What Happened To The Democrat Politicians Who (Lied) Claimed They Had Evidence of 'Russian Collusion'?

What happened to Trump and team who said they had evidence that the 2020 election was rigged.
There's evidence everywhere.
The corrupt media simply refuses to admit it because they plan on using the election 2020 as a predicate to disqualify Trump.
Trump conducted fundraising off of his belief that the 2020 election was stolen, and the Special Council's office plans on charging him with wire-fraud over donations.
So anyone who points out the way the left committed treason by undermining a duly elected president is sucking Trump's dick according to you.

This sort of shit shouldn't be going on in America.
I don't give a God Damn if you think Trump deserved it.
It's still against the law.
Most, do sound like trump peter puffers, I suppose.
Go hire a lawyer and attack the problem as you see it. I recommend you don't use Republican lawyers, only in it for the fees and screen time on the steps, but folding like cheap suits in front of a judge.
I'll be glad to watch the fun, but he gave you no specifics, and you are mostly stuck with a Republican lawyer, so it will be entertaining to watch them trying to figure out what is illegal vs legal, especially if they ever get anything in court, even in front of a trump appointed judge, as we got to see after the 2020 election.
You're such a loser. You've been destroyed but your little pride can't handle that fact. Woke fool.
I'll be glad to watch the fun, but he gave you no specifics, and you are mostly stuck with a Republican lawyer, so it will be entertaining to watch them trying to figure out what is illegal vs legal, especially if they ever get anything in court, even in front of a trump appointed judge, as we got to see after the 2020 election.
What is illegal is using fake evidence to swear out a warrant to the FISA judge to spy on the Trump campaign.
The Durham report blew that lie all to hell this week.
We've been saying this for years....and now the truth about it is unavoidable.
There's evidence everywhere.
The corrupt media simply refuses to admit it because they plan on using the election 2020 as a predicate to disqualify Trump.
Trump conducted fundraising off of his belief that the 2020 election was stolen, and the Special Council's office plans on charging him with wire-fraud over donations.
40 + legal proceedings found the evidence did not prove a rigged election. Many of the judges in these court cases were appointed by Trump.
Bill Barr, Trump's AG, said the election was not a fraud.
The state of Georgia state government, dominated by Republicans, investigated AND FOUND NO FRAUD.
Trump's team hired a private company to audit the Arizona vote. They found more votes for Biden.

You are beyond an idiot if you claim 2020 was rigged.
Most, do sound like trump peter puffers, I suppose.
Go hire a lawyer and attack the problem as you see it. I recommend you don't use Republican lawyers, only in it for the fees and screen time on the steps, but folding like cheap suits in front of a judge.
Seems the only lawsuits you hear about are the ones in front of Obama judges.
That's not what I've been hearing.
Democrats didn't just steal the election.
They made sure they had the judges and the DAs in place to make sure that the steal wasn't overturned.
That's why it only takes one dishonest district to overturn the results of a statewide election. Some elections only need a few thousand fake votes to overturn the election results.
In Arizona it's Maracopa County where most of the population lives. In Georgia it's Fulton County, Atlanta.
40 + legal proceedings found the evidence did not prove a rigged election. Many of the judges in these court cases were appointed by Trump.
Bill Barr, Trump's AG, said the election was not a fraud.
The state of Georgia state government, dominated by Republicans, investigated AND FOUND NO FRAUD.
Trump's team hired a private company to audit the Arizona vote. They found more votes for Biden.

You are beyond an idiot if you claim 2020 was rigged.
It's not that they found no fraud. They just claimed it wasn't enough fraud.
They refuse to admit that it would make any difference.
The Karie Lake lawsuit has discovered that roughly 300,000 ballots weren't properly verified but were still counted in the election.

The Dominion machines were experiencing error rates at 56% which should have resulted in them being pulled out and need to be re-certified, but instead they just sent election day ballots to be counted at a printer company along with thousands of mail-in ballots destroying the chain in custody. All of this is against AZ election laws. All ballots had to be counted on site at the polls, not shipped out to a central counting facility.

