What ground for compromise?

You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

Leftist's support oppression and subjugation......not freedom.
Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished. Wikipedia
Stop. You're making a fool of yourself.


Oh look, another leftist who thinks America is a democracy,,,

It is a democracy. It's just not a direct democracy. Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. I'm sorry you do not know this.


Sure Comrade..

Sorry, Liberals, But America Is Not A Democracy, And It's Better That Way

An opinion piece from the Federalist isn't worth much.

A Democratic Republic elects it's officials (in our case for federal office) who then vote on our laws. It's still a democracy. You're confusing a direct democracy as the only type of democracy but yet I'm sure you'd have challenges trying to find that system of government in any other country. All modern democracies have some sort of representation.

I gave you a treatise from the radical left Atlantic as well.

The point is, you are simply ignorant.

I disagree with the premise that the Atlantic is "the radical left". Just the same, you appear to be unable to discuss the topic yourself and only supply a link with no discussion points from your end.

What I think you are doing is defining a Democracy only by the limited terms of what a direct democracy is, for which very, very few countries (only 1 I can think of) would fit that definition. Most western countries are a representative democracy where citizens vote (the democracy part) on representatives (Republic) to represent them. No, not all Republics are democratic but almost all Democracies are based on a (small r) republican system.

A Republic is not the opposite or something different (or the same as) a democracy, it's a form of government, in this case individuals represent larger populations. How this is determined whether by appointment or elections is what decides if a Republic is a democracy or not.
^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

I never even made an argument, and now you are claiming I lost an argument.

What a moron...

So which of the "more than three genders" are you?
Wow, you so dumb you can’t even identify your own arguments. Here I’ll explain... your argument was trying to dismiss what people like me think because we can’t identify genders. Yes I know, sounds idiotic when it’s read back to you but that’s how your brain works. Pretty shitty huh?

That was not an argument, it was a rhetorical insult at your stupidity. Since you are not too bright, you didn't even get that.

So what's your gender? Can you get it right? Try!
My gender is none of your business, I’m not diverting the thread to your troll cave. Especially with somebody who thinks humping chickens is a healthy bedtime activity... see what I did there?

Do you identify as a transsexual hedgehog? :dunno:
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.

Oh look, another leftist who thinks America is a democracy,,,

It is a democracy. It's just not a direct democracy. Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. I'm sorry you do not know this.


Sure Comrade..

Sorry, Liberals, But America Is Not A Democracy, And It's Better That Way

An opinion piece from the Federalist isn't worth much.

A Democratic Republic elects it's officials (in our case for federal office) who then vote on our laws. It's still a democracy. You're confusing a direct democracy as the only type of democracy but yet I'm sure you'd have challenges trying to find that system of government in any other country. All modern democracies have some sort of representation.

I gave you a treatise from the radical left Atlantic as well.

The point is, you are simply ignorant.

I disagree with the premise that the Atlantic is "the radical left". Just the same, you appear to be unable to discuss the topic yourself and only supply a link with no discussion points from your end.

What I think you are doing is defining a Democracy only by the limited terms of what a direct democracy is, for which very, very few countries (only 1 I can think of) would fit that definition. Most western countries are a representative democracy where citizens vote (the democracy part) on representatives (Republic) to represent them. No, not all Republics are democratic but almost all Democracies are based on a (small r) republican system.

A Republic is not the opposite or something different (or the same as) a democracy, it's a form of government, in this case individuals represent larger populations. How this is determined whether by appointment or elections is what decides if a Republic is a democracy or not.

Democracy is a system where direct vote of the public is the basis of laws. It is mob rule. Now the left counters that only "pure" democracy is such, that they seek a more tame system of plebiscite rule. Note the desire of the radical left to end the constitutional means of electing a president through the many states via use of an electoral college, the radicals seek to substitute a a plebiscite so that more populous states can overwhelm the voice of more rural states.

