What Happened To The Democrat Politicians Who (Lied) Claimed They Had Evidence of 'Russian Collusion'?

Special Counsel John Durham made it clear in his recent report that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax created by Hillay Clinton, that there was NO EVIDENCE to support the hoax, and the investigation should NEVER have been started by the FBI.

How could that be when so many Democrats claimed tgey had evidence?

House Speaker D-Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi vowed nor to allow Impeachment proceedings to go forward unless she had 2 things: 1) Bipartisanship & 2) Hard evidence of Russian Collusion

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.):
Schiff often said that there was plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy “in plain sight.” Schiff repeatedly lied and used his position as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to perpetuate the conspiracy theory to undermine Trump’s presidency.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.):
'Fang Fang' claimed in 2017 that he’d seen classified and unclassified information proving Trump colluded with Russia.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.):
The architect of 'Stolen Valor' insisted in an interview with MSNBC in 2018, “The evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians…”

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.):
"There was obviously a lot of collusion..The question is — every… so often, we get new information about involvement.”

....of course there were a lot more liars and traitors.

Democrats lie
They always lie.
They don't employ a 2nd option.
If at anytime you believe that they are not lying -

Check yourself.
Special Counsel John Durham made it clear in his recent report that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax created by Hillay Clinton, that there was NO EVIDENCE to support the hoax, and the investigation should NEVER have been started by the FBI.

How could that be when so many Democrats claimed tgey had evidence?

House Speaker D-Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi vowed nor to allow Impeachment proceedings to go forward unless she had 2 things: 1) Bipartisanship & 2) Hard evidence of Russian Collusion

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.):
Schiff often said that there was plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy “in plain sight.” Schiff repeatedly lied and used his position as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to perpetuate the conspiracy theory to undermine Trump’s presidency.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.):
'Fang Fang' claimed in 2017 that he’d seen classified and unclassified information proving Trump colluded with Russia.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.):
The architect of 'Stolen Valor' insisted in an interview with MSNBC in 2018, “The evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians…”

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.):
"There was obviously a lot of collusion..The question is — every… so often, we get new information about involvement.”

....of course there were a lot more liars and traitors.

What happened to Trump and team who said they had evidence that the 2020 election was rigged.
Obama, Clinton, Bush, Biden, and all of the rest are all part of the same organized crime syndicate.
They're Washington Establishment insiders who have sold our country out to the United Nations and to the WEF.
Bush Senior was CIA director.....and Obama is just a pawn to the Deep State like all of the others.
Obama is doing his part to start a race war and the others are doing their part to keep any outsiders away from the White House. Every time somebody who doesn't go along with their BS gets in the Oval Office it sets them back several years.

Obama hates America because he wasn't raised by proper people. He has abandonment issues regarding his father and he learned to be a racist while growing up and learned to be a communist at Harvard and Columbia. He figures anything bad that happens to America is no skin off of his nuts. He hates Christians with their guns and their religion. He said so when he felt he wasn't being recorded. He's a twisted little shit who helped fill the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, and other intelligence agencies with spies and traitors. He erased our terrorist database and removed thousands of known criminals from the FBIs watch list. Every mass-shooter is known to the FBI, yet nothing is done about them.
All of this was known before Biden took office, and the only reason he picked Biden as VP is because he knew he could be controlled.

Now we discover that officially Obama was guilty of spying on a president and a political opponent.

That's what Socialists/Communists always do.

So both Bushes, Clinton, Obama, Biden, the World Economic Forum (lobbying group of international corporations meeting once a year in Davos Switzerland), and also the United Nations and the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS … are ALL communists?


Are you sure you yourself were … “raised by proper people”?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anything against them. But think for a moment … might they not be just a little disappointed in you?
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What happened to Trump and team who said they had evidence that the 2020 election was rigged.

Turns out it was true, wasn't it?! It wasn't voter fraud, but the partisanly weaponized DOJ and FBI were doing their Election Interference thing again.

2016, 2020, 2022, and now they're working on 2024.
So both Bushes, Clinton, Obama, Biden, the World Economic Forum (lobbying group of international corporations meeting once a year in Davos Switzerland), and also the United Nations and the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS … are ALL communists?


Are you sure you yourself were … “raised by proper people”?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anything against them. But think for a moment … might they not be just a little disappointed in you?
I didn't say that they were all communists, asshole.
That's the problem with you useful idiots. Everything has to be explained to you and you only understand what you're told to understand. You're like a Nazi sympathizer in 1930 in Germany, yet all they did is change the name from Nazi to Woke/Karen. What was once called fascism/nationalism/racism is now called diversity.
Communists, Muslims, Progressives, and neo-cons are working together to bring this country down.
They all have their individual beliefs, but they also all have a lack of principles and are willing to take whatever bribes are offered to them to help the establishment sell America out to a new world order.
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The FBI did 'not not look closely at, scrutinize, informarion' (the hoax) provided by political opposition ... and no one is going to jail.

