What ground for compromise?

You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?

What is the reasoning on Moscow to do this?
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?
Nope. Which title would you like to look at? Find the most conservative one and we can take a look.
No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?

What is the reasoning on Moscow to do this?
It’s a distraction, don’t take the bait. He can’t back up his arguments. So he is going to throw in the conspiratorial accusations to derail the convo. Trolling 101
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

Fair enough. That is one issue that one person can be reasonable on.

Thank you.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.
Every issue has a fair middle ground if you are debating a fair and honest person. You defining the “Left” as these partisan absolutists is part of the problem. It leaves no room to acknowledging that there is a rational “middle” who are part of the “Left”. When you engage with wingnuts hacks then you will get those arguments that you laid out but that is not an honest representation of the whole. I suggest you focus more on the middle and less on the wings

I have spoken to the "rational "middle" " of the Left, such as Mac and Seely. They talk a good game, but when the rubber hits the road, they always support the hard left that is in charge of their movement.

I specifically asked for an example of an issue that has not been defined as "Good vs Evil".

If you can even show me, an issue, with a serious number of "rational " middle" left" who are doing anything to indicate serious and honest dialog, I would like that very much.
Like I said... every issue will be good an evil according to the wingnuts on both sides and every issue has rational compromises according to moderates.

So, what about you personally? Are there any major issues, that you are able to respect your opponents opposition on?
I try and look at both sides of every argument and I think I respect both sides of most major subjects. The only one I am firm on is pro gay marriage and rights, but I think that issue is settled. The collaboration between liberals and conservatives is crucial and important as both bring necessary elements to policy. It’s a shame that both sides are pitted against each other in a war of dishonest demonization. Very bad for our country.

I agree that dishonest demonization is very bad for our country.

So, how about an example of a major subject that you can respect the opposite side on?
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!

It is difficult to rationally explain my interest.
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?
Why did Democrats vote against it?
You should ask those that voted against it why they did... in regards to this conversation it doesn’t matter who voted for it
Every issue has a fair middle ground if you are debating a fair and honest person. You defining the “Left” as these partisan absolutists is part of the problem. It leaves no room to acknowledging that there is a rational “middle” who are part of the “Left”. When you engage with wingnuts hacks then you will get those arguments that you laid out but that is not an honest representation of the whole. I suggest you focus more on the middle and less on the wings

I have spoken to the "rational "middle" " of the Left, such as Mac and Seely. They talk a good game, but when the rubber hits the road, they always support the hard left that is in charge of their movement.

I specifically asked for an example of an issue that has not been defined as "Good vs Evil".

If you can even show me, an issue, with a serious number of "rational " middle" left" who are doing anything to indicate serious and honest dialog, I would like that very much.
Like I said... every issue will be good an evil according to the wingnuts on both sides and every issue has rational compromises according to moderates.

So, what about you personally? Are there any major issues, that you are able to respect your opponents opposition on?
I try and look at both sides of every argument and I think I respect both sides of most major subjects. The only one I am firm on is pro gay marriage and rights, but I think that issue is settled. The collaboration between liberals and conservatives is crucial and important as both bring necessary elements to policy. It’s a shame that both sides are pitted against each other in a war of dishonest demonization. Very bad for our country.

I agree that dishonest demonization is very bad for our country.

So, how about an example of a major subject that you can respect the opposite side on?
Pick any one you want... immigration, 2nd amendment, government spending, taxation. I’m pretty middle with most of them
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?
Why did Democrats vote against it?
You should ask those that voted against it why they did... in regards to this conversation it doesn’t matter who voted for it
Your party not mine.
I have spoken to the "rational "middle" " of the Left, such as Mac and Seely. They talk a good game, but when the rubber hits the road, they always support the hard left that is in charge of their movement.

I specifically asked for an example of an issue that has not been defined as "Good vs Evil".

If you can even show me, an issue, with a serious number of "rational " middle" left" who are doing anything to indicate serious and honest dialog, I would like that very much.
Like I said... every issue will be good an evil according to the wingnuts on both sides and every issue has rational compromises according to moderates.

