What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump? Read and See!

If the other candidates are smart, they will refuse to go to any debate Trump is not invited to.
You are saying that everyone should treat Trump as the new leader of conservative America? LOL This shit feeds my schadenfreude like nothing has in years.
No, idiot. I'm saying they should insist everyone be included. If they don't, it makes them look just as unfair and self-serving as the host. It also gives ammunition to the opposition.
Conservatives have never been afraid to draw a line between themselves and those they disagree with, you are just used to seeing it drawn between themselves and the left. The way Trump personally attacked the newsbabe was way out of line and I for one am happy some one on the right had the courage to slap him down for it.
How did he attack the "newsbabe?"
Never ever forget that old "pure as the driven snow" Eric actually called a Supreme a "goat fucking child molester". But he's way above Trump. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighty!


What a fucking mega hypocrite Eric has turned out to be.
What a bunch of fickle dumbasses you all turned out to be. Abandoning the traditional right wing mouth-pieces just because they refuse to follow Trump all the way down to rock bottom to wallow in the slime. I never would have guessed that anyone was capable of wreaking such ruin upon the right.

I'll keep pointing out hypocrisy anywhere I find it, thank you very much.

And this high and mighty routine old Erik is playing with is bullshit.

Here's another gem from the little prick. You really want to keep admiring the fucking two faced ferret?


"Is Obama Shagging Hookers Behind the Media's Back?

I assume not. I assume that Obama's marxist harpy wife would go Lorena Bobbit on him should he even think about it, but I ask the question to make one simple point: Barack Obama, like Elliott Spitzer, is a creation of the liberal media and, as a result, could be a serial killing transvestite and the media would turn a blind eye."


I thought the talking point was that Liberals are the vicious ones in attacking anyone that disagreed with them.
Guess the Republican Establishment has learned from you assholes.
I thought the talking point was that Liberals are the vicious ones in attacking anyone that disagreed with them.
Guess the Republican Establishment has learned from you assholes.
"No I'm not - you are!"
Oh and as if calling Souter a "goat fucking child molester" and Michelle a "Marxist harpy wife" who would go Lorena Bobbit on him weren't enough.....

"With regard to the Tim Tebow anti-abortion Super-Bowl commercial, he tweeted: "That's what the feminazis were enraged over? Seriously?!? Wow. That's what being too ugly to get a date does to your brain"."

And this mother fucker has the nerve to say "Trump went too far"?


Trump and his followers are belligerent assholes who do not care about anything except viciously attacking anything that moves in opposition. This predictable belligerence will be his ruin much like a wild boar could always be trusted to charge right into a spear.
IOW; easily reconiged behavior
Erick Erickson made his bed, now he's gotta sleep in it. He deserves everything thrown back at him. Thank you to those who posted past comments by him, thus proving what a hypocrite he is.

Trump continues to expose establishment puppets.
If the other candidates are smart, they will refuse to go to any debate Trump is not invited to.
You are saying that everyone should treat Trump as the new leader of conservative America? LOL This shit feeds my schadenfreude like nothing has in years.
No, idiot. I'm saying they should insist everyone be included. If they don't, it makes them look just as unfair and self-serving as the host. It also gives ammunition to the opposition.
Conservatives have never been afraid to draw a line between themselves and those they disagree with, you are just used to seeing it drawn between themselves and the left. The way Trump personally attacked the newsbabe was way out of line and I for one am happy some one on the right had the courage to slap him down for it.
The "newsbabe" attacked him first, in case you didn't notice. SHE'S the one who was out of line.
If the other candidates are smart, they will refuse to go to any debate Trump is not invited to.
You are saying that everyone should treat Trump as the new leader of conservative America? LOL This shit feeds my schadenfreude like nothing has in years.
No, idiot. I'm saying they should insist everyone be included. If they don't, it makes them look just as unfair and self-serving as the host. It also gives ammunition to the opposition.
Conservatives have never been afraid to draw a line between themselves and those they disagree with, you are just used to seeing it drawn between themselves and the left. The way Trump personally attacked the newsbabe was way out of line and I for one am happy some one on the right had the courage to slap him down for it.
The "newsbabe" attacked him first, in case you didn't notice. SHE'S the one who was out of line.

