What happens if Trump is convicted?

A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.

Revenge? Really??
If President Trump is convicted ....people will not be happy.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.
what a ridiculous whining tantrum, gollumboy. grow up.
So you've seen pages 9 through 42 in the original indictment where they lay out the testimony from Trump's lawyers where Trump tried to convince him to withhold docs and lie to authorities, where they show the transcripts of Trump admitting that secret docs he was showing people had never been declassified, where they list the docs that were seized at Trump's residence?

That list alone is pages 28 through 33.

Why then would you say there is no evidence? And why would I ignore Trump's own attorney general on how damning the indictment is.....and instead believe you, citing yourself?

Is this like the same evidence that they had against him for Russian collusion? :laughing0301: You know, the evidence that was never actually produced, that you guys crowed about for years on here, shoving it in everyone's faces, and then what happened? Nothing, there was no evidence, he wasn't guilty of anything despite years of bullshit investigations and sham impeachments. Talk about butthurt, he revealed you chumps and your 'leaders' for the fools you are. This is about payback, abusing the full power of the federal and state government to take down your enemy. And shockingly, you're on board with that corruption and abuse of power because it's being abused by 'your side'. You have no integrity or any interest in what is actually good for American citizens. You're a piece of shit that's drunk on what seems like 'power' to you, and it's not even yours, you're just riding the coat tails and being fed scraps while they laugh at you for your stupidity.

Get back to us when you actually have a 'win', we've all been here before, and it never ends well for your side. :dunno:

What's funny is that I've never been a Trump fan, but listening to assholes like you sure makes me root for him even more, and that's going on a lot more than you think.
Or, someone else with an axe to grind gets elected. One thing is certain no republican promising to reach across the aisle will be elected, maybe ever again

The R's are useless, if you're counting on them to make any of this right, you will wait for hell to freeze over. They're either ball-less, black mailed, bought out, or all of the above.
As soon as you Trump cultists leave the scene in disgrace, which I hope will happen very soon, the long slow return to sanity and compromises across the aisle can begin.
Compromise? :laughing0301: Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? 🤡🤡
You don't understand how bad this is bringing down America. No, over half the country is not going

to go quietly into the night. You wanted to start the shit, and you're gonna get it, and then some!

And then probably some more!
Exactly, you need to redouble your efforts. Develop a better platform, better candidates, and win the vote!
The Republicans control the House. So, yes. The Republicans can shut down the Government...
Ok. Historically, that effects their re-election chances of course. But hey, politicians never care about losing their position and the attached gravy train. . .
I am happy if they are unhappy. They can redouble their efforts to develop a platform and candidates that can win broad elections. The US does best when then are multiple strong parties and candidates.
Here's an idea for both parties - nominate someone who doesn't remember the day electricity was invented.
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.
I don’t know, bra - this is a pretty tough stance.

You’re saying you’re standing by (for the next year and a half) to vote for more of the same useless (in this case Republican) politicians who promised to *make the Democrats pay* in the 2022 election cycle, but haven’t done jack shit?

Those who break promises as fast as they make them, are never held accountable, and go full Swamp the minute they hit DC?

You’re going to vote for more of them?

Well, THAT'll show ‘em! :)

But as you chart this perilous course, keep in mind that if you vote in person - in a year and a half - someone might ding your fender in the parking lot. :eek:

And if you do a mail-in ballot - in a year and a half - you might get a paper cut. :eek: :eek:

But winter soldiers like you don’t give a thought to deep sacrifices such as this do you?

Godspeed Godboy!

Since there is no defense evidence permitted, no cross examination is permitted, hearsay and illegally obtained evidence is permitted. Compelling isn't exactly the word to use.

There's no defense evidence permitted....says who? There's no cross examination permitted....says who?

And evidence was illegally obtained....says who?

Is it you, citing yourself? Its you citing yourself, isn't it?
A question for democrats. What do you think happens if you convict Trump? Im talking about AFTER you all come here and laugh about it, and you throw it in our faces, what do you think happens next? Have any of you considered what the conservative response will be?

Conservatives will be enraged. I know you will love that part of it (at first), but have you considered how we will use our rage? No conservative politician will be elected if they arent 100% onboard with getting revenge. That will be the one and only qualification that we will want, and thats why our politicians will do it. Its that or lose their seat.

I'll tell you my personal thoughts, and i promise that most conservatives will agree with the following. Im not going to list all the fucked up shit that democrats have done to Trump for the last 6 years. We all know its an endless list of awfulness. I will want the exact same stuff done to your party, but 10 times worse. I wont care about ethics or the law anymore, just like democrats dont care about it.

If by some miracle your party is able to thwart all of the fucked up shit that we attempt, what do you think our response will be THEN? Do you really think that half the nation is going to want to play anymore if the game is rigged against them? I assure you they will not. States will secede if the game is rigged for much longer. Once Texas goes, others will follow and then our great nation will come to an end.

You crossed the line one too many times and you did it with glee. You will reap the whirlwind for that. Dont kid yourself into thinking otherwise. Your party is leading our nation to a bad place.
If you want a war then do it or shut the hell up for once!

What are you going to do?

Genocide everyone that believes Trump is guilty?

Good luck because many Conservatives ( Not Trumpsters who you claim are Conservatives ) also believe Trump is guilty, so what will you do?

You want a Civil War then fire the first shot and let’s end this nonsense once and for all!

Trump is using you fools and you would rather die for him than realize he is not worth all this!
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