What Happened To The Democrat Politicians Who (Lied) Claimed They Had Evidence of 'Russian Collusion'?

I guess we will see. Funny, he had no recommendation for charges. Maybe he doesn't have anything to be prosecuted. He did spread a bit of joy to the poor downtrodden trump supporters, so that should be worth something, even if he didn't have any more criminal referrals. Of course, he did have 3, last year or maybe year before last, getting on guilty plea before trial and 2, where the jury said he didn't have the goods and found them not guilty. Makes me think of another situation where Republican lawyers always sound so good and inspiring, until inside the doors of a courtroom, before a life judge and a jury, they help pick.
The Obama Adm set up the Trump Campaign, got Mike Flynn thrown in jail over this fake Russian Collusion deal.
It's not like nobody was hurt. Plenty of people were hurt by this hoax.
The Obama Adm set up the Trump Campaign, got Mike Flynn thrown in jail over this fake Russian Collusion deal.
It's not like nobody was hurt. Plenty of people were hurt by this hoax.
General Flynn was and is a dick and mostly likely a traitor to his oath as an officer and gentleman, as well as a traitor to his country, suggesting the military could be used to take over the voting machines and hold a re-vote. He admitted he was guilty of lying to the FBI to cover himself on earlier actions regarding foreign powers, but being a trump syndicate player, he was pardon for his confessed crime, so trump was served, but not justice. I could give a Fk less about Flynn.
Oh, your question, yes. I am from the United States, born on the banks of the Ohio and don't actually know what ESL stands for, nor thinking it important, didn't even take the time to look it up.

Try crawling out from under your rock periodically. You make many of the same grammatical mistakes many foreigners do. I also guess you're so saturated with TDS that you're willing to not give a shit that the very top of the FBI violated federal law to engage in electioneering while on the taxpayers dime. Run along child and quit wasting everyone's time.

I know what should happen to them if there was any justice.


Ah, the conservative murder fantasy! Where you just execute all of Trump's political opposition.
40 + legal proceedings found the evidence did not prove a rigged election. Many of the judges in these court cases were appointed by Trump.
Bill Barr, Trump's AG, said the election was not a fraud.
The state of Georgia state government, dominated by Republicans, investigated AND FOUND NO FRAUD.
Trump's team hired a private company to audit the Arizona vote. They found more votes for Biden.

You are beyond an idiot if you claim 2020 was rigged.
Right, sure.

81 million black votes for a lifelong racist.

Sure. Mm-hm.

No wonder they call you morons sheeple.
General Flynn was and is a dick and mostly likely a traitor to his oath as an officer and gentleman, as well as a traitor to his country, suggesting the military could be used to take over the voting machines and hold a re-vote. He admitted he was guilty of lying to the FBI to cover himself on earlier actions regarding foreign powers, but being a trump syndicate player, he was pardon for his confessed crime, so trump was served, but not justice. I could give a Fk less about Flynn.
Yes, but you’re trash, so there’s that…
No. Real “fascism / nationalism / racism” are called — but not by you and other idiots — exactly what they have always been called: “fascism / nationalism / racism.”

MAGA Trumpism comes close to combining them all in a “big tent” party of American populist reaction … but of course usually in a pathetic, laughable or cultist manner.

That certainly does not mean all Conservatives or Republicans or deluded Trump voters are fascists, nor does it mean that the Republican Party as a whole is fascist — far from it!

They are all hiding together under your bed.

Sure, like Obama and Biden, right?

P.S. you never did answer my question:
Does the NWO include Russia and China?
I don't think you ever asked that question.
All you did was exaggerate or lie about my comments and claim I don't know anything.
To answer the question, it doesn't matter if they are included in the NWO because it's clear that both are being used to fleece America of it's wealth and spread socialism.
The NWO needs to blame their shit on somebody, be it Trump, China, or Russia.
The greatest threat to America is the Deep State.
General Flynn was and is a dick and mostly likely a traitor to his oath as an officer and gentleman, as well as a traitor to his country, suggesting the military could be used to take over the voting machines and hold a re-vote. He admitted he was guilty of lying to the FBI to cover himself on earlier actions regarding foreign powers, but being a trump syndicate player, he was pardon for his confessed crime, so trump was served, but not justice. I could give a Fk less about Flynn.
I don't know where you get your propaganda from but I think you're a possible suspect in a future mass-shooting.
You're about as Anti-American as they come, which is what I don't understand since you live within 200 miles from me. Maybe the Memphis area is so screwed up that it's like CA or Atlanta GA compared to Clarksville TN.

How's Rep Comer or Rep Jordan or Rep MTG

Any different?
What did Comer, Jordan, or MTG do that is an actual felony?
None of them committed espionage.
None of the are doing anything but their duty as oversight of the Biden Adm.
According to the constitution they have the right to ask questions and look for corruption in the Executive Branch.
Clearly Biden is corrupt and most likely compromised.
It's not cool to take bribes from your enemies. That's called Treason. Giving aid to your enemies is called Treason.
You know that, right?
FOX news has to apy 3/4 of a billion dollars for lying about Dominion. I am sending them your post and name. Watch out..
Kari Lake has lost every attempt to prove fraud.
You are an idiot. You relize you are an idiot don't you?
Read your posts. You will have to say these are posts from an idiot. There is no doubt.
Every day we see new examples of voter-fraud, and you silly twits keep ignoring it and parroting that there was no election fraud.
Course you only say that because you won.
2016 was a different story of course, cuz the Russians Colluded with Trump, right?

Every day we see new examples of voter-fraud, and you silly twits keep ignoring it and parroting that there was no election fraud.
Course you only say that because you won.
2016 was a different story of course, cuz the Russians Colluded with Trump, right?

