What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump? Read and See!

Just following the Obama precedent
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.
Yep......not a smidgen of corruption here.

These are not the droids you are looking for.

Move along.

There were investigations. Don't like the results? Take it up with noted car thief Darrel Issa.
Which was worse....
Eric Erikson's comments about women.
That is just standard Right wing talking points about women.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: when men are around, women get smarter and that when men leave, women get stupid. I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically.
You should know by now all my in context quotes come directly from your MessiahRushie's site.

Login - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Sounds like a threat, how like a Trump sucker.
Just following the Obama precedent
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.

Which is why evidence was destroyed
Just following the Obama precedent
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.

Which is why evidence was destroyed

Of course you have no proof, you just "know", right? :lol:
Proof that evidence was destroyed........,......?????

Yeah, proof. You know, like when Ollie shredded all those documents. We know he did it. There was proof, evidence.

You saying you're sure there was evidence destroyed isn't proof of anything except crazy conspiracy theories.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP and all his douchebag low life followers. And I am not talking about all his supporters but this RETARDED behavior by many that crawl up the backside of whomever is seen to be "against" Trump is worse than how he acts & the things he says.
I think it is fine to be against Trump...as long as you are not media controlling what the public sees. When the pollsters call nix Trump and go to another candidate. That is the way it is supposed to be.

But, say the Establishment figured the couldn't control Kasich but he was leading in the polls, should the eliminate him from the debate? No, not while he is the front runner or the polls indicate he should be included. You are for the man on the street like I am. Let's have him have his say.
What I think is that you have a terrible obsession with this stupid shit. Not trying to be rude but enough already
yes she does. She is like The Rabbi was in re: Perry and we see how he quickly crashed & burned during the last Primary
Sounds like a threat, how like a Trump sucker.
Just following the Obama precedent
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.
Nixon would've loved to gotten away with what Obama has done.
That is just standard Right wing talking points about women.

July 22, 2008
RUSH: when men are around, women get smarter and that when men leave, women get stupid. I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically.
Good point
Just following the Obama precedent
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.
Nixon would've loved to gotten away with what Obama has done.

It's been sickening watching that thug Obama and his gang of tyrants he stuck in every government agency then turn around and USE them against WE THE PEOPLE.

take the IRS against conservatives/tea party
the BLM sending armed federal agents to try and take ONE RANCHERS land away from them. Look at the EPA making up rules that is going to hurt us in the long run and on and on
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.
Nixon would've loved to gotten away with what Obama has done.
gotten away with? Why haven't the courts said so? You smarter than the courts? :doubt: (that was a rhetorical question :eusa_shhh: )
Yeah when you had an attorney general like Holder, you have nothing to worry about. Not to mention a media who worships him.
Just following the Obama precedent
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.
Nixon would've loved to gotten away with what Obama has done.

Really? Do you have any idea what Nixon actually DID, unlike President Obama? See, we KNOW what Nixon did with the IRS whereas you've had investigation after investigation trying to pin shit on President Obama, but have been unable to. It's not because Issa is an incompetent boob (which he is), but because there is no proof that Obama had anything to do with the IRS not a scandal.
Never ever forget that old "pure as the driven snow" Eric actually called a Supreme a "goat fucking child molester". But he's way above Trump. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighty!


What a fucking mega hypocrite Eric has turned out to be.
What a bunch of fickle dumbasses you all turned out to be. Abandoning the traditional right wing mouth-pieces just because they refuse to follow Trump all the way down to rock bottom to wallow in the slime. I never would have guessed that anyone was capable of wreaking such ruin upon the right.

Are the conservatives who were upset with this "disinvite" dumbasses because the want the process to determine who makes the cut? Trump was the frontrunner and not allowed to attend ...is that a coincidence when the party the evening before called him dead to the party?


Two questions. I would appreciate an answer to them.

Besides "Making America Great Again" (whatever that means), what specific policy positions does Donald Trump hold and do they have any chance of succeeding?