An American citizen pushed a humorous meme suggesting Democrats could vote from home - Democrats did 'not not look closely at, scrutinize, informarion' (the hoax) provided by political opposition ... yet this guy could go to prison for 10 years.

Same - same except for the partisanly weaponized DOJ & Democtats' 2-tiered justice system.
Special Counsel John Durham made it clear in his recent report that 'Russian Collusion' was a hoax created by Hillay Clinton, that there was NO EVIDENCE to support the hoax, and the investigation should NEVER have been started by the FBI.

How could that be when so many Democrats claimed tgey had evidence?

House Speaker D-Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi vowed nor to allow Impeachment proceedings to go forward unless she had 2 things: 1) Bipartisanship & 2) Hard evidence of Russian Collusion

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.):
Schiff often said that there was plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy “in plain sight.” Schiff repeatedly lied and used his position as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to perpetuate the conspiracy theory to undermine Trump’s presidency.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.):
'Fang Fang' claimed in 2017 that he’d seen classified and unclassified information proving Trump colluded with Russia.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.):
The architect of 'Stolen Valor' insisted in an interview with MSNBC in 2018, “The evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians…”

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.):
"There was obviously a lot of collusion..The question is — every… so often, we get new information about involvement.”

....of course there were a lot more liars and traitors.

This is the video of this unreal piece of shit in the fbi while he was being outed as the fucking cocksucker he is. Would have no problem at all pissing on his grave. That right there is what the fbi is and has been for a long time.

Every government agency is paid for and run by politicians who use them to do their bidding. Period.
So, comrade mudwhistle , it’s not “communists” primarily but a “criminal gang” of capitalists and U.S. agencies or spies within those agencies who are the real threat?

Or is it “The New World Order” itself that is pulling the strings?

Does the “NWO” … include Russia & China?

Is the WEF another term for the NWO?

Forgive me … this is getting complicated!

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Only dumb asses are still hung up on collusion:eek: . Nobody has ever found or shown any federal statute on collusion, not a federal high crime, not a federal misdemeanor.

So what's the penalty for committing fraud upon the US and interfering with a federal election? The DOJ is contemplating prosecuting Trump for that.

So, comrade mudwhistle , it’s not “communists” primarily but a “criminal gang” of capitalists and U.S. agencies or spies within those agencies who are the real threat?

Or is it “The New World Order” itself that is pulling the strings?

Does the “NWO” … include Russia & China?

Is the WEF another term for the NWO?

Forgive me … this is getting complicated!

It's simple for someone like me. Complicated for an idiot like you.
If you've ever been in a Muslim country and talked to their people, politics is pretty complicated like their language.
They spend most of their time arguing about religion.
Communists and Muslims have historically worked together for a common cause.
They figure once they're in power they'll cancel out their allies once they see the opportunity.
But for the time being, they're working together.
Socialism is just another word for communism.
People who live in Cuba will say they're the same.
The number one thing they wish to do is disarm the public so they can be subjugated.
It's simple for someone like me. Complicated for an idiot like you.
If you've ever been in a Muslim country and talked to their people, politics is pretty complicated like their language.
They spend most of their time arguing about religion.
Communists and Muslims have historically worked together for a common cause.
They figure once they're in power they'll cancel out their allies once they see the opportunity.
But for the time being, they're working together.
Socialism is just another word for communism.
People who live in Cuba will say they're the same.
The number one thing they wish to do is disarm the public so they can be subjugated.
Actually only an idiot like you could be so ignorant of history, so blind and parochial.

Powerful Islamic governments around the world are all corrupt capitalist oligarchies — and our CIA has used them time after time to kill communists, socialists and democrats too, from Iran in 1953 to the Gulf States (for several generations) to Pakistan and Indonesia.

Indeed in Indonesia our CIA aided fanatic Muslim militias in slaughtering leftists and populist trade unions in 1965 — just two years before Obama’s CIA-connected Mom took him there to be “educated” in an elite school.

Muslim political organizations working together with democratic & social-democratic or “democratic socialist” or “communist” organizations has been the strong exception. Such rare alliances only occur under special conditions, because democratic and democratic socialist parties are against religious fanaticism and for freedom of religion. Thus usually only when foreign oppression has been extreme have popular “anti-imperialist” struggles forced both sides to cooperate.

