What has Obama done for America during his term?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
First, let's begin by saying this is going to be a very colossal post, so those with no patience or attention spans for that matter, need not proceed further.

Next, I'm going to show you a meme circulated by Occupy Democrats supposedly showing how much Obama has made America better, with a few corrections for chronological relevancy:


Unemployment (Official U3):

Last year of Bush (as of January 2009): 7.8%
Today under Obama: 5.0%

Unemployment (Actual U6):

Last year of Bush (as of January 2009): 14.2%
Today under Obama: 9.9%

Cost of a gallon of gas:

Last year of Bush (as of July 2008): $4.12
Today under Obama (as of yesterday): $1.97

Uninsured rate:

Last year of Bush: 15.6%
Today under Obama (3rd Quarter of 2015): 11.6%

Teen Pregnancy rate per 1,000:

Last year of Bush: 34 per 1,000
Today under Obama (as of Dec 2014): 24 per 1,000

Iranian Centrifuges:

Last year of Bush: 19,000
Today under Obama (as of March 2015): 10,000

GDP growth:

Last year under Bush: -0.3%
Today under Obama: +3.7

Dow Jones Industrial Average:

Last year of Bush (January 20, 2009): 7,949.09
Today under Obama (as of yesterday): 16,516.22

What this graphic also leaves out is that we're $8 trillion in more debt since he took office. Obama has more than passed Bush in debt accrued in two terms in office. He has done well to cut the existing budget deficit by three quarters, but he has done nothing to address the nearly $19 trillion national debt we're already in. And it continues to grow.

Right now, our national debt is at 103% of our overall GDP. If it goes any higher the government will quickly get to the point where all of the money it gets has to be used to pay the interest on the debt. In other words, no money left to run critical government programs and agencies. In order to get people to continue to hold the debt you have to pay higher and higher interest rates and that leads to run away inflation.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

But here's what those Occupy Democrats aren't telling you. Let's go down the list:

First, the 5.1% unemployment rate. There are two types of indicators of unemployment in the US, the official (U3 unemployment) and actual (U6 unemployment):

As you can see, the U6 unemployment rate right now is 9.9%. The real truth of the matter is far worse than you are being led to believe.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in almost 40 years, at 62.6 percent:

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, 94,103,000 Americans are currently not in the workforce, not looking for work or intending to look for work. More people have left the workforce each year of Obama's presidency.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Beginning in the first full year of his term up until last month, 14 million Americans have left the workforce completely.

In all of Obama's term, nothing seems to have been done about anything regarding the economy or employment. A slew of factors led to the collapse, not specifically Bush. The U.S. economy is very complicated. Taking it to the point of collapse takes a great deal of cooperation. To say one person or thing was responsible for it is dishonest:

Who Caused the Economic Crisis?

The price of a gallon of gasoline

The cost per gallon of gas right now is about $1.97 a gallon. On January 19, 2009 (the last day Bush was in office) gas was $1.78 per gallon USD. The graphic only tells you what gas was right or around the time of the collapse, in July 2008 gas was 4.12 a gallon, but then sharply fell afterwards going into inauguration day.


The uninsured rate

It has in fact dropped. But don't expect that to last long. Obamacare is quickly disintegrating. The state co-ops, or the "non-profit" exchanges, offering a cheaper alternative government insured plan, are collapsing. Currently 11 of the 23 co-ops have collapsed. When the co-ops collapse, anyone on the plans offered by that co-op will be left without insurance. That could number in the thousands. The government made nearly $2 billion dollars in loans to startup insurers in the exchanges that it couldn't pay back, putting taxpayer money at risk. Even still, the co-ops manage to collapse, one by one.

ObamaCare’s Cascading Co-op Failures

Oil Imports

It is true we are importing less oil from abroad, but that has been in no way influenced by either Bush or Obama.

Bobby Scott: Low gas prices are the result of Obama policies

Teen Pregnancy

This statistic only goes to show you what happens when teenage girls a) show more abstinence regarding sexual intercourse, b) use birth control, or c) recognize the consequences of having an abortion. Another factor here is that abortion rates and pregnancy rates have been dropping since the 1990's. What bearing this has on a successful presidency I will never know.

Iran's Centrifuges

The Iran Nuclear treaty did get the country to reduce the number of centrifuges it had spinning. However, it blatantly violated the treaty by test firing short to mid range ballistic missiles. It doesn't matter how many centrifuges it has running. A breach is a breach. It is quite clear the treaty failed in its aim to tamp down Iran's nuclear ambitions:

Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions | Fox News

America's GDP

As far as GDP growth is concerned, if you calculate the average GDP growth per quarter a president has been office, Bush averaged higher GDP growth per quarter in office than Obama has during his term:

Which Presidents Have Been Best for the Economy?

The Dow Jones

The movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average can be affected by a number of things, such as the Federal Reserve Interest Rate, or the interest rate at which a depository institution lends funds maintained at the Federal Reserve to another depository institution overnight, which can cause gains or losses depending on whether the government raises the rate, lowers the rate or keeps it the same.

Another factor here is the world economy. While the US economy is the main stabilizing factor for the rest of the world's economies, it too is reliant on the stability of the worlds economies in turn. China right now is on the verge of a collapse. When China's economy goes, our markets will be adversely affected as well. No one president's policies can singlehandedly affect the movement of the stock market, though they can and will play a significant but equal role.

