies for personal matters and he didn't.

When did Obama do that?

During the Hillary investigation. Where do you think Comey's orders came from?
It was a reply from post 84.
"It could be because you’re a racist and love cheap labor".

Try to follow along.

Then, the people who are making minimum wage would be making half that now.

It's racist to say the federal government should not be dictating wage? What does race have to do with it? Minimum wage only applies to people of color?

No, people would not be working for half of minimum wage because nobody paying half if MW would work for them. Many can't find people to work for MW now which is why most places offer way above MW.
The Republicrats are useless as you never even hear from them. Most of them ARE TOO NICE,,,WE NEED BOMB THROWING RADICALS LIKE THE LEFT HAS,,,,STREET FIGHTERS NOT GOLFERS.

How many of you took the online Political Spectrum Scale ????? I fell right over Donald Trump (LIBERTARIAN). No Trump is not a Republican, he just ran under the party.
The Republicrats are useless as you never even hear from them. Most of them ARE TOO NICE,,,WE NEED BOMB THROWING RADICALS LIKE THE LEFT HAS,,,,STREET FIGHTERS NOT GOLFERS.

How many of you took the online Political Spectrum Scale ????? I fell right over Donald Trump (LIBERTARIAN). No Trump is not a Republican, he just ran under the party.

Who is more of a Republican than Donald Trump? Who ran his office more conservatively than Donald Trump?

He supports freedom of religion, tough on the border, strongly supports our police and law and order, supports capitalism, lowered taxes for most working people and businesses, increased military spending, went after our corrupt media and never backed down, got us out of the Paris Accord and phony Iran deal, was the first President to ever personally meet with a North Korean leader in their own country.
Hearing the old timers ( from a long line of Marxists dating back to Sacco & Vanzetti & the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire ) at Temple Beth Israel
It was a reply from post 84.
"It could be because you’re a racist and love cheap labor".

Try to follow along.

Then, the people who are making minimum wage would be making half that now.
It wouldn’t be like that if schools weren’t fucking up for the last 50 years.
Nobody testified that anybody organized them. If anybody did, it was under threat like the Democrats always do. Do you really think a bunch of dress shirt politicians can do a better job of investigations than the FBI?
Best try to write something of substance. You comment above has no details nor any facts.

BTW: My comment was this:

Posting a single link written a year ago is ludicrous. Way before the Special Committee in the House of Rep. has evidence to support the opposite, and those arrested and have been indicted and convicted have testified who organized them.

All of the words above have probative evidence to rebut your comments in some of this post:

"Trump never used our federal law agencies to spy on a political opponent. Nor did he ever use our federal agencies to seek revenge on the opposing party or use them as his personal police. Trump never had the FBI lie on a federal application for a surveillance warrant, nor did he have the head of the FBI recommend to the AG not to bring charges against a criminal. DumBama did that."

None of this is verifiable in your post, had you posted this link - four years old - there is on truth in all of your comments supporting trump.

Zachary Evans
August 14, 2020·2 min read


Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith will plead guilty to falsifying a document used to obtain a FISA warrant on former Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page.

Clinesmith was charged in Washington, D.C., on Friday with one felony count of making a false statement, and will plead guilty in a plea deal with prosecutors conducting a criminal probe of the Russia investigation, the New York Times reported.

The probe is being led by prosecutor John Durham, who was appointed to the task by Attorney General William Barr. Barr hinted at a development in the Durham probe in comments to Fox News on Thursday night.

“It’s not an earth-shattering development, but it is an indication that things are moving along at the proper pace, as dictated by the facts in this investigation,” Barr said.

Clinesmith is set to admit that he altered an email from the CIA in order to renew the FISA warrant against Page in 2017. That email stated that Page had worked as a source for the CIA, but Clinesmith changed the reference to state that Page was not a source.

“Kevin deeply regrets having altered the email,” a lawyer for Clinesmith said. “It was never his intent to mislead the court or his colleagues as he believed the information he relayed was accurate.”

A report by the Justice Department inspector general found numerous inaccuracies in the FBI’s applications to surveil Page.

