What ground for compromise?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed
I don’t believe in post birth abortion nor do I believe gator said any such thing. So you are taking some wing nut view and prescribing it to us. That’s a lie and that’s trolling. Can you not keep up with fair debate or something?
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!
Not everybody is on here to troll and live in the echo chamber like yourself

^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

I never even made an argument, and now you are claiming I lost an argument.

What a moron...

So which of the "more than three genders" are you?
I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed

That is not a compromise, it is a radical that is going to the extreme
So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed

Post birth abortion?

Is this some new grammar jujutzu on what to call an infanticide or baby murder?
Yes it is a new term that the right wing is using to try and paint pro-choicers as murderers. The bill in question wasn’t trying to promote any kind of abortion it was simply trying to take the government out of the decision making process and leave it to the doc and mother
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed

Post birth abortion?

Is this some new grammar jujutzu on what to call an infanticide or baby murder?
Yes it is a new term that the right wing is using to try and paint pro-choicers as murderers. The bill in question wasn’t trying to promote any kind of abortion it was simply trying to take the government out of the decision making process and leave it to the doc and mother

That'e because if the baby is already out of the womb - you are murderers.

Murder is murder and no whining about how pro choice you are counteracts that. Of course, you aren't pro choice, you are pro death anyway.

Post birth abortion... there is no such thing. It¨s murder.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!
Not everybody is on here to troll and live in the echo chamber like yourself

^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

I never even made an argument, and now you are claiming I lost an argument.

What a moron...

So which of the "more than three genders" are you?
Wow, you so dumb you can’t even identify your own arguments. Here I’ll explain... your argument was trying to dismiss what people like me think because we can’t identify genders. Yes I know, sounds idiotic when it’s read back to you but that’s how your brain works. Pretty shitty huh?
Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!
Not everybody is on here to troll and live in the echo chamber like yourself

^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

I never even made an argument, and now you are claiming I lost an argument.

What a moron...

So which of the "more than three genders" are you?
Wow, you so dumb you can’t even identify your own arguments. Here I’ll explain... your argument was trying to dismiss what people like me think because we can’t identify genders. Yes I know, sounds idiotic when it’s read back to you but that’s how your brain works. Pretty shitty huh?

That was not an argument, it was a rhetorical insult at your stupidity. Since you are not too bright, you didn't even get that.

So what's your gender? Can you get it right? Try!
Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed

Post birth abortion?

Is this some new grammar jujutzu on what to call an infanticide or baby murder?
Yes it is a new term that the right wing is using to try and paint pro-choicers as murderers. The bill in question wasn’t trying to promote any kind of abortion it was simply trying to take the government out of the decision making process and leave it to the doc and mother

That'e because if the baby is already out of the womb - you are murderers.

Murder is murder and no whining about how pro choice you are counteracts that. Of course, you aren't pro choice, you are pro death anyway.

Post birth abortion... there is no such thing. It¨s murder.
Yeah no shit. An that’s not something I’ve ever promoted. So instead of debating me you need to run away and find the most extreme example to argue against which has nothing to do with the person your debating. It’s a tactic of the weak minded
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed

Post birth abortion?

Is this some new grammar jujutzu on what to call an infanticide or baby murder?
Yes it is a new term that the right wing is using to try and paint pro-choicers as murderers. The bill in question wasn’t trying to promote any kind of abortion it was simply trying to take the government out of the decision making process and leave it to the doc and mother

That'e because if the baby is already out of the womb - you are murderers.

Murder is murder and no whining about how pro choice you are counteracts that. Of course, you aren't pro choice, you are pro death anyway.

Post birth abortion... there is no such thing. It¨s murder.
Yeah no shit. An that’s not something I’ve ever promoted. So instead of debating me you need to run away and find the most extreme example to argue against which has nothing to do with the person your debating. It’s a tactic of the weak minded

I don't give a shit what you have promoted. I was not responding to you.
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed

That is not a compromise, it is a radical that is going to the extreme

Yes, and that is ALL that you of the left offer, extremism.

I strongly support plan B and the Morning After pill, as such I can find no justification for abortion. Pregnancy is a choice. Even in the case of rape, plan B is readily available.
You never compromise with a leftist ever.

In the past, it was different. This is the end game of how compromise died. I'm curious about the details.

I never liked compromise to begin with.

Compromise inherently means sacrificing what is good, for what gets along.

The left-wing is evil. They are just flat out evil people. What benefit is there to compromising with them?
Not everybody is on here to troll and live in the echo chamber like yourself

^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

I never even made an argument, and now you are claiming I lost an argument.

What a moron...

So which of the "more than three genders" are you?
Wow, you so dumb you can’t even identify your own arguments. Here I’ll explain... your argument was trying to dismiss what people like me think because we can’t identify genders. Yes I know, sounds idiotic when it’s read back to you but that’s how your brain works. Pretty shitty huh?

That was not an argument, it was a rhetorical insult at your stupidity. Since you are not too bright, you didn't even get that.

So what's your gender? Can you get it right? Try!
My gender is none of your business, I’m not diverting the thread to your troll cave. Especially with somebody who thinks humping chickens is a healthy bedtime activity... see what I did there?
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?
^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

I never even made an argument, and now you are claiming I lost an argument.

What a moron...

So which of the "more than three genders" are you?
Wow, you so dumb you can’t even identify your own arguments. Here I’ll explain... your argument was trying to dismiss what people like me think because we can’t identify genders. Yes I know, sounds idiotic when it’s read back to you but that’s how your brain works. Pretty shitty huh?

That was not an argument, it was a rhetorical insult at your stupidity. Since you are not too bright, you didn't even get that.

So what's your gender? Can you get it right? Try!
My gender is none of your business, I’m not diverting the thread to your troll cave. Especially with somebody who thinks humping chickens is a healthy bedtime activity... see what I did there?

Your gender is none of my business?

Yet it says right on your profile that it's male. Maybe that's a mistake? USMB doesn't allow for other than the actual genders. Are you planning on complaining about them not listing the "more than one" other genders that you may belong to?
You never compromise with a leftist ever.

In the past, it was different. This is the end game of how compromise died. I'm curious about the details.

I never liked compromise to begin with.

Compromise inherently means sacrificing what is good, for what gets along.

The left-wing is evil. They are just flat out evil people. What benefit is there to compromising with them?

We would not have a country if not for the founding fathers compromising with each other
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

I never even made an argument, and now you are claiming I lost an argument.

What a moron...

So which of the "more than three genders" are you?
Wow, you so dumb you can’t even identify your own arguments. Here I’ll explain... your argument was trying to dismiss what people like me think because we can’t identify genders. Yes I know, sounds idiotic when it’s read back to you but that’s how your brain works. Pretty shitty huh?

That was not an argument, it was a rhetorical insult at your stupidity. Since you are not too bright, you didn't even get that.

So what's your gender? Can you get it right? Try!
My gender is none of your business, I’m not diverting the thread to your troll cave. Especially with somebody who thinks humping chickens is a healthy bedtime activity... see what I did there?

Your gender is none of my business?

Yet it says right on your profile that it's male. Maybe that's a mistake? USMB doesn't allow for other than the actual genders. Are you planning on complaining about them not listing the "more than one" other genders that you may belong to?
I don’t really give a shit about genders. I’m male, you can be a chickenfucker for all I care. It has nothing to do with this conversation
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

Leftist's support oppression and subjugation......not freedom.

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