What ground for compromise?

USA is a democracy governed by anti-democratic institutions. thats why there'll NEVER be gun control

In 1948, North Korea adopted Democratic People's Republic of Korea as its new legal name. In 1980 the Conservative Wing of the Republican Party dropped democracy and changed what was our democratic republic to a constitutional republic.

Such began the war on democracy leading to what we have today, a plutocracy, a form of government which owns the members of The Congress and the five conservative members of the Supreme Court.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion........

That's how I feel, and I am on the Right. Liberals are controlled by evil.

Only evil people would cheer at the passage of laws that allow for murdering full grown babies, as they did in New York.

Only evil people would embrace the abomination of homosexual acts and even celebrate them.

Only evil people would embrace socialism, the systems of the Nazis and Soviets.

You do not compromise with evil. You call it by name then cast it out.

Remember my thread: Its Your Hell Democrats, You Made It, You Live in It !!

Better yet, remember my thread: Democrats - Party of Infanticide

Most of all, this one: Democrats are Demonic


I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion........

That's how I feel, and I am on the Right. Liberals are controlled by evil.

Only evil people would cheer at the passage of laws that allow for murdering full grown babies, as they did in New York.

Only evil people would embrace the abomination of homosexual acts and even celebrate them.

Only evil people would embrace socialism, the systems of the Nazis and Soviets.

You do not compromise with evil. You call it by name then cast it out.

Remember my thread: Its Your Hell Democrats, You Made It, You Live in It !!

Better yet, remember my thread: Democrats - Party of Infanticide

Most of all, this one: Democrats are Demonic


I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Democrat Evil

Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.
I don't know how any conservative can complain about the Democrats not being willing to compromise, after watching the GOP attack any Republican who didn't toe the line as RINOs and commies and "deep state". What level of denial or intellectual myopia is required to miss this?

And with "more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil...", we see the same thing. For example: The leftists aren't political opponents they are mortal enemies...

How in the freaking world do partisans not see this? Is ideology really that blinding a condition? This is beyond amazing or incredible or astonishing. This is truly disturbing, and it's further proof that the ends of our political spectrum are killing us.

To the thread title's point about "compromise", this is yet another canard foisted by talk radio onto its listeners and swallowed like pablum. First of all, as insane as this may sound to people on the ends of the spectrum, "compromise" is not a bad thing. It's only a bad thing if you're paranoid that you won't have everything your way. Compromise does not equal capitulation.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, communication and collaboration by intelligent people can manifest innovation, the creation of something all new to which both parties have a vested interest in seeing succeed.

Gee, what would be an example? Hmmm, howzabout our Constitution?

I think this is all ego. Party over country. But it's reached fucking psychosis levels.

So, can you give me an example of a major issue that the Left has not defined, as I see them defining them as, ie Good Vs Evil? Or is your point, more that both sides have done this equally and completely?
This is just another example of the similarities in behaviors between the two ends of the spectrum.

Silly hyperbole, myopia, binary thinking, you name it. Peas in a pod.

At this point, any situation in which Hitler is not invoked by one goofy end or the other is a cause to celebrate heroic restraint.
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Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.
Every issue has a fair middle ground if you are debating a fair and honest person. You defining the “Left” as these partisan absolutists is part of the problem. It leaves no room to acknowledging that there is a rational “middle” who are part of the “Left”. When you engage with wingnuts hacks then you will get those arguments that you laid out but that is not an honest representation of the whole. I suggest you focus more on the middle and less on the wings

I have spoken to the "rational "middle" " of the Left, such as Mac and Seely. They talk a good game, but when the rubber hits the road, they always support the hard left that is in charge of their movement.

I specifically asked for an example of an issue that has not been defined as "Good vs Evil".

If you can even show me, an issue, with a serious number of "rational " middle" left" who are doing anything to indicate serious and honest dialog, I would like that very much.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.
How about the way Cons frame things? If you disagree with Trump policies you hate America and display TDS.