Page was monitored as part of the FBI’s investigation into alleged collaboration between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russian operatives. The FBI agents who opened the investigation, including Joe Pientka, gave Trump his first intelligence briefing as presumptive Republican nominee. A memo with a summary of the briefing was approved by former agent Peter Strzok as well as Clinesmith.

Furthermore: LINK: Carter Page - Wikipedia

House Intelligence Committee testimony[edit]​

On November 2, 2017, Page testified[61] to the House Intelligence Committee that he had kept senior officials in the Trump campaign such as Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, and J. D. Gordon informed about his contacts with the Russians[62] and had informed Jeff Sessions, Lewandowski, Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016.[63][64]

Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[65] He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip.[62] Elements of Page's testimony contradicted prior claims by Trump, Sessions, and others in the Trump administration.[63][65][66][67] Lewandowski, who had previously denied knowing Page or meeting him during the campaign, said after Page's testimony that his memory was refreshed and acknowledged that he had been aware of Page's trip to Russia.[68]

Page also testified that after delivering a commencement speech at the New Economic School in Moscow, he spoke briefly with one of the people in attendance, Arkady Dvorkovich, a Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's cabinet, contradicting his previous statements not to have spoken to anyone connected with the Russian government.[69] In addition, while Page denied a meeting with Sechin as alleged in the Trump–Russia dossier, he did say he met with Andrey Baranov, Rosneft's head of investor relations.[70] The dossier alleges that Sechin offered Page a brokerage fee from the sale of up to 19 percent of Rosneft if he worked to roll back Magnitsky Act economic sanctions that had been imposed on Russia in 2012.[70][71] Page testified that he did not "directly" express support for lifting the sanctions during the meeting with Baranov, but that he might have mentioned the proposed Rosneft transaction.[70]
Last edited:
If you ever served in the Military you usually drift towards a conservative administration and the republican party is as close as you can get.
Nobody testified that anybody organized them. If anybody did, it was under threat like the Democrats always do. Do you really think a bunch of dress shirt politicians can do a better job of investigations than the FBI?
Best try to write something of substance. You comment above has no details nor any facts.

BTW: My comment was this:

Posting a single link written a year ago is ludicrous. Way before the Special Committee in the House of Rep. has evidence to support the opposite, and those arrested and have been indicted and convicted have testified who organized them.

All of the words above have probative evidence to rebut your comments in this post:

Nobody testified that anybody organized them. If anybody did, it was under threat like the Democrats always do. Do you really think a bunch of dress shirt politicians can do a better job of investigations than the FBI?

Did you watch any of the Jan 6th 2021 Special Committee, or the words under oath by those who were indicted and testified in court. Deals in every criminal court in the nation are done every day. Were they under the threat of their sentence, sure. But innocent people have evidence to prove their innocent and feel they can prove this to the tries of fact - Jury or the judge.
Did you watch any of the Jan 6th 2021 Special Committee, or the words under oath by those who were indicted and testified in court.
Witnesses testimony not subject to cross-examination proves nothing.
But innocent people have evidence to prove their innocent
You were home alone sleeping when someone was murderd.
You are innocent of that murder - but you cannot prove it.
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
Political orientation is based on quite a number of factors. Temperament being the main factor, followed by such things as your job, family, education etc... Every day events can also sway a person's political orientation. Also, what's important to you is not as important to someone else. So if you identify as democrat, your democrat neighbour may switch to republican (vice versa) because he/she feels strongly about something yet you don't.
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
Bill Buckley, Ronald Reagan, and The National Review made me a Republican when I was a teenager. I even joined the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

I was a conservative before being a conservative was cool.

Donald Trump made me resign as a Republican and become an Independent.
Bill Buckley, Ronald Reagan, and The National Review made me a Republican when I was a teenager. I even joined the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).

I was a conservative before being a conservative was cool.

Donald Trump made me resign as a Republican and become an Independent.
I was a two Issue voter ( Secure The Southern Border / Deport Criminal Illegals ) and ( 2A/RTKBA ) which makes Donaldus Magnus the Greatest President of my Lifetime !
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
A lot of conversations with an old and wise black man.

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