What has Trump done to strongly, increase penalties to those Americans who hire illegal workers?

I have not heard anything from him on this.

But maybe I missed it.

Can anyone please tell me what specifically - if anything - has Trump done to strongly, increase penalties to Americans who hire illegal workers?
I have not heard anything from him on this.

But maybe I missed it.

Can anyone please tell me what specifically - if anything - has Trump done to strongly, increase penalties to Americans who hire illegal workers?

Weren’t you bleeding heart, wetback loving wackos pissing your panties in your straight jackets when iCE was raiding businesses?

Yup. They sure were. They were shouting that ICE should be abolished.

Now they are screaming that those that employ illegals should be arrested?? I wonder who they think will be doing the arresting?? ICE maybe.
ICE didn't exist before 2003. You were probably still sucking your thumb back then.

ICE was created by the Patriot Act.

So, gee, genius, why don't you put your pointy head to some heavy lifting and see if you can figure out who was doing the arresting before that?

Well your a little behind the times mate.

They exist now so guess what. They have powers of arrest.

ICE arrests of illegal workers, employers up 700 percent in 2018

Happy trails.
You clearly indicated you believed no arresting could take place without ICE, thumb sucker.

Ok Einstein, then why would some Dims call for ICE to be disbanded then ? They must obviously stupidly believe that enforcement would end and not just be switched to another agency ?

Of course, you're from the party whose newest hero, Alexandria Cerebral Cortez, believes that refugees have died in the hands of ICE, and not the Border Patrol.
Our immigration quota system is fucked up, and farmers should not be paying the price for that.

Americans are not going to leave their tract houses, climb into their commuter cars, and drive 200 miles to pick strawberries one week, then drive 150 miles to pick blueberries the next. No matter how much you pay them, Americans won't ever do it.

It's called MIGRANT labor for a reason.

Immigrant labor is a sign of prosperity. Every prosperous country throughout history and around the world has had a migrant labor force to do the shit jobs.

If a farmer needs 100 strawberry pickers, and the US quota system only provides him with 20, you can't blame him if he makes up the difference with illegal labor, and he should not be punished for it.

Haha...you desperate suckers fall for the dumbest shit....it’s almost as if you try to be stupid.
Contrary to suckers belief, most wetbacks aren’t working the fields...they are here working for other wetback friends. They are a self serving group of underground human cockroaches. Here in south Mexifornia, the beaner capital of the world they all work for Gustavos Tire, Ramirez Tree Trimming, Juan’s Lawn Service.

Sure, dope.
Perspective | The price of cheap meat? Raided slaughterhouses and upended communities.
I have not heard anything from him on this.

But maybe I missed it.

Can anyone please tell me what specifically - if anything - has Trump done to strongly, increase penalties to Americans who hire illegal workers?
/----/Not much he can do unless with an EO, and libtard judges simply strike them down.
I have not heard anything from him on this.

But maybe I missed it.

Can anyone please tell me what specifically - if anything - has Trump done to strongly, increase penalties to Americans who hire illegal workers?
waiting for the immigration reform bill. where is it?
Yup. They sure were. They were shouting that ICE should be abolished.

Now they are screaming that those that employ illegals should be arrested?? I wonder who they think will be doing the arresting?? ICE maybe.
ICE didn't exist before 2003. You were probably still sucking your thumb back then.

ICE was created by the Patriot Act.

So, gee, genius, why don't you put your pointy head to some heavy lifting and see if you can figure out who was doing the arresting before that?

Well your a little behind the times mate.

They exist now so guess what. They have powers of arrest.

ICE arrests of illegal workers, employers up 700 percent in 2018

Happy trails.
You clearly indicated you believed no arresting could take place without ICE, thumb sucker.

No I didn't idiot. I said ICE might be the arresting agency. Doesn't mean they will be.

Any LEO organization can make an arrest.

Happy trails.
"They were shouting that ICE should be abolished." "I wonder who they think will be doing the arresting?? "

You were clearly stumped.

You still don't know, do you. You don't know who used to arrest illegals and protect our borders.

I guess you'll have to Google it.

I sure do know. And I don't have to Google anything.

ICE, CPB and law enforcement can arrest.

Happy trails you little piss drinker.
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Like the duopoly would ever do that!
Those fuckers love cheap labor.
Republicans might talk the talk but they dont walk the walk. They dont want lose their precious contributors like the chamber of commerce.
Trump should bring this up front and center.
Of course, this is part of an actual fix, so i doubt he would.
The federal govt doesnt believe in solutions

"Solutions"? Oh hell no. Solutions are for chemistry labs. You don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS.
Our immigration quota system is fucked up, and farmers should not be paying the price for that.

Americans are not going to leave their tract houses, climb into their commuter cars, and drive 200 miles to pick strawberries one week, then drive 150 miles to pick blueberries the next. No matter how much you pay them, Americans won't ever do it.

It's called MIGRANT labor for a reason.

Immigrant labor is a sign of prosperity. Every prosperous country throughout history and around the world has had a migrant labor force to do the shit jobs.

If a farmer needs 100 strawberry pickers, and the US quota system only provides him with 20, you can't blame him if he makes up the difference with illegal labor, and he should not be punished for it.