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Please provide your proof. I have seen the opposite.
Innumerable attempts through the courts and state investigations, into voter fraud, have come up with nothing.

You have proof that 2016 was fraudulent? Does that mean Trump was never the legitimate President?

Already in another thread, but here's the short version:

2016: Russian Collusion hoax / failedbcoup attempt

2020: Blinken / Democrats author & sign laptop Disinformation lie / letter while the FBI & DOJ hid Hunter's laptop, refusing to investigate

2022: The DOJ / FBI already knew about Biden's huge espionage / TS/SCI Classified scandal BEFORE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS but chose to hide it / NOT act until after the elections were over IOT protect Democrats, choosing to leave some of this nation's most classified Intel in unsecure, unguarded locations.

2023-2024: The DOJ & FBI have known about the 'Biden Dozen's' shell companies, 12 banks, hundreds of Suspicious Activity Alerts, Influence Peddling, money laundering, millions from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, etc... but have refused to act, refused to investigate, refused to investigate Blinken / the letter, refused to turn over an FBI form that implicates Biden in a scandal, refuses to comply with Congressional subpoenas, is still hiding Hunter's laptop...and more.


....but just like with Hillary's hoax and the Democrats' failed coup for the last 7 years, snowflakes, bots, and trolls ... like yourself ... continue to embarrass yourselves and destroy your credibility by repeating over and over...


Durham just humiliated you, reduced you and your on-going 7-year-old opinions / denial / credibility to ash.

Is denying the above now REALLY the NEXT 'Don Quixote' windmill you want to target and charge the NEXT 7 years?

Have fun with that...

Seems the only lawsuits you hear about are the ones in front of Obama judges.
That's not what I've been hearing.
Democrats didn't just steal the election.
They made sure they had the judges and the DAs in place to make sure that the steal wasn't overturned.
That's why it only takes one dishonest district to overturn the results of a statewide election. Some elections only need a few thousand fake votes to overturn the election results.
In Arizona it's Maracopa County where most of the population lives. In Georgia it's Fulton County, Atlanta.

That's why its so important for Kennedy & others to kerp Biden from filling up the courts with more traitors ... like Garland
I'll be glad to watch the fun, but he gave you no specifics, and you are mostly stuck with a Republican lawyer, so it will be entertaining to watch them trying to figure out what is illegal vs legal, especially if they ever get anything in court, even in front of a trump appointed judge, as we got to see after the 2020 election.

Nice deflection. Are you afraid of addressing what I said?

It sure is easy to sell sedition. Just put a D next to your name and watch all the uneducated little proles line up to defend you.
Already in another thread, but here's the short version:

2016: Russian Collusion hoax / failedbcoup attempt

2020: Blinken / Democrats author & sign laptop Disinformation lie / letter while the FBI & DOJ hid Hunter's laptop, refusing to investigate

2022: The DOJ / FBI already knew about Biden's huge espionage / TS/SCI Classified scandal BEFORE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS but chose to hide it / NOT act until after the elections were over IOT protect Democrats, choosing to leave some of this nation's most classified Intel in unsecure, unguarded locations.

2023-2024: The DOJ & FBI have known about the 'Biden Dozen's' shell companies, 12 banks, hundreds of Suspicious Activity Alerts, Influence Peddling, money laundering, millions from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, etc... but have refused to act, refused to investigate, refused to investigate Blinken / the letter, refused to turn over an FBI form that implicates Biden in a scandal, refuses to comply with Congressional subpoenas, is still hiding Hunter's laptop...and more.


....but just like with Hillary's hoax and the Democrats' failed coup for the last 7 years, snowflakes, bots, and trolls ... like yourself ... continue to embarrass yourselves and destroy your credibility by repeating over and over...


Durham just humiliated you, reduced you and your on-going 7-year-old opinions / denial / credibility to ash.

