What ground for compromise?

Sorry, but I fear that some conservatives are being just as uncompromising as some liberals are being. Look at how many on the right are reacting to red flag laws proposed by other conservative Republicans--they're conjuring up wild and baseless scenarios where those laws would enable the government to take your knives, ban you from driving a school bus, take your kids from you, etc., etc.

They think it's dangerous and illegal to simply say that if someone has self-identified themselves as mentally unstable in order to receive a SS mental illness disability benefit, or if their family has done so on their behalf, that it would be dangerous and unjust to ban them from buying guns. Are you kidding me?

Or, look at how some conservatives react to reasonable compromise proposals on an eventual pathway to citizenship for illegals or even just a pathway to green-card status. Some conservatives' only solution is to deport all illegals, which is never going to happen.

Due process and the presumption of innocence predate the nation. These are foundational principals, if we jettison the right to be presumed innocent, as the left wants, if we met out punishment awaiting the accused to prove himself innocent, if we proceed in secret star chambers where the accused is offered no defense or ability to confront accusers, then we end the very concept of liberty. In essence, all are guilty and just awaiting the accusation.

We cannot compromise essential liberty, doing so ends the nation.
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.
Utterly fucking stupid, Comrade.

Do you know what a democracy is? Or a Republic? The idiots over at History sure don't.

Yes, I do...you though do not.

you are too stupid to know what day it is.

By the way, in a pure Democracy there are no representatives...everything is voted on by the people.


You seriously are a fucking idiot. You Marxists are driven so much by your desire to end the Republic that you spew the most stupid shit.

Here retard, from a far left source that will match your politics.

America Is Not a Democracy

Stop. You're making a fool of yourself.


Oh look, another leftist who thinks America is a democracy,,,

It is a democracy. It's just not a direct democracy. Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. I'm sorry you do not know this.


Sure Comrade..

Sorry, Liberals, But America Is Not A Democracy, And It's Better That Way
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Yes, I do...you though do not.

you are too stupid to know what day it is.

By the way, in a pure Democracy there are no representatives...everything is voted on by the people.


You seriously are a fucking idiot. You Marxists are driven so much by your desire to end the Republic that you spew the most stupid shit.

Here retard, from a far left source that will match your politics.

America Is Not a Democracy

Stop. You're making a fool of yourself.


Oh look, another leftist who thinks America is a democracy,,,

It is a democracy. It's just not a direct democracy. Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. I'm sorry you do not know this.


Sure Comrade..

Sorry, Liberals, But America Is Not A Democracy, And It's Better That Way

An opinion piece from the Federalist isn't worth much.

A Democratic Republic elects it's officials (in our case for federal office) who then vote on our laws. It's still a democracy. You're confusing a direct democracy as the only type of democracy but yet I'm sure you'd have challenges trying to find that system of government in any other country. All modern democracies have some sort of representation.

You seriously are a fucking idiot. You Marxists are driven so much by your desire to end the Republic that you spew the most stupid shit.

Here retard, from a far left source that will match your politics.

America Is Not a Democracy

Stop. You're making a fool of yourself.


Oh look, another leftist who thinks America is a democracy,,,

It is a democracy. It's just not a direct democracy. Republic and democracy are not mutually exclusive. I'm sorry you do not know this.


Sure Comrade..

Sorry, Liberals, But America Is Not A Democracy, And It's Better That Way

An opinion piece from the Federalist isn't worth much.

A Democratic Republic elects it's officials (in our case for federal office) who then vote on our laws. It's still a democracy. You're confusing a direct democracy as the only type of democracy but yet I'm sure you'd have challenges trying to find that system of government in any other country. All modern democracies have some sort of representation.

I gave you a treatise from the radical left Atlantic as well.

The point is, you are simply ignorant.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.
Every issue has a fair middle ground if you are debating a fair and honest person. You defining the “Left” as these partisan absolutists is part of the problem. It leaves no room to acknowledging that there is a rational “middle” who are part of the “Left”. When you engage with wingnuts hacks then you will get those arguments that you laid out but that is not an honest representation of the whole. I suggest you focus more on the middle and less on the wings

I have spoken to the "rational "middle" " of the Left, such as Mac and Seely. They talk a good game, but when the rubber hits the road, they always support the hard left that is in charge of their movement.