Haha...you desperate suckers fall for the dumbest shit....it’s almost as if you try to be stupid.
Contrary to suckers belief, most wetbacks aren’t working the fields...they are here working for other wetback friends. They are a self serving group of underground human cockroaches. Here in south Mexifornia, the beaner capital of the world they all work for Gustavos Tire, Ramirez Tree Trimming, Juan’s Lawn Service.

Sure, dope.
Perspective | The price of cheap meat? Raided slaughterhouses and upended communities.

Haha...time to go vegetarian huh?
Weren’t you bleeding heart, wetback loving wackos pissing your panties in your straight jackets when iCE was raiding businesses?

Yup. They sure were. They were shouting that ICE should be abolished.

Now they are screaming that those that employ illegals should be arrested?? I wonder who they think will be doing the arresting?? ICE maybe.
ICE didn't exist before 2003. You were probably still sucking your thumb back then.

ICE was created by the Patriot Act.

So, gee, genius, why don't you put your pointy head to some heavy lifting and see if you can figure out who was doing the arresting before that?

Well your a little behind the times mate.

They exist now so guess what. They have powers of arrest.

ICE arrests of illegal workers, employers up 700 percent in 2018

Happy trails.
You clearly indicated you believed no arresting could take place without ICE, thumb sucker.

Ok Einstein, then why would some Dims call for ICE to be disbanded then ? They must obviously stupidly believe that enforcement would end and not just be switched to another agency ?

Of course, you're from the party whose newest hero, Alexandria Cerebral Cortez, believes that refugees have died in the hands of ICE, and not the Border Patrol.

Is he now. And what party would that be? More to the point how is it you get access to his voter registration records?
Trump can't write legislation imbecile.

Even if he could the pieces of shit you vote for would reject it.

Are you fucking stupid? He can ask for legislation - can he not? He had two years of having the Reps control both houses, moron. He has asked for healthcare, legislation, infrastructure legislation, etc. So why the fuck can he not ask for tougher penalties for those who hire illegals, dumb ass?

And where EXACTLY did he publicly ask/demand that they write legislation to strongly punish those who hire illegals, Trumpbot? Where on the campaign trail did he say he would do it? Hell...where is the tweet that he even mentioned it?

Show me that dickhead...if you can?

And if you bothered to read my sig, you would see I despise both major parties. So obviously I did not vote for either one...DUH.
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I have not heard anything from him on this.

But maybe I missed it.

Can anyone please tell me what specifically - if anything - has Trump done to strongly, increase penalties to Americans who hire illegal workers?
Nothing I’m aware of that should be part of the current border debate companies that knowingly hire illegals should pay the price.
Our immigration quota system is fucked up, and farmers should not be paying the price for that.

Americans are not going to leave their tract houses, climb into their commuter cars, and drive 200 miles to pick strawberries one week, then drive 150 miles to pick blueberries the next. No matter how much you pay them, Americans won't ever do it.

It's called MIGRANT labor for a reason.

Immigrant labor is a sign of prosperity. Every prosperous country throughout history and around the world has had a migrant labor force to do the shit jobs.

If a farmer needs 100 strawberry pickers, and the US quota system only provides him with 20, you can't blame him if he makes up the difference with illegal labor, and he should not be punished for it.

Haha...you desperate suckers fall for the dumbest shit....it’s almost as if you try to be stupid.
Contrary to suckers belief, most wetbacks aren’t working the fields...they are here working for other wetback friends. They are a self serving group of underground human cockroaches. Here in south Mexifornia, the beaner capital of the world they all work for Gustavos Tire, Ramirez Tree Trimming, Juan’s Lawn Service.

Sure, dope.
Perspective | The price of cheap meat? Raided slaughterhouses and upended communities.

Link is behind a paywall. If the point is that illegals work the meat packing industry, you bet they do. Meatpacking used to pay well, until employers began hiring illegals and our citizens got pushed out.

They are not farming, is the point. They are taking good paying jobs and undercutting American workers everywhere. Its happening in construction, that used to pay an excellent wage.

Our immigration quota system is fucked up, and farmers should not be paying the price for that.

Americans are not going to leave their tract houses, climb into their commuter cars, and drive 200 miles to pick strawberries one week, then drive 150 miles to pick blueberries the next. No matter how much you pay them, Americans won't ever do it.

It's called MIGRANT labor for a reason.

Immigrant labor is a sign of prosperity. Every prosperous country throughout history and around the world has had a migrant labor force to do the shit jobs.

If a farmer needs 100 strawberry pickers, and the US quota system only provides him with 20, you can't blame him if he makes up the difference with illegal labor, and he should not be punished for it.
You are right. However if that person works the low level job and goes home to ten people using social welfare benefits to live it kind of defeats the system. But we do need low level immigrants and that is the truth.
What has he done?

You mean like threatening them with being deported if they tell anyone who they work for?

Stuff like that?
This would be FAR more effective than a wall.

If they can't get hired here and make a living for themselves, then they won't come.

This would be FAR more effective than a wall.

If they can't get hired here and make a living for themselves, then they won't come.

If the person sneaking across the border to work is the only problem, I could agree. I figure the ones who really want to sneak across are the gang members, drug carriers, and people with records that wouldn't be allowed in under normal conditions.

I have not heard anything from him on this.

But maybe I missed it.

Can anyone please tell me what specifically - if anything - has Trump done to strongly, increase penalties to Americans who hire illegal workers?
What did Barry do?
What did Pelosi ever do?
What did Schumer ever do?

Voted for a wall...


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