Is denying the above now REALLY the NEXT 'Don Quixote' windmill you want to target and charge the NEXT 7 years?

Have fun with that...


The release of the long-awaited report by Special Counsel John Durham rocked the political world as it exposed that the Russia collusion narrative used to undermine former President Donald J. Trump was always a massive hoax.

Among the damning nuggets of malfeasance within the 300-plus page report is a revelation that the disgraced Trump-hating former FBI agent Peter Strzok buried a memo from the CIA that 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may have been hyping the concocted ties to Russia to “frame” Trump who would later go on to spring the political upset of the century against the heavily favored former first lady.
It's not that they found no fraud. They just claimed it wasn't enough fraud.
They refuse to admit that it would make any difference.
The Karie Lake lawsuit has discovered that roughly 300,000 ballots weren't properly verified but were still counted in the election.

The Dominion machines were experiencing error rates at 56% which should have resulted in them being pulled out and need to be re-certified, but instead they just sent election day ballots to be counted at a printer company along with thousands of mail-in ballots destroying the chain in custody. All of this is against AZ election laws. All ballots had to be counted on site at the polls, not shipped out to a central counting facility.

FOX news has to apy 3/4 of a billion dollars for lying about Dominion. I am sending them your post and name. Watch out..
Kari Lake has lost every attempt to prove fraud.
You are an idiot. You relize you are an idiot don't you?
Read your posts. You will have to say these are posts from an idiot. There is no doubt.
What was once called fascism/nationalism/racism is now called diversity.
No. Real “fascism / nationalism / racism” are called — but not by you and other idiots — exactly what they have always been called: “fascism / nationalism / racism.”

MAGA Trumpism comes close to combining them all in a “big tent” party of American populist reaction … but of course usually in a pathetic, laughable or cultist manner.

That certainly does not mean all Conservatives or Republicans or deluded Trump voters are fascists, nor does it mean that the Republican Party as a whole is fascist — far from it!
Communists, Muslims, Progressives, and neo-cons are working together to bring this country down.
They are all hiding together under your bed.

And FYI, you can be a communist and love Islam at the same time.
Sure, like Obama and Biden, right?

P.S. you never did answer my question:
Does the NWO include Russia and China?
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Sorry bout that,

1. I would like to see Hillary and Pencil Neck behind bars first.
2. Then there's so many more to follow.
3. These two, will make me, **VERY HAPPY**, at first!

You're such a loser. You've been destroyed but your little pride can't handle that fact. Woke fool.
I'm being nice. Are you changing something by being Mr. Nasty? Are you showing what right wing trump supporters are all about if they can't change people's minds? I bet you don't act this way in public. Do other people's dogs like you or do they growl when they meet or even snap at you? You take yourself and your political fervor way too seriously. Try to cheer up.
I'm being nice. Are you changing something by being Mr. Nasty? Are you showing what right wing trump supporters are all about if they can't change people's minds? I bet you don't act this way in public. Do other people's dogs like you or do they growl when they meet or even snap at you? You take yourself and your political fervor way too seriously. Try to cheer up.
Shut up loser
What is illegal is using fake evidence to swear out a warrant to the FISA judge to spy on the Trump campaign.
The Durham report blew that lie all to hell this week.
We've been saying this for years....and now the truth about it is unavoidable.
I guess we will see. Funny, he had no recommendation for charges. Maybe he doesn't have anything to be prosecuted. He did spread a bit of joy to the poor downtrodden trump supporters, so that should be worth something, even if he didn't have any more criminal referrals. Of course, he did have 3, last year or maybe year before last, getting on guilty plea before trial and 2, where the jury said he didn't have the goods and found them not guilty. Makes me think of another situation where Republican lawyers always sound so good and inspiring, until inside the doors of a courtroom, before a life judge and a jury, they help pick.
Nice deflection. Are you afraid of addressing what I said?

Oh, your question, yes. I am from the United States, born on the banks of the Ohio and don't actually know what ESL stands for, nor thinking it important, didn't even take the time to look it up.

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