You are a fool and an ignoramus about the historical connections and conflicts between Islam (also fundamentalist Christian religion) and modern democratic or secular politics. Worse, you clearly are not interested in learning about anything outside of your own bubble world.
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Turns out it was true, wasn't it?! It wasn't voter fraud, but the partisanly weaponized DOJ and FBI were doing their Election Interference thing again.

2016, 2020, 2022, and now they're working on 2024.
Please provide your proof. I have seen the opposite.
Innumerable attempts through the courts and state investigations, into voter fraud, have come up with nothing.

You have proof that 2016 was fraudulent? Does that mean Trump was never the legitimate President?
So no bad words for the dems that had a congressional investigation going and appointed a special counsel to investigate Trump for a crime that you say doesn't exist? Wasting tax payer money and a 'media' that led everyone to believe that Trump was guilty and needed impeached? Trump is of course to blame in your mind for the dems corruption and lying... you're unbelievably corrupted yourself. :dunno:
Man actually were totally onboard, total believer, kind like the trumper treating trump as if he walked on water. I am just telling how it was on the collusion and leave it to you to go back 7 years or more to attack your enemies.
So what's the penalty for committing fraud upon the US and interfering with a federal election? The DOJ is contemplating prosecuting Trump for that.

What, you got something Durham didn't have, him recommending no new charges of any kind? Knock yourself out.
Actually only an idiot like you could be so ignorant of history, so blind and parochial.

Powerful Islamic governments around the world are all corrupt capitalist oligarchies — and our CIA has used them time after time to kill communists, socialists and democrats too, from Iran in 1953 to the Gulf States (for several generations) to Pakistan and Indonesia.

Indeed in Indonesia our CIA aided fanatic Muslim militias in slaughtering leftists and populist trade unions in 1965 — just two years before Obama’s CIA-connected Mom took him there to be “educated” in an elite school.

Muslim political organizations working together with democratic & social-democratic or “democratic socialist” or “communist” organizations has been the strong exception. Such rare alliances only occur under special conditions, because democratic and democratic socialist parties are against religious fanaticism and for freedom of religion. Thus usually only when foreign oppression has been extreme have popular “anti-imperialist” struggles forced both sides to cooperate.

You are a fool and an ignoramus about the historical connections and conflicts between Islam (also fundamentalist Christian religion) and modern democratic or secular politics. Worse, you clearly are not interested in learning about anything outside of your own bubble world.
Yeah, fuck you, scupperlip.

I understand everything you said and I think you ignored what I wrote and claim that it's different from what you just posted. Personally I think you just like to argue.
Muslims are your friend until they aren't.
They cannot be trusted.
They'll work with anyone, but when it comes down to it, the only thing they're interested in is the interests of Islam.
What other country can you rescue from total destruction only to have them trying to kill you once you've freed them from oppressors.
When I was in Somalia we went from being liberators to enemies in a matter of months because of this crazy idea that having infidels in your country is worse than starvation. The only Muslim country we've ever been in long and not had them trying to commit acts of terror against our troops is Kuwait.

Muslim countries almost always have either a secular tyrant in charge or a religious leader who is even worse.
They can't grasp what freedom is because Islam is based on oppression.
They're used to it.
They'll work with communists if they have a common cause.
They worked with the US to get rid of the Russians in the 80s, then turned around and started attacking America.
Muslims can be decent people but they can also be back-stabbers.
And FYI, you can be a communist and love Islam at the same time.
Both practice oppression.
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What, you got something Durham didn't have, him recommending no new charges of any kind? Knock yourself out.
him recommending
What country are you from, your ESL is showing. BTW, Durham said they ignored the law, that means they broke the law, he also said the violated procedures and best practices, all for political purposes. At a very minimum, that was a violation of the Hatch Act. Also, in doing so, they committed a fraud on the US.

Do you seriously think there should be no repercussions?

Man actually were totally onboard, total believer, kind like the trumper treating trump as if he walked on water. I am just telling how it was on the collusion and leave it to you to go back 7 years or more to attack your enemies.
So anyone who points out the way the left committed treason by undermining a duly elected president is sucking Trump's dick according to you.

This sort of shit shouldn't be going on in America.
I don't give a God Damn if you think Trump deserved it.
It's still against the law.
What country are you from, your ESL is showing. BTW, Durham said they ignored the law, that means they broke the law, he also said the violated procedures and best practices, all for political purposes. At a very minimum, that was a violation of the Hatch Act. Also, in doing so, they committed a fraud on the US.

Do you seriously think there should be no repercussions?

I'll be glad to watch the fun, but he gave you no specifics, and you are mostly stuck with a Republican lawyer, so it will be entertaining to watch them trying to figure out what is illegal vs legal, especially if they ever get anything in court, even in front of a trump appointed judge, as we got to see after the 2020 election.

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