What free speech platforms exist in America when it comes to criticism of the Israeli government?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It’s not Fox News of course is it. Does anybody here know if Fox News has an entire segment dedicated to interviewing Palestinians and seeing what they have to say.?

Those who attempt to call people Hamas supporters or terror supporters, and conversations like these lose all credibility. They go against the vision of the founding fathers. If I was to call somebody anti-Muslim for criticizing a Muslim majority government or call them a terrorist supporter for supporting the IDF I would lose all credibility because that’s not how a civilized person acts.

I criticize Black Lives Matter. But I would definitely have a BLM guest on a show if I had my own TV show. I would never shut somebody down. I would hire an employee if they support BLM and believe in radical ideals like “400 years a slave”, white privilege, etc .. I would simply debate them because that is what the founding fathers imagined that is what they envisioned for the American future.

Unfortunately Quite a few journalists have been fired from multiple outlets not because of anti-Jewish behavior. They’ve never said anything anti-Jewish, they criticized the Israeli government, or they showed some support for Palestinian children who were killed by the Israeli army whether on an accident or on purpose…. And they lost their job for it.

So who supports free speech in America, which media outlets give a voice to both the left and the right when it comes to Israel?. So far I can say Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens. They talk to a lot of conservatives. They are conservative, but they will also interview left-wingers like Brianna Joy Gray or Glenn Greenwald.
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Isn’t it the duty of American politicians to get involved in this and start to speak up. Even if they support Israel when they see a young woman like gray getting fired unfairly from the platform “The Hill” that claims to support free speech, they’ve got to say something right?
The civilized world hopes that people who have the immaturity and self hatred to call their neighbors anti-Jewish for no good reason will apologize. That’s happened here in the US message board. I’ve seen people who have good relations with other people then all sorts of nasty personal attacks occur because of criticism of Israel.

Well, I would never do that to somebody who supports BLM. They can support BLM if they want but as soon as they call people racist, they lose all credibility. I’ll have a conversation with somebody civil, even if they support BLM or they’re the most Ardent supporter of Israel you can imagine. Well I give credit to the Catholic Church and my parents for instilling the values of being able to disagree civilly

The founding fathers would’ve wanted us Americans to disagree amicably
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I’ve even seen American politicians using words like antisemitism of course what they mean is anti-Jewish they really need to educate themselves. But they are effectively calling people anti-Jewish with no evidence to back it up. What is it like to be these people to have that type of hatred in their hearts where they lose all civility Because of the topic of a foreign country Israel.

Whereas plenty of other people, I believe most Americans could have civilized disagreements when it comes to topics like Israel.

Our government and media has got to do a lot better when it comes to covering Israel.

Isn’t it the duty of American politicians to get involved in this and start to speak up. Even if they support Israel when they see a young woman like gray getting fired unfairly from the platform “The Hill” that claims to support free speech, they’ve got to say something right?

Yeah, I watched this the other day.

I have been following the fallout over there at the Hill's Rising.

The Hill's Rising Podcast used to be one of my goto sources, they had someone from the left, and someone from the right, who were both sort of outside the main, doing new and commentary. Then b/c of the Gaza conflict, they let Briahna Joy Gray go.

You can catch that debate with her at the link below (FIERY Israel Debate - Konstantin Kisin, Briahna Joy Gray, Michael Moynihan, Eli Lake and Jake Klein,) and her debriefing on her own podcast. I knew she was going to do Owens show, I think she mentioned it there. . . so I saw this video with Candace when it dropped.

Now I will just stick to Jimmy Dore from the left, and watch Judge Napolitano show from the right.
How about examples, accurate quotes. Details are needed.
First there are multitude of issues here and I think it’s blatantly obvious. For example, notice how when somebody says I support Palestinian people some of the pro israel extremists will immediately call them “terrorist sympathizers” or something like that which is a blatant disregard for civility, and I believe the views of our founding fathers. It is inappropriate to suggest somebody for example, is anti-Jewish for supporting Palestine or disagreeing with Israeli policy.

Candace Owens was fired from the daily wire for perceived anti-Jewish behavior/ perceived pro Palestine views with no evidence to back it up.

Gray was fired from the hill for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinian behavior.

