What first made you a Republican?

Every President was corrupt until Trump and that’s why Wall Street hated, and hates, Trump.
You are so stupid, I’m amazed your brain keeps your lungs working.
You're drinking way too much this morning.

You are what happens when someone closes their eyes because they’re mentally ill.
It could be because you’re a racist and love cheap labor.
April 30 2014
A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10, an underpinning of President Obama’s economic agenda and an issue that Democrats hope to leverage against Republicans in the midterm elections, failed in the Senate on Wednesday.

The vote was 54 to 42, with 60 votes needed to advance the measure.

All but one Republican voted to sustain a filibuster against the measure, saying that the increase would damage the fragile economy and force businesses to cut hundreds of thousands of jobs.

One of the top minimum wage stories of 2020 was the same as one of the top minimum wage stories of 2019: Congress—Republicans, specifically—continued to block a federal minimum wage increase, every day setting a new record for how long the U.S. minimum wage has stayed the same. That record was broken on June 16, 2019, and the value of the $7.25 an hour minimum wage continues to erode as living costs go up. Republicans do not care.
April 30 2014
A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10, an underpinning of President Obama’s economic agenda and an issue that Democrats hope to leverage against Republicans in the midterm elections, failed in the Senate on Wednesday.

The vote was 54 to 42, with 60 votes needed to advance the measure.

All but one Republican voted to sustain a filibuster against the measure, saying that the increase would damage the fragile economy and force businesses to cut hundreds of thousands of jobs.

One of the top minimum wage stories of 2020 was the same as one of the top minimum wage stories of 2019: Congress—Republicans, specifically—continued to block a federal minimum wage increase, every day setting a new record for how long the U.S. minimum wage has stayed the same. That record was broken on June 16, 2019, and the value of the $7.25 an hour minimum wage continues to erode as living costs go up. Republicans do not care.
Where does one live when one is making $15.00/hour?
The answer is excellence in education, every child must learn at least one hands on trade and the borders have to closed.
Charity is a cop out.
The first President I voted for was George Wallace. His wife was friend of the family and being a die in wool Southerner in 1968 I liked his stand for segregation. I voted absentee mail from Vietnam.

After that I voted Republican because the Democrats were always bat shit crazy and mostly scumbags.

I was disappointed in Bush Sr because he was a RINO but I voted for him. I voted for Bush Jr in 2000 and 2004 but I was getting more and more disappointed in the Republicans becoming nothing more than Democrat Light.

I stopped identifying as a Republican in 2008. The next two elections I voted Libertarian instead of those two RINOs McCain and Romney.

I voted for Trump both times because I perceive him to be a Nationalist rather than a Republican.

Democrats are the scum of this country. The problem is that far too many of the times the Democrats fuck up this country they are helped by the Republicans.

What first made you a Republican?​

I was in the Navy and Carter was potus.
I came to outgrow the GOP during the term of poppy Bush, the kinder, gentler, no new taxes prick. Momentarily returned to vote for his kid in 2000. Little bastard lied with his every utterance and I’ve never gone back.
Don’t for a moment misconstrue this to think I have ever debased myself to have ever considered supporting or vote for the vermin that are the Dimocraps.
April 30 2014
A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10, an underpinning of President Obama’s economic agenda and an issue that Democrats hope to leverage against Republicans in the midterm elections, failed in the Senate on Wednesday.

The vote was 54 to 42, with 60 votes needed to advance the measure.

All but one Republican voted to sustain a filibuster against the measure, saying that the increase would damage the fragile economy and force businesses to cut hundreds of thousands of jobs.

One of the top minimum wage stories of 2020 was the same as one of the top minimum wage stories of 2019: Congress—Republicans, specifically—continued to block a federal minimum wage increase, every day setting a new record for how long the U.S. minimum wage has stayed the same. That record was broken on June 16, 2019, and the value of the $7.25 an hour minimum wage continues to erode as living costs go up. Republicans do not care.

I don't know what that has to do with the topic, but government shouldn't be mandating wages on anybody. It's not their job. That's besides the fact very few work for MW anyway these days.
Why not?
Until Trump came along, Reagan had the most corrupt regime in US history.

Trump never used our federal law agencies to spy on a political opponent. Nor did he ever use our federal agencies to seek revenge on the opposing party or use them as his personal police. Trump never had the FBI lie on a federal application for a surveillance warrant, nor did he have the head of the FBI recommend to the AG not to bring charges against a criminal. DumBama did that.
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?

What 1st led me to be Republican.

Common Sense


Intolerance to racism, division

Intolerance to anyone who wants to control others' lives

Allergic reaction to political / partisan corruption, crime, historic scandal, targeting Americans, and govt agency-wide corruption, and crime

Being someone run by facts rather than controlled by emotion

And finally criminal, hypocritical, 2-tiered unequal Justice System where Democrats have chosen to elevate the laws everyone else is subject to.
The FBI turned into an arm of the Democrat party. They conducted this illegal search which we now find Biden was behind, they were used as personal police to get warrants to find Biden's daughters diary which stolen material is a local police matter, not a federal one. Now we find the same FBI lied to Suckrberg to get him to silence the Hunter scandal so Biden could win, and you tell us you are concerned about Democracy???
"The FBI turned into an arm of the Democrat party"

You have no evidence to make this claim. However, they are looking into the fascists' army trump has drafted, and I'm sure you are one of his Corp.