Levin has it nailed. He points out in this interview that this so called debate was more about the moderators than the candidates. One third of the time was dominated by the moderators.

"Moreover, Levin objected to the format where in which we heard six or seven minutes each from the ten candidates, and a third of the time the Fox moderators dominated the event.

Fox brags they had 24 million viewers, he pointed out, but he concluded that it amounted to an “embarrassment as far as I’m concerned… while the New York Times and CNN praised the event, I considered it an exploitation of the process, which is supposed to inform the American people.

Not gotcha questions, not gossip… I think the American people are owed an apology.”

Mark Levin Fox News Hosted a National Enquirer Debate

Mark Levin: Fox News, Megyn Kelly ‘Hosted a National Enquirer Debate, Not a Republican Debate—Owe American People an Apology’
If the other candidates are smart, they will refuse to go to any debate Trump is not invited to.
You are saying that everyone should treat Trump as the new leader of conservative America? LOL This shit feeds my schadenfreude like nothing has in years.
No, idiot. I'm saying they should insist everyone be included. If they don't, it makes them look just as unfair and self-serving as the host. It also gives ammunition to the opposition.
Conservatives have never been afraid to draw a line between themselves and those they disagree with, you are just used to seeing it drawn between themselves and the left. The way Trump personally attacked the newsbabe was way out of line and I for one am happy some one on the right had the courage to slap him down for it.
The "newsbabe" attacked him first, in case you didn't notice. SHE'S the one who was out of line.

Levin has it nailed. He points out in this interview that this so called debate was more about the moderators than the candidates. One third of the time was dominated by the moderators.

"Moreover, Levin objected to the format where in which we heard six or seven minutes each from the ten candidates, and a third of the time the Fox moderators dominated the event.

Fox brags they had 24 million viewers, he pointed out, but he concluded that it amounted to an “embarrassment as far as I’m concerned… while the New York Times and CNN praised the event, I considered it an exploitation of the process, which is supposed to inform the American people.

Not gotcha questions, not gossip… I think the American people are owed an apology.”

Mark Levin Fox News Hosted a National Enquirer Debate

Mark Levin: Fox News, Megyn Kelly ‘Hosted a National Enquirer Debate, Not a Republican Debate—Owe American People an Apology’
I go with Levin!!! Boy was he right about an Enquirer Debate.
What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump?

What happens when you rescind an invitation to Donald Trump?

Well, my RedState email is suddenly maxed out due to a flood of very angry emails. I’ve been called queer, an n-word lover, Megyn Kelly has been referred to as the c-word.

My office phone line’s voicemail has also gotten maxed out with angry phone calls.

Last night, people were leaving voicemails in my hotel room — having somehow managed to navigate the hotel switch board. At 3 o’clock this morning I had to unplug the phones in my room.

My twitter feed is unusable. It’s just angry people, many of them very recently created accounts of people following few others and with little to no followers. But I can’t interact with much of anyone because of the timeline.

Facebook is much the same way.

RedState suffered a denial of service attack throughout the night and into this mornin

Would I do it again? Absolutely.

What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump RedState

Or should we title this story: What happens when you rescind an invitation to the Front Runner! He said he'd do it again, but I wonder. It's great when the people speak up. Too often the silent majority falls asleep.
Aren't you a female? A rw'er too. Don't tell me you haven't been a Fox Newz devotee like forever?
What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump?

What happens when you rescind an invitation to Donald Trump?

Well, my RedState email is suddenly maxed out due to a flood of very angry emails. I’ve been called queer, an n-word lover, Megyn Kelly has been referred to as the c-word.

My office phone line’s voicemail has also gotten maxed out with angry phone calls.

Last night, people were leaving voicemails in my hotel room — having somehow managed to navigate the hotel switch board. At 3 o’clock this morning I had to unplug the phones in my room.

