What happens to property of undocumented immigrants when deported?

There are some pretty disgusting comments on this thread so far. They remind me of the sentiments toward Japanese-Americans and how their property was stolen and they were treated at the outset of WWII without due process just as being suggested in this thread.
The incident you are talking about involved American citizens..

The fact that you try to compare that with criminal aliens is rather disgusting.
Your saying 11 millions are criminals?
Yes! What part of illegal immigrant do you not understand? It is AGAINST THE LAW TO ENTER THE U.S. WITHOUT A VISA OR TO STAY PAST A VALID VISA'S EXPIRATION DATE.
No. You may want to check with you lawyer. Keep your text all capitalize you might impressed.
What's evil about enforcing the law. Even immigrants have the right to a speedy trial.

These people are breaking our laws they MUST be removed before they become Democrat voters.
The way you treating them they are already democrat voters. Trust me the unity of these people are all time high.
They broke the law in coming here illegally to seek a better life for their family. But that doesn't mean they are committing crimes.
What's evil about enforcing the law. Even immigrants have the right to a speedy trial.

These people are breaking our laws they MUST be removed before they become Democrat voters.
Actually your proposal is inhumane, unreal an irresponsible.
Trump wants to evict several million - so where does their property go? Some may have accumulated considerable assets. Will their property be confiscated by the government?
They sell their property. Gov't cannot confiscate private property.
Oh yes they can. If I was a felon and I was found with a gun, that gun would be confiscated. If I were a drug dealer, my possessions would be confiscated as ill gotten gain. If I failed to pay property taxes, my house could be seized by the county. If I fail to pay IRS, they can take my property to pay my obligation.
They justify that because I have broken the law. That same justification can be used to seize any property acquired in the US from any illegal immigrant.
Where in this country an illegal own a house or property? None. They name their property or properties to a relatives or their own oldest sibling that are also U.S. Citizen. So there's nothing to confiscate except maybe cars that they can just drive across the border.
Confiscation is the least to worry. There far more unimaginable gargantuan mess if we deport 11 millions illegals.
As I've said several times on this thread and hundreds of times on others: There is no need to deport 12 million people. All you need do is deport 1,000 with any "hearing" necessary held immediately with deportations occurring within 24 hours. There will be no time to sign over property, empty their bank accounts or drive their vehicles anywhere, They will simply leave the US and resurface 500 miles south of the border. (for the 90% that are Mexican)
The thing that needs to be done then is to publicize these deportations and let the remaining 11,999,000 pack up and leave on their own after loading up, selling or transferring property.
Monitor the flow and if and when it slows, grab up another 1,000, rinse and repeat.
Right on bro. Yes I saw your post in other thread but didn't even bother to read cause it's not the reality just like what you are posting now.
Do you expect these illegals just voluntary pack and go to the south? Good luck.
They left their country because they have nothing to begin with. Now you are talking 11 millions homeless and hopeless. I know you don't care.
What happened to their U.S. Citizen kids? Let say 1 yo to 18 years old living with illegal parents. Are they going to be deported? Or stay behind?
How do you eliminate 11 millions? Place marines on the street checking IDs all people. I mean ALL people. Raid houses, malls, schools, airports, churches, groceries all street corners etc. All of these has to go through legal process. I'm just being realistic.
Actually what you are proposing is similar to what the NAZI did to the Jews in WW2 rounding them up. BTW how did you come up 1,000? Deporting 1,000 will make you self deport?
Yes, I do expect many to go home on their own. Those with some property can liquidate and probably do pretty well back home.
The kids? Yup they can stay with friends or relatives or go with their parents. I really don't care as long as it doesn't cost taxpayers a dime.
Check ID's? No. Unnecessary. IDs will be checked when they apply for services, jobs, register their kids in school, apply for a library card, try to rent a house or get arrested. I'd go for a bounty payment for documented evidence of illegal status.
Again a Lib falling for Godwin's... Pitiful! No! NOTHING like Nazis rounding up Jews. The Jews were not criminals. They were not illegal immigrants. I don't advocate putting Mexicans or any other illegal ion a forced labor camp or an oven.
The 1,000 number??? No special reason other than it would get a lot of press. Most every illegal would know someone that knew someone that new someone that had been deported.
Why should refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding be prosecuted and illegal immigration not? Who the hell are you to decide what crimes are punished and which are rewarded?
Trickery???? What are they pulling off on U.S. citizens? Are they not tricking our government out of services in place for U.S. citizens?
Yeah, I suppose most of them were good people until they broke our immigration laws. Now they are criminals and should suffer the consequences.
And YES go ahead eliminate 11millions illegals. Remember these people jobs are jobs that no whites or black wants. They do janitorial, agricultural, convalescence, home care, toilets etc.
Do you see other races working in all or any farms? There will be a time when you get old and you can not clean yourself. Who do you expect will clean you? Because that is what is going on right now.
How much do you think you can afford with your grocery bills? Think how much you paid last time you bought fruits in your grocery now multiply that 3 or 4 times the amount. If if if these food will even make to the groceries.
What's evil about enforcing the law. Even immigrants have the right to a speedy trial.

