What goes around comes around: Trump and the Non Nothing Party!

While people certainly have the right to be bigots, when the ACT upon that bigotry is when they harm the rights of others.
You do not have the right to my labor. Therefore, your rights are never "harmed" by my acting on bigotry. Nice try.
If your business is open to the public, if you business is licensed by the state, your labor is directly connected to these conditions.
Sorry...the U.S. Constitution says otherwise. You have no "right" to my labor. Slavery was outlawed years ago (sadly, you progressives tried to keep it then and you keep trying to find new ways again).
On human life, when an in vitro fertilization clinic purges their freezers, are they committing mass murder? What's the difference?
The difference is one is a human life and one is not. I suspect that you knew this already but are desperately grasping at straws.
What's human life? An embryo or an actual living human?
A human life is the moment of conception. That seems pretty obvious. If it's not a "life" - then what are these people aborting? If they don't have a human life in them then they don't have a baby. And if they don't have a baby, why are they going to an abortion clinic? :cuckoo:
The know-Nothing party, by name of American Party, U.S. political party that flourished in the 1850s. The Know-Nothing party was an outgrowth of the strong anti-immigrant and especially anti-Roman Catholic sentiment that started to manifest itself during the 1840s. A rising tide of immigrants, primarily Germans in the Midwest and Irish in the East, seemed to pose a threat to the economic and political security of native-born Protestant Americans. In 1849 the secret Order of the Star-Spangled Banner formed in New York City, and soon after lodges formed in nearly every other major American city.

See link at : Know-Nothing party | political party, United States

The similarity between the American Party and today's Republikan Party are obvious. Even the Pope has come under fire as too liberal / progressive in the minds of today's neo fascists.

Clinton embraced free trade, Wall Street regulation in emails released by Wikileaks

You really think any Clinton supporters care about the issues? If they did they wouldn't support her.
Even the Pope has come under fire as too liberal / progressive in the minds of today's neo fascists.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:

Only stupid people make this claim, and only stupid people believe it. Thanks so much for proving the truth of this statement.
It takes a special kind of stupid to think that the side that believes in the individual and small, limited government is the same side that also believes in a totalitarian regime with unlimited power forcing everyone into the collective. They are polar opposites you dumb ass.

The fringe left is fascists, communists, socialists, and marxists. The fringe right is Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists (no government, no laws, no rules at all) you moron.
Actually, it's not a matter of forced acceptance but equality under the law. Someone married in Maryland is married in California and Maine and Iowa. Your stilted notion would call that basic freedom into question.
The U.S. Constitution says otherwise. No state is required to recognize the marriage of another state. Sorry. It has nothing to do with "freedom". That's a vintage false narrative (and ironic coming from the side that unilaterally rejects freedom in favor of collectivism and a bat-shit crazy ideology). You are free to get married. Nobody is preventing that. But a state is free not to recognize that marriage.
You might want to really read that pesky constitution. It gets juicy around the "full faith and credit" clause.
On human life, when an in vitro fertilization clinic purges their freezers, are they committing mass murder? What's the difference?
The difference is one is a human life and one is not. I suspect that you knew this already but are desperately grasping at straws.
What's human life? An embryo or an actual living human?
A human life is the moment of conception. That seems pretty obvious. If it's not a "life" - then what are these people aborting? If they don't have a human life in them then they don't have a baby. And if they don't have a baby, why are they going to an abortion clinic? :cuckoo:
If human life begins at conception, then why do you excuse in vitro fertilization clinics when they clean out their freezers?
Even the Pope has come under fire as too liberal / progressive in the minds of today's neo fascists.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:

Only stupid people make this claim, and only stupid people believe it. Thanks so much for proving the truth of this statement.
It takes a special kind of stupid to think that the side that believes in the individual and small, limited government is the same side that also believes in a totalitarian regime with unlimited power forcing everyone into the collective. They are polar opposites you dumb ass.

The fringe left is fascists, communists, socialists, and marxists. The fringe right is Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists (no government, no laws, no rules at all) you moron.

Thanks so much for sharing. It's always of interest when someone so ignorant is so sure their opinions are factual. Interesting and sadly funny.
On human life, when an in vitro fertilization clinic purges their freezers, are they committing mass murder? What's the difference?
The difference is one is a human life and one is not. I suspect that you knew this already but are desperately grasping at straws.
What's human life? An embryo or an actual living human?
A human life is the moment of conception. That seems pretty obvious. If it's not a "life" - then what are these people aborting? If they don't have a human life in them then they don't have a baby. And if they don't have a baby, why are they going to an abortion clinic? :cuckoo:
If human life begins at conception, then why do you excuse in vitro fertilization clinics when they clean out their freezers?
Because that isn't conception. A freezer has never given birth to a baby... Any other stupid and desperate arguments you would like to try?

If human life doesn't begin at conception - why are these women going to abortion clinics? By your logic, they aren't going to have a baby. :eusa_doh:
Even the Pope has come under fire as too liberal / progressive in the minds of today's neo fascists.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:

Only stupid people make this claim, and only stupid people believe it. Thanks so much for proving the truth of this statement.
It takes a special kind of stupid to think that the side that believes in the individual and small, limited government is the same side that also believes in a totalitarian regime with unlimited power forcing everyone into the collective. They are polar opposites you dumb ass.

The fringe left is fascists, communists, socialists, and marxists. The fringe right is Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists (no government, no laws, no rules at all) you moron.

Thanks so much for sharing. It's always of interest when someone so ignorant is so sure their opinions are factual. Interesting and sadly funny.
In other words....you can't dispute this at all and your pissed off about it like a typical immature progressive.

