What goes around comes around: Trump and the Non Nothing Party!

Yet its the dumbocrat nominee and her cohorts attacking Catholics and Evangelicals! Amazing.

Another liar ^^^ from a crazy right winger who puts a single source edited by a wanted sexual offender as an absolute truth.

The editor who releases stolen records, possibly working for Russia, and is attempting to destabilize the United States by electing a lunatic to the office of POTUS. Why any reasonable American will take the words of others to defame HRC is dishonest and a biddable fool.

Trump is a lunatic and a pervert who personally attacks minorities, women and any person who does not kiss his ass. The evidence of his pathology is apparent in his words and in the first person accounts of women he has abused.

HRC is not responsible for anything uttered by anyone but herself. Does she misspeak on occasion? Sure, don't we all? Claiming she is a bigot when someone else allegedly mocked Catholics (of which I am one) and evangelicals offers no proof as to her feelings about either group. You and other fools are hypocrites on steroids. But Know thyself is not part of the make up of sociopathic personalities or irrational members of he crazy right wing.
Facts don't lie crybaby. Now off to your safe space now that you have been triggered.

Distorted facts are the basis of partisan opinions, and only the easily lead and dim of wit echo them as truths.

BTW Interesting use of the word "triggered":

Trigger | Know Your Meme

Obviously you had another meaning in mind, why not be explicit as to what you really meant?
still triggered...wikileaks doesn't lie they simply release what others try to hide...and we see why they wanted it hidden.

You see what you want to see, which is willful ignorance. Primary sources are the best sources for decision makers. Opinion makers take what they want and leave both reason and honesty behind.

"still triggered"? Seems to reference that infamous map of Sarah Palin, the one with cross hairs on elected officials. But, I might be wrong, why not be honest for a change and tell me what you really think?
An email directly from the person who said it IS the best primary source lol...
Which side is that? You can't possibly expect anyone who supports Donald Trump also, "promotes the individual and liberty"; his words alone refute such an already absurd statement.
That's because Donald Trump is a life-long progressive Dumbocrat. So no - he does not promote the individual or liberty. None of you collective socialists do.
HRC's life work has been about lifting up the individual and promoting economic and social justice. In fact her ideas fully incorporate the vision/mission statement articulated so well in the Preamble to the Constitution.
Bwahahahahaha! HRC's life has been about wealth and power you immature, idealistic, naïve little tool. And she's achieved that through fascism.
The reality is Assange is a wanted sexual offender
Another day, another lie by Wry. Julian Assange is not a "sexual offender". He hasn't even had a trial for that yet, much less convicted. Your the same side that keeps proclaiming that Hitlery isn't a criminal because she's never been convicted. Why the refusal to apply the same standard to anyone not in the Dumbocrat party?

Proving once again that Wry denies reality. Because the true reality is that at this time Julian Assange is not a "sexual offender".

The reality is HRC testified before a hostile Congress and no wrong doing was discovered, Assange is on the run, so to speak, and has not and will not appear before the prosecutor and give his side of the story.

As for your rants above, it seems the lady does protest too much. Tissue?
Trump is a lunatic and a pervert who personally attacks minorities, women and any person who does not kiss his ass. The evidence of his pathology is apparent in his words and in the first person accounts of women he has abused.

All true (for once). And you know what? Hitlery Clinton is an emotionally unstable lunatic who is desperate for power and wealth. She is a pathological liar who engages in any and all forms of illegal and unethical acts for wealth.

Me thinks you, faux patriot, are the pathological liar, and given your propensity to attack the intelligence and integrity of others seems to reinforce my opinion of YOUR KIND, that being the psychological transference of your character flaws to others.

You strike me as one very sick puppy.
Last edited:
Another liar ^^^ from a crazy right winger who puts a single source edited by a wanted sexual offender as an absolute truth.

The editor who releases stolen records, possibly working for Russia, and is attempting to destabilize the United States by electing a lunatic to the office of POTUS. Why any reasonable American will take the words of others to defame HRC is dishonest and a biddable fool.

Trump is a lunatic and a pervert who personally attacks minorities, women and any person who does not kiss his ass. The evidence of his pathology is apparent in his words and in the first person accounts of women he has abused.