These people are breaking our laws they MUST be removed before they become Democrat voters.
The way you treating them they are already democrat voters. Trust me the unity of these people are all time high.
They broke the law in coming here illegally to seek a better life for their family. But that doesn't mean they are committing crimes.
What's evil about enforcing the law. Even immigrants have the right to a speedy trial.

These people are breaking our laws they MUST be removed before they become Democrat voters.
Actually your proposal is inhumane, unreal an irresponsible.
In your opinion. In my opinion, putting a bakery out of business for refusing to compromise their religious beliefs is inhumane and irresponsible.
I feel prosecuting illegal immigrants is responsible and proper. My emotions don't really matter though, do they?
Trickery???? What are they pulling off on U.S. citizens? Are they not tricking our government out of services in place for U.S. citizens?
Yeah, I suppose most of them were good people until they broke our immigration laws. Now they are criminals and should suffer the consequences.
And YES go ahead eliminate 11millions illegals. Remember these people jobs are jobs that no whites or black wants. They do janitorial, agricultural, convalescence, home care, toilets etc.
Do you see other races working in all or any farms? There will be a time when you get old and you can not clean yourself. Who do you expect will clean you? Because that is what is going on right now.
How much do you think you can afford with your grocery bills? Think how much you paid last time you bought fruits in your grocery now multiply that 3 or 4 times the amount. If if if these food will even make to the groceries.
Do you know what happens when a business can't find an employee for the wage they offer?
They offer a higher wage. Yes, they will find people to sweep schools, scrub toilets and care for the elderly. Those that fill those jobs will be legal residents or citizens. They will pay taxes instead of swiping an EBT card. AMERICANS will be better off. The immigrants that have gone home might not be doing well, but that is not my problem.
By all means, If you like, adopt a few dozen immigrant families, but please keep your grubby fingers out of my pockets when you pay the grocery bill.
What happens to property of undocumented immigrants when deported?

Their property will be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar to good Americans like Trump
There are some pretty disgusting comments on this thread so far. They remind me of the sentiments toward Japanese-Americans and how their property was stolen and they were treated at the outset of WWII without due process just as being suggested in this thread.
The incident you are talking about involved American citizens..

The fact that you try to compare that with criminal aliens is rather disgusting.
Your saying 11 millions are criminals?
Yes! What part of illegal immigrant do you not understand? It is AGAINST THE LAW TO ENTER THE U.S. WITHOUT A VISA OR TO STAY PAST A VALID VISA'S EXPIRATION DATE.
No. You may want to check with you lawyer. Keep your text all capitalize you might impressed.
You might want to check with "you" dictionary. Keep your text all incoherent "you might impressed".
There are some pretty disgusting comments on this thread so far. They remind me of the sentiments toward Japanese-Americans and how their property was stolen and they were treated at the outset of WWII without due process just as being suggested in this thread.
The incident you are talking about involved American citizens..

The fact that you try to compare that with criminal aliens is rather disgusting.
Your saying 11 millions are criminals?
Yes! What part of illegal immigrant do you not understand? It is AGAINST THE LAW TO ENTER THE U.S. WITHOUT A VISA OR TO STAY PAST A VALID VISA'S EXPIRATION DATE.
No. You may want to check with you lawyer. Keep your text all capitalize you might impressed.
Time Bars for Accruing Unlawful Presence
There are three levels of penalties for overstaying a U.S. visa and accruing unlawful presence that can end with you being banned from the U.S. for a period of time -- or permanently.

