What Giuliani knows about love: a response to his 'doesn't love America' critique of Obama

Come on, NaziCons, and defend this two-faced piece of shit.

Why? he can say whatever he wants, and we all know Obama was brought up with leftists leanings, which continued through college and his adult life. Obama does not love the current system we have, he wants to change it to match his image of a lefty utopia.

Yeah, so you NaziCons keep saying - but you have no "credible" proof.

Well you can dismiss anything as not credible. Here's a couple -- he worshiped for years at the altar of Rev. Wright who refers to USA and the USA of KKK and bellows god damn America. Not only did he adhere to that for 20 years (changing his position on Wright when it became undeniable to him that it would cost him politically - kind of like how we now know he lied on gay marriage) he said Wright was one of the central people in his life and even titled his book after one of Wrights lines (he probably wanted to go with USA of KKK but the publisher said no).

He now has said that the "legitimate grievances" of violent extremists must be addressed. Now remember violent extremists is the term he uses for what the rest of the world calls Islamic terrorists. Wonder what he thinks those legitimate greivances are.

I would point to those two things for starters.
Personal attacks may be fun for you NaziCon clowns - but can any of you actually address the OP? Do you think Julieannie knows much about love?

This from the queen of personal attacks who post personal attacks and criticizes people for personal attacks. I think you need to seek professional help.
Come on, NaziCons, and defend this two-faced piece of shit.

You think you're entitled to your opinion but Rudy isn't entitled to his, you fucking hypocrite.

Are you suggesting that Rudy has the right to his opinion but anyone who disagrees DOES NOT have the right to express that disagreement?

Sure you have a right to disagree, but stay on topic, princes bullshit post unrelated material and claims it has some validity in the discussion. She post personal attacks and then cries when people attack her, she's nothing but a hypocritical bitch and I have a right to that opinion.
Rudy saved the City from Commie Democrats. They hate him for the same reason they hate Reagan, he defeated their hometeam
Come on, NaziCons, and defend this two-faced piece of shit.

Why? he can say whatever he wants, and we all know Obama was brought up with leftists leanings, which continued through college and his adult life. Obama does not love the current system we have, he wants to change it to match his image of a lefty utopia.

Yeah, so you NaziCons keep saying - but you have no "credible" proof.
Tonto is to Obabble as Obabble is to muslim extremists.
Seems Obama is a respected father and family man

Personal characteristics that Rudy lacks with his "superior upbringing"

He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up,

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Rudy Giuliani knows a lot about love.

Ask Regina Peruggi, the second cousin he grew up with and married, who was "offended" when Rudy later engineered an annulment from the priest who was his best man on the grounds, strangely enough, that she was his cousin. Or ask Donna Hanover, the mother of his two children, who found out he wanted a separation when he left Gracie Mansion one morning and announced it at a televised press conference.

Or ask Judi Nathan, his third wife, whom he started dating while still married to Hanover and New York mayor. In two SUVs, he and an entourage of six or seven cops traveled 11 times to Judi's Hamptons getaway at a taxpayer cost of $3,000 a trip. That's love.

Rudy knows so much about love that he declared the other day that President Obama "doesn't love you" and "doesn't love me" at a private party of GOP fat cats.

The onetime presidential candidate also revealed at the party that Obama "doesn't love America," an echo of a speech he'd delivered to delirious cheers in Arizona a week earlier when he declared: "I would go anywhere, any place, anytime, and I wouldn't give a damn what the President of the United States said, to defend my country. That's a patriot. That's a man who loves his people. That's a man who fights for his people. Unlike our President."

Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him. And remember Bernie Kerik? He's the Giulaini police commissioner, business partner and sidekick whose nomination as homeland security secretary narrowly preceded indictments. He then did his national service in prison.

Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being "brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country," a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy's uncle.

More: Wayne Barrett: What Rudy Giuliani knows about love - NY Daily News

Sounds to me like Giuliani doesn't know much about love - or even the meaning of the word.
Pretty typical liberal response for someone who can't refute what Giuliani said. Change the subject, talk about irrelevant things, attack the messenger instead, and slime him all you can.

Back to the subject:
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.
President Obama is right that Islam is not a religion of terror - any more so than Christianity. Therefore, he is separating the violent extremists from the religion of Islam. Are all Christians to blame for what violent Christian extremists do? That makes perfect sense to me. Does it to you?

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

Cruelty in the Quran

No, he's sounding like a weak sissy mary. Its the typical progressive need to grovel before someone or something being displayed.
Rudy Giuliani knows a lot about love.

Ask Regina Peruggi, the second cousin he grew up with and married, who was "offended" when Rudy later engineered an annulment from the priest who was his best man on the grounds, strangely enough, that she was his cousin. Or ask Donna Hanover, the mother of his two children, who found out he wanted a separation when he left Gracie Mansion one morning and announced it at a televised press conference.

Or ask Judi Nathan, his third wife, whom he started dating while still married to Hanover and New York mayor. In two SUVs, he and an entourage of six or seven cops traveled 11 times to Judi's Hamptons getaway at a taxpayer cost of $3,000 a trip. That's love.

Rudy knows so much about love that he declared the other day that President Obama "doesn't love you" and "doesn't love me" at a private party of GOP fat cats.

The onetime presidential candidate also revealed at the party that Obama "doesn't love America," an echo of a speech he'd delivered to delirious cheers in Arizona a week earlier when he declared: "I would go anywhere, any place, anytime, and I wouldn't give a damn what the President of the United States said, to defend my country. That's a patriot. That's a man who loves his people. That's a man who fights for his people. Unlike our President."

Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him. And remember Bernie Kerik? He's the Giulaini police commissioner, business partner and sidekick whose nomination as homeland security secretary narrowly preceded indictments. He then did his national service in prison.

Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being "brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country," a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy's uncle.

More: Wayne Barrett: What Rudy Giuliani knows about love - NY Daily News

Sounds to me like Giuliani doesn't know much about love - or even the meaning of the word.
Pretty typical liberal response for someone who can't refute what Giuliani said. Change the subject, attack the messenger instead, and slime him all you can.

Back to the subject:
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

Did you read the OP? Can you comment on Julieannie's version of "love"?
He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up,

Rudy was brought up to cheat on his wives and abandon his family?

Thank God President Obama was not brought up that way
Obama tells us America needs fixing....the majority disagree...up his ass. All the ahole knows how to do is preach and tell us one and one is two. Go away dude...I'm tired of your bullshit.
He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up,

Rudy was brought up to cheat on his wives and abandon his family?

Thank God President Obama was not brought up that way

Amen! President Obama is a good family man - he loves his wife and children.
BTW, I don't pay attention to irrelevancies. The subject here is "a response to his 'doesn't love America' critique of Obama".

Back to the subject:
I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

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