Final Thought

All in all, despite the many supposed achievements liberals will no doubt post in response to this thread in their defense of Obama, the reality is that America hasn't really changed much and if it has, it changed more in the sociopolitical area than anything else.

So what did Obama do for America during his term?
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Obama has created a greater social divide
Obama has created ISIS by turning his back on Iraq
Obama gave Iran 150 billion plus the bomb
Obama has created a welfare/foodstamp Nation
Obama has done more for Smith & Wesson Stocks than could of otherwise been realized
Obama has escalated racial tensions
Obama has created the latest entitlement to the coat tail hangers so they question 'White Privilege'.
Obama has lied multiple times to the American people
Obama painted the White House in queer colors
Obama has created the anti-police movement
Obama created Black Lives Matter
Obama created credit card reform- All it did was raise 700-850 FICO score card interest rates
Obama created the documented failure of Obamacare
Obama has created the recent flex up of Russia
Obama created red lines that became blurred in fear
Obama all but shuttered Camp David
Obama releases terrorist from GITMO knowing that eventually they will kill Americans
Obama killed jobs and the Keystone Pipe line
Obama infringes on the Second Amendment
Obama killed NASA

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It is so curious how BS manages the mind of the conservative. Reality has no place when bitterness and hate fill the mind. Soon Obama will be forgotten and the hatred and bitterness will have a new target. So it goes....

The Wonderfulness of Wonderful Me!"

For the intelligent reader - [conservatives, please stick to Rush and Fox, you would be lost in links below] - check out these pieces on BS. The amazing ability of the right wing in America to repeat the same failed nonsense and really believe it truly astounds. E.G. I give you conservative Governor Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina, "If we held the White House, taxes would be lower, spending slowed and the military strengthened...." Any student of history will shake their head over these failed words, Bush jr proved that.

Why bullshit is no laughing matter — Aeon Opinions
How can we best fight bullshit? — Aeon
New Age Bullshit Generator
What has President |||Obama done? Survived the most sustained and vicious racist campaign since we saw off Hitler mainly.
Liberals still hung up on Bush -
Can't accept eight years of massive incompetence/fuck-ups under the Obama regime.
Currently, they have their mouths and nostrils on Hillary's nasty anus and snatch. Hoping for another four years of fuck-ups.
How those fucking people think - anyone's guess. One thing's for certain. It's not normal.
What has President |||Obama done? Survived the most sustained and vicious racist campaign since we saw off Hitler mainly.

In spite of his constant and continuous attacks on Christians and white people, law enforcement officers, and his support of any and all things Muslim, he has survived.
Obama has done one very important thing. He has enacted the GOP policy of importing more people to vote democrat and fill the welfare rolls.
Wow, the truth h urts, doesn't it?

what truth??
this truth?
Montage: 112 Unkept Promises from Earlier Obama SOTU Addresses

the first ten (10)
1. The stimulus bill will create 3.5 million jobs over the next few years, 90 percent of which will be in the private sector.
2. Create program that will enable Americans facing foreclosure to lower their mortgage payments and save their homes.
3. Double the supply of renewable energy within the next three years.
4. The “largest ever” federal spending program on science will yield breakthroughs in energy, medicine, science, and technology.
5. Lay down 1,000s of miles of power lines to connect Americans’ homes to these new sources of energy.
6. Reduce Americans’ energy bills by “billions of dollars.”
7. Cure cancer “in our time.”
8. Use stimulus funds to spend on preventive health care, which will get federal health spending “under control.”
9. Use the savings that result from the stimulus’ reform of health-care to reduce the deficit.
10. Cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term in office.

do you want more? go here:​
Montage: 112 Unkept Promises from Earlier Obama SOTU Addresses
We seem to have exported every neo-Nazi madman to your failed colony. Sorry about that, and God help you.
The left wants you to take the last days of the Booooosh (as they call him) administration, then tell you how much better it is today. Ok, fair analogy! But, reasonable people should look at it differently.

At what point did the administration claim that the crisis was over, and we were on sound footing again? Was it Obama's 2nd or 3rd year? I really don't remember, so refresh my memory! In other words, the banking and economic crisis had past in the world according to them, and that is also, fair enough!

Now then, from that time in history, since there was no crisis, we were on firm ground, nothing magical had to happen, how has he done growing our economy?

TERRIBLE! Remember people, his own proclamation that everything was now fine, sinks him, because no extraordinary measures had to be taken from that point forward. All he had to do was do what all other Presidents did that succeeded in reviving an economy to get it booming again.

Check out the success of other Presidents when there WAS no banking crisis, as Obama insisted there wasn't at a certain point in time of his tenure. What they did, and their success rate, then look at Obama's success rate. AWFUL!

Let me give you an example of correlation to prove my point---------------> Country at war, that is why economy is NOT following historical path; war is a CRISIS.

War ends. A year later, economy should revert back to historical averages because crisis is no longer effecting its performance.

So, look what Obama's performance was after he proclaimed the crisis over! Insisting that Obama fixed a crisis that happened 8 years ago, but has under performed ever since by historical standards makes him a terrific President, is absurd, wouldn't you say!

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