What Has Obama Done to Warrant Impeachment?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Let's go about this rationally. What has Obama really done to warrant his impeachment from office?

Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution says:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors.

To the conservative Republicans, I am curious, other than talking points and rhetoric, or what has he really done to meet the criteria set forth in the Impeachment Clause? If all you have are talking points and rhetoric, you are only giving the other side more leverage. Let it be known that I am not defending nor endorsing Obama.

For the liberal Democrats, your answers would inevitably be that he has done 'nothing' to be impeached for. So I'm asking you to explain why in detail. No "Bush did this" or "Reagan did that." No trying to justify his actions by the actions of previous administrations. If you cannot explain why he hasn't done anything to warrant impeachment, be advised, you are giving the other side more leverage.

I just want honest explanations. That is it, that is all. My personal opinion on this subject is this:

While Obama has violated the Constitution on plenty of occasions (which is NOT the subject of this thread), he hasn't committed any 'high crimes or misdemeanors' what he has done is higher in severity than just petty crimes and must be settled among the courts. He has ignored the power of a duly elected congress, and has exceeded his power as sitting president. However, seeking his impeachment would be foolish. Impeaching him would create a political circus. If such an attempt were to succeed (which it won't for various reasons); it would be putting an even more incompetent leader in power. Joe Biden. Do you really want that? I wouldn't. Seeking his impeachment would only energize his base, and turn the tables on a promising election for Republicans this year. If you want to punish him, punish him at the polls. It's that easy.
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You guys should definitely try to impeach for Fast and Furious....that's a winner right there!

Illegal Immigration

Yes...and illegal immigration...impeach Obama for all the illegal immigration in the country. Wow, it's in the bag with that!
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Having lived most of my life in the state of Illinois, I can tell you all that you have been fucked up the ass by a real pro. The vast majority of this state saw it coming back in 2007 and 2011.

Illinois is a Red state, controlled by Blue metropolitans.


Chicago and East St. Louis control us politically because that is where the vast majority of Liberal tit-suckers live in this state.

It really is that simple.

It's all about sucking the tit. And you miserable fuckers are all about just that.

So suck the tit, because your only alternative is to suck my balls. My sweaty hard-working balls.
Having lived most of my life in the state of Illinois, I can tell you all that you have been fucked up the ass by a real pro. The vast majority of this state saw it coming back in 2007 and 2011.

Illinois is a Red state, controlled by Blue metropolitans.


Chicago and East St. Louis control us politically because that is where the vast majority of Liberal tit-suckers live in this state.

It really is that simple.

It's all about sucking the tit. And you miserable fuckers are all about just that.

So suck the tit, because your only alternative is to suck my balls. My sweaty hard-working balls.

2008 Presidential Election:

Impeachment isn't a conviction, it's the procedure guaranteed in the Constitution that allows Congress to address the alleged violations of Constitutional law by the executive branch. There are about a dozen scandals that make "Watergate" and the Nixon administration seem like a walk in the park.
Having lived most of my life in the state of Illinois, I can tell you all that you have been fucked up the ass by a real pro. The vast majority of this state saw it coming back in 2007 and 2011.

Illinois is a Red state, controlled by Blue metropolitans.


Chicago and East St. Louis control us politically because that is where the vast majority of Liberal tit-suckers live in this state.

It really is that simple.

It's all about sucking the tit. And you miserable fuckers are all about just that.

So suck the tit, because your only alternative is to suck my balls. My sweaty hard-working balls.

2008 Presidential Election:

The pic Mr.H showed was from 2010.
Obama violated the law when he amended Obamacare.

He as the Executive Branch can not do this, he can exempt those that work for the federal government or even those that work in the white house, but not the country as a whole.

This stems from when the Republicans gave Clinton the line item veto and the Supreme Court over ruled it and said it gave too much power to the Executive Branch and was a violation of the Constitution.

That is just one example.

Another stems from states rights, I am sure the far left will not comprehend what that is so no use in explain it.

