What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

TRump is going to convene a special session of congress to finally fix healthcare....so don't worry...he actually wants to fix it...not use it as a means to control the American people........

Yes right. I doubt trump will give a hoot about anyone but the elites.

Really...every fucking elite in the country has either paid for hilary or is actively supporting her campaign, even republican royalty like the Bushes are supporting hilary.......she has accepted bribes from every elite institution in the country, from Wall Street to foreign governments so please....hilary is the candidate of the American elite in Education, politics, the press and hollywood....
You miss my point. The takers are not just losers who refuse to work, but also those who COULD pay premiums like the rest of us but choose to live at the edge of their means then have nothing left to pay for a necessity. If those people had skin in the game like the middle class does, they would be demanding a real fix so they don't have to pay so much. One of the reasons it doesn't work is because it's all free for way too many.

The entire thing doesn't work because it was never intended for everybody to have healthcare.

If we are to really address the problem, then the first thing that needs to be done is lowering the price of care, and then figuring out how to pay for it.

As you stated, the reason it's a failure is because it only transferred the cost from one entity to another. That's like saying you've accomplished something by paying one of your credit card bills by using another credit card.
but in a free society shouldnt people have a say in how the spend their money? what they buy?
If someone wants to buy a 6000 square foot home and drive a brand new corvette, then let them. If by chance those choices leave them unable to pay insurance, the tough, they dont have insurance. If they get sick and need expensive care, at that point they need to sell the car, sell the house and pay their own way.
Besides, the ACA is not going to be giving those people a subsidy just because they spent their 250,000 a year salary on homes and cars. They will still be expected to pay full price. This is where the being forced to downsize comes in to play. If they dont want insurance, then they should not have to buy it. Just dont come looking for the free care if something happens.

Do we have to go there again? Many Americans don't want to spend their tax dollars on the most expensive military budget in the world...
tough, allocated in the constitution.
healthcare is not. We need to get rid of the ACA and just go back to what it was. I was doing perfectly fine for my entire life without government programs to cater to my needs.

Sure it is allocated...but the amount is not specified. Give me a reason why we should be spending more than the next top 5 countries in the world combined? I'll wait while I let my beard grow to me knees.

What are the populations of those countries?

Uh, two of those countries are India and China so...I'm not sure where your argument is going?

They are China, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and India.

China- 1.38 billion people
India- 1.32 billion people
United Kingdom- 65 million
France- 64.7 million
Russia- 143.4 million

United States- 324.5 million

We have to protect Britain, France and the rest of Europe from Russia...and the rest of Asia from China......and we protect the sea lanes and keep muslim terrorists in check.......the European socialists don't spend enough money on their militaries to fend off a pile of kittens.....so we have to have the military muscle to do it for them......

That is why we have to spend so much.....
TRump is going to convene a special session of congress to finally fix healthcare....so don't worry...he actually wants to fix it...not use it as a means to control the American people........

Yes right. I doubt trump will give a hoot about anyone but the elites.

Really...every fucking elite in the country has either paid for hilary or is actively supporting her campaign, even republican royalty like the Bushes are supporting hilary.......she has accepted bribes from every elite institution in the country, from Wall Street to foreign governments so please....hilary is the candidate of the American elite in Education, politics, the press and hollywood....

No Trump is the one who lived off of the middle and poor class, shame on him for not paying taxes, as he dirties the air with his private jet. He is a lowlife, lives off of others, I think they call those kind "bloodsuckers". He is on Medicare now, so he does not care also his family has helath insurance. A lot he knows,, he said his employees bitched about the ACA, and they are not even on it.

He is such a dimwit.
Do we have to go there again? Many Americans don't want to spend their tax dollars on the most expensive military budget in the world...
tough, allocated in the constitution.
healthcare is not. We need to get rid of the ACA and just go back to what it was. I was doing perfectly fine for my entire life without government programs to cater to my needs.

Sure it is allocated...but the amount is not specified. Give me a reason why we should be spending more than the next top 5 countries in the world combined? I'll wait while I let my beard grow to me knees.

What are the populations of those countries?

Uh, two of those countries are India and China so...I'm not sure where your argument is going?

They are China, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and India.

China- 1.38 billion people
India- 1.32 billion people
United Kingdom- 65 million
France- 64.7 million
Russia- 143.4 million

United States- 324.5 million

We have to protect Britain, France and the rest of Europe from Russia...and the rest of Asia from China......and we protect the sea lanes and keep muslim terrorists in check.......the European socialists don't spend enough money on their militaries to fend off a pile of kittens.....so we have to have the military muscle to do it for them......

That is why we have to spend so much.....