And yes. Conversation has broken down into good and evil instead of “we disagree”. Look in the mirror first however, before going on about libs this and libs that.

It is not one sided.

There are a host of issues, that I have been happy to agree that the President has been wrong on. There are numerous serious political conservatives doing the same, Ben Shapiro and Ann Coulter come to mind.

But I note that you cannot even try to name a single issue that you do not see any opposition to your side, as Evil.
You have some hard core pro-lifers who speak as you suggest. But the majority of republicans are a lot more moderate on the issue, and are more than wiling to discuss moderation or limited restrictions on late term abortions.

It is the Left that as a bloc, pounces on any discussion of the issue, as being against a woman's rights to "control of her own body" or some such hard line position.

you are so blinded by your own hyperpartianship, you cannot see the forest for the trees. The Repubs you speak of are the ones that have not sold their soul to the party, something you would not understand.

Can you offer an example of an issue, that has not been defined by the Left, so that any opposition on it, is not "Evil"?
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

"Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion."

Limbaugh Orders GOP: "Winners Do Not Compromise"

Rush Limbaugh urges Trump to not compromise ... - WVII Fox Bangor

Compromising with Democrats Never Works | Rush Limbaugh ...

Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism ...

Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism is a 2004 best-selling book by conservative political commentator and media personality ..

It kind of pisses me off that you get to come on here playing the VICTIM and accusing your "enemies" of your own crimes.

Conservatives have been declaring liberals to be; liberscum, liberrats, libernazis, demorats, DEMONcRATS, scum, nazis, fascists, commies, traitors, devil worshippers, god haters, terrorist lovers.....for 30 fkn years!


You know what would really make that case?

Listing a list of examples of issues, where liberals react to opposition as though the opposition is a reasonable political opposition and not "Evil for the sake of Evil".

YOu know, like I requested in the op.

Which you did not even try.
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion........

That's how I feel, and I am on the Right. Liberals are controlled by evil.

Only evil people would cheer at the passage of laws that allow for murdering full grown babies, as they did in New York.

Only evil people would embrace the abomination of homosexual acts and even celebrate them.

Only evil people would embrace socialism, the systems of the Nazis and Soviets.

You do not compromise with evil. You call it by name then cast it out.

Remember my thread: Its Your Hell Democrats, You Made It, You Live in It !!

Better yet, remember my thread: Democrats - Party of Infanticide

Most of all, this one: Democrats are Demonic


I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Can you think of any serious issue, that you can respect opposition to your position as reasonable, and not evil?
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.
I don't know how any conservative can complain about the Democrats not being willing to compromise, after watching the GOP attack any Republican who didn't toe the line as RINOs and commies and "deep state". What level of denial or intellectual myopia is required to miss this?

And with "more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil...", we see the same thing. For example: The leftists aren't political opponents they are mortal enemies...

How in the freaking world do partisans not see this? Is ideology really that blinding a condition? This is beyond amazing or incredible or astonishing. This is truly disturbing, and it's further proof that the ends of our political spectrum are killing us.

To the thread title's point about "compromise", this is yet another canard foisted by talk radio onto its listeners and swallowed like pablum. First of all, as insane as this may sound to people on the ends of the spectrum, "compromise" is not a bad thing. It's only a bad thing if you're paranoid that you won't have everything your way. Compromise does not equal capitulation.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, communication and collaboration by intelligent people can manifest innovation, the creation of something all new to which both parties have a vested interest in seeing succeed.

Gee, what would be an example? Hmmm, howzabout our Constitution?

I think this is all ego. Party over country. But it's reached fucking psychosis levels.

So, can you give me an example of a major issue that the Left has not defined, as I see them defining them as, ie Good Vs Evil? Or is your point, more that both sides have done this equally and completely?
This is just another example of the similarities in behaviors between the two ends of the spectrum.

Silly hyperbole, myopia, binary thinking, you name it. Peas in a pod.

