What Happened To The Democrat Politicians Who (Lied) Claimed They Had Evidence of 'Russian Collusion'?

I don't know where you get your propaganda from but I think you're a possible suspect in a future mass-shooting.
You're about as Anti-American as they come, which is what I don't understand since you live within 200 miles from me. Maybe the Memphis area is so screwed up that it's like CA or Atlanta GA compared to Clarksville TN.

I'm 89 miles from Memphis, probably about the same from Clarksville. Memphis has little impact on me, except for the spillover crime and criminals coming up I-40. You don't seem much of a champion of American democracy and democratic process, yourself, so shouldn't cast stones.
General Flynn was and is a dick and mostly likely a traitor to his oath as an officer and gentleman, as well as a traitor to his country, suggesting the military could be used to take over the voting machines and hold a re-vote. He admitted he was guilty of lying to the FBI to cover himself on earlier actions regarding foreign powers, but being a trump syndicate player, he was pardon for his confessed crime, so trump was served, but not justice. I could give a Fk less about Flynn.
Sorry bout that,

1. Then you don't mind a little injustice, Mr. White, Flynn never deserved what happened, this makes you as guilty as them.
2. This makes you corrupted as hell.
3. You might want to push back on that Mr. White.

Sorry bout that,

1. Then you don't mind a little injustice, Mr. White, Flynn never deserved what happened, this makes you as guilty as them.
2. This makes you corrupted as hell.
3. You might want to push back on that Mr. White.

He deserved what he got from the Army when found lacking in how he handled classified and with whom. He used his extensive knowledge and continued contacts, sometimes acting in foreign interests. On questioning, he lied to the the government, that in itself enough to blow security clearances, and chargeable as a federal felony, which he pleaded guilty to, as he was in fact guilty. You are the one that is corrupted as hell. I support the law of the land and duty to country. He did not. He knew the rules and laws, every time his signed his SF-86 to get or increase his clearances, as I did. F#ck him.
That is my push back.:th_waiting:
You'd have loved my comp teacher in college. If it weren't for state of the are grammar/spell check and most assignments written not in class, I would never have sneaked out my "B" in the Freshman class. But, no. English is not a second language to me. It only sounds that way, at times.
You guys concentrate on the top, but have solutions that would get rid of the whole. I am all for selective weeding, as a matter of fact. Strange the FBI particularly repugnant to Republicans, surprisingly, as you may or may not be aware, there has never been a Democrat as FBI Director, though leadership appears to be the main reason, Republicans on here think it should be done away with.
The political party of the FBI director is irrelevant as he takes orders from the President and the Attorney General. Most of us never had a complaint about the FBI until Jojo Biden became President. Uncle Jojo is the cancer that infects the Executive Branch.
The political party of the FBI director is irrelevant as he takes orders from the President and the Attorney General. Most of us never had a complaint about the FBI until Jojo Biden became President. Uncle Jojo is the cancer that infects the Executive Branch.
Right-wingers and Anti-Americans had problems with the FBI throughout Trump regime, and he appointed three, Comey McCabe and Wray, still the good of the organization outweighs the bad in decisions, investigations undertaken, assistance to law enforcement across the country, and on down the line of things they do, that does not end up in the papers.
He deserved what he got from the Army when found lacking in how he handled classified and with whom. He used his extensive knowledge and continued contacts, sometimes acting in foreign interests. On questioning, he lied to the the government, that in itself enough to blow security clearances, and chargeable as a federal felony, which he pleaded guilty to, as he was in fact guilty. You are the one that is corrupted as hell. I support the law of the land and duty to country. He did not. He knew the rules and laws, every time his signed his SF-86 to get or increase his clearances, as I did. F#ck him.
That is my push back.:th_waiting:
Sorry bout that,

1. So your saying Flynn got what he deserved.
2. He got thrown under a fake bus, went to prison over lies.
3. And your ok with that?

Sorry bout that,

1. So your saying Flynn got what he deserved.
2. He got thrown under a fake bus, went to prison over lies.
3. And your ok with that?

What prison? Give some dates. I cannot find any dates. It sounds like a lie.
When Barr came in, he tried to have the government drop it's case. It was a political move. It was rejected. The prosecution was valid, the acts confessed were against the law, getting him off the hook was rejected by two different levels of appellate action and the case was intentionally left with Sullivan to proceed with sentencing. By that time he had already been informed he would have to pay about $37,000 Dollars of illgotten, undisclosed foreign payment, as be againts the law under the emoluments claus, his connection to RT, well known, including sitting with Putin at an AR event, as well as undisclosed work for Turkey for Erdoğan. Flynn was indeed dirty.
Yes. I am completely OK with that. He should have been jailed, but wasn't.
Strange the FBI particularly repugnant to Republicans, surprisingly, as you may or may not be aware, there has never been a Democrat as FBI Director, though leadership appears to be the main reason, Republicans on here think it should be done away with.
The political party of the FBI director is irrelevant as he takes orders from the President and the Attorney General. Most of us never had a complaint about the FBI until Jojo Biden became President. Uncle Jojo is the cancer that infects the Executive Branch. [bold ital added for emphasis]
Right-wingers and Anti-Americans had problems with the FBI throughout Trump regime, and he appointed three, Comey McCabe and Wray …
Fascinating. Can you imagine what today’s Trump fanatics would say if ONLY Democrats served as FBI Directors?