I specifically asked for an example of an issue that has not been defined as "Good vs Evil".

If you can even show me, an issue, with a serious number of "rational " middle" left" who are doing anything to indicate serious and honest dialog, I would like that very much.
Like I said... every issue will be good an evil according to the wingnuts on both sides and every issue has rational compromises according to moderates.

So, what about you personally? Are there any major issues, that you are able to respect your opponents opposition on?
I try and look at both sides of every argument and I think I respect both sides of most major subjects. The only one I am firm on is pro gay marriage and rights, but I think that issue is settled. The collaboration between liberals and conservatives is crucial and important as both bring necessary elements to policy. It’s a shame that both sides are pitted against each other in a war of dishonest demonization. Very bad for our country.
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!
So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?

As I said, you do not compromise with the zealots on either side. You are not different than the radical left folks. They are your mirror image
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.

I said no such thing. Fuck, all you people can do is lie about me. That shows just how weak your agreements are.
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.
You talk this stuff and yet there is a forked tongue quality about you. I expect non Progs to have different opinions on issues. Here is the abortion problem....women are sluts. They went from an era of intellectual common sense of saying no to men, to guilting the guy with two people did it, to it is the male's fault. So it is just as easy to go to an abortion center have the fetus carved out of the body. So lets start by stop paying women to get pregnant.
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!
Not everybody is on here to troll and live in the echo chamber like yourself
You talk this stuff and yet there is a forked tongue quality about you. I expect non Progs to have different opinions on issues. Here is the abortion problem....women are sluts.

Thank you for the deep, intellectual answer to the problem. Men like to have sex and they are studs, women like to have sex and they are sluts. You son are part of the problem not the solution.

They went from an era of intellectual common sense of saying no to men, to guilting the guy with two people did it, to it is the male's fault. So it is just as easy to go to an abortion center have the fetus carved out of the body. So lets start by stop paying women to get pregnant.

We do pay women to get pregnant. A better solution would be to make it even easier to avoid getting pregnant.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!
Not everybody is on here to troll and live in the echo chamber like yourself

^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
You respect people that disagree with you on abortion? You dont' think they sexist trying to control a woman's body?

I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed
I am anti-abortion, but I can respect those that care for a woman’s rights.

Many pro-choice people do not like the fact there are so many abortions, and would like to see fewer.

They and I both understand that the best way to reduce the number of abortions is to reduce the number of pregnancies. So that is an area of common ground we can work with.

The problem is always with the zealots on both sides. On one side anything short of murder charges for the doctor and maybe the woman is not enough and on the other side any restriction at all is the end of the world as we know it.

Those are the people that keep progress from happening.

So, a good compromise would be what, abortion up until 7 days after birth?

You DO grasp that making demands to further expand the goals of the radical left is not what is meant by "compromise," donhca?
Gator gave a thoughtful response reflecting his own values, empathy for other people’s choices and awareness of the conflicts in the debate. You come back with this crap? What’s wrong with you? Grow up and stop trolling.

Gator gave the stock leftist claptrap. "I don't personally like abortion, but we must expand access to abortion and eliminate any restrictions."

Nothing thoughtful about it.
And your trolling response somehow was supposed to elevate the conversation? Instead of responding to what he actually says you need to make up a fake narrative and argue against that. That’s pretty pathetic. Do better

It wasn't trolling. The "compromise" that you of the left have offered is post birth abortion.

Virginia Governor Describes How Post-Birth Abortion Would Proceed

Post birth abortion?

Is this some new grammar jujutzu on what to call an infanticide or baby murder?
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

Why would anyone care what a leftist thinks about you? Remember, he can't even identify his own let alone your gender correctly!
Not everybody is on here to troll and live in the echo chamber like yourself

^^ Can not identify his own gender.

Can't blame him, it must be difficult for those deficient in mental capabilities because as Biden stated "there are more than three".
Keep making shit up every time you lose an argument. Great tactic!

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