What goes around, comes around:

Has AG Barr fulfilled his promise to We the People

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I voted yes just for the hell of it...

Barr is a butt kissed just like every other AG since Clinton time...
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William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.
Just STFU...you are so extreme in your hatred of freedom and self rule...you are a globalist freak of nature....and you will lose again....its time you realize that many in the federal government have no interest in your quality of life and will go on the attack against anyone that improves your life....like Donald J Trump....and you help them each and every day right here....
I was with you til you mentioned Trump improving anyone's life- I've yet to see, or hear, him, or any politician for that matter, mention liberty-
Tax cuts are a joke and a tool, just like raising taxes are the same- politicians put citizens into two(2) categories. Tools or enemies. Any empty suit who signs off on any of the liberty restricting, constitutional abuses already in effect is an enemy of liberty, and Trump, just like the ones around him and those before him don't have a problem with speeding up the rate of descent this Republic is going to hit a brick wall, which will come tumbling down, and you can bet your Republican subterfuge citizens will pay the price long before politico's do-
William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.
Just STFU...you are so extreme in your hatred of freedom and self rule...you are a globalist freak of nature....and you will lose again....its time you realize that many in the federal government have no interest in your quality of life and will go on the attack against anyone that improves your life....like Donald J Trump....and you help them each and every day right here....
I was with you til you mentioned Trump improving anyone's life- I've yet to see, or hear, him, or any politician for that matter, mention liberty-
Tax cuts are a joke and a tool, just like raising taxes are the same- politicians put citizens into two(2) categories. Tools or enemies. Any empty suit who signs off on any of the liberty restricting, constitutional abuses already in effect is an enemy of liberty, and Trump, just like the ones around him and those before him don't have a problem with speeding up the rate of descent this Republic is going to hit a brick wall, which will come tumbling down, and you can bet your Republican subterfuge citizens will pay the price long before politico's do-
We have to select the better of two right?...isn't that the way they have stacked the deck?...my town...my county....myself and my family are all doing better today than they were two years ago...an educated guess on who gets the credit for that in DC is Donald Trump and the economic wizards he has selected to be on his team.....I can't go back....I could never go back to the dems....I can't take that chance at this critical stage of my life....can you?....
I was with you til you mentioned Trump improving anyone's life- I've yet to see, or hear, him, or any politician for that matter, mention liberty-
Tax cuts are a joke and a tool, just like raising taxes are the same- politicians put citizens into two(2) categories. Tools or enemies. Any empty suit who signs off on any of the liberty restricting, constitutional abuses already in effect is an enemy of liberty, and Trump, just like the ones around him and those before him don't have a problem with speeding up the rate of descent this Republic is going to hit a brick wall, which will come tumbling down, and you can bet your Republican subterfuge citizens will pay the price long before politico's do-[/QUOTE]
We have to select the better of two right?...isn't that the way they have stacked the deck?...my town...my county....myself and my family are all doing better today than they were two years ago...an educated guess on who gets the credit for that in DC is Donald Trump and the economic wizards he has selected to be on his team.....I can't go back....I could never go back to the dems....I can't take that chance at this critical stage of my life....can you?....[/QUOTE]

The lesser of two evils is still evil. To give credit to any politician is still giving credit to a politician. It was your money to begin with. He subscribes to the same theft system Democrats do, which Republicans subscribe to- theft is theft legal or not, it's immoral to take what is not earned. It's what both sides subscribe to.
I should have known the dumbest trumpanzees would fly to this thread and attempt to thwart it.

Noted, Six voters agree that Barr is a partisan and violated his oath.

Boo hoo, widdle Wy Catcher isn't getting the tin foil hat bias confirmation he was hoping for. Pound sand.

Idiot-gram ^^^, variety, Mental Masturbater.
Hey now, I'm not part of your liberal drooling circle jerk. Carry on stroker ace.
William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.

Let the man do his job for heavens sake!