They would … go CRAZY!

A longterm “CONSPIRACY” right before our very eyes!

As for the claim that “Most of us [MAGA Republicans?] never had a complaint about the FBI until Jojo Biden became President” — that is funny, revealing and untruthful.

The FBI Director traditionally has had immense power over his agency — though today certainly less than J. Edgar Hoover did, when for 37 years he was a terror in D.C. and had dirt on ALL politicians. He was even more abusive to powerless “dissidents” in society, fighters against racial discrimination, would be exposers of D.C. and FBI corruption, anti-war activists, etc.

In modern times Dems have had no problem voting for Republican FBI Directors, nor of course have Republicans …who appointed most of them, good and bad.

Trump, on the other hand, had trouble finding experienced, respected Republican FBI Directors who would be loyal not to the law but ONLY TO HIM. He tried and tried but was never satisfied.

Some here would gladly give Trump another chance to find a 100% personally loyal FBI Director.

Trump’s desire to have a personally loyal FBI Director is not surprising — coming as it does from a demagogue and megalomaniac who also suggested Americans should think about “terminating” our Constitution and rule of law so he could stay in power after losing the 2020 election. But it is truly tragic that so many Americans could fall for such unAmerican shit.

I know the FBI, like our local police and our powerful military, are absolutely necessary institutions. They are filled with many dedicated men and women — most of whom also normally vote Republican. Thankfully there are many good and responsible Conservative Americans who have — especially after Jan. 6th — become “Never Trump” Republicans.

But the sad reality is there are still far more Trump MAGA cultists and other “traditional” Republicans who will vote for Trump again if he becomes the official GOP candidate, even if they have some qualms.

This is amazingly dangerous for our Republic, as is all the sick MAGAnut talk about “civil war.”

Mind you, I have very rarely voted for Democratic Presidents myself. For example I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Hillary in 2016, despite the fact I was then living in what was suppose to be a “toss-up” state. I also know Biden is too old, and the Dems of course have their own problems with “systemic” corruption.

By the way, I don’t suggest that Dems get to appoint the next 8 FBI directors, or one so sick and abusive as J.Edgar Hoover!

No, I just want to see some “Common Sense” governing, and want the country to pull back from Trump-encouraged madness, so it can deal honestly and in a less ultra-partisan manner with its many challenges. Unfortunately, honesty and common sense are going to be obliterated if Trump and grifters loyal to him win big in the 2024 election.
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You don't know me. So, here a nice meme for you.
View attachment 786589
I know as much as I need to know about you White6...in nearly 30 years of debating on political message boards like this, you are nothing special....Very easily figured out...But, hey, nice meme for a moderator to be posting....Me thinks you aren't suited for the job...Hack
How could that be when so many Democrats claimed they had evidence?

The many people associated with the Trump admin who were convicted of spying for Russia proves that those Democrat accusers were absolutely right. Which surprises no one.

Thus, those Democrats are being hailed as patriots and heroes.

At this stage, only the most fanatical American-hating fascist stooges are still denying that Trump was a Russian patsy. You know, people like the OP.
Right-wingers and Anti-Americans had problems with the FBI throughout Trump regime, and he appointed three, Comey McCabe and Wray, still the good of the organization outweighs the bad in decisions, investigations undertaken, assistance to law enforcement across the country, and on down the line of things they do, that does not end up in the papers.

How do you decide who is "anti-American"?????
I don't like Garland or Wray and I spent 6 years in the
United States Navy. Tell us all what magnificent things you have done to prove your patriotism.
I know as much as I need to know about you White6...in nearly 30 years of debating on political message boards like this, you are nothing special....Very easily figured out...But, hey, nice meme for a moderator to be posting....Me thinks you aren't suited for the job...Hack
That is probably your problem. You think it important, you have been immersing yourself in the political message boards for 30 years. I suspect you picked your side 30 years ago and stuck with it, supporting and agreeing whether right, wrong, or just plain nonsensically trying to raise a hoopla, like some nonthinking cheerleader.
You'd have loved my comp teacher in college. If it weren't for state of the are grammar/spell check and most assignments written not in class, I would never have sneaked out my "B" in the Freshman class. But, no. English is not a second language to me. It only sounds that way, at times.
You guys concentrate on the top, but have solutions that would get rid of the whole. I am all for selective weeding, as a matter of fact. Strange the FBI particularly repugnant to Republicans, surprisingly, as you may or may not be aware, there has never been a Democrat as FBI Director, though leadership appears to be the main reason, Republicans on here think it should be done away with.
If the FBI Director was a black Hispanic transsexual then he/she/them would be a Democrat.
But these people are still on orders from the White House even when they're neocons.
If there's ever allowed to be another Republican in the White House (which I seriously doubt), the Democraps would scream bloody-murder if the DOJ was pulling the sort of shit that Garland is pulling in support of the coverup of Biden's criminal activities.