No, we don't HAVE to. That's the point. Is this your opinion? Do you care more about the people of those countries than you do the poor of your own country?
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

Conservative ideology doesn't bother themselves with trivialities like that - they didn't give a shit before those 20 million had insurance and won't give a shit after they again don't have it.

Obamacare sux and needs to be repealed and replaced with magical free market solutions like tax-cuts via health-savings accounts. Won't change the fact that almost 20 million will still lose insurance since they don't make much and pay very little taxes as is. But hey, who gives a sht.
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Penelope Yeah, clearly you don't know me at all honey, I've noted on here many times where I stand financially. I also stated that some taxes are fine, but forced charity is not. There is a difference.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
TRump is going to convene a special session of congress to finally fix healthcare....so don't worry...he actually wants to fix it...not use it as a means to control the American people........

Yes right. I doubt trump will give a hoot about anyone but the elites.

Really...every fucking elite in the country has either paid for hilary or is actively supporting her campaign, even republican royalty like the Bushes are supporting hilary.......she has accepted bribes from every elite institution in the country, from Wall Street to foreign governments so please....hilary is the candidate of the American elite in Education, politics, the press and hollywood....

No Trump is the one who lived off of the middle and poor class, shame on him for not paying taxes, as he dirties the air with his private jet. He is a lowlife, lives off of others, I think they call those kind "bloodsuckers".

Trump pays more taxes every single year than most people pay their entire lives...every bag of cement, every piece of land...taxed and taxed then taxed some more.....he has allowed his workers to provide good lives for their families and has created thousands of jobs and other businesses....

you left wingers don't understand how actual work gets done.....so please...leave this to the adults....
No Trump is the one who lived off of the middle and poor class, shame on him for not paying taxes, as he dirties the air with his private jet. He is a lowlife, lives off of others, I think they call those kind "bloodsuckers".

Sounds like you never heard of the Clinton Foundation. How do you think HilBilly travels, on a commercial propeller plane?
TRump is going to convene a special session of congress to finally fix healthcare....so don't worry...he actually wants to fix it...not use it as a means to control the American people........

Yes right. I doubt trump will give a hoot about anyone but the elites.

Really...every fucking elite in the country has either paid for hilary or is actively supporting her campaign, even republican royalty like the Bushes are supporting hilary.......she has accepted bribes from every elite institution in the country, from Wall Street to foreign governments so please....hilary is the candidate of the American elite in Education, politics, the press and hollywood....

No Trump is the one who lived off of the middle and poor class, shame on him for not paying taxes, as he dirties the air with his private jet. He is a lowlife, lives off of others, I think they call those kind "bloodsuckers".

Trump pays more taxes every single year than most people pay their entire lives...every bag of cement, every piece of land...taxed and taxed then taxed some more.....he has allowed his workers to provide good lives for their families and has created thousands of jobs and other businesses....

you left wingers don't understand how actual work gets done.....so please...leave this to the adults....

Wrong, and if you want to prove me different, show us his tax return.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

Conservatives don't bother themselves with trivialities like that - they didn't give a shit before those 20 million had insurance and won't give a shit after they again don't have it.

What fucking part of convening a special session of congress to actually fix healthcare do you not fucking comprehend....the fixes needed are small and do not require the government taking over the entire system...

Hey genius....can you fucking explain how a government that can't provide decent healthcare to a few million military veterans without them dying due to lack of care is going to take over the entire healthcare system for 320 million people and actually make it work better....?

Can you do that?
but in a free society shouldnt people have a say in how the spend their money? what they buy?
If someone wants to buy a 6000 square foot home and drive a brand new corvette, then let them. If by chance those choices leave them unable to pay insurance, the tough, they dont have insurance. If they get sick and need expensive care, at that point they need to sell the car, sell the house and pay their own way.
Besides, the ACA is not going to be giving those people a subsidy just because they spent their 250,000 a year salary on homes and cars. They will still be expected to pay full price. This is where the being forced to downsize comes in to play. If they dont want insurance, then they should not have to buy it. Just dont come looking for the free care if something happens.

Do we have to go there again? Many Americans don't want to spend their tax dollars on the most expensive military budget in the world...
tough, allocated in the constitution.
healthcare is not. We need to get rid of the ACA and just go back to what it was. I was doing perfectly fine for my entire life without government programs to cater to my needs.

Sure it is allocated...but the amount is not specified. Give me a reason why we should be spending more than the next top 5 countries in the world combined? I'll wait while I let my beard grow to me knees.

What are the populations of those countries?

Uh, two of those countries are India and China so...I'm not sure where your argument is going?

They are China, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and India.