He hasn't finished yet....wait till he is finished and then do your poll! Jezzzz:rolleyes:
I have no reason to believe that Barr is anything other than what he says he is.
I don't think there's a Ghouliani - Barr connection. Barr seems more interested in whether someone in the DOJ basically manufactured evidence of a Trump - Russia connection in coordinating election activities, and that investigation shouldn't threaten anyone in America unless they did it. LOL

Ghouliani sort of has a shadow brief from Trump to operate outside of both the DoJ and SoS. Pompano is beyond a doubt Trump's toady because he cooperated fully in the Trump-Ghouliani campaign to fabricate evidence in Ukraine of the mythical server that hacked the election and to gain political dirt on Biden. There's no reason to think Barr is any part of that.

But the question is why Barr is solely interested in possible illegalities in the Russia-Trump story, and not in the Ukraine-Trump story.
I have no reason to believe that Barr is anything other than what he says he is.
I don't think there's a Ghouliani - Barr connection. Barr seems more interested in whether someone in the DOJ basically manufactured evidence of a Trump - Russia connection in coordinating election activities, and that investigation shouldn't threaten anyone in America unless they did it. LOL

Ghouliani sort of has a shadow brief from Trump to operate outside of both the DoJ and SoS. Pompano is beyond a doubt Trump's toady because he cooperated fully in the Trump-Ghouliani campaign to fabricate evidence in Ukraine of the mythical server that hacked the election and to gain political dirt on Biden. There's no reason to think Barr is any part of that.

But the question is why Barr is solely interested in possible illegalities in the Russia-Trump story, and not in the Ukraine-Trump story.

IMO the former is an exculpatory mission, the latter and effort to find dirt on the Biden's.
I was with you til you mentioned Trump improving anyone's life- I've yet to see, or hear, him, or any politician for that matter, mention liberty-
Tax cuts are a joke and a tool, just like raising taxes are the same- politicians put citizens into two(2) categories. Tools or enemies. Any empty suit who signs off on any of the liberty restricting, constitutional abuses already in effect is an enemy of liberty, and Trump, just like the ones around him and those before him don't have a problem with speeding up the rate of descent this Republic is going to hit a brick wall, which will come tumbling down, and you can bet your Republican subterfuge citizens will pay the price long before politico's do-[/QUOTE]
We have to select the better of two right?...isn't that the way they have stacked the deck?...my town...my county....myself and my family are all doing better today than they were two years ago...an educated guess on who gets the credit for that in DC is Donald Trump and the economic wizards he has selected to be on his team.....I can't go back....I could never go back to the dems....I can't take that chance at this critical stage of my life....can you?....[/QUOTE]

The lesser of two evils is still evil. To give credit to any politician is still giving credit to a politician. It was your money to begin with. He subscribes to the same theft system Democrats do, which Republicans subscribe to- theft is theft legal or not, it's immoral to take what is not earned. It's what both sides subscribe to.[/QUOTE]

You seem to not understand that politicians are people, and the Founders and Framers were too. To lump all Pols together is wrong, naive and dishonest.
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William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.

Let the man do his job for heavens sake!

He hasn't finished yet....wait till he is finished and then do your poll! Jezzzz:rolleyes:

The poll will be around for 365 days, time will tell if Barr puts our country or trump first. My guess is Barr will put himself first. Ambition, as in most of Shakespeare's work, can be a deadly sin.
William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.
He should be defending The Constitution and The United States and The Office of The Presidency from The DemNazi Party, and COUP 1.0 & COUP 2.0.

I'll consider him to be "doing his job" when he starts putting corrupt Obama Officials in jail. Until then, Barr might as well be part of the most corrupt administration in History, The Obama Bin Lying Administration.

Why are The DemNazis afraid of Democracy.
I was with you til you mentioned Trump improving anyone's life- I've yet to see, or hear, him, or any politician for that matter, mention liberty-
Tax cuts are a joke and a tool, just like raising taxes are the same- politicians put citizens into two(2) categories. Tools or enemies. Any empty suit who signs off on any of the liberty restricting, constitutional abuses already in effect is an enemy of liberty, and Trump, just like the ones around him and those before him don't have a problem with speeding up the rate of descent this Republic is going to hit a brick wall, which will come tumbling down, and you can bet your Republican subterfuge citizens will pay the price long before politico's do-[/QUOTE]
We have to select the better of two right?...isn't that the way they have stacked the deck?...my town...my county....myself and my family are all doing better today than they were two years ago...an educated guess on who gets the credit for that in DC is Donald Trump and the economic wizards he has selected to be on his team.....I can't go back....I could never go back to the dems....I can't take that chance at this critical stage of my life....can you?....[/QUOTE]