Virtually all Western nations are Republics. North Korea and Venezuela claim to be democracies, but the West is universally governed under representative Republics. Some have more elements of democracy, some have less, yet all are in fact republican.

Utterly fucking stupid, Comrade.

Do you know what a democracy is? Or a Republic? The idiots over at History sure don't.

Yes, I do...you though do not.

you are too stupid to know what day it is.

By the way, in a pure Democracy there are no representatives...everything is voted on by the people.


You seriously are a fucking idiot. You Marxists are driven so much by your desire to end the Republic that you spew the most stupid shit.

Here retard, from a far left source that will match your politics.

America Is Not a Democracy

Can you quote from your link where the Atlantic is stating that a Republic is not a Democracy or that our system of government is not a democracy? I'm not sure you got past the title.
You never compromise with a leftist ever.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left
It is a democracy. It's just not a direct democracy. Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. I'm sorry you do not know this.


Sure Comrade..

Sorry, Liberals, But America Is Not A Democracy, And It's Better That Way

An opinion piece from the Federalist isn't worth much.

A Democratic Republic elects it's officials (in our case for federal office) who then vote on our laws. It's still a democracy. You're confusing a direct democracy as the only type of democracy but yet I'm sure you'd have challenges trying to find that system of government in any other country. All modern democracies have some sort of representation.

I gave you a treatise from the radical left Atlantic as well.

The point is, you are simply ignorant.

I disagree with the premise that the Atlantic is "the radical left". Just the same, you appear to be unable to discuss the topic yourself and only supply a link with no discussion points from your end.

What I think you are doing is defining a Democracy only by the limited terms of what a direct democracy is, for which very, very few countries (only 1 I can think of) would fit that definition. Most western countries are a representative democracy where citizens vote (the democracy part) on representatives (Republic) to represent them. No, not all Republics are democratic but almost all Democracies are based on a (small r) republican system.

A Republic is not the opposite or something different (or the same as) a democracy, it's a form of government, in this case individuals represent larger populations. How this is determined whether by appointment or elections is what decides if a Republic is a democracy or not.

Democracy is a system where direct vote of the public is the basis of laws. It is mob rule. Now the left counters that only "pure" democracy is such, that they seek a more tame system of plebiscite rule. Note the desire of the radical left to end the constitutional means of electing a president through the many states via use of an electoral college, the radicals seek to substitute a a plebiscite so that more populous states can overwhelm the voice of more rural states.

Virtually all Western nations are Republics. North Korea and Venezuela claim to be democracies, but the West is universally governed under representative Republics. Some have more elements of democracy, some have less, yet all are in fact republican.

You proved my point, to you a democracy can only be the very strict definition of a direct democracy. We are a Democratic Republic where we elect our representatives (whether by the electoral college or otherwise is irrelevant for this conversation) which is a democratic process. A Republic does not require elections a democracy does. Democracy and republic are not mutually exclusive.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

Leftist's support oppression and subjugation......not freedom.
Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished. Wikipedia
Sorry, the farther left you go the more authoritarian it becomes.
Leftist just use all of the inequalities as a way of tricking people into buying their lies.
Imagine....total equality is madness.
It's unattainable....thus the benefit of constantly using it against opponents.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

Leftist's support oppression and subjugation......not freedom.
Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished. Wikipedia
Sorry, the farther left you go the more authoritarian it becomes.
Leftist just use all of the inequalities as a way of tricking people into buying their lies.
Imagine....total equality is madness.
It's unattainable....thus the benefit of constantly using it against opponents.

