What Happened To That 10% Middle Class Tax-Cut???

He clarified his comment on Oct 22. Congress wasn’t even in session at the time.
What you fail to recall is he stated if the Republicans kept Congress.
Remember when Trump promised to cut your taxes by November? We do.

I am well aware that Trump never lies and he keeps his promises, I know the wall is being built and Mexico is paying for it in spirit at least -- but where is that 10% middle class tax-cut that Trump promised would be passed? I remember him clearly saying “we're looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle-income people sometime around the first of November, maybe a little before that.” -- he also named names and said these people were working around the clock to get it done by saying:

“A major tax cut — we are going to be putting in, and are studying very deeply right now, around the clock, a major tax cut for middle-income people,” Trump told reporters after a rally in Nevada. “Not for business at all, for middle-income people. Now, the last [tax cut] was for middle-income, and for business, and our business is now coming back because of it. But we are looking at — and Kevin Brady is working on it, Paul Ryan is working, we’re all working on it — and we’re looking at a major tax cut for middle-income people who need it.”

Isn't Kevin Brady and Paul Ryan still alive? Why hasn't Trump said anything else about this tax cut?
He didn't say "if Republicans kept Congress".
He said the tax cut would come before the midterms.
Trump says GOP plans 'major tax cut' before midterms; Congress is out of session until Nov. 13
What's funny is that Trump tried to dangle this supposed middle class taxcut in order to get the gullible to vote Republican in the mid-terms.

The idiotic lack of understanding of how our system works was so achingly apparent that not only did it NOT work...it pointed out that the tax cut passed last year was NOT anything that helped the middle class...but rather the rich and corporations.

Fucking hilarious
He clarified his comment on Oct 22. Congress wasn’t even in session at the time.
What you fail to recall is he stated if the Republicans kept Congress.
Remember when Trump promised to cut your taxes by November? We do.

I am well aware that Trump never lies and he keeps his promises, I know the wall is being built and Mexico is paying for it in spirit at least -- but where is that 10% middle class tax-cut that Trump promised would be passed? I remember him clearly saying “we're looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle-income people sometime around the first of November, maybe a little before that.” -- he also named names and said these people were working around the clock to get it done by saying:

“A major tax cut — we are going to be putting in, and are studying very deeply right now, around the clock, a major tax cut for middle-income people,” Trump told reporters after a rally in Nevada. “Not for business at all, for middle-income people. Now, the last [tax cut] was for middle-income, and for business, and our business is now coming back because of it. But we are looking at — and Kevin Brady is working on it, Paul Ryan is working, we’re all working on it — and we’re looking at a major tax cut for middle-income people who need it.”

Isn't Kevin Brady and Paul Ryan still alive? Why hasn't Trump said anything else about this tax cut?
He didn't say "if Republicans kept Congress".
He said the tax cut would come before the midterms.
Trump says GOP plans 'major tax cut' before midterms; Congress is out of session until Nov. 13
Wrong. Trump never clarified. He never said the tax cut would occur only if the GOP won.
Not on October 22 and not ever, which explains why you didn't quote Trump.
Dimms can pass it when they take over the new Congress,right?

They can cut spending and save the US economy from our monstrous debt, right?
I will ask again...

What happened to Trump's middle class tax-cut that "HEEEEEEEEEE" promised?

I don’t know. Clearly Congress didn’t vote on it.

Can Trump sign an E-order.

Did you WANT the tax cut? Are you whining because you think the tax cut would be a good thing, or are you complaining that something you didn’t want anyway didn’t happen because you don’t like Trump.
The middle class has always wanted targeted tax cuts because the middle class knows its a more effective multiplier to the economy...

But Trump decided to stick with the same ole failed trickle down economics -- until he was panicked about the midterms and suddenly pulled this 10% tax cut idea out his ass...

And it seems his sycophants didn't mind the blatant lying...and then they wonder why they have to always complain about how politicians never change....

They don't have to when they know you will continue to shake your poms poms no matter what they do -- just so you can "own the libs"

Did you want the tax cut?
More than you did obviously, since I am asking what has happened to it

And you are not.....

Is that what you call trolling the forum?
Just like Republican politics

Offer it up before the election and pull it back as soon as the election is over
He clarified his comment on Oct 22. Congress wasn’t even in session at the time.
What you fail to recall is he stated if the Republicans kept Congress.
Remember when Trump promised to cut your taxes by November? We do.

