What has Obama accomplished as President.

Pfffff.... gawd...

i won't ask if you won't tell...

wilson.... harding..... carter...... obama
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He has spent more money, with no good results, than all of the other Presidents combined.
He'll take credit for anything people like and blame Bush or the Repubs for anything people don't like.

He's vowed to continue fighting for amnesty for illegals.
He's spent a butt load of money with nothing to show for it.
He didn't stop the efforts to get bin laden, and does get credit for that.
He gave us the health care debacle, which I hope gets repealed.
No budget.
Our credit rating is lower. He flip flopped on the debt ceiling issue. Before, he said it indicated a lack of leadership when the debt ceiling was raised.
Wars dragging on because they are playing politics instead of getting the job done and getting the hell out like we should.
Simple enough list the accomplishments as President that Obama gets credit for.

President Obama is stronger, much stronger, than you think.

Obama Movie Confronts Weak-Leader Meme, Revisits 'Tough Decisions' - Major Garrett - NationalJournal.com

Obama’s economic stimulus bill, the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, health care reform, and the Navy Seal-team raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

At one point, Clinton says the nation had “no earthly idea” what would have happened had Obama let GM and Chrysler fail, contending that the domino effect of job losses could have laid ruin to the Midwest middle class.

Obama had to put out so many fires. You Republicans want to forget.

Obama has confronted the toughest choices of any president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

ending the Iraq war, repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell,” providing pay equity for women, and health care and financial-industry reform.
Simple enough list the accomplishments as President that Obama gets credit for.

President Obama is stronger, much stronger, than you think.

Obama Movie Confronts Weak-Leader Meme, Revisits 'Tough Decisions' - Major Garrett - NationalJournal.com

Obama’s economic stimulus bill, the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, health care reform, and the Navy Seal-team raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

At one point, Clinton says the nation had “no earthly idea” what would have happened had Obama let GM and Chrysler fail, contending that the domino effect of job losses could have laid ruin to the Midwest middle class.

Obama had to put out so many fires. You Republicans want to forget.

Obama has confronted the toughest choices of any president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

ending the Iraq war, repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell,” providing pay equity for women, and health care and financial-industry reform.

A bias movie, long in the making by his liberal friends. I won't watch because I hate propaganda.
Our credit rating fell from AAA to AA+.

because congress wouldn't raise the debt ceiling and made us look dysfunctional... not because of our actual credit-worthiness.

but you know that.

Blame cuts both waits.

Hope and change and all that.

i'm afraid on that particular issue i don't see blame on both sides. i see a bunch of tea party "i hate government and want to starve it til i can drown it in a bathtub" types who acted intentionally and purposefully knowing what they were doing and persisting because of ideology and because they wanted to make the president look bad.

i didn't vote for him because of "hope and change"... though he's far better than his predecessor. I would never have voted for anyone who would let palin get a heartbeat away from the oval office.... same as anyone who lets santorum or mcdonnell get near the oval office wouldn't get my vote.
Simple enough list the accomplishments as President that Obama gets credit for.

President Obama is stronger, much stronger, than you think.

Obama Movie Confronts Weak-Leader Meme, Revisits 'Tough Decisions' - Major Garrett - NationalJournal.com

Obama’s economic stimulus bill, the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, health care reform, and the Navy Seal-team raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

At one point, Clinton says the nation had “no earthly idea” what would have happened had Obama let GM and Chrysler fail, contending that the domino effect of job losses could have laid ruin to the Midwest middle class.

Obama had to put out so many fires. You Republicans want to forget.

Obama has confronted the toughest choices of any president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

ending the Iraq war, repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell,” providing pay equity for women, and health care and financial-industry reform.

A bias movie, long in the making by his liberal friends. I won't watch because I hate propaganda.

We've heard nothign but 3 years of Obamabashing from the so called liberal media. A little reminder of how far we have come is good because people forget the mess Obama was handed. I love him so much!
One man's list of accomplishments is another man's list of failures...

It's a pointless disussion no matter how many times it is used as a topic...
because congress wouldn't raise the debt ceiling and made us look dysfunctional... not because of our actual credit-worthiness.

but you know that.

Blame cuts both waits.

Hope and change and all that.

i'm afraid on that particular issue i don't see blame on both sides. i see a bunch of tea party "i hate government and want to starve it til i can drown it in a bathtub" types who acted intentionally and purposefully knowing what they were doing and persisting because of ideology and because they wanted to make the president look bad.

i didn't vote for him because of "hope and change"... though he's far better than his predecessor. I would never have voted for anyone who would let palin get a heartbeat away from the oval office.... same as anyone who lets santorum or mcdonnell get near the oval office wouldn't get my vote.

Excuse my language, but Obama was absolutely fucking brutal during the debt ceiling debate. That showed that he was way in over his head. Zero leadership. And though I had grown skeptical, I'd given him the benefit of the doubt up until then. But he lost me there.

I loathed Bush but I think this country is more divided now than it was when he was elected. If we're going to hold Presidents to the same standards, he is a more divisive President than Bush was.

The buck stops at the top.

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