  • If you accrue unlawful presence of more than 180 continuous days but less than one year, but you leave before any official, formal removal procedures (i.e. deportation) are instituted against you, you will be barred from reentering the United States for a period of three years.
  • If you accrue unlawful presence of more than 365 continuous days, then leave prior to any deportation or other formal procedures being instituted against you, you will be subsequently barred from reentering the United States for a period of ten years.
  • If you accrue unlawful presence of more than one year total (in the aggregate, not necessarily continuous), or are ordered removed (deported) from the U.S., and subsequently attempt to enter without inspection (for example, attempt to sneak across the border), then you will be permanently barred from the U.S., with no waiver available except to VAWA self-petitioners. (After ten years, however, you can request special permission to apply for a U.S. visa or green card.)
  • Consequences of Overstaying on a Temporary U.S. Visa - AllLaw.com
After an alien has been legally "removed" from the United States, federal criminal law makes it a felony for that alien to reenter (or be found in) the country without approval of the government.

What Constitutes "Illegal Reentry"?

Under the applicable federal criminal statute, the Immigration and Nationality Act, it is not merely illegal reentry after removal that constitutes the crime. Rather, the law applies to any alien who reenters the U.S. or is found within the country, without government approval, after having been:

  • Denied admission to the U.S.;
  • Excluded from the U.S.;
  • Deported from the U.S.;
  • Removed from the U.S.; or
  • Departed from the U.S. while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding.
Penalties for Illegal Reentry

Under relevant federal statutes, an alien who commits illegal reentry as described above will be punished with:

  • A fine; or
  • Imprisonment for not more than two years; or
  • Both fine and imprisonment.
Penalty Enhancements for Prior Criminal Convictions

If the alien reenters or is found in the U.S. without government approval, after a criminal felony conviction for a non-aggravated felony, or after three or more misdemeanor convictions for drug-related crimes or crimes against persons, he or she is subject punishment by:

  • A fine; or
  • Imprisonment for not more than 10 years; or
  • Both fine and imprisonment
For aliens reentering or found in the U.S. without government approval, after a criminal conviction for an aggravated felony, the statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 20 years. Other criminal penalty increases may be imposed for aliens who have been removed after certain kinds of incarceration, and aliens deemed to be associated with terrorism.

If You're Detained For Illegal Reentry to the U.S. - AllLaw.com
Is it a Crime to Enter The U.S. Illegally?
Illegal entry (or "improper entry") to the US carries criminal penalties (fines and jail or prison time), in addition to civil penalties and immigration consequences (deportation and bars from future entry).

Whether it’s by crossing the U.S. border with a "coyote" or buying a fake U.S. passport, a foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally can be both convicted of a crime and held responsible for a civil violation under the U.S. immigration laws. Illegal entry also carries consequences for anyone who might later attempt to apply for a green card or other immigration benefit.