So, what about you personally? Are there any major issues, that you are able to respect your opponents opposition on?
I try and look at both sides of every argument and I think I respect both sides of most major subjects. The only one I am firm on is pro gay marriage and rights, but I think that issue is settled. The collaboration between liberals and conservatives is crucial and important as both bring necessary elements to policy. It’s a shame that both sides are pitted against each other in a war of dishonest demonization. Very bad for our country.

I agree that dishonest demonization is very bad for our country.

So, how about an example of a major subject that you can respect the opposite side on?
Pick any one you want... immigration, 2nd amendment, government spending, taxation. I’m pretty middle with most of them

So, do you respect those that want deport illegals and secure the border with a Wall? Or do you think they are hateful racists?
No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?

What is the reasoning on Moscow to do this?

Same reason Traitor Teddy had, to destroy America, to tear the nation apart into warring factions. to Balkanize us.
No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?
Nope. Which title would you like to look at? Find the most conservative one and we can take a look.


Okay sparky, how about;

Title III Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 42 U.S.C. § 2000b
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?

What is the reasoning on Moscow to do this?

Same reason Traitor Teddy had, to destroy America, to tear the nation apart into warring factions. to Balkanize us.

OK, makes perfect sense. :5_1_12024: Carry on.

Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?

What is the reasoning on Moscow to do this?

Same reason Traitor Teddy had, to destroy America, to tear the nation apart into warring factions. to Balkanize us.

OK, makes perfect sense. :5_1_12024: Carry on.

Do you deny that Title VII has done irreparable damage in dividing the nation into factions? Do you deny that Ted Kennedy acted in coordination with hostile governments with malice to cause harm to this nation?
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?
Why did Democrats vote against it?
You should ask those that voted against it why they did... in regards to this conversation it doesn’t matter who voted for it
Your party not mine.
I’m not part of a party. I think it’s about time we all just think for ourselves
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?
Why did Democrats vote against it?
You should ask those that voted against it why they did... in regards to this conversation it doesn’t matter who voted for it
Your party not mine.
I’m not part of a party. I think it’s about time we all just think for ourselves
Sure you aren't part of a party got it
Like I said... every issue will be good an evil according to the wingnuts on both sides and every issue has rational compromises according to moderates.

So, what about you personally? Are there any major issues, that you are able to respect your opponents opposition on?
I try and look at both sides of every argument and I think I respect both sides of most major subjects. The only one I am firm on is pro gay marriage and rights, but I think that issue is settled. The collaboration between liberals and conservatives is crucial and important as both bring necessary elements to policy. It’s a shame that both sides are pitted against each other in a war of dishonest demonization. Very bad for our country.

I agree that dishonest demonization is very bad for our country.

So, how about an example of a major subject that you can respect the opposite side on?
Pick any one you want... immigration, 2nd amendment, government spending, taxation. I’m pretty middle with most of them

So, do you respect those that want deport illegals and secure the border with a Wall? Or do you think they are hateful racists?
Sure I think there are some hateful racists that support the wall..... but not all of them. Many including myself believe that we should have a safe, secure and functional border. I don't support illegal immigration but I also don’t think it’s realistic to try and deport 10+ million people do a pathway to legal status and possibly citizenship with penalties should be opened up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?
Nope. Which title would you like to look at? Find the most conservative one and we can take a look.


Okay sparky, how about;

Title III Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 42 U.S.C. § 2000b
Excellent example. Thank you
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?

What is the reasoning on Moscow to do this?

Same reason Traitor Teddy had, to destroy America, to tear the nation apart into warring factions. to Balkanize us.

OK, makes perfect sense. :5_1_12024: Carry on.

Do you deny that Title VII has done irreparable damage in dividing the nation into factions? Do you deny that Ted Kennedy acted in coordination with hostile governments with malice to cause harm to this nation?
Yes, easily denied for the simple reason that Ted Kennedy didn’t pass the civil rights act alone. Congress and LBJ did. Y’all keep saying republicans passed it so if you’re gonna own it then own it.

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