On human life, when an in vitro fertilization clinic purges their freezers, are they committing mass murder? What's the difference?
The difference is one is a human life and one is not. I suspect that you knew this already but are desperately grasping at straws.
What's human life? An embryo or an actual living human?
A human life is the moment of conception. That seems pretty obvious. If it's not a "life" - then what are these people aborting? If they don't have a human life in them then they don't have a baby. And if they don't have a baby, why are they going to an abortion clinic? :cuckoo:
If human life begins at conception, then why do you excuse in vitro fertilization clinics when they clean out their freezers?
Because that isn't conception. A freezer has never given birth to a baby... Any other stupid and desperate arguments you would like to try?

If human life doesn't begin at conception - why are these women going to abortion clinics? By your logic, they aren't going to have a baby. :eusa_doh:

Frozen embryos aren't conception? You might want to do some reading and come back to the thread. You're missing some key information.
On human life, when an in vitro fertilization clinic purges their freezers, are they committing mass murder? What's the difference?
The difference is one is a human life and one is not. I suspect that you knew this already but are desperately grasping at straws.
What's human life? An embryo or an actual living human?
A human life is the moment of conception. That seems pretty obvious. If it's not a "life" - then what are these people aborting? If they don't have a human life in them then they don't have a baby. And if they don't have a baby, why are they going to an abortion clinic? :cuckoo:
If human life begins at conception, then why do you excuse in vitro fertilization clinics when they clean out their freezers?
Because that isn't conception. A freezer has never given birth to a baby... Any other stupid and desperate arguments you would like to try?

If human life doesn't begin at conception - why are these women going to abortion clinics? By your logic, they aren't going to have a baby. :eusa_doh:
What's the difference between the human zygote in a freezer and the human zygote in the womb? Timing? Those frozen zygotes were conceived as the zygote in the womb. They are both potential human beings.
Even the Pope has come under fire as too liberal / progressive in the minds of today's neo fascists.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:

Only stupid people make this claim, and only stupid people believe it. Thanks so much for proving the truth of this statement.
It takes a special kind of stupid to think that the side that believes in the individual and small, limited government is the same side that also believes in a totalitarian regime with unlimited power forcing everyone into the collective. They are polar opposites you dumb ass.

The fringe left is fascists, communists, socialists, and marxists. The fringe right is Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists (no government, no laws, no rules at all) you moron.

Thanks so much for sharing. It's always of interest when someone so ignorant is so sure their opinions are factual. Interesting and sadly funny.
In other words....you can't dispute this at all and your pissed off about it like a typical immature progressive.


I don't need to refute such ignorance. You are echoing the current BIG LIE of the Right Wing Fringe. As for my being "pissed off", there is very little you can write which would create an emotional response from me. You're inconsequential as are all members of the echo chamber.
As for my being "pissed off", there is very little you can write which would create an emotional response from me. You're inconsequential as are all members of the echo chamber.
Cute false narrative. You spend your life angry because reality does not align with your beloved ideology. It creates an inner conflcit which is why you lash out at conservatives 24x7. Trust me Catcher....it's easier to simply accept reality.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

and from Dictionary.com

the definition of fascism

1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism

2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc

3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

I know it drives you right-wing types around the twist to have to accept the the most heinous political party in modern history is a right-wing conservative movement but that's the real reason why the American Nazi Party, the KKK and Aryan Nation are all supporters of the Republican Party.

Right-wing facist dictators are the conservative equivalent of communistic dictators like Mao. Extremist views can only thrive in the absence of opposition. Both left and right extremists are equally guilty of atrocities.

The main reason why governments in Europe were anxious to appease Hitler was because he was right-wing and hated communism almost as much as he hated Jews. That Lenin was both a Jew and a Communist really sealed the deal for Hitler, when it came to Communism. As odious as he may have seemed, at least he hated Communism.


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IOW, Patriot, you have been made to look a fool, just like the Know Nothings then and the Non Nothings now.

Your very belief system for preventing civil liberties is far right wing Progressivism, using Big Government to force political change.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:
I know it drives you right-wing types around the twist to have to accept the the most heinous political party in modern history is a right-wing conservative movement but that's the real reason why the American Nazi Party, the KKK and Aryan Nation are all supporters of the Republican Party.
The only thing that drives me crazy is progressive propaganda and the people dumb enough to buy into it. Here is the definition from merriam-webster (just slightly more reliable than dictionary.com):
  • a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
  • very harsh control or authority
I don't see "right-wing" in there anywhere. Do you? Dictatorial/Authoritarian control is exclusively left-wing. The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker while the people get more rights and liberty until you reach the very end of the spectrum: anarchy. No government. No rules. No laws. The polar opposite of fascism.

The fact that you progressives need something so obvious and simple explained to you make sure it clear why you are progressives.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:
and from Dictionary.com

the definition of fascism
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism

2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc

3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

I just caught Dragonlady lying. Here is the actual definition of fascism from Dictionary.com (click the link to see for yourself):
  1. (sometimes initial capital letter) agovernmental system led by a dictatorhaving complete power, forcibly suppressingopposition and criticism, regimenting allindustry, commerce, etc., and emphasizingan aggressive nationalism and often racism.
  2. (sometimes initial capital letter) thephilosophy, principles, or methods offascism.
  3. (initial capital letter) a political movementthat employs the principles and methods offascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.
No where does it mention Germany, right-wing, etc. as she posted above. More progressive propaganda.
Fascism is left-wing you dillhole.... :lmao:
I know it drives you right-wing types around the twist to have to accept the the most heinous political party in modern history is a right-wing conservative movement but that's the real reason why the American Nazi Party, the KKK and Aryan Nation are all supporters of the Republican Party.
The KKK was founded by the Dumbocrats sweetie and racism remains nearly exclusively the position of the Dumbocrats. It's chilling how much you don't know and yet you're able to cast a vote.

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