Glad we're all OK with gay marriage, the right to vote regardless of income or wealth and the legal status of abortion. And of course the right for people to use the bathroom that most identifies with their gender without government intrustion.
Leftist don't solve problems....they cause them.
They create problems to use as a club to bash in the heads of their opposition.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

Leftist's support oppression and subjugation......not freedom.
Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished. Wikipedia
Sorry, the farther left you go the more authoritarian it becomes.
Leftist just use all of the inequalities as a way of tricking people into buying their lies.
Imagine....total equality is madness.
It's unattainable....thus the benefit of constantly using it against opponents.
Exactly, and the civil rights act was government regulating businesses to outlaw discrimination. That’s Leftist. Thats why douches like uncensored say it caused more problems than it solved. I of course disagree with that but as a partisan hack I understand why he takes that position

An opinion piece from the Federalist isn't worth much.

A Democratic Republic elects it's officials (in our case for federal office) who then vote on our laws. It's still a democracy. You're confusing a direct democracy as the only type of democracy but yet I'm sure you'd have challenges trying to find that system of government in any other country. All modern democracies have some sort of representation.

I gave you a treatise from the radical left Atlantic as well.

The point is, you are simply ignorant.

I disagree with the premise that the Atlantic is "the radical left". Just the same, you appear to be unable to discuss the topic yourself and only supply a link with no discussion points from your end.

What I think you are doing is defining a Democracy only by the limited terms of what a direct democracy is, for which very, very few countries (only 1 I can think of) would fit that definition. Most western countries are a representative democracy where citizens vote (the democracy part) on representatives (Republic) to represent them. No, not all Republics are democratic but almost all Democracies are based on a (small r) republican system.

A Republic is not the opposite or something different (or the same as) a democracy, it's a form of government, in this case individuals represent larger populations. How this is determined whether by appointment or elections is what decides if a Republic is a democracy or not.

Democracy is a system where direct vote of the public is the basis of laws. It is mob rule. Now the left counters that only "pure" democracy is such, that they seek a more tame system of plebiscite rule. Note the desire of the radical left to end the constitutional means of electing a president through the many states via use of an electoral college, the radicals seek to substitute a a plebiscite so that more populous states can overwhelm the voice of more rural states.

Virtually all Western nations are Republics. North Korea and Venezuela claim to be democracies, but the West is universally governed under representative Republics. Some have more elements of democracy, some have less, yet all are in fact republican.

You proved my point, to you a democracy can only be the very strict definition of a direct democracy. We are a Democratic Republic where we elect our representatives (whether by the electoral college or otherwise is irrelevant for this conversation) which is a democratic process. A Republic does not require elections a democracy does. Democracy and republic are not mutually exclusive.

What I proved is that you don't know the meaning of the words you use, and that the left is deliberately seeking to pervert the language to promote the evil agenda it seeks.

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

Leftist's support oppression and subjugation......not freedom.
Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished. Wikipedia
Sorry, the farther left you go the more authoritarian it becomes.
Leftist just use all of the inequalities as a way of tricking people into buying their lies.
Imagine....total equality is madness.
It's unattainable....thus the benefit of constantly using it against opponents.
Exactly, and the civil rights act was government regulating businesses to outlaw discrimination. That’s Leftist. Thats why douches like uncensored say it caused more problems than it solved. I of course disagree with that but as a partisan hack I understand why he takes that position
Leftists only push that BS so they can turn around and take away businesses from their owners.
Did the civil rights act create or solve problems? That was by definition a “Leftist” policy was it not?

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.
An opinion piece from the Federalist isn't worth much.

A Democratic Republic elects it's officials (in our case for federal office) who then vote on our laws. It's still a democracy. You're confusing a direct democracy as the only type of democracy but yet I'm sure you'd have challenges trying to find that system of government in any other country. All modern democracies have some sort of representation.

I gave you a treatise from the radical left Atlantic as well.

The point is, you are simply ignorant.

I disagree with the premise that the Atlantic is "the radical left". Just the same, you appear to be unable to discuss the topic yourself and only supply a link with no discussion points from your end.

What I think you are doing is defining a Democracy only by the limited terms of what a direct democracy is, for which very, very few countries (only 1 I can think of) would fit that definition. Most western countries are a representative democracy where citizens vote (the democracy part) on representatives (Republic) to represent them. No, not all Republics are democratic but almost all Democracies are based on a (small r) republican system.