China- 1.38 billion people
India- 1.32 billion people
United Kingdom- 65 million
France- 64.7 million
Russia- 143.4 million

United States- 324.5 million

I was just curious which countries you were referring to. Many use countries that are smaller than many of our States.
No Trump is the one who lived off of the middle and poor class, shame on him for not paying taxes, as he dirties the air with his private jet. He is a lowlife, lives off of others, I think they call those kind "bloodsuckers".

Sounds like you never heard of the Clinton Foundation. How do you think HilBilly travels, on a commercial propeller plane?

I don't talk to a guy who is pointing a gun at me.
TRump is going to convene a special session of congress to finally fix healthcare....so don't worry...he actually wants to fix it...not use it as a means to control the American people........

Yes right. I doubt trump will give a hoot about anyone but the elites.

Really...every fucking elite in the country has either paid for hilary or is actively supporting her campaign, even republican royalty like the Bushes are supporting hilary.......she has accepted bribes from every elite institution in the country, from Wall Street to foreign governments so please....hilary is the candidate of the American elite in Education, politics, the press and hollywood....

No Trump is the one who lived off of the middle and poor class, shame on him for not paying taxes, as he dirties the air with his private jet. He is a lowlife, lives off of others, I think they call those kind "bloodsuckers".

Trump pays more taxes every single year than most people pay their entire lives...every bag of cement, every piece of land...taxed and taxed then taxed some more.....he has allowed his workers to provide good lives for their families and has created thousands of jobs and other businesses....

you left wingers don't understand how actual work gets done.....so please...leave this to the adults....

Wrong, and if you want to prove me different, show us his tax return.

So he pays no taxes as he conducts business...see this is why you need to sit down and let the adults talk...you have no clue what you are talking about if the Borg Queen doesn't mind pulse it into your brain....
tough, allocated in the constitution.
healthcare is not. We need to get rid of the ACA and just go back to what it was. I was doing perfectly fine for my entire life without government programs to cater to my needs.

Sure it is allocated...but the amount is not specified. Give me a reason why we should be spending more than the next top 5 countries in the world combined? I'll wait while I let my beard grow to me knees.

What are the populations of those countries?

Uh, two of those countries are India and China so...I'm not sure where your argument is going?

They are China, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and India.

China- 1.38 billion people
India- 1.32 billion people
United Kingdom- 65 million
France- 64.7 million
Russia- 143.4 million

United States- 324.5 million

We have to protect Britain, France and the rest of Europe from Russia...and the rest of Asia from China......and we protect the sea lanes and keep muslim terrorists in check.......the European socialists don't spend enough money on their militaries to fend off a pile of kittens.....so we have to have the military muscle to do it for them......

That is why we have to spend so much.....

No, we don't HAVE to. That's the point. Is this your opinion? Do you care more about the people of those countries than you do the poor of your own country?

No....but I get tired of our country having to go in and stop left wingers from committing mass genocide against other countries........you get the left wing socialist countries to stop committing mass murder whenever the U.S. decides to stay neutral, and then we can talk about lowering our military spending....
I love how so many Americans sound like this article I just read.

SEOUL, Nov. 4 (UPI) -- More senior citizens in North Korea are being pressured to kill themselves because of intergenerational conflicts and the skyrocketing cost of medicine.
The financial burden they impose on their adult children who also struggle to make ends meet has led to family crises, where it is the children who are asking their aging parents to commit suicide, said another source in North Hamgyong Province.

North Korea families pressuring elderly to commit suicide

And who provides healthcare to the North Korean people? Did you say government?????
Yes right. I doubt trump will give a hoot about anyone but the elites.

Really...every fucking elite in the country has either paid for hilary or is actively supporting her campaign, even republican royalty like the Bushes are supporting hilary.......she has accepted bribes from every elite institution in the country, from Wall Street to foreign governments so please....hilary is the candidate of the American elite in Education, politics, the press and hollywood....

No Trump is the one who lived off of the middle and poor class, shame on him for not paying taxes, as he dirties the air with his private jet. He is a lowlife, lives off of others, I think they call those kind "bloodsuckers".

Trump pays more taxes every single year than most people pay their entire lives...every bag of cement, every piece of land...taxed and taxed then taxed some more.....he has allowed his workers to provide good lives for their families and has created thousands of jobs and other businesses....

you left wingers don't understand how actual work gets done.....so please...leave this to the adults....

Wrong, and if you want to prove me different, show us his tax return.

So he pays no taxes as he conducts business...see this is why you need to sit down and let the adults talk...you have no clue what you are talking about if the Borg Queen doesn't mind pulse it into your brain....

Really I know how businesses work and how they lauder money, which is why he has so many fax companies, the steak one and the wine one , etc. He is a LOSER. If he gets it, it will need to be: "YOUR FIRED". He is so stupid about everything. He has no clue to what even the ACA is. He is dense.

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