HRC is not responsible for anything uttered by anyone but herself. Does she misspeak on occasion? Sure, don't we all? Claiming she is a bigot when someone else allegedly mocked Catholics (of which I am one) and evangelicals offers no proof as to her feelings about either group. You and other fools are hypocrites on steroids. But Know thyself is not part of the make up of sociopathic personalities or irrational members of he crazy right wing.
Facts don't lie crybaby. Now off to your safe space now that you have been triggered.

Distorted facts are the basis of partisan opinions, and only the easily lead and dim of wit echo them as truths.

BTW Interesting use of the word "triggered":

Trigger | Know Your Meme

Obviously you had another meaning in mind, why not be explicit as to what you really meant?
still triggered...wikileaks doesn't lie they simply release what others try to hide...and we see why they wanted it hidden.

You see what you want to see, which is willful ignorance. Primary sources are the best sources for decision makers. Opinion makers take what they want and leave both reason and honesty behind.

"still triggered"? Seems to reference that infamous map of Sarah Palin, the one with cross hairs on elected officials. But, I might be wrong, why not be honest for a change and tell me what you really think?
An email directly from the person who said it IS the best primary source lol...

How does one know and e-mail has not been edited by the hacker? And when is someone guilty of the sin of bigotry when the comment is made by another?

Once again, those who echo this form of character assassination are either liars, stupid or both.
There is no use in arguing with fools. Limbaugh, Hannity, and other talking heads of the same genre lie constantly. Their BIG LIES are echoed by P@triot, briprat, and others, some of whom seem to really believe Authoritarianism is a guiding principle of liberals, progressives and the Democratic Party.

Which only proves propaganda works, and the biddable prove that every day by maligning those of us who expose their daily dose of mendacity. Notice that most of their posts are littered / polluted with non descriptive words hurled like spears at liberals, progressives and Democrats - they even have pet names: libtard, prog, dumbocrat, etc. and other childish pejoratives.
Does anyone know if P@triot has left for his appointment with the Vet. He is as we know a very sick puppy.
The know-Nothing party, by name of American Party, U.S. political party that flourished in the 1850s. The Know-Nothing party was an outgrowth of the strong anti-immigrant and especially anti-Roman Catholic sentiment that started to manifest itself during the 1840s. A rising tide of immigrants, primarily Germans in the Midwest and Irish in the East, seemed to pose a threat to the economic and political security of native-born Protestant Americans. In 1849 the secret Order of the Star-Spangled Banner formed in New York City, and soon after lodges formed in nearly every other major American city.

See link at : Know-Nothing party | political party, United States

The similarity between the American Party and today's Republikan Party are obvious. Even the Pope has come under fire as too liberal / progressive in the minds of today's neo fascists.
Yet its the dumbocrat nominee and her cohorts attacking Catholics and Evangelicals! Amazing.

Another liar ^^^ from a crazy right winger who puts a single source edited by a wanted sexual offender as an absolute truth.

The editor who releases stolen records, possibly working for Russia, and is attempting to destabilize the United States by electing a lunatic to the office of POTUS. Why any reasonable American will take the words of others to defame HRC is dishonest and a biddable fool.

Trump is a lunatic and a pervert who personally attacks minorities, women and any person who does not kiss his ass. The evidence of his pathology is apparent in his words and in the first person accounts of women he has abused.

HRC is not responsible for anything uttered by anyone but herself. Does she misspeak on occasion? Sure, don't we all? Claiming she is a bigot when someone else allegedly mocked Catholics (of which I am one) and evangelicals offers no proof as to her feelings about either group. You and other fools are hypocrites on steroids. But Know thyself is not part of the make up of sociopathic personalities or irrational members of he crazy right wing.

It ain't going to work, douche bag. No one has disputed the authenticity of these emails. Attacking Assange isn't going to convince anyone that they aren't legitimate. You douche bags are going to have to think up some new tricks because your standard strategies for avoiding taking responsibility for your crimes isn't working.
Nope...look it up.
Fascism is total state control. It's the polar opposite of right-wing you moron. Extreme right-wing is no government, no laws, no control at all - anarchy.