Is it a Crime to Enter The U.S. Illegally? - AllLaw.com
They sell their property. Gov't cannot confiscate private property.
Oh yes they can. If I was a felon and I was found with a gun, that gun would be confiscated. If I were a drug dealer, my possessions would be confiscated as ill gotten gain. If I failed to pay property taxes, my house could be seized by the county. If I fail to pay IRS, they can take my property to pay my obligation.
They justify that because I have broken the law. That same justification can be used to seize any property acquired in the US from any illegal immigrant.
Where in this country an illegal own a house or property? None. They name their property or properties to a relatives or their own oldest sibling that are also U.S. Citizen. So there's nothing to confiscate except maybe cars that they can just drive across the border.
Confiscation is the least to worry. There far more unimaginable gargantuan mess if we deport 11 millions illegals.
As I've said several times on this thread and hundreds of times on others: There is no need to deport 12 million people. All you need do is deport 1,000 with any "hearing" necessary held immediately with deportations occurring within 24 hours. There will be no time to sign over property, empty their bank accounts or drive their vehicles anywhere, They will simply leave the US and resurface 500 miles south of the border. (for the 90% that are Mexican)
The thing that needs to be done then is to publicize these deportations and let the remaining 11,999,000 pack up and leave on their own after loading up, selling or transferring property.
Monitor the flow and if and when it slows, grab up another 1,000, rinse and repeat.
Right on bro. Yes I saw your post in other thread but didn't even bother to read cause it's not the reality just like what you are posting now.
Do you expect these illegals just voluntary pack and go to the south? Good luck.
They left their country because they have nothing to begin with. Now you are talking 11 millions homeless and hopeless. I know you don't care.
What happened to their U.S. Citizen kids? Let say 1 yo to 18 years old living with illegal parents. Are they going to be deported? Or stay behind?
How do you eliminate 11 millions? Place marines on the street checking IDs all people. I mean ALL people. Raid houses, malls, schools, airports, churches, groceries all street corners etc. All of these has to go through legal process. I'm just being realistic.
Actually what you are proposing is similar to what the NAZI did to the Jews in WW2 rounding them up. BTW how did you come up 1,000? Deporting 1,000 will make you self deport?
Yes, I do expect many to go home on their own. Those with some property can liquidate and probably do pretty well back home.
The kids? Yup they can stay with friends or relatives or go with their parents. I really don't care as long as it doesn't cost taxpayers a dime.
Check ID's? No. Unnecessary. IDs will be checked when they apply for services, jobs, register their kids in school, apply for a library card, try to rent a house or get arrested. I'd go for a bounty payment for documented evidence of illegal status.
Again a Lib falling for Godwin's... Pitiful! No! NOTHING like Nazis rounding up Jews. The Jews were not criminals. They were not illegal immigrants. I don't advocate putting Mexicans or any other illegal ion a forced labor camp or an oven.
The 1,000 number??? No special reason other than it would get a lot of press. Most every illegal would know someone that knew someone that new someone that had been deported.
Why should refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding be prosecuted and illegal immigration not? Who the hell are you to decide what crimes are punished and which are rewarded?
No. You are very wrong all the way. Do you really expect these people will voluntarily deport themselves when there's nothing for them to live with?
Liquidate property. What property? Most of these people don't own homes. Where do you see an illegals that own property?
KIDS. I know you don't care. 1. Leave the kids here with relatives or friends. Let say you have 2 kids and your spouse. Overnight I gave you 3 kids to take care, day care, food, clothing and schooling. Is that acceptable to you? You will seek help from the govt. Or you can put them all FEMA Camp and we tax payers feed and take care of them. Which we never have to feed or care for them to begin with.
2. Deport the U.S. Citizen kids by the millions let say 20 or maybe more with the illegal parents. These kids with no food, no jobs, no home, no land. What do you think they will become. Criminals. When they are old they come back to US on their own. By the millions turned criminals.
ID. Not necessary?? You are deporting them now, how would you know which people are illegals without ID? You said check id when they apply for job, school or rent? How about other races all races? Boy sure you don't know what you are talking about. You are already eliminating them do you expect them to look for a job or go to school?
The NAZI rounded the Jews that's exactly what you are proposing to eliminate illegals. What's the difference?
What the hell is baking a cake for gay wedding got to do with eliminating illegals?
I'm not creating a law I'm just being realistic. It is you who are dictating a law Who the hell are you? You don't have a clue of what you are talking about. You are wrong all the way. I feel sorry for you.
Trickery???? What are they pulling off on U.S. citizens? Are they not tricking our government out of services in place for U.S. citizens?
Yeah, I suppose most of them were good people until they broke our immigration laws. Now they are criminals and should suffer the consequences.
And YES go ahead eliminate 11millions illegals. Remember these people jobs are jobs that no whites or black wants. They do janitorial, agricultural, convalescence, home care, toilets etc.
Do you see other races working in all or any farms? There will be a time when you get old and you can not clean yourself. Who do you expect will clean you? Because that is what is going on right now.
How much do you think you can afford with your grocery bills? Think how much you paid last time you bought fruits in your grocery now multiply that 3 or 4 times the amount. If if if these food will even make to the groceries.
Do you know what happens when a business can't find an employee for the wage they offer?
They offer a higher wage. Yes, they will find people to sweep schools, scrub toilets and care for the elderly. Those that fill those jobs will be legal residents or citizens. They will pay taxes instead of swiping an EBT card. AMERICANS will be better off. The immigrants that have gone home might not be doing well, but that is not my problem.
