What first made you a Republican?

My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
As soon as I realized that Democrats were nothing but TAX and Spend assholes. Today, there are at least 10x as many reasons to flat out hate each and every one of them.
It was my father being a Patriotic American, and raising me to be the same. It was clear as I grew up, and started looking at teh world, that the dems, didn't really believe in America, while the republicans did.
you wonder what they do believe in.. I suppose I might be like them had I not been raised in a Christian home.. But they have free will and can "re-raise" themselves if they choose..
Depends on the Democrat and what was in that Bill that help bribe Democrats like Manchin into support that Bill…?

Now again I vote for the Candidate and the political party has nothing to do with my choice at all.

I might vote for a Green member because the Democrat and Republican do not fit my idea of who I want to lead in that seat or I might swing Libertarian, so again if more Americans did this maybe and I mean maybe we wouldn’t be so messed up!
that's a discarded vote.. might as wel not bother
As soon as I realized that Democrats were nothing but TAX and Spend assholes. Today, there are at least 10x as many reasons to flat out hate each and every one of them.

so true.. How do we despise them? Let us count the ways!
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
The other side gets a lot of members just from being bombarded with Republicans are fighting a war against women, a war against the poor, a war against minorities, a war against seniors (Republicans want to take their social security away), and a war against just about everything and everyone else. They don't bother to even look at the facts and study the issues.
The other side gets a lot of members just from being bombarded with Republicans are fighting a war against women, a war against the poor, a war against minorities, a war against seniors (Republicans want to take their social security away), and a war against just about everything and everyone else. They don't bother to even look at the facts and study the issues.
yeh, you wonder if some people should even be allowed to vote.. I know that sounds unAmeican and all but good grief.. Low-infos have the power to destroy the nation

and of course are doing so
No, that is actually voting in the proper way and saying not to vote is the usual comment from those that believe that their Political Party should rule.
no, really, it is not worth the trouble to vote 3rd party.. may be a sad fact o' life but a fact nonetheless
no, really, it is not worth the trouble to vote 3rd party.. may be a sad fact o' life but a fact nonetheless
That is why you are part of the problem and support such naive way of thinking.

Again, you just admitted you want one party rule, so what make you any different from the Soviets, Maoists or Democrats?

Sad part is you truly believe the Republican Party is better than the Democrats…
i was watching Matt Gaetz speak at the 2016 RNC Convention. i asked my boyfriend: "to what party does this dude belong to? Republican? then i want to be a Republican!"
no, really, it is not worth the trouble to vote 3rd party.. may be a sad fact o' life but a fact nonetheless

If you vote 3rd party you threw your vote in the garbage can. Unless there is a 3rd party candidate like Perot, they don't stand a chance. Why?

Our elections are more about who we want to keep out more than who we want to put in. So even if the candidate in our party doesn't meet all our desires, it's better to vote for him or her than vote 3rd party and allow the opponent to get the seat.
It was my father being a Patriotic American, and raising me to be the same. It was clear as I grew up, and started looking at teh world, that the dems, didn't really believe in America, while the republicans did.

I remember it well. My father and I would often debate issues. We were at my sisters house celebrating a birthday or some such thing. My then brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table, was laughing, and said to me "you must be a loyal Limbaugh fan!" Limbaugh? Who in hell is that?

About a year went by and the Democrats did something to piss me off; I believe it was an increase in sin taxes. In any case, I didn't know much about politics but remembered what my brother-in-law said to me that afternoon at the dinner table. So I found where this Limbaugh guy was at and decided to give him a listen.

I felt like I was listening to myself only over the radio. His views on issues were nearly identical to mine. I've been a fan ever since until his unfortunate death. In that time, I learned a lot about politics that I took no interest in before. Since then, I voted straight R down the ballot every time I voted.
Yeah, these are some of the reasons, however, trump has gone past trust and has created an effort to overturn an election he lost by 7 million votes. trump has tossed democracy into the burn bag and convinced stupid, biddable fools that he is always correct and seeks to be King.

The FBI turned into an arm of the Democrat party. They conducted this illegal search which we now find Biden was behind, they were used as personal police to get warrants to find Biden's daughters diary which stolen material is a local police matter, not a federal one. Now we find the same FBI lied to Suckrberg to get him to silence the Hunter scandal so Biden could win, and you tell us you are concerned about Democracy???
Usually, when folks who claim they were Democrats but became Republican because Democrats were too extreme -- they will not speak on policies...just their feelings

Let's see, not allowing industry to expand or schools to be built because the place to build these structures are considered wet lands by the left, I call that extreme.

Telling employers if they have 100 or more employees, they must make sure they are vaccinated against their will or tested every week, I see as extreme.

Telling people everybody must have healthcare coverage whether they can afford it or not, or be financially penalized, I consider extreme.

Making law that states shoplifting under $1,000 is only a misdemeanor not worthy of police to take action causing stores to close down, I consider extreme.

Forcing schools to allow weirdos in dresses and high heels to compete against real females in athletics, or they will get their federal funds cut off, I consider extreme.

Spending over 600 billion of taxpayers money on this phony climate change theory, I see as extreme.

A US President stating he will choose the next Supreme Court justice based on race and gender instead of experience, I consider extreme.
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
The attempt of the Democrats to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms convinced me to vote Republican.

At first the effort was to ban handguns but when the gun opponents realized that was impossible they moved to banning “assault rifles.”


Mark Borinsky founded the National Council to Control Handguns in 1974. He served as Chair until 1976. Charlie Orasin was a key player in the founding and growth of Handgun Control (HCI). He worked at HCI from 1975 until 1992.[11]

Nelson "Pete" Shields became the organization's chairman in 1978 and retired in 1989.[12] In July 1976, Shields estimated that it would take seven to ten years for NCCH to reach the goal of "total control of handguns in the United States." He said: "The first problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns being produced and sold in this country. The second is to get handguns registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition – except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors – totally illegal."[13] In 1987 Shields said that he believed "in the right of law-abiding citizens to possess handguns... for legitimate purposes.".[14
… emphasis added
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?

Fine to murder babies in Iraq and Afghanistan, but not American fetuses.
Oh, and let's forget about the 8 billion people figure coming up soon.

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