What has Biden done to America? Check for the facts.

See my post right above. You have gaslighted yourself into believing something happened that didn’t happen. Restrictions happened all year. Slightly less in red states especially in states that were not very dense but they happened just the same, all year, same pattern, red or blue.

Trump left these responses up to the states which was chaotic because he doesnt know how to lead. But the states almost ALL had restrictive policies.

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You are gaslighting yourself into defending the actions of the money-gubbing teachers union and a cooperative pretend-president who assisted with the school closure fraud.

Biden caved to the union demands because the teachers union is a reliable contributor to the Dem / Socialist party.
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Liberal cities shut down because they hate Trump. Hate makes you stupid, you're a good example.
Dumbest shit Ive seen on here. I just showed Desantis shutting down beaches. Shutting down Movies. Limiting restaurant capacities. Shutting down schools the rest of the year. Desantis. And there are 30 other red states that were similar. You are utterly self lying.
Dumbest shit Ive seen on here. I just showed Desantis shutting down beaches. Shutting down Movies. Limiting restaurant capacities. Shutting down schools the rest of the year. Desantis. And there are 30 other red states that were similar. You are utterly self lying.
Not for over a year like liberal cities. You loons were saying DeSantis was going to kill thousands because he reopened to soon.
Trump likes to grab his married daughter by the hips and they kiss on the lips

it is something I do not do but hey if anyone wants to chime in then go for it.
Trumps daughter did not write a diary that was picked up from the home Biden's daughter moved out of. Trumps daughter did not blame showers with her dad for being promiscuous as Biden's did.
Inflation is a world wide phenomenon right now, so President Biden cannot be blamed. The only Republican cure for economic problems is more tax cuts for the rich. These lead to increases in the national debt that Republicans blame on the Democrats. This is what David Stockman has to say about that:
That does not matter here in the USA other than costs from other nations passed to the US. But let's talk about what Biden brags he did about medicine. I normally get 3 months supply of Trulicity for a total price of $11.60 apx. I picked up the prescription a few days back with them telling me this time I could only pick up 1 months supply for a cost of $11.20 Biden cost me money and did not save me money.

Taxes for the Rich have not been cut by Biden. So you can stop blaming Trump. The debt goes up because this is what Democrats do. They spend a lot more and whine about taxes.
Dumbest shit Ive seen on here. I just showed Desantis shutting down beaches. Shutting down Movies. Limiting restaurant capacities. Shutting down schools the rest of the year. Desantis. And there are 30 other red states that were similar. You are utterly self lying.
All Democrat Governors with no exceptions shut down beaches if they had them and movies. Even shut down churches. Shut down schools. The sole Governor who did not shut things down is Republican Kristi Noem. Trump was lied about since he did not shut things down.
Cali had the most, FL only ticked up after Xiden was elected and he undid all the polices that were working, flushing FL with illegals that were never tested, and leading to record covid deaths nationwide.

Had Joey Xiden not been elected, 100s of thousands would still be alive
That is correct. CA is closest to China and the first cases of the Virus came to CA on a ship. I wrote about it at the time in fact. I believe the next state to have the virus is Washington, State since they too get ship traffic from China. Trump handed us the vaccine. And that helped America a lot. Trump never told us to use bleach.
You are gaslighting yourself like I’ve never seen. My kid finished his senior year in Florida from Home in schools closed by Ron Desantis. You are a LIAR. An absolutely liar. I have linked articles and I was there.

DeSantis said the state had contemplated the idea of reopening schools, but logistical issues and continuing uncertainty surrounding the pandemic led him to extend the closure.

My statement is that only one Governor did not shut things down. And it is wrong to single republicans out given the fact that 100 percent of Democrats shut down their states. Governor Kristi Noem is the sole Governor who did not shut her state down and she is a Republican.
Inflation is a world wide phenomenon right now, so President Biden cannot be blamed.
Explain why it being world wide Biden talks as if he cured unemployment given it is a worldwide phenomenon right now?
Trumps daughter did not write a diary that was picked up from the home Biden's daughter moved out of. Trumps daughter did not blame showers with her dad for being promiscuous as Biden's did.