The Democratic Party is defending Democracy in America, and the Republican Party members who are supporting trump in all matters are working to suppress the vote. That is as clear and honest can be.
Trump never used our federal law agencies to spy on a political opponent. Nor did he ever use our federal agencies to seek revenge on the opposing party or use them as his personal police. Trump never had the FBI lie on a federal application for a surveillance warrant, nor did he have the head of the FBI recommend to the AG not to bring charges against a criminal. DumBama did that.
QUESTION: Are you a damn liar?

There's no doubt that you lack empathy and common sense.
QUESTION: Are you a damn liar. There's no doubt that you lack empathy and common sense.

That is funny as hell coming from a stupid morally corrupt Moon Bat like you that thinks it is great to kill children for birth control, voted for a demented asshole that sexually harassed his daughter and who embraces the Queer and Transsexual filth.

Of course you also supported The Worthless Negro, who is the wife of a Transsexual, and whose mother was porno queen so go figure.
I've always been a republican.
It was how I was raised,to me the left has always been abhorrent because they dont follow natural law and common sense.
Everything they do is geared toward getting re elected and not what is good for the people.
They cant seem to see what their actions will bring in the future,or you could say the unintended consequences of their actions.

I was non-partisan until 2017, where I registered Republican after recognizing the Democrats and left had been poisoned. The left must not have power.
That is funny as hell coming from a stupid morally corrupt Moon Bat like you that thinks it is great to kill children for birth control, voted for a demented asshole that sexually harassed his daughter and who embraces the Queer and Transsexual filth.

Of course you also supported The Worthless Negro, who is the wife of a Transsexual, and whose mother was porno queen so go figure.
I did figure, and the entire post of yours is zero.

You are opposed to abortions, no matter if the pregnancy was the product of her father, brother, uncle or an unknown by incest or rape; or a woman would die of complications diagnosed by a doctor when a politician ruled she would be imprisoned along with her doctor.

As to your post, which is zero, I will deduct another few points and it would be below zero: Your racist comments and hate for blacks, transsexuals and prostitutes are all filthy; they are judgements without a cause.

You don't take or showing extreme care about minute details in your analysis of anyone of these people, and none of your pedestrian prose is framed by meticulous reasoning.

BTW what of all of these hateful remarks impact you? I don't peek into the bedrooms or bathrooms of those who are different, do you, and how does that impact you?

Not one of your posts bother me, I learned long ago in my life that people like you and your opinions are ridiculous, ludicrous or both, and vile, vulgar and dumb as a box of rocks.
Last edited:
I did figure, and the entire post of yours is zero.

You are opposed to abortions, no matter if the pregnancy was the product of her father, brother, uncle or an unknown by incest or rape; or a woman would die of complications diagnosed by a doctor when a politician ruled she would be imprisoned along with her doctor.

As to your post, which is zero, I will deduct another few points and it would be below zero: Your racist comments and hate for blacks, transsexuals and prostitutes are all filthy; they are judgements without a cause.

You don't take or showing extreme care about minute details in your analysis of anyone of these people, and none of your pedestrian prose is framed by meticulous reasoning.

BTW what of all of these hateful remarks impact you? I don't peek into the bedrooms or bathrooms of those who are different, do you, and how does that impact you?

Not one of your posts bother me, I learned long ago in my life that people like you and your opinions are ridiculous, ludicrous or both.

You Libtards are morally bankrupt with your hate of America, your support for killing children, your failed economic polices that keep Americans in poverty, your hate of religion, your hate of individual liberty, and your love of the sicko queer and transsexual life styles.

The scum of America.
You Libtards are morally bankrupt with your hate of America, your support for killing children, your failed economic polices that keep Americans in poverty, your hate of religion, your hate of individual liberty, and your love of the sicko queer and transsexual life styles.

The scum of America.
LOL, Trickle down / voodoo economics have made the rich richer; the poor poorer and the middle class stuck and incapable of supporting children.

How can you make this foolish claim about economics? Did you ever take Econ 101? Do you not comprehend Bush II left office with the Great Recession, and Obama ended it in 9 months of his first term; when McConnell tired to sabotage him, and the Democratic Party supported him in the House of Rep.

That Biden entered with a shacky economy with a Pandemic worse than the Spanish Flu of 1919, and Russia's act in Ukraine when Biden put NATO back together after trump dessert US support.

You can't be this ignorant, this dumb. What makes you what you are today, one of the disaffected haters who have no pragmatic thinking of what the future needs.
"The FBI turned into an arm of the Democrat party"

You have no evidence to make this claim. However, they are looking into the fascists' army trump has drafted, and I'm sure you are one of his Corp.

The Democratic Party is defending Democracy in America, and the Republican Party members who are supporting trump in all matters are working to suppress the vote. That is as clear and honest can be.

You are such a sheep. Republicans are not suppressing anything. They are pushing for voter-id requirements and that's not suppressing anybody or anything. You need an id for damn near everything in this country from boarding a plane to buying a pack of cigarettes.

More lies that Trump had this made-up army. What army? A bunch of yahoos that broke into the Capital and and took pictures of each other at Piglosi's desk?

You are such a sheep. Republicans are not suppressing anything. They are pushing for voter-id requirements and that's not suppressing anybody or anything. You need an id for damn near everything in this country from boarding a plane to buying a pack of cigarettes.

More lies that Trump had this made-up army. What army? A bunch of yahoos that broke into the Capital and and took pictures of each other at Piglosi's desk?

Posting a single link written a year ago is ludicrous. Way before the Special Committee in the House of Rep. has evidence to support the opposite, and those arrested and have been indicted and convicted have testified who organized them.
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
I graduated High School in 1980. My father was a conservative business owner, and my mother was a JFK Democrat.

All one had to do was be of age enough to understand the mess that was Jimmy Carter, that when Reagan came along, it wasn't even a question....

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