My twitter feed is unusable. It’s just angry people, many of them very recently created accounts of people following few others and with little to no followers. But I can’t interact with much of anyone because of the timeline.

Facebook is much the same way.

RedState suffered a denial of service attack throughout the night and into this mornin

Would I do it again? Absolutely.

What Happens When You Rescind an Invitation to Trump RedState

Or should we title this story: What happens when you rescind an invitation to the Front Runner! He said he'd do it again, but I wonder. It's great when the people speak up. Too often the silent majority falls asleep.
Aren't you a female? A rw'er too. Don't tell me you haven't been a Fox Newz devotee like forever?
Yep on all three.

Dot Com curled up his lip and snidely sneered:

Aren't you a female? A rw'er too. Don't tell me you haven't been a Fox Newz devotee like forever?

Dumbest reply in this thread.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP and all his douchebag low life followers. And I am not talking about all his supporters but this RETARDED behavior by many that crawl up the backside of whomever is seen to be "against" Trump is worse than how he acts & the things he says.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP and all his douchebag low life followers. And I am not talking about all his supporters but this RETARDED behavior by many that crawl up the backside of whomever is seen to be "against" Trump is worse than how he acts & the things he says.
I think it is fine to be against Trump...as long as you are not media controlling what the public sees. When the pollsters call nix Trump and go to another candidate. That is the way it is supposed to be.

But, say the Establishment figured the couldn't control Kasich but he was leading in the polls, should the eliminate him from the debate? No, not while he is the front runner or the polls indicate he should be included. You are for the man on the street like I am. Let's have him have his say.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP and all his douchebag low life followers. And I am not talking about all his supporters but this RETARDED behavior by many that crawl up the backside of whomever is seen to be "against" Trump is worse than how he acts & the things he says.
I think it is fine to be against Trump...as long as you are not media controlling what the public sees. When the pollsters call nix Trump and go to another candidate. That is the way it is supposed to be.

But, say the Establishment figured the couldn't control Kasich but he was leading in the polls, should the eliminate him from the debate? No, not while he is the front runner or the polls indicate he should be included. You are for the man on the street like I am. Let's have him have his say.
What I think is that you have a terrible obsession with this stupid shit. Not trying to be rude but enough already
FUCK DONALD TRUMP and all his douchebag low life followers. And I am not talking about all his supporters but this RETARDED behavior by many that crawl up the backside of whomever is seen to be "against" Trump is worse than how he acts & the things he says.
I think it is fine to be against Trump...as long as you are not media controlling what the public sees. When the pollsters call nix Trump and go to another candidate. That is the way it is supposed to be.

But, say the Establishment figured the couldn't control Kasich but he was leading in the polls, should the eliminate him from the debate? No, not while he is the front runner or the polls indicate he should be included. You are for the man on the street like I am. Let's have him have his say.
What I think is that you have a terrible obsession with this stupid shit. Not trying to be rude but enough already
Thank you Grampa, and you are probably right. I don't have an obsession over Trump but against the Establishment. Can you comment on my post above this?
I am disappointed, because I respect you.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP and all his douchebag low life followers. And I am not talking about all his supporters but this RETARDED behavior by many that crawl up the backside of whomever is seen to be "against" Trump is worse than how he acts & the things he says.
I think it is fine to be against Trump...as long as you are not media controlling what the public sees. When the pollsters call nix Trump and go to another candidate. That is the way it is supposed to be.

But, say the Establishment figured the couldn't control Kasich but he was leading in the polls, should the eliminate him from the debate? No, not while he is the front runner or the polls indicate he should be included. You are for the man on the street like I am. Let's have him have his say.
What I think is that you have a terrible obsession with this stupid shit. Not trying to be rude but enough already
Thank you Grampa, and you are probably right. I don't have an obsession over Trump but against the Establishment. Can you comment on my post above this?
I am disappointed, because I respect you.
I appreciate that but I am having difficulty digesting all this supposed outrage for a man who IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE. Not even close.

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