Mehdi Hasan was demoted from MSNBC for perceived pro Palestinian stances.

Watch this video

Gray brings up other journalists who have been removed , demoted or deplatformed for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinians stances

Also this

Theres even some so-called antisemitism Bill that has passed the house

I believe it says People could be held liable for claiming Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus. Or suggesting Israel is like a Nazi state. These ideologies might offend people but free speech has to live in the USA. This was one of the worst bills ever passed by Congress. It is a shame. Thankful for Marjorie Green and people like Thomas Massie for opposing the bill

AIPAC is also extremely powerful apparently every Republican Congress person according to Massie has their own AIPAC guy that they have to talk to before working on a bill.
First there are multitude of issues here and I think it’s blatantly obvious. For example, notice how when somebody says I support Palestinian people some of the pro israel extremists will immediately call them “terrorist sympathizers” or something like that which is a blatant disregard for civility, and I believe the views of our founding fathers. It is inappropriate to suggest somebody for example, is anti-Jewish for supporting Palestine or disagreeing with Israeli policy.
Palestinian people, which technically, historically, is Jews, Christians, and Moslems.

How is it a lack of civility to call people who support "palestinian" people pro-terrorist?
Palestinian people, which technically, historically, is Jews, Christians, and Moslems.

How is it a lack of civility to call people who support "palestinian" people pro-terrorist?
wrong again. "Palestinian people" are historically ---JEWS. Check it out in a library that has existed for more than 50 years and has MICROFILM----
the word "PALESTINIAN" applies ONLY to jews living in the area of the world
that the Greek Historian Herodotus labeled "PALESTINE" approx. 500 BC until 1948------actually until 1964. "PALESTINE" is the Roman word for that which
they had also labeled JUDEA
"Palestinian people" are historically ---JEWS. Check it out in a library that has existed for more than 50 years and has MICROFILM----
the word "PALESTINIAN" applies ONLY TO JEWS
Can I check it out in my personal library with books over 50 years old
Palestinian people, which technically, historically, is Jews, Christians, and Moslems.

How is it a lack of civility to call people who support "palestinian" people pro-terrorist?
With total respect, are you in the right thread?

The issue is about multiple journalists being fired or demoted for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinian views. That’s the main issue at hand.

Also It is showing a lack of civility to call somebody who supports Israeli or Palestinians pro terrorist. There’s no explanation needed its common sense. We’re not even talking about a government here, but a group of people that are diverse.
With total respect, are you in the right thread?

The issue is about multiple journalists being fired or demoted for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinian views. That’s the main issue at hand.

Also It is showing a lack of civility to call somebody who supports Israeli or Palestinians pro terrorist. There’s no explanation needed its common sense. We’re not even talking about a government here, but a group of people that are diverse.
95 percent of Palestinians support Hamas and murdering Jews so calling them terrorist supporters is appropriate.
wrong again. "Palestinian people" are historically ---JEWS. Check it out in a library that has existed for more than 50 years and has MICROFILM----
I was thought the same thing and most likely stated the same thing years ago on USMB.

I have found zero proof that people referred to Jews as palestinians. I see no proof at all that the word palestinian, was used at all.

Prove you are right.

How do you know.
With Jews owning and having bought the MSM lock stop and barrel , the last people they will criticise is their own .
Now Times are certainly Changing and this evil tyranny is in the process of being smashed .

Praise be to Universe .

I was thought the same thing and most likely stated the same thing years ago on USMB.

I have found zero proof that people referred to Jews as palestinians. I see no proof at all that the word palestinian, was used at all.

Prove you are right.

How do you know.
I know because I am an avid reader. If you really want to know, go to a large library and check out periodicals like "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC" on microfilm
I know because I am an avid reader. If you really want to know, go to a large library and check out periodicals like "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC" on microfilm
Nice try, you are wrong. I have hundreds of books on Palestine, not one refers to Jews as Palestinians.

If one publication calls Jews, Palestinians, that does not prove that the word palestinian was used by the public in reference to jews.
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So, I defined who palestinians are historically. Big deal
you can "define" -----in fact the word "palestinian" until approximately --
the 1960s meant JEW LIVING IN THE LAND CALLED "PALESTINE" by the Roman empire in the time of the Roman occupation thereof <<< FACT!!!!

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