The left distorts the English language. Trump's feeling of being cheated is not a lie because he believes it. What judges say is often politically motivated and not always a matter of justice and fairness. They are subject to social pressure to conform.
Special Counsel John Durham made it clear in his recent report that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax created by Hillay Clinton, that there was NO EVIDENCE to support the hoax, and the investigation should NEVER have been started by the FBI.

How could that be when so many Democrats claimed tgey had evidence?

House Speaker D-Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi vowed nor to allow Impeachment proceedings to go forward unless she had 2 things: 1) Bipartisanship & 2) Hard evidence of Russian Collusion

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.):
Schiff often said that there was plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy “in plain sight.” Schiff repeatedly lied and used his position as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to perpetuate the conspiracy theory to undermine Trump’s presidency.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.):
'Fang Fang' claimed in 2017 that he’d seen classified and unclassified information proving Trump colluded with Russia.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.):
The architect of 'Stolen Valor' insisted in an interview with MSNBC in 2018, “The evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians…”

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.):
"There was obviously a lot of collusion..The question is — every… so often, we get new information about involvement.”

....of course there were a lot more liars and traitors.

But there is no deep state.
Special Counsel John Durham made it clear in his recent report that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax created by Hillay Clinton, that there was NO EVIDENCE to support the hoax, and the investigation should NEVER have been started by the FBI.

How could that be when so many Democrats claimed tgey had evidence?

House Speaker D-Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi vowed nor to allow Impeachment proceedings to go forward unless she had 2 things: 1) Bipartisanship & 2) Hard evidence of Russian Collusion

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.):
Schiff often said that there was plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy “in plain sight.” Schiff repeatedly lied and used his position as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to perpetuate the conspiracy theory to undermine Trump’s presidency.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.):
'Fang Fang' claimed in 2017 that he’d seen classified and unclassified information proving Trump colluded with Russia.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.):
The architect of 'Stolen Valor' insisted in an interview with MSNBC in 2018, “The evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians…”

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.):
"There was obviously a lot of collusion..The question is — every… so often, we get new information about involvement.”

....of course there were a lot more liars and traitors.

Don Jr. tried to collude with Russia, but he bungled it, because that's the kind of idiot he is.

However, other members of the Trump campaign DID collude with Russia:


In addition to the Russian infiltration of DNC and DCCC computer systems, between March and August 2016, the FBI became aware of numerous attempts to hack into state election systems. These included confirmed access into elements of multiple state or local electoral boards using tactics, techniques, and procedures associated with Russian state-sponsored actors. 163 The FBI learned that Russian efforts also included cyber-enabled scanning and probing of election related infrastructure in several states.

It was in this context that the FBI received information on July 28, 2016, about a conversation between Papadopoulos and an official of a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) in May 2016 during which Papadopoulos "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion" from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to candidate Clinton and President Obama. As described below, the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation 3 days after receiving this information.
Separately, on August 2, 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New York City with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a “backdoor” way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidate Trump’s assent to succeed (were he to be elected President).


And in February 2019, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia found that Manafort lied to the Office and the grand jury concerning his interactions and communications with Konstantin Kilimnik about Trump Campaign polling data and a peace plan for Ukraine.


Manafort instructed Rick Gates, his deputy on the Campaign and a longtime employee, to provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump Campaign—including internal polling data, although Manafort claims not to recall that specific instruction. Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.

Just to fill you in on Deripaska:

Paul Manafort served on the Trump Campaign, including a period as campaign chairman, from March to August 2016. Manafort had connections to Russia through his prior work for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and later through his work for a pro-Russian regime in Ukraine. Manafort stayed in touch with these contacts during the campaign period through Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime Manafort employee who previously ran Manafort’s office in Kiev and who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence.
What did Comer, Jordan, or MTG do that is an actual felony?
None of them committed espionage.
None of the are doing anything but their duty as oversight of the Biden Adm.
According to the constitution they have the right to ask questions and look for corruption in the Executive Branch.
Clearly Biden is corrupt and most likely compromised.
It's not cool to take bribes from your enemies. That's called Treason. Giving aid to your enemies is called Treason.
You know that, right?
Clearly Biden is NOT corrupt as three are claiming, they shouldn't be saying he is without e idence, as y'all claim Adam Schift should not have....

If they can, then Schift could.

That's all I am saying.
Both political party's need to stop this
Party propaganda BS.
And sit down & work on our COUNTRYS problems.
That's what they are paid for.
Not drumming up money & political points for there party.
Both political party's need to stop this
Party propaganda BS.
And sit down & work on our COUNTRYS problems.
That's what they are paid for.
Not drumming up money & political points for there party.
Your idealism is worthwhile, but this world is chock full of evil selfish cynical people who care only for themselves.
That's why we need police and courts and prisons. I always try to do the right thing but I find I am often alone in that.
Try crawling out from under your rock periodically. You make many of the same grammatical mistakes many foreigners do. I also guess you're so saturated with TDS that you're willing to not give a shit that the very top of the FBI violated federal law to engage in electioneering while on the taxpayers dime. Run along child and quit wasting everyone's time.

You'd have loved my comp teacher in college. If it weren't for state of the are grammar/spell check and most assignments written not in class, I would never have sneaked out my "B" in the Freshman class. But, no. English is not a second language to me. It only sounds that way, at times.
You guys concentrate on the top, but have solutions that would get rid of the whole. I am all for selective weeding, as a matter of fact. Strange the FBI particularly repugnant to Republicans, surprisingly, as you may or may not be aware, there has never been a Democrat as FBI Director, though leadership appears to be the main reason, Republicans on here think it should be done away with.

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