Of course there is an unprecedented nine times (9-0) that the SC ruled against Obama as unconstitutional.

He is the most unconstitutional President in history. Yet the far left hails him as a sort of Messiah and will not dare speak out against Obama.
When you dispense of your biases, you can lecture me on objectivity. Understand? One of the most partisan posters in USMB lecturing me on such a subject? How ironic.

yeah i got your point the first time fatty.

Partisan....sure fatty. you would know partisan just like you havent seen your dick in years.

The term 'fatty' is not politically correct. It should be 'gravitationally challenged'.

You will never gain acceptance into the progressive elite fliers club if you make faux pas like that.

It does not matter the far left over looks such things for their own religious followers. Had it not been far left then you would have seen a fire storm over certain terms..
Compare it to the "Watergate" 3rd rate burglary that brought down the Tricky Dick Nixon administration. What was it about? Spying on the democrat headquarters? Is that a crime while the current freaking IRS spies on legal conservative political clubs? The Administration covered up with "legal" obstructions into the federal gun running that resulted in hundreds of innocent Mexicans killed and two Border Patrol Agents by the US federal mess. It's alleged that the president ate pizza in real time while watching American heroes dying in the defense of a US embassy. All impeachable offenses.
Let's go about this rationally. What has Obama really done to warrant his impeachment from office?

Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution says:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors.

To the conservative Republicans, I am curious, other than talking points and rhetoric, or what has he really done to meet the criteria set forth in the Impeachment Clause? If all you have are talking points and rhetoric, you are only giving the other side more leverage. Let it be known that I am not defending nor endorsing Obama.

For the liberal Democrats, your answers would inevitably be that he has done 'nothing' to be impeached for. So I'm asking you to explain why in detail. No "Bush did this" or "Reagan did that." No trying to justify his actions by the actions of previous administrations. If you cannot explain why he hasn't done anything to warrant impeachment, be advised, you are giving the other side more leverage.

I just want honest explanations. That is it, that is all. My personal opinion on this subject is this:

While Obama has violated the Constitution on plenty of occasions (which is NOT the subject of this thread), he hasn't committed any 'high crimes or misdemeanors' what he has done is higher in severity than just petty crimes and must be settled among the courts. He has ignored the power of a duly elected congress, and has exceeded his power as sitting president. However, seeking his impeachment would be foolish. Impeaching him would create a political circus. If such an attempt were to succeed (which it won't for various reasons); it would be putting an even more incompetent leader in power. Joe Biden. Do you really want that? I wouldn't. Seeking his impeachment would only energize his base, and turn the tables on a promising election for Republicans this year. If you want to punish him, punish him at the polls. It's that easy.

Very simply he has not broken any laws in a criminal manner. It really is as simple as that. You can't impeach a president because you don't like him, and that is pretty much what Republicans are pursuing. Of course, the non-nutjob Republicans understand that there are no grounds for impeachment. If there truly were grounds for impeachment, things would already be under way. What Obama said in his speech in KC was accurate. This has just become a hatefest against him, and it's been going on since he first took office. It is the reason nothing is getting done in Washington, and it's the reason this country has become so very divided. I didn't just leave the Republican Party because I suddenly disagreed with their policies. I left because the actions by the far right that now controls the party completely repulses me.
Let's go about this rationally. What has Obama really done to warrant his impeachment from office?

Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution says:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors.

To the conservative Republicans, I am curious, other than talking points and rhetoric, or what has he really done to meet the criteria set forth in the Impeachment Clause? If all you have are talking points and rhetoric, you are only giving the other side more leverage. Let it be known that I am not defending nor endorsing Obama.

For the liberal Democrats, your answers would inevitably be that he has done 'nothing' to be impeached for. So I'm asking you to explain why in detail. No "Bush did this" or "Reagan did that." No trying to justify his actions by the actions of previous administrations. If you cannot explain why he hasn't done anything to warrant impeachment, be advised, you are giving the other side more leverage.