I am well aware that Trump never lies and he keeps his promises, I know the wall is being built and Mexico is paying for it in spirit at least -- but where is that 10% middle class tax-cut that Trump promised would be passed? I remember him clearly saying “we're looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle-income people sometime around the first of November, maybe a little before that.” -- he also named names and said these people were working around the clock to get it done by saying:

“A major tax cut — we are going to be putting in, and are studying very deeply right now, around the clock, a major tax cut for middle-income people,” Trump told reporters after a rally in Nevada. “Not for business at all, for middle-income people. Now, the last [tax cut] was for middle-income, and for business, and our business is now coming back because of it. But we are looking at — and Kevin Brady is working on it, Paul Ryan is working, we’re all working on it — and we’re looking at a major tax cut for middle-income people who need it.”

Isn't Kevin Brady and Paul Ryan still alive? Why hasn't Trump said anything else about this tax cut?
He didn't say "if Republicans kept Congress".
He said the tax cut would come before the midterms.
Trump says GOP plans 'major tax cut' before midterms; Congress is out of session until Nov. 13
Wrong. Trump never clarified. He never said the tax cut would occur only if the GOP won.
Not on October 22 and not ever, which explains why you didn't quote Trump.
Our President implied it was already in the works
Dimms can pass it when they take over the new Congress,right?

They can cut spending and save the US economy from our monstrous debt, right?
I will ask again...

What happened to Trump's middle class tax-cut that "HEEEEEEEEEE" promised?

Glad we didn't get it we need to cut spending and increase taxes, I for one am glad that we aren't getting another tax cut, we need tax increases and spending cuts and lots of spending cuts across the board.
Just like Republican politics

Offer it up before the election and pull it back as soon as the election is over

That is how politicians all work. For a guy that isn't supposed to be a politician, he sure learned that quick.
What you fail to recall is he stated if the Republicans kept Congress.
Remember when Trump promised to cut your taxes by November? We do.

I am well aware that Trump never lies and he keeps his promises, I know the wall is being built and Mexico is paying for it in spirit at least -- but where is that 10% middle class tax-cut that Trump promised would be passed? I remember him clearly saying “we're looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle-income people sometime around the first of November, maybe a little before that.” -- he also named names and said these people were working around the clock to get it done by saying:

“A major tax cut — we are going to be putting in, and are studying very deeply right now, around the clock, a major tax cut for middle-income people,” Trump told reporters after a rally in Nevada. “Not for business at all, for middle-income people. Now, the last [tax cut] was for middle-income, and for business, and our business is now coming back because of it. But we are looking at — and Kevin Brady is working on it, Paul Ryan is working, we’re all working on it — and we’re looking at a major tax cut for middle-income people who need it.”

Isn't Kevin Brady and Paul Ryan still alive? Why hasn't Trump said anything else about this tax cut?
No, he didn't say that -- he said the tax cut would be passed by November if not sooner...

But keep on being delusional for Trump -- you were most likely delusional for Bush beforehand

Just as you were delusional for Obama--and Clinton.
Dimms can pass it when they take over the new Congress,right?

They can cut spending and save the US economy from our monstrous debt, right?
I will ask again...

What happened to Trump's middle class tax-cut that "HEEEEEEEEEE" promised?

Glad we didn't get it we need to cut spending and increase taxes, I for one am glad that we aren't getting another tax cut, we need tax increases and spending cuts and lots of spending cuts across the board.

I disagree. We DO NOT need to raise taxes. We need to cut spending.

Revenue is at an all time high AFTER the Trump tax cuts. Riasing taxes will stifle the economy.

We need to cut FED SPENDING by 25% across the board PERIOD.
Dimms can pass it when they take over the new Congress,right?

They can cut spending and save the US economy from our monstrous debt, right?
I will ask again...

What happened to Trump's middle class tax-cut that "HEEEEEEEEEE" promised?

Glad we didn't get it we need to cut spending and increase taxes, I for one am glad that we aren't getting another tax cut, we need tax increases and spending cuts and lots of spending cuts across the board.

I disagree. We DO NOT need to raise taxes. We need to cut spending.

Revenue is at an all time high AFTER the Trump tax cuts. Riasing taxes will stifle the economy.

We need to cut FED SPENDING by 25% across the board PERIOD.

Too bad the guy you voted for just submitted the largest budget in the history of the country.
Dimms can pass it when they take over the new Congress,right?

They can cut spending and save the US economy from our monstrous debt, right?
We could cut much of the deficit if we just stopped paying illegals to come here.

A great start is arrest, trial, prison for employers knowingly hiring illegals. tRump talks a good game, but nada so far.

Also, eliminate ALL worker Visas retroactive. Send FLOTUS and her parents back to commie-land.
Dimms can pass it when they take over the new Congress,right?

They can cut spending and save the US economy from our monstrous debt, right?
We could cut much of the deficit if we just stopped paying illegals to come here.

A great start is arrest, trial, prison for employers knowingly hiring illegals. tRump talks a good game, but nada so far.

Also, eliminate ALL worker Visas retroactive. Send FLOTUS and her parents back to commie-land.

I agree but we also need to deport all the those employees that are here illegally.

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