That does not matter here in the USA other than costs from other nations passed to the US. But let's talk about what Biden brags he did about medicine. I normally get 3 months supply of Trulicity for a total price of $11.60 apx. I picked up the prescription a few days back with them telling me this time I could only pick up 1 months supply for a cost of $11.20 Biden cost me money and did not save me money.

Taxes for the Rich have not been cut by Biden. So you can stop blaming Trump. The debt goes up because this is what Democrats do. They spend a lot more and whine about taxes.
Biden's daughter only made a statement about taking showers together written in a diary years later. During a time when she was a recovering alcoholic. Reading the diary, the girl had some problems.

She did not accuse him of impropriety.
Kissing your daughter on the lips and grabbing her by the hips. You appear to thing is innocent. It something I never have done because I feel that is inappropriate. Yet I am not saying Trump is a child molester.

So if there was no sexual assault reported then what's the beef by republicans who want to portray it as some type of assault or molestation when none is mention. Dirty politics.

Mothers bath their sons all the time. Is that sexual assault. NO
Only if it involved touching sexual organs.

The right just looking for dirt and interpret something as being wrong.

As another post has said that in other countries that this is normal.

As I have pointed out mothers bath their sons. Is this molestation. Well if one has a dirty mind then they will believe the negativity.
Biden's daughter only made a statement about taking showers together written in a diary years later. During a time when she was a recovering alcoholic. Reading the diary, the girl had some problems.

She did not accuse him of impropriety.
Kissing your daughter on the lips and grabbing her by the hips. You appear to thing is innocent. It something I never have done because I feel that is inappropriate. Yet I am not saying Trump is a child molester.

So if there was no sexual assault reported then what's the beef by republicans who want to portray it as some type of assault or molestation when none is mention. Dirty politics.

Mothers bath their sons all the time. Is that sexual assault. NO
Only if it involved touching sexual organs.

The right just looking for dirt and interpret something as being wrong.

As another post has said that in other countries that this is normal.

As I have pointed out mothers bath their sons. Is this molestation. Well if one has a dirty mind then they will believe the negativity.
No she only spoke of it as not being proper. She had it happen to her years prior. For it to still bug her tells us a lot. Were it innocent, she would not mention it. She did not mention cooking with Biden. She mentioned both in the shower. In Ivana's case she did not have a problem. She did not put it into a Diary. She and her dad love each other. That is normal.

I wish Ashley had not put that in a Diary. IT drives Democrats nuts. And they are already nuts.
Dumbass, WE WERE IN A HISTORIC RECESSION AT THIS POINT OF TRUMP'S PRESIDENCY. People litterally stopped going to work and were collecting government checks.

Do you want Biden to crash our economy this year so you can enjoy some more of cheap recession gas?
You started making no sense. First at this point in the Trump presidency, this nation was bouncing back fast. It had not stopped improving when Trump ended the job. Biden inherited an improving economy. Next time do not call names. You ended up wrong and looking really bad.
You started making no sense. First at this point in the Trump presidency, this nation was bouncing back fast. It had not stopped improving when Trump ended the job. Biden inherited an improving economy. Next time do not call names. You ended up wrong and looking really bad.

Nobody wants your good ol’ 2020, what part of that do you not get?
Inflation is world wide because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, where Trump supports Putin.
I wish you would try to support Freedom. Really, you owe it to your progeny.
Freedom has various definitions. I will not feel free until Trump is in prison.


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All Democrat Governors with no exceptions shut down beaches if they had them and movies. Even shut down churches. Shut down schools. The sole Governor who did not shut things down is Republican Kristi Noem. Trump was lied about since he did not shut things down.
The adults are talking Bobby. The claim was only Dems closed shit to ruin Trump. I showed links to almost everyone shutting stuff down. A few empty states didn’t do much and had high death rates anyway. These morons legitimately gaslight themselves to change history. Pay attention man.

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