I just want honest explanations. That is it, that is all. My personal opinion on this subject is this:

While Obama has violated the Constitution on plenty of occasions (which is NOT the subject of this thread), he hasn't committed any 'high crimes or misdemeanors' what he has done is higher in severity than just petty crimes and must be settled among the courts. He has ignored the power of a duly elected congress, and has exceeded his power as sitting president. However, seeking his impeachment would be foolish. Impeaching him would create a political circus. If such an attempt were to succeed (which it won't for various reasons); it would be putting an even more incompetent leader in power. Joe Biden. Do you really want that? I wouldn't. Seeking his impeachment would only energize his base, and turn the tables on a promising election for Republicans this year. If you want to punish him, punish him at the polls. It's that easy.

Very simply he has not broken any laws in a criminal manner. It really is as simple as that. You can't impeach a president because you don't like him, and that is pretty much what Republicans are pursuing. Of course, the non-nutjob Republicans understand that there are no grounds for impeachment. If there truly were grounds for impeachment, things would already be under way. What Obama said in his speech in KC was accurate. This has just become a hatefest against him, and it's been going on since he first took office. It is the reason nothing is getting done in Washington, and it's the reason this country has become so very divided. I didn't just leave the Republican Party because I suddenly disagreed with their policies. I left because the actions by the far right that now controls the party completely repulses me.

So since Bill Clinton did commit perjury was the impeachment process the correct one?

Not to mention the War Powers Act that Obama violated with his truly illegal war in Libya.
Let's go about this rationally. What has Obama really done to warrant his impeachment from office?

Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution says:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors.

To the conservative Republicans, I am curious, other than talking points and rhetoric, or what has he really done to meet the criteria set forth in the Impeachment Clause? If all you have are talking points and rhetoric, you are only giving the other side more leverage. Let it be known that I am not defending nor endorsing Obama.

For the liberal Democrats, your answers would inevitably be that he has done 'nothing' to be impeached for. So I'm asking you to explain why in detail. No "Bush did this" or "Reagan did that." No trying to justify his actions by the actions of previous administrations. If you cannot explain why he hasn't done anything to warrant impeachment, be advised, you are giving the other side more leverage.

I just want honest explanations. That is it, that is all. My personal opinion on this subject is this:

While Obama has violated the Constitution on plenty of occasions (which is NOT the subject of this thread), he hasn't committed any 'high crimes or misdemeanors' what he has done is higher in severity than just petty crimes and must be settled among the courts. He has ignored the power of a duly elected congress, and has exceeded his power as sitting president. However, seeking his impeachment would be foolish. Impeaching him would create a political circus. If such an attempt were to succeed (which it won't for various reasons); it would be putting an even more incompetent leader in power. Joe Biden. Do you really want that? I wouldn't. Seeking his impeachment would only energize his base, and turn the tables on a promising election for Republicans this year. If you want to punish him, punish him at the polls. It's that easy.

All of our current Presidents are part of high crimes.. Proving it is hard when the bias are so strong.

For example. Bush goes to war with Iraq, the Left hates it and the Right justifies it. Obama bombs Libya and the Right hates it and the Left justifies it.

This is only the tip of the iceburg. Presidents currently work for Big Corporations because they can't get elected any other way. Hell, 3 of Obama's top 3 donors are ABC, NBC and CBS. America's confusion is that politicians must spend $$$ to get air time on news when news was meant to be attention driven and not monetary driven.

The instance you stop being a bias ignorant drone, you start thinking on your own. People blamed Obama for 100% of the debt before he passed a single bill to increase debt, plain ignorance.

So educate yourselves on profit driven politics. Stop letting Lockheed Martin and Halliburton talk our puppet presidents into war.
If the Right would focus on a next presidential nominee instead of impeachment they would be able sift out a good nominee. But they are for some reason only focused on hate today.

I posted this the day Obama got re-elected. No one cared who would be the next Right Wing candidate. They just hated Obama.

Hatred for Obama won't win the next election kids.

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