If you answered truthfully, you would put down he has a whopping zero. Which means his leadership of the polling is based on nothing more than name recognition and his ability to make funny statements about others. So, the second question is this. If George the Animal Steele or Kim Kardashian or Bruce Willis decided to seek your party's nomination and lead the polling based on their celebrity....do you think they should have center stage at political events?
Obama gave future presidents the power to use the irs to go after political opponents. Hope liberals are happy, you supported it. I hope the first thing Trump does is arrest Sharpton for back taxes.
I get it, you think it's only tyranny if a democrat does it. Another reason to make sure your brand of neo-fascism stays in the fringes.
No, i'm against it. But since you supported Obama doing it, when the new republican president uses Obama's play book you will need not to complain.

Except Obama did no such thing. He had nothing to do with the IRS not a scandal.

Oh, and Republican Presidents HAVE done it in the past. Wave hello to Nixon for us.
Nixon would've loved to gotten away with what Obama has done.

It's been sickening watching that thug Obama and his gang of tyrants he stuck in every government agency then turn around and USE them against WE THE PEOPLE.

take the IRS against conservatives/tea party
the BLM sending armed federal agents to try and take ONE RANCHERS land away from them. Look at the EPA making up rules that is going to hurt us in the long run and on and on

Look at what LIES Fox has been feeding the dupes.

Like that the Tea Party was targeted by the Obama administration. There have been investigations. Do you even know what the final outcome was? No, because that doesn't fit Fox's narrative and since you don't watch or listen to anything else, you'd never know.

Like the FACT that the property in question did not belong to the teet sucking rancher, it belongs to the American people and that rancher was supposed to pay for it. He didn't want to so he got a bunch of crazies to squat on his property and point guns at Federal agents. That is the thuggish behavior, not trying to get the money owed by the deadbeat.

EPA rules will help us in the long term, fool. That's the point.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP and all his douchebag low life followers. And I am not talking about all his supporters but this RETARDED behavior by many that crawl up the backside of whomever is seen to be "against" Trump is worse than how he acts & the things he says.
I think it is fine to be against Trump...as long as you are not media controlling what the public sees. When the pollsters call nix Trump and go to another candidate. That is the way it is supposed to be.

But, say the Establishment figured the couldn't control Kasich but he was leading in the polls, should the eliminate him from the debate? No, not while he is the front runner or the polls indicate he should be included. You are for the man on the street like I am. Let's have him have his say.

I'm curious...what would be "too far" for Donald to go. He gave out the phone number of an opponent. He called (at least) some of his fellow candidates "losers". He's called the moderator a "bimbo" and insinuated that she was on the rag.

I'm just wondering, what would he have to say before you abandon him?
What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump?

What happens when you rescind an invitation to Donald Trump?

Well, my RedState email is suddenly maxed out due to a flood of very angry emails. I’ve been called queer, an n-word lover, Megyn Kelly has been referred to as the c-word.

My office phone line’s voicemail has also gotten maxed out with angry phone calls.

Last night, people were leaving voicemails in my hotel room — having somehow managed to navigate the hotel switch board. At 3 o’clock this morning I had to unplug the phones in my room.

My twitter feed is unusable. It’s just angry people, many of them very recently created accounts of people following few others and with little to no followers. But I can’t interact with much of anyone because of the timeline.

Facebook is much the same way.

RedState suffered a denial of service attack throughout the night and into this mornin

Would I do it again? Absolutely.

What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump RedState

Or should we title this story: What happens when you rescind an invitation to the Front Runner! He said he'd do it again, but I wonder. It's great when the people speak up. Too often the silent majority falls asleep.

I have to wonder is this the PC police ruining someones lives for a decision like Mac often talks about...or is attacking through email, web crashes, phone harassment etc ok until Trump says so?
After all these years of democrats saying anything they like about republicans with no public reaction at all, this is meaningful. The public is fed up. I hope it gets worse.

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