A Republic is not the opposite or something different (or the same as) a democracy, it's a form of government, in this case individuals represent larger populations. How this is determined whether by appointment or elections is what decides if a Republic is a democracy or not.

Democracy is a system where direct vote of the public is the basis of laws. It is mob rule. Now the left counters that only "pure" democracy is such, that they seek a more tame system of plebiscite rule. Note the desire of the radical left to end the constitutional means of electing a president through the many states via use of an electoral college, the radicals seek to substitute a a plebiscite so that more populous states can overwhelm the voice of more rural states.

Virtually all Western nations are Republics. North Korea and Venezuela claim to be democracies, but the West is universally governed under representative Republics. Some have more elements of democracy, some have less, yet all are in fact republican.

You proved my point, to you a democracy can only be the very strict definition of a direct democracy. We are a Democratic Republic where we elect our representatives (whether by the electoral college or otherwise is irrelevant for this conversation) which is a democratic process. A Republic does not require elections a democracy does. Democracy and republic are not mutually exclusive.

What I proved is that you don't know the meaning of the words you use, and that the left is deliberately seeking to pervert the language to promote the evil agenda it seeks.

What exactly did you prove? The Atlantic article you posted doesn't appear to say anything to back you up. You don't understand that a Republic and a Democracy are not mutually exclusive and you have not stated how holding elections is somehow not democratic. You're simply a nut who defines a democracy by only one version of it.

Normal people: The United States is a representative democracy

You: Nuh-uh and to prove it here is a link where I didn't get passed the title.

Good job.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

Leftist's support oppression and subjugation......not freedom.
Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy. It typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished. Wikipedia
Sorry, the farther left you go the more authoritarian it becomes.
Leftist just use all of the inequalities as a way of tricking people into buying their lies.
Imagine....total equality is madness.
It's unattainable....thus the benefit of constantly using it against opponents.
Exactly, and the civil rights act was government regulating businesses to outlaw discrimination. That’s Leftist. Thats why douches like uncensored say it caused more problems than it solved. I of course disagree with that but as a partisan hack I understand why he takes that position
Leftists only push that BS so they can turn around and take away businesses from their owners.
Trying to spin it by defining the Lefts intent is meaningless, especially coming from a demagogue... the law is a leftist policy by definition. We are talking about ideology not political party or activist groups. I get why you want to make it about that

Republicans wrote the Civil Rights Act.....and Democrats tried to prevent it....then later took credit for it.
You said Leftists... I’m not going to play the party games because they both suck balls. The civil rights act was a Leftist policy by definition, was it not?

No. It began as an affirmation of the 14th Amendment. Sadly Teddy the traitor Kennedy and his handlers in Moscow slipped Title VII into it and really fucked things up.
What do you mean “No” of course it is. Everything about the law is on the ideological left


Civil rights is a conservative position. Look at what we have now, the radical left controls the Marxist democrats who wage a full blown war to end civil rights. Freedom of speech is under prolonged attack, by the left. Any college campus, Twitter, or Google reveals the depth of contempt the left has for free speech. Freedom of religion likewise is an enemy of the cultural Marxists. Freedom of the press - Obama put 17 members of the press in prison for reporting negatively about him. (Trump has never put any member of the press in prison nor had the DOJ harass them)

Individualism is a conservative value, the left promotes collectivism. The left subverts individual rights in favor of group privilege.
No shit... so when the government makes a law that makes it illegal for businesses to discriminate it is taking away the individuals right to discriminate in order to promote the values that the collective decided they want to promote. Sorry dude, but that’s a progressive policy. That’s government regulation and control. Keep spinning but your just gonna get dizzy.

Again sparky, I said that Title VII was dictated directly from Moscow, through their Agent traitor Ted.

Did you think that Title VII was the ONLY part of the Civil Rights act?

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