It takes an astounding level of stupidity to believe that the side which promotes the individual and liberty is the same side as fascism.

Which side is that? You can't possibly expect anyone who supports Donald Trump also, "promotes the individual and liberty"; his words alone refute such an already absurd statement.

HRC's life work has been about lifting up the individual and promoting economic and social justice. In fact her ideas fully incorporate the vision/mission statement articulated so well in the Preamble to the Constitution.
"Social and economic justice" are in direct conflict with individual freedom, so you admitted in your second paragraph what you denied in your first paragraph.
Facts don't lie crybaby. Now off to your safe space now that you have been triggered.

Distorted facts are the basis of partisan opinions, and only the easily lead and dim of wit echo them as truths.

BTW Interesting use of the word "triggered":

Trigger | Know Your Meme

Obviously you had another meaning in mind, why not be explicit as to what you really meant?
still triggered...wikileaks doesn't lie they simply release what others try to hide...and we see why they wanted it hidden.

You see what you want to see, which is willful ignorance. Primary sources are the best sources for decision makers. Opinion makers take what they want and leave both reason and honesty behind.

"still triggered"? Seems to reference that infamous map of Sarah Palin, the one with cross hairs on elected officials. But, I might be wrong, why not be honest for a change and tell me what you really think?
An email directly from the person who said it IS the best primary source lol...

How does one know and e-mail has not been edited by the hacker? And when is someone guilty of the sin of bigotry when the comment is made by another?

Once again, those who echo this form of character assassination are either liars, stupid or both.

The person who wrote the email can easily prove it since it's probably still in his email history and the two can be compared. So far Podesta has declined to do that. No one has denied the accuracy or the validity of these emails.
Distorted facts are the basis of partisan opinions, and only the easily lead and dim of wit echo them as truths.

BTW Interesting use of the word "triggered":

Trigger | Know Your Meme

Obviously you had another meaning in mind, why not be explicit as to what you really meant?
still triggered...wikileaks doesn't lie they simply release what others try to hide...and we see why they wanted it hidden.

You see what you want to see, which is willful ignorance. Primary sources are the best sources for decision makers. Opinion makers take what they want and leave both reason and honesty behind.

"still triggered"? Seems to reference that infamous map of Sarah Palin, the one with cross hairs on elected officials. But, I might be wrong, why not be honest for a change and tell me what you really think?
An email directly from the person who said it IS the best primary source lol...

How does one know and e-mail has not been edited by the hacker? And when is someone guilty of the sin of bigotry when the comment is made by another?

Once again, those who echo this form of character assassination are either liars, stupid or both.

The person who wrote the email can easily prove it since it's probably still in his email history and the two can be compared. So far Podesta has declined to do that. No one has denied the accuracy or the validity of these emails.

No one? I raised some question which you did not answer. Hacked e-mails are the product thieves / criminals. They have been all about defaming HRC. I know you're not very bright, and being a hack limits even an honest response, but I'll ask anyway.

Do you have any reservations about the integrity of e-mails hacked and the allegations that such hackery is the product of Putan's Russia?
still triggered...wikileaks doesn't lie they simply release what others try to hide...and we see why they wanted it hidden.

You see what you want to see, which is willful ignorance. Primary sources are the best sources for decision makers. Opinion makers take what they want and leave both reason and honesty behind.

"still triggered"? Seems to reference that infamous map of Sarah Palin, the one with cross hairs on elected officials. But, I might be wrong, why not be honest for a change and tell me what you really think?
An email directly from the person who said it IS the best primary source lol...

How does one know and e-mail has not been edited by the hacker? And when is someone guilty of the sin of bigotry when the comment is made by another?

Once again, those who echo this form of character assassination are either liars, stupid or both.

The person who wrote the email can easily prove it since it's probably still in his email history and the two can be compared. So far Podesta has declined to do that. No one has denied the accuracy or the validity of these emails.

No one? I raised some question which you did not answer. Hacked e-mails are the product thieves / criminals. They have been all about defaming HRC. I know you're not very bright, and being a hack limits even an honest response, but I'll ask anyway.

Do you have any reservations about the integrity of e-mails hacked and the allegations that such hackery is the product of Putan's Russia?

