What happens if Trump is convicted?

Nope. They can't reduce anyone's salaries without the Senate and the President. If every member of the GOP voted to reduce salaries, it still dies in the Senate. Joe doesn't even have to bother priming his veto stamp.

They can merely shutdown the government.

You've tried this again and again. Your ilk always, always fail.
Rubes never learn.
No. I think Skylar is a Fed, really.

He plays smartass leftist, but I've seen slips here and there.

His goal is to provoke someone to threaten violence.

Laughing.....so I'm Ray Epps now?

And my argument about your ilk is always the same: you're meaningless blowhards. You'll whine, you'll complain, you'll imagine conspiracies. But you have neither the will nor the balls to hurt anyone.

Because you don't believe your own bullshit. Not enough die for it. Certainly not enough to murder cops and soldiers for it.

Enough to weep and wail and gnash your teeth on chat boards? Oh, definitely.
So you've seen pages 9 through 42 in the original indictment where they lay out the testimony from Trump's lawyers where Trump tried to convince him to withhold docs and lie to authorities, where they show the transcripts of Trump admitting that secret docs he was showing people had never been declassified, where they list the docs that were seized at Trump's residence?

That list alone is pages 28 through 33.

Why then would you say there is no evidence? And why would I ignore Trump's own attorney general on how damning the indictment is.....and instead believe you, citing yourself?
I'm not trying to get you to believe me, but apparently thinking for yourself is not something you're familiar with.

There's no proof of what was shown that day. Some words on audio tape is all there is.
I'm not trying to get you to believe me, but apparently thinking for yourself is not something you're familiar with.

There's no proof of what was shown that day. Some words on audio tape is all there is.

You've said that there is no evidence that Trump committed any crime. Yet the indictment is chock full of transcripts, texts, testimony (including Trump's own lawyer), pictures. All of it painting a very damning and detailed view of a litany of crimes.

Your argument is literally just....plain old willful ignorance. Where you pretend none of it exists.

Good luck with that in court!
Trump has to be convicted. Laws be damned. If Trump is not convicted he will take a wrecking ball to the enemy democrat structure.

Or, Trump could be convicted on the weight of the evidence against him.

The grand juries certainly thought it was compelling.
And which State is behind this lunacy? Not even one.

This 'secession' and 'civil war' fantasy is just empty bravado these poor souls use to soothe their impotence.

What we'll actually get is whining, snivelling, and elaborate excuse making why someone *else* has to do the fighting.
But there will be a few loons that ...
You've said that there is no evidence that Trump committed any crime. Yet the indictment is chock full of transcripts, texts, testimony (including Trump's own lawyer), pictures. All of it painting a very damning and detailed view of a litany of crimes.
Hold on a minute. You guys have been saying that kind of stuff isnt evidence in the Hunter case. Which is it?
I'm not trying to get you believe me, but apparently thinking for yourself is not something you're familiar with.
Lol What would you know about 'thinking for yourself'? :auiqs.jpg: You sound exactly like any 15 magaturd chuckleheads in here. If you didn't have have avatars, I'd think you're all socks from the same entitled winger. :dunno:
There's no proof of what was shown that day. Some words on audio tape is all there is.
'Some words on audio tape' was enough to sink Nixon. Derp. Think for yourself!!
Or, someone else with an axe to grind gets elected. One thing is certain no republican promising to reach across the aisle will be elected, maybe ever again
As soon as you Trump cultists leave the scene in disgrace, which I hope will happen very soon, the long slow return to sanity and compromises across the aisle can begin.
You are wrong. Its called "the Holman rule".

The Holman rule allows the appropriations committee to bypass the rest of the House by placing provisions for reductions in salaries into appropriation bills, rather than legislative bills. It doens't allow the the House (or the appropriations committee) to bypass a senate vote or a presidential veto for any appropriations bill.

Acts of congress still require a vote of the house, senate, and the signature of the presidency.
Or, Trump could be convicted on the weight of the evidence against him.

The grand juries certainly thought it was compelling.
Since there is no defense evidence permitted, no cross examination is permitted, hearsay and illegally obtained evidence is permitted. Compelling isn't exactly the word to use.
What in the holy fuck are you babbling about? Riots, civil wars, burning homes? Where did you come up with THAT? Why do democrats always think violence is the solution? :cuckoo:
Lol. Have you forgotten your OP already?
Ah, my future is getting "snuffed"? Again i would like to point out that its a lefty who is making threats.

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