The lesser of two evils is still evil. To give credit to any politician is still giving credit to a politician. It was your money to begin with. He subscribes to the same theft system Democrats do, which Republicans subscribe to- theft is theft legal or not, it's immoral to take what is not earned. It's what both sides subscribe to.[/QUOTE]

You seem to not understand that politicians are people, and the Founders and Framers were too. To lump all Pols together is wrong, naive and dishonest.
William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.
He should be defending The Constitution and The United States and The Office of The Presidency from The DemNazi Party, and COUP 1.0 & COUP 2.0.

I'll consider him to be "doing his job" when he starts putting corrupt Obama Officials in jail. Until then, Barr might as well be part of the most corrupt administration in History, The Obama Bin Lying Administration.

Why are The DemNazis afraid of Democracy.

I'm sure no one give a damn about what you consider.
I have no reason to believe that Barr is anything other than what he says he is.
I don't think there's a Ghouliani - Barr connection. Barr seems more interested in whether someone in the DOJ basically manufactured evidence of a Trump - Russia connection in coordinating election activities, and that investigation shouldn't threaten anyone in America unless they did it. LOL

Ghouliani sort of has a shadow brief from Trump to operate outside of both the DoJ and SoS. Pompano is beyond a doubt Trump's toady because he cooperated fully in the Trump-Ghouliani campaign to fabricate evidence in Ukraine of the mythical server that hacked the election and to gain political dirt on Biden. There's no reason to think Barr is any part of that.

But the question is why Barr is solely interested in possible illegalities in the Russia-Trump story, and not in the Ukraine-Trump story.

IMO the former is an exculpatory mission, the latter and effort to find dirt on the Biden's.
Well, if someone in the DoJ violated some law in tying Trump to Russia, imo we should know.

But again, Barr seems only interested in vindicating Trump, rather than looking into his abuse of power via Ghouliani, and Ghoulani is lawyering up to avoid talking and the DoJ is facilitating his ability to avoid subpoenas. So imo its 50-50 that Barr is just another Trump toady.
I was with you til you mentioned Trump improving anyone's life- I've yet to see, or hear, him, or any politician for that matter, mention liberty-
Tax cuts are a joke and a tool, just like raising taxes are the same- politicians put citizens into two(2) categories. Tools or enemies. Any empty suit who signs off on any of the liberty restricting, constitutional abuses already in effect is an enemy of liberty, and Trump, just like the ones around him and those before him don't have a problem with speeding up the rate of descent this Republic is going to hit a brick wall, which will come tumbling down, and you can bet your Republican subterfuge citizens will pay the price long before politico's do-
We have to select the better of two right?...isn't that the way they have stacked the deck?...my town...my county....myself and my family are all doing better today than they were two years ago...an educated guess on who gets the credit for that in DC is Donald Trump and the economic wizards he has selected to be on his team.....I can't go back....I could never go back to the dems....I can't take that chance at this critical stage of my life....can you?....[/QUOTE]

The lesser of two evils is still evil. To give credit to any politician is still giving credit to a politician. It was your money to begin with. He subscribes to the same theft system Democrats do, which Republicans subscribe to- theft is theft legal or not, it's immoral to take what is not earned. It's what both sides subscribe to.[/QUOTE]

You seem to not understand that politicians are people, and the Founders and Framers were too. To lump all Pols together is wrong, naive and dishonest.[/QUOTE]
Yes they're people. Corrupt sociopath people. As far as I'm concerned there hasn't been a "good" politician since Davy Crockett.
William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.


Look out ! Hes got a sharpie

William Barr swore to at the day and time he was appointed to the office of Attorney General:

A. OATH OF OFFICE I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter So help me God.

B. AFFIDAVIT AS TO STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not participating in any strike against the Government of the United States or any agency thereof, and I will not so participate while an employee of the Government of the United States or any agency thereof.

C. AFFIDAVIT AS TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF OFFICE I have not, nor has anyone acting in my behalf, given, transferred, promised or paid any consideration for or in expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing this appointment.

Your partisan crap gets old kid.

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