What has Biden done to America? Check for the facts.

Biden is busted lying all the time. But how about the Media telling about it as does other media sources?

Here is how he did on inflation that he brags is very low.


Yeah, lets look at some actual facts shall we

And cost of the war against Russia, which picks the pockets of the working class, then awards it to the very wealthy arms manufacturers.

If there was a chance of winning at least?

why do you describe the arms manufacturers as "very wealthy"
Trump gets massive crowds. Trump leads in polls. Trump will whip Biden.
Trump is in the margin of error, and behind in three battle ground states. He gets less than a 1/2 of what he says he gets in crowds. He owes a half billion in liability fines. His lawyers need to do better in the money trial.

Less than 4% is not exorbitant inflation, which was Trump's lasting legacy into 2023. The three coming fed cuts is going to give the election to Biden by five to seven points.
Yawn. At this point in Trumps presidency there was 15% unemployment and everyone was locked in their house. You morons are utterly irredeemable when it comes to being disingenuous liars.
And you big poopyheads. We win.
Yeah. All those scaredy cat GOP Governors
There were some Republican Governors that also closed states. The sole Governor that did not shut her state down is Kristi Noem. No Democrat resisted shutting their state down.

Trump did not shut down any state at all.
Dems talk about facts and reality

Idiots like above talk about polls… which they only believe when they are favorable to the point they want to make
Sounds as if you might be pleased about polls if things happen your way. So why be hypocritical?
Trump didn’t build shit. He was handed a good economy and tanked it when the first crisis hit
Here is a fact Democrats refuse to admit. Biden has not built a good economy. Obama had not built shit. Obama got the economy that Democrats built when they caused the housing crash.
Here is a fact Democrats refuse to admit. Biden has not built a good economy. Obama had not built shit. Obama got the economy that Democrats built when they caused the housing crash.
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