At this point, any situation in which Hitler is not invoked by one goofy end or the other is a cause to celebrate heroic restraint.

I have no problem with Dems who think that unions are the answer to stagnant wages. I do not think that their support of unions is inherently Evil. Though I do worry about the potential for abuse of using their labor as defacto donations to lefty candidates.

But that is a separate issue.
Can you think of any serious issue, that you can respect opposition to your position as reasonable, and not evil?

Probably the Fed. I don't know much about it all, but Ron Paul and Rand Paul make a lot of sense about eliminating the Fed. Its like the ONLY thing they make sense about.

I said that Trump should have put Ron Paul in charge of the Fed or Department of the Treasury.

But generally speaking, no, I can't think of anything else. I am right about everything. My genius is a burden to bear
Can you offer an example of an issue, that has not been defined by the Left, so that any opposition on it, is not "Evil"?

Nope, I also cannot think of an example of an issue, that has not been defined by the Right wing, so that any opposition on it, is not "Evil"?
Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.
Every issue has a fair middle ground if you are debating a fair and honest person. You defining the “Left” as these partisan absolutists is part of the problem. It leaves no room to acknowledging that there is a rational “middle” who are part of the “Left”. When you engage with wingnuts hacks then you will get those arguments that you laid out but that is not an honest representation of the whole. I suggest you focus more on the middle and less on the wings

I have spoken to the "rational "middle" " of the Left, such as Mac and Seely. They talk a good game, but when the rubber hits the road, they always support the hard left that is in charge of their movement.

I specifically asked for an example of an issue that has not been defined as "Good vs Evil".

If you can even show me, an issue, with a serious number of "rational " middle" left" who are doing anything to indicate serious and honest dialog, I would like that very much.
Like I said... every issue will be good an evil according to the wingnuts on both sides and every issue has rational compromises according to moderates.
USA is a democracy governed by anti-democratic institutions. thats why there'll NEVER be gun control

I realize you are just a troll, but the USA is a Constitutional Republic, it is NOT nor has it EVER BEEN a democracy.

In a democracy, 50.000001% could vote to kill the other 49.99999%

Mob rule.
there is no nation that is a pure Democracy, that I am aware of...

we are a Democratic Republic.... a representative democracy

Canada is a Parliamentary system and a representative democracy, same with the UK...

So, I agree we are not a PURE Democracy, but we ARE a representative democracy

You are really quite ignorant.

There is no such thing as "representative democracy," which would be redundant. We are a Representative REPUBLIC. Further, we are a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic, where the rights of the minority are protected, which is why you Stalinists are working so hard to pervert not just the language, but the concepts of our nation. America is fighting for survival, and you must be defeated if Government of the people, by the people, and for the people is to survive. The civil war you wage against this nation isn't a joke, it isn't fun and games. If you win, millions will die in death camps. If you begin to lose, you will become ever more desperate and violent. Sadly, there will be blood because of what you Marxists have done.
I do not have a side sweet cheeks..........

Ya you do you lying sack of shit.

Its your ass. Your problem is that its stuck on your face.


Ok, more and more I am noticing that every issue, has, at least in the minds of the Left, been framed as a matter of good vs evil, with no grounds for compromise or even discussion.

ANYTHING, even remotely touching on Race, and if you don't agree with them, you are a "racist", for one the biggest example.

Now they have decided that any form of Nationalism, is akin go Nazism, based on I'm not sure what, so if you are too nationalistic, you are a "nazi" or something.

My question here is twofold,

1. A challenge to put forth any major issue that is still just a matter of policy, where reasonable people can reasonably disagree,


2. To discuss how each issue is framed so that we can discuss this problem. ie give one other issue, that you see libs frame this way, and how they frame it.

Any liberals that deny that this is a thing, are welcome to explain what you think I got wrong. Or to defend the idea of why, left vs right has broken down to Good vs Evil.

You can't ask Evil to explain why they are evil.

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