Zone1 what happens after death?

I would expect the God of the Bible to speak to me in 17th century William Shakespearian English.

no such language exists but in their own writings ... you fool yourself, the jew god is theirs alone they do not exist - the heavens might more play their harp for you or the bugle of last rites.
Only if God tells me to. So far He has never said anything to me.
Are you expecting God to use words? Why not try pictures?

Step into the day God has given to you, and what do you see before you? We were given the simple directions to put God or goodness first, and to love all those around you.

Perhaps you are thinking, "I am a decent human being, so I already do that." Great, then you heard God. Then the daily words are, Can goodness be given an even higher priority, and can I love those around me even more? What presents itself to you as you walk through your day? How does your spirit want you to respond to these opportunities?

Perhaps envisioning God sitting down and speaking to you over coffee and donuts is too limiting for God, so he paints you pictures (pictures being worth a thousand word) throughout the entire day.
Are you expecting God to use words?
No. I'm not expecting anything.
Why not try pictures?
I'm not expecting that either. That would be ridiculous though. Humans communicate with words, not pictures.
Step into the day God has given to you, and what do you see before you?
I see lots of inanimate objects that do not give me instructions. I see other living materials that do not give me instructions. I see some humans that actually do give me instructions. I see no gods. I'm not saying God has given me this day but if He has, there are no strings attached that I have been made aware.
We were given the simple directions to put God or goodness first, and to love all those around you.
Not all of us. I wasn't given those instructions.
Perhaps you are thinking, "I am a decent human being, so I already do that." Great, then you heard God.
Then Christ's words were accurate when he said, "It is finished." Let's close up shop and stop discussing religion.
Then the daily words are, Can goodness be given an even higher priority, and can I love those around me even more?
Yes. I could do those things.
What presents itself to you as you walk through your day?
This is vague and broad. I encounter lots of things. Mostly bad but still lots of good.
How does your spirit want you to respond to these opportunities?
You are going to like my answer and use it as proof that God is speaking to me. My spirit wants to respond with the most intense humility as I can possibly muster. I don't want any negative encounter with another human to phase me or rile me up. I'd love to have the capacity to ignore all negativity directed towards me and just reap benefit after benefit much like a wild bird does. They find feed, they eat it. If another animal scolds them or humiliates them, they fly away, come back later to the same spot, or find food elsewhere. My spirit craves that kind of humility/superiority/strength. You'll like this comment too. The Bible says the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. My flesh wants to destroy and humiliate those who humiliate me. That's usually what happens. My spirit wants to ignore them.
Perhaps envisioning God sitting down and speaking to you over coffee and donuts is too limiting for God, so he paints you pictures (pictures being worth a thousand word) throughout the entire day.
If so then the complexity of my existence is already orchestrated by God. The outcome is the same. Ignore religious nuts who want to impose thoughts, or actions upon me against my will.

If I would have been raised a Calvinist then I would not have such a negative view of religious people. I really like the idea of believing God is in charge and we have absolutely zero say in the matter. It makes more sense than the garbage I was taught and still encounter.


you really do, outdue yourself ... do your shoes stay dry when walking on water.
The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. He guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. You set a table before me in front of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for endless days.
The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. He guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. You set a table before me in front of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for endless days.

When did you get a Bible? I have been here for years and this is only the second time I have seen you quote the Bible. In the past you have always avoided quoting the Bible like the plaque. Both times I seen you quote the Bible has been in the last few days.
Nah, that's false. There are a lot of people on the planet. This is the year 2024, not 1500.

But stay tuned. With the proliferation of nukes, religion still has time to end society as we know it.
Leave it to you to dismiss that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in a higher power than man and not associate that with functional advantage.
Me too but if God talks to me I will never use it to manipulate other people. I'll just do what I am told by the big fellow. What did God tell you to do?
Many things. I don't believe you need God to try to manipulate other people. You are doing just fine on your own.
When did you get a Bible? I have been here for years and this is only the second time I have seen you quote the Bible. In the past you have always avoided quoting the Bible like the plaque. Both times I seen you quote the Bible has been in the last few days.
I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.
The same experiece as before you were born.