By all means, If you like, adopt a few dozen immigrant families, but please keep your grubby fingers out of my pockets when you pay the grocery bill.
Boy sure know what you are talking about..... When you don't see white people or other races doing those jobs now. They are open to all races now. Can you give me a proof that these other races are working now in these establishment now? Do you think whites or even blacks will take these jobs? Get real.
Oh yes they can. If I was a felon and I was found with a gun, that gun would be confiscated. If I were a drug dealer, my possessions would be confiscated as ill gotten gain. If I failed to pay property taxes, my house could be seized by the county. If I fail to pay IRS, they can take my property to pay my obligation.
They justify that because I have broken the law. That same justification can be used to seize any property acquired in the US from any illegal immigrant.
Where in this country an illegal own a house or property? None. They name their property or properties to a relatives or their own oldest sibling that are also U.S. Citizen. So there's nothing to confiscate except maybe cars that they can just drive across the border.
Confiscation is the least to worry. There far more unimaginable gargantuan mess if we deport 11 millions illegals.
As I've said several times on this thread and hundreds of times on others: There is no need to deport 12 million people. All you need do is deport 1,000 with any "hearing" necessary held immediately with deportations occurring within 24 hours. There will be no time to sign over property, empty their bank accounts or drive their vehicles anywhere, They will simply leave the US and resurface 500 miles south of the border. (for the 90% that are Mexican)
The thing that needs to be done then is to publicize these deportations and let the remaining 11,999,000 pack up and leave on their own after loading up, selling or transferring property.
Monitor the flow and if and when it slows, grab up another 1,000, rinse and repeat.
Right on bro. Yes I saw your post in other thread but didn't even bother to read cause it's not the reality just like what you are posting now.
Do you expect these illegals just voluntary pack and go to the south? Good luck.
They left their country because they have nothing to begin with. Now you are talking 11 millions homeless and hopeless. I know you don't care.
What happened to their U.S. Citizen kids? Let say 1 yo to 18 years old living with illegal parents. Are they going to be deported? Or stay behind?
How do you eliminate 11 millions? Place marines on the street checking IDs all people. I mean ALL people. Raid houses, malls, schools, airports, churches, groceries all street corners etc. All of these has to go through legal process. I'm just being realistic.
Actually what you are proposing is similar to what the NAZI did to the Jews in WW2 rounding them up. BTW how did you come up 1,000? Deporting 1,000 will make you self deport?
Yes, I do expect many to go home on their own. Those with some property can liquidate and probably do pretty well back home.
The kids? Yup they can stay with friends or relatives or go with their parents. I really don't care as long as it doesn't cost taxpayers a dime.
Check ID's? No. Unnecessary. IDs will be checked when they apply for services, jobs, register their kids in school, apply for a library card, try to rent a house or get arrested. I'd go for a bounty payment for documented evidence of illegal status.
Again a Lib falling for Godwin's... Pitiful! No! NOTHING like Nazis rounding up Jews. The Jews were not criminals. They were not illegal immigrants. I don't advocate putting Mexicans or any other illegal ion a forced labor camp or an oven.
The 1,000 number??? No special reason other than it would get a lot of press. Most every illegal would know someone that knew someone that new someone that had been deported.
Why should refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding be prosecuted and illegal immigration not? Who the hell are you to decide what crimes are punished and which are rewarded?
No. You are very wrong all the way. Do you really expect these people will voluntarily deport themselves when there's nothing for them to live with?
Liquidate property. What property? Most of these people don't own homes. Where do you see an illegals that own property?
KIDS. I know you don't care. 1. Leave the kids here with relatives or friends. Let say you have 2 kids and your spouse. Overnight I gave you 3 kids to take care, day care, food, clothing and schooling. Is that acceptable to you? You will seek help from the govt. Or you can put them all FEMA Camp and we tax payers feed and take care of them. Which we never have to feed or care for them to begin with.
2. Deport the U.S. Citizen kids by the millions let say 20 or maybe more with the illegal parents. These kids with no food, no jobs, no home, no land. What do you think they will become. Criminals. When they are old they come back to US on their own. By the millions turned criminals.
ID. Not necessary?? You are deporting them now, how would you know which people are illegals without ID? You said check id when they apply for job, school or rent? How about other races all races? Boy sure you don't know what you are talking about. You are already eliminating them do you expect them to look for a job or go to school?
The NAZI rounded the Jews that's exactly what you are proposing to eliminate illegals. What's the difference?
What the hell is baking a cake for gay wedding got to do with eliminating illegals?
I'm not creating a law I'm just being realistic. It is you who are dictating a law Who the hell are you? You don't have a clue of what you are talking about. You are wrong all the way. I feel sorry for you.
THEY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS. They do not belong here Their kids are born here under illegal circumstances. They are not my problem. I'd rather not pay higher taxes because you think they should be. Got it?
What happens to property of undocumented immigrants when deported?

Their property will be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar to good Americans like Trump
Wrong. Trump is just dreaming. How can you prove that illegals own a land or a house or such property.? Since when an illegal can buy a house?
Trump wants to evict several million - so where does their property go? Some may have accumulated considerable assets. Will their property be confiscated by the government?
It's returned to the owner

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