What happens if Trump is convicted?

Again i would like to point out that its a lefty who is making threats.
Yeah, right.
If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.

You just can't come to terms with the fact that Trump lost the election. He was bullying people to alter the results:

Most of the country is moving to the left politically, and socioeconomically, discarding your hypocritical, self-righteous, right-wing, neoliberal conservative worldview, with all of its priorities, values, and irrational demands.


If you think there are enough of you right-wingers to win a war against everyone who disagrees with you, go ahead, try it. You're going to get clobbered. You're not the only ones who are armed and willing to fight for their values. We, leftists, will most likely not have to fire a shot to defend ourselves against you. We'll just sit back with some popcorn and watch the US Government crush your insurrection. All of you dumb right-wing country bumpkins will be dispatched quickly by the US National Guard, Army Infantry, US Marines, SWAT teams..etc. You're not going to take an inch of land, absolutely nothing. The American people through their government, will prevent you from taking any territory. You'll just get pulverized.


Bubba is confused.


Flying the flag of the Confederate bigot, slave-master army.

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As soon as you Trump cultists leave the scene in disgrace, which I hope will happen very soon, the long slow return to sanity and compromises across the aisle can begin.
Its actually happening now in some quarters.

I once wrote that Semina and Mancin did the democrats a huge favor by scuttling the filibuster reform proposal.

No democratic party lawmaker would admit it out loud of course but the moment that filibuster goes away; whatever party is in power is doomed. The retribution will be 10X from the other party and the best excuse for underperforming--the opposition obstruction--goes away.

No GOP lawmaker will admit it but the democrats are doing them a huge favor with this action on Trump. Every tweet about the democrats is one less tweet about them "caving". Many are just running out the clock on this retarded time in their party. In the mean time; when there is a deal to be made, it is getting made in off years.
And what charges were levied against Trump that you believe should be applied to Biden, Obama and Clinton.


The evidence.
Treason, Bribery, extortion, conspiracy, racketeering, possession of classified documents, possession of drugs in his home and being commander in chief of the military, murder of 13 soldiers during the Afghan retreat.
Treason, Bribery, extortion, conspiracy, racketeering, possession of classified documents, possession of drugs in his home and being commander in chief of the military, murder of 13 soldiers during the Afghan retreat.

Trump was never charged with any of those save conspiracy.

So what charges that were levied against Trump that you believe Biden, Obama or Clinton should be charged with?


What happens if Trump is convicted?​

If the US courts understand the concept of law and order - St. Donald will go to prison. And for the next 6 month hardcore MAGA's will stand outside and light candles, whilst hardcore Lefty&Libs will burn effigies of St. Donald.
7 month later - no one gives a shit about St. Donald anymore.

What happens if Trump is convicted?​

If the US courts understand the concept of law and order - St. Donald will go to prison. And for the next 6 month hardcore MAGA's will stand outside and light candles, whilst hardcore Lefty&Libs will burn effigies of St. Donald.
7 month later - no one gives a shit about St. Donald anymore.
That would be great! And amusing too! But I’m afraid U.S. politics doesn’t always work that way…. :(

I guess our crazy country can seem pretty hard to figure out for a foreigner — hell it’s hard enough for us U.S.-born citizens!

Of course all countries can be hard to understand. Take Russia’s Byzantine invisible “behind the scenes” politics for example. There you get arrested for protesting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but nothing happens to you if you lead thousands of private mercenary troops on Moscow and force the President to evacuate to Leningrad / Saint Petersburg! :cool:
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That would be great! And amusing too! But I’m afraid U.S. politics doesn’t always work that way…. :(

I guess our crazy country can seem pretty hard to figure out for a foreigner — hell it’s hard enough for us U.S.-born citizens!

Of course all countries can be hard to understand. Take Russia’s Byzantine invisible “behind the scenes” politics for example. There you get arrested for protesting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but nothing happens to you if you lead thousands of private mercenary troops on Moscow and force the President to evacuate to Leningrad / Saint Petersburg! :cool:
In general I fully agree with you - however I am assuming that a combination of St. Donald in prison and loosing out on the 2024 election - will make even the most fanatic MAGA Apostle realize - that the human scumbag is too old for another run in e.g. 2028. As such they will need to concentrate/focus their frustration and hatred onto a new viable extremist candidate, ("sadly" forgetting about Trump) who will then takes advantage of their existing mindset and will represent himself to them as as the new messiahs.

Logic (even in the USA) kind of dictates that the new messiahs - won't be anywhere near as radical and dumb as Trump - being well aware that this kind of behavior will get one into prison - as such the MAGA movement will become less radical and ferocious - just my 2 cents.
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You've said that there is no evidence that Trump committed any crime. Yet the indictment is chock full of transcripts, texts, testimony (including Trump's own lawyer), pictures. All of it painting a very damning and detailed view of a litany of crimes.

Your argument is literally just....plain old willful ignorance. Where you pretend none of it exists.

Good luck with that in court!
I'm not going to court and neither are you. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me.
Lol What would you know about 'thinking for yourself'? :auiqs.jpg: You sound exactly like any 15 magaturd chuckleheads in here. If you didn't have have avatars, I'd think you're all socks from the same entitled winger. :dunno:

'Some words on audio tape' was enough to sink Nixon. Derp. Think for yourself!!
I thought about that as soon as I typed it, but this situation is much different, or will you dispute that is isn't?

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