What has Dr. Susan Rice ever lied about - including Benghazi?

sounds like Lakhota is getting all his talking point lined up !! Susan Rice is an 'obama' person and therefore pretty scummy . Lets see what happens eh Lakhota !!
Dem's are circling the wagons around Rice, it will blow up in their stupid faces.
She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs

Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths
She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs

Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths
They knew it was an terror attack from the beginning, and she still lied about it.
She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs

Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths
They knew it was an terror attack from the beginning, and she still lied about it.

The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.
She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs

Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths
They knew it was an terror attack from the beginning, and she still lied about it.

The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.

Exactly. Even CNN's Candy Crowley shamed Romney with that fact during a debate.
I would really like to know.

Why are you trying to protect this liar?

What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.
I would really like to know.

Why are you trying to protect this liar?

What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.

There was some expert on the tube talking about her expressions and body language, he said she was lying
I would really like to know.

Why are you trying to protect this liar?

What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.

Really? What did she do that was illegal as National Security Adviser? Facts? Proof?

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