How do you decide who is "anti-American"?????
I don't like Garland or Wray and I spent 6 years in the
United States Navy. Tell us all what magnificent things you have done to prove your patriotism.
No, I'll save my "This ain't no sh#t" stories from my 20 years for friends in person, who were most likely there or knew people that were.
You'd have loved my comp teacher in college. If it weren't for state of the are grammar/spell check and most assignments written not in class, I would never have sneaked out my "B" in the Freshman class. But, no. English is not a second language to me. It only sounds that way, at times.
You guys concentrate on the top, but have solutions that would get rid of the whole. I am all for selective weeding, as a matter of fact. Strange the FBI particularly repugnant to Republicans, surprisingly, as you may or may not be aware, there has never been a Democrat as FBI Director, though leadership appears to be the main reason, Republicans on here think it should be done away with.

Wray proves there needs to be wholesale changes in the FBI, you can't expect change when people who came up in that cesspool keep getting promoted to leadership.

Comey is a malignant narcissist that thought is was perfectly fine to impose his will on the country, by whatever means necessary. He didn't want Trump to be president, so even after laying out a prima facie case to prosecute the bitch, he made an excuse not to prosecute her because they would have assured a Trump victory. His duty would have been to get the DOJ to present the case to a grand jury. He had no legal predicate to investigate Trump or anyone in his campaign, he failed to do his duty on the bitch, he should have gone to jail for at a minimum for obstruction of justice and I can think of much more.

Wray proves there needs to be wholesale changes in the FBI, you can't expect change when people who came up in that cesspool keep getting promoted to leadership.

Comey is a malignant narcissist that thought is was perfectly fine to impose his will on the country, by whatever means necessary. He didn't want Trump to be president, so even after laying out a prima facie case to prosecute the bitch, he made an excuse not to prosecute her because they would have assured a Trump victory. His duty would have been to get the DOJ to present the case to a grand jury. He had no legal predicate to investigate Trump or anyone in his campaign, he failed to do his duty on the bitch, he should have gone to jail for at a minimum for obstruction of justice and I can think of much more.

The FBI was the worst under Hoover and Nixon. They destroyed many lives of Anti War protesters and celebrities. My college and I caught a FBI agent who was the head of the student protesters in upstate New York and was extremely radical, got two freshman to blow up the ROTC office and supposedly he was at Kent State too. Hoover and Nixon were not interested in investigating any of that. Trump supposedly wanted to do some terrible stuff through the FBI but people told him to shut the hell up lOL....
Wray proves there needs to be wholesale changes in the FBI, you can't expect change when people who came up in that cesspool keep getting promoted to leadership.

Comey is a malignant narcissist that thought is was perfectly fine to impose his will on the country, by whatever means necessary. He didn't want Trump to be president, so even after laying out a prima facie case to prosecute the bitch, he made an excuse not to prosecute her because they would have assured a Trump victory. His duty would have been to get the DOJ to present the case to a grand jury. He had no legal predicate to investigate Trump or anyone in his campaign, he failed to do his duty on the bitch, he should have gone to jail for at a minimum for obstruction of justice and I can think of much more.

Comey should be a GOP hero. He won the election for Trump

How do you decide who is "anti-American"?????
I don't like Garland or Wray and I spent 6 years in the
United States Navy. Tell us all what magnificent things you have done to prove your patriotism.
I did 5 years in the US Navy and 15 years in the US Army and 18 years working for the Department of The Army.
6 years is only your first enlistment. You don't even begin to know what it is like until you've re-enlisted at least once.
Wray proves there needs to be wholesale changes in the FBI, you can't expect change when people who came up in that cesspool keep getting promoted to leadership.

Comey is a malignant narcissist that thought is was perfectly fine to impose his will on the country, by whatever means necessary. He didn't want Trump to be president, so even after laying out a prima facie case to prosecute the bitch, he made an excuse not to prosecute her because they would have assured a Trump victory. His duty would have been to get the DOJ to present the case to a grand jury. He had no legal predicate to investigate Trump or anyone in his campaign, he failed to do his duty on the bitch, he should have gone to jail for at a minimum for obstruction of justice and I can think of much more.

Everyone since and some before had opportunity to prosecute, all Republicans and mostly appointed or approved by Republican Presidents. Even Durham, the Special Council that investigated for four years could have recommended charges, but I guess, withheld, preferring not to recommend something doomed to fail for lack of refutable evidence in front of a judge, though would have been loved by people like yourself for political value alone.

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