There isn't a shred of evidence that Putin is behind it. All the arrows point at the U.S. intelligence community, who hate Hillary with a purple passion. When the people identified in the emails come out and say they are bogus, then perhaps you might have something to stand on. So far, none of them have denied a thing. Since Podesta is the source of all the recent releases, he could easily show if any have been altered. He has consistently declined to do that.

The fact that you question them only shows what a douche bag you are. You aren't the author of the emails or a recipient. Your "questions" don't mean jack shit.

Speaking of not being very bright and being hack, don't the facts I have just enumerated indicate that about you?
You see what you want to see, which is willful ignorance. Primary sources are the best sources for decision makers. Opinion makers take what they want and leave both reason and honesty behind.

"still triggered"? Seems to reference that infamous map of Sarah Palin, the one with cross hairs on elected officials. But, I might be wrong, why not be honest for a change and tell me what you really think?
An email directly from the person who said it IS the best primary source lol...

How does one know and e-mail has not been edited by the hacker? And when is someone guilty of the sin of bigotry when the comment is made by another?

Once again, those who echo this form of character assassination are either liars, stupid or both.

The person who wrote the email can easily prove it since it's probably still in his email history and the two can be compared. So far Podesta has declined to do that. No one has denied the accuracy or the validity of these emails.

No one? I raised some question which you did not answer. Hacked e-mails are the product thieves / criminals. They have been all about defaming HRC. I know you're not very bright, and being a hack limits even an honest response, but I'll ask anyway.

Do you have any reservations about the integrity of e-mails hacked and the allegations that such hackery is the product of Putan's Russia?

There isn't a shred of evidence that Putin is behind it. All the arrows point at the U.S. intelligence community, who hate Hillary with a purple passion. When the people identified in the emails come out and say they are bogus, then perhaps you might have something to stand on. So far, none of them have denied a thing. Since Podesta is the source of all the recent releases, he could easily show if any have been altered. He has consistently declined to do that.

The fact that you question them only shows what a douche bag you are. You aren't the author of the emails or a recipient. Your "questions" don't mean jack shit.

Speaking of not being very bright and being hack, don't the facts I have just enumerated indicate that about you?

Nope, you're rep. is that you are a charter member of the lunatic fringe, nothing you post rings true or sensible.
Nope, you're rep. is that you are a charter member of the lunatic fringe, nothing you post rings true or sensible.
It really is amusing watching you get your panties in a bunch attempting to deny reality. Progressives are a special kind of bat-shit crazy. :lol:
Nope, you're rep. is that you are a charter member of the lunatic fringe, nothing you post rings true or sensible.
Wry Catcher approaches life like the average 1st grader. He closes his eyes real tight, puts his fingers in his ears, and yells "nah-nah-nah-nah... I can't hear you".

I've never seen someone work so hard to avoid reality or remain uninformed.
Nope, you're rep. is that you are a charter member of the lunatic fringe, nothing you post rings true or sensible.
Wry Catcher approaches life like the average 1st grader. He closes his eyes real tight, puts his fingers in his ears, and yells "nah-nah-nah-nah... I can't hear you".

I've never seen someone work so hard to avoid reality or remain uninformed.

Thanks so much for sharing your opinions, they are so insightful in so many ways one must wonder why you waste you time on a message board such as this. In so few words you create thoughtful, reasoned and comprehensive arguments that might make even the great thinkers of history envious.


Watch now how the Queen of the Ad Hominem spins my words in an effort to become relevant. Much like M14 Shooter, 2aguy and the third stooge, the guy from Cleveland, P@atriot is too invested in trying to win an argument at any cost. The cost in his case is mendacity, and offering opinions based on a foundation of ignorance, bigotry and hate.
Watch now how the Queen of the Ad Hominem spins my words in an effort to become relevant. Much like M14 Shooter, 2aguy and the third stooge, the guy from Cleveland, P@atriot is too invested in trying to win an argument at any cost. The cost in his case is mendacity, and offering opinions based on a foundation of ignorance, bigotry and hate.
There is an old saying: if everybody in the room is an asshole - maybe it's you. :lmao:

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