For example, one could ask what it was like to wake up after never having gone to sleep just as logically as they can ask what it is like to go to sleep and to never wake up.
It might be the case that we cease to exist after bodily death, but that's not necessarily true. Before you and I were born physically, we never experienced consciousness, or thought any thoughts. Perhaps the fact that we are alive now and thinking thoughts, makes the difference between our non-existence before we entered into this living condition and the condition we will be in after our physical, biological bodies breakdown and die. We spent years thinking and perhaps making an impression upon the universe, which we didn't make before we became sentient, conscious beings. Perhaps in this lifetime our brains, this biological organism, generates another body, that continues to exist after biological death.

How do you explain paranormal phenomena? John Huntington, an ITC (Instrumental TransCommunication) researcher is able to do this:

Shannon, a.k.a. "Mortis The Wizard":

They're using radio-sweepers or "ghost boxes". I tried it myself and confirmed that everything you saw in those videos is true. I got similar results, using my radio sweeper/ghost box, with these intelligent entities who responded to my questions just like in the above videos. I also had poltergeist activity in my home, which my family and I experienced. The poltergeist didn't go away until I stopped using the radio-sweeper.

Does this prove life after death? No it doesn't. But it does make it more likely due to the fact that these spirits don't have physical, biological bodies. At least they appear not to, perhaps they do but they're communicating with us from another planet where they do have biological bodies (ET technology/ET artificial intelligence). I'll just give them the benefit of the doubt and identify them as they call themselves. They're ghosts/spirits. Again, this doesn't prove life after death, but it sure is interesting nonetheless.
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- that is you c-bear, where is the appendix to their book and the preserved actual documents used to write the christian bible - a book of forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page.

provide the stone tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - that never existed.

where are the documents written by jesus in their own hand, the religion of antiquity they taught - liberation theology, self determination.
Prove the forgeries. You can’t. Therefore, it’s bearing false witness.
Leave it to you to dismiss that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in a higher power than man and not associate that with functional advantage.
I didn't do that. Without your pathetic strawmen, you wouldn't have much to say.
Prove the forgeries. You can’t. Therefore, it’s bearing false witness.
provide the stone tablets claimed by the liar moses etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments - that never existed.

where are the documents written by jesus
in their own hand, the religion of antiquity they taught - liberation theology, self determination.

you're a multifaceted loser c-bear ... take it up w/ the jews - good luck.
The question of what happens after death should be asked to those who died and came back!

Lots of books about it, lots of videos' people telling their experiences ....

Very interesting.:)

This site sounds pretty Catholic so far, meaning it is not Francis-esque (alleged-pope reference)
Revelation 9: 6 And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.

Hebrews 9: 27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that come judgment.

2 Corinthians 5: 8 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

Luke 21: 6 “As for these things that you see, the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”

Romans 2: 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.
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You are going to like my answer and use it as proof that God is speaking to me. My spirit wants to respond with the most intense humility as I can possibly muster. I don't want any negative encounter with another human to phase me or rile me up. I'd love to have the capacity to ignore all negativity directed towards me and just reap benefit after benefit much like a wild bird does. They find feed, they eat it. If another animal scolds them or humiliates them, they fly away, come back later to the same spot, or find food elsewhere. My spirit craves that kind of humility/superiority/strength. You'll like this comment too. The Bible says the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. My flesh wants to destroy and humiliate those who humiliate me. That's usually what happens. My spirit wants to ignore them.
There is no proofs in the spiritual realm as proof relies on physical evidence and God is spirit, Spirit and Truth. If one wishes to seek and find God, it is simply logical to search for him in spirit and truth, instead of seeking audible sounds in the physical world.

You speak of your flesh being weak, sparked by all the negativity and your spirit as craving humility/strength. I use a slightly different picture--that of the lion and the lamb. The lion roars at the rising negativity, warning that action is needed, wants my reaction to fight against what is negative. I once fought that lion with all my might--and lost time and again. Here is where the lamb (the spirit of humility) comes into play. The lion wants action, the lamb wants peace. I always wanted the lamb to win. Doesn't work like that. I have to seek/work the solution where the lion of action and the lamb of peace/humility both lie down together. One is not to be ignored in favor of the other. One must act--but how one acts can be guided by the spirit/lamb. Both the lion and the lamb must lie down together (be equally satisfied) with the reaction/solution.

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