What have Democrats done for blacks?

if he were alive to day the liberals and the inner city blacks would have him on a hit list.
he made that one little statement that goes against everything the liberals today stand for.
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
kinda reverse of what todays democrat thinks.

I can't believe that conservatives today believe the "Ask not" statement was somehow a confirmation of their hatred of social programs. Kennedy, in that same speech spoke in favor of social programs

"Ask not" was a call for volunteerism in anticipation of JFKs Peace Corps, that Republucans also hated
how about all the welfare leaches join the Peace Corps for their pay then? thats a good idea right? lowers unemployment, gives them real life training and since they are out of the country it lowers our crime rate.

I kinda like that idea

It should apply to corporate leeches too
do you mean the leaches like the ones obama gave money to for green energy that paid off their CEOs and then closed up shop?
or do you mean the ones that actually employ people and are given a tax break, that still pay a good amount of tax, just not what you think would be fair.
because the second of the two are not leaches, they produce, they contribute. and even if those corporations paid no tax at all, they do employ thousands that do pay tax so they are still creating a tax base from their payroll.
just trying to wrap my head around this corporate leach/corporate welfare thing that the left keeps bringing up.
Kinda like the rich guy that pays a couple million in tax being told by someone that pays nothing that he is not doing his fair share.
Yes THOSE leeches

Every corporation we bailed out should have to have their executives join the Peace Corps

It would teach them corporate responsibility
Well, they are forced to join Obama's administration. Is that good enough?
Why not? And wont that put pressure on the lousy schools to improve?
But even so you are giving people the opportunty to escape. And that is unconscioinable for a fascist like you, Nutjobber. Those Negroes must be kept ignorant on Democrat plantations.

Yes, you nailed it
Giving young people an opportunity to escape

Vouchers and charter schools are thinly veiled tools that can be used by white children to escape from minority schools
You say we don't have any idea's, I gave you one. What's yours?
Better parents

Give the kid a voucher to go out and get better parents if his are crap
Good parents can even fail when the school is also a failure. Our schools have become indoctrination centers. Instead of learning centers.
It is parents failing their children more than the schools failing their children. There are standards for schools but no standards for parents

In those cases, every child should be given a voucher to find better parents
Well with abortion on demand and free birth control there shouldn't be bad parents. Right?
Yes, you nailed it
Giving young people an opportunity to escape

Vouchers and charter schools are thinly veiled tools that can be used by white children to escape from minority schools
You say we don't have any idea's, I gave you one. What's yours?
Better parents

Give the kid a voucher to go out and get better parents if his are crap
Good parents can even fail when the school is also a failure. Our schools have become indoctrination centers. Instead of learning centers.
It is parents failing their children more than the schools failing their children. There are standards for schools but no standards for parents

In those cases, every child should be given a voucher to find better parents
Well with abortion on demand and free birth control there shouldn't be bad parents. Right?

<sob>. But....But.....What about ABORTION? <sob>
You say we don't have any idea's, I gave you one. What's yours?
Better parents

Give the kid a voucher to go out and get better parents if his are crap
Good parents can even fail when the school is also a failure. Our schools have become indoctrination centers. Instead of learning centers.
It is parents failing their children more than the schools failing their children. There are standards for schools but no standards for parents

In those cases, every child should be given a voucher to find better parents
Well with abortion on demand and free birth control there shouldn't be bad parents. Right?

<sob>. But....But.....What about ABORTION? <sob>
Yes, we are a sorry country for letting our children get slaughtered in the womb and sold as parts. So like I said there should be no bad parents with liberal policies in place. Right?
You say we don't have any idea's, I gave you one. What's yours?
Better parents

Give the kid a voucher to go out and get better parents if his are crap
Good parents can even fail when the school is also a failure. Our schools have become indoctrination centers. Instead of learning centers.
It is parents failing their children more than the schools failing their children. There are standards for schools but no standards for parents

In those cases, every child should be given a voucher to find better parents
Well with abortion on demand and free birth control there shouldn't be bad parents. Right?

<sob>. But....But.....What about ABORTION? <sob>
Turn over all your children to the government! There's the solution. 98% of dictators agree with you.
Better parents

Give the kid a voucher to go out and get better parents if his are crap
Good parents can even fail when the school is also a failure. Our schools have become indoctrination centers. Instead of learning centers.
It is parents failing their children more than the schools failing their children. There are standards for schools but no standards for parents

In those cases, every child should be given a voucher to find better parents
Well with abortion on demand and free birth control there shouldn't be bad parents. Right?

<sob>. But....But.....What about ABORTION? <sob>
Yes, we are a sorry country for letting our children get slaughtered in the womb and sold as parts. So like I said there should be no bad parents with liberal policies in place. Right?

<sob>. But....But.....What about ABORTION? <sob>
Better parents

Give the kid a voucher to go out and get better parents if his are crap
Good parents can even fail when the school is also a failure. Our schools have become indoctrination centers. Instead of learning centers.
It is parents failing their children more than the schools failing their children. There are standards for schools but no standards for parents

In those cases, every child should be given a voucher to find better parents
Well with abortion on demand and free birth control there shouldn't be bad parents. Right?

<sob>. But....But.....What about ABORTION? <sob>
Turn over all your children to the government! There's the solution. 98% of dictators agree with you.

Liberate the children from bad parents......just like liberating them from bad schools

Give the kid a voucher and let him shop around for better parents

Capitalism at its best
Let's see....What have Democrats done for blacks?

Affirmative action
Education programs
Jobs programs in urban areas
Small business programs
Childcare services
Welfare and other safety net programs

What have Republicans done for blacks?

More prisons

I'm going to name some things that the Republicans have done to help blacks.

1. Republicans passed the 13 Amendment, which ended slavery.

2. Republicans passed the 14th Amendment, which made black people citizens.

3. Republicans passed the 15th Amendment, which gave black people the right to vote.

4. Republicans started Howard University for blacks. (White Republican Oliver Howard started Howard University)

5. Republicans started Spelman College for blacks. (White Republican John D Rockefeller put up the money to build Spelman college, and in return that college was named after his wife Laura Spelman Rockefeller)

6. Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which gave blacks the right to buy and own property.

7. Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1871, to protect blacks from the Ku Klux Klan.

8. Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which gave blacks the right to serve on a Jury.

9. Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

10. Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1960.

11. Republican president Dwight Eisenhower sent in the Federal troops to escort black kids to school in Arkansas, this is known as the Little Rock 9.

12. Republicans created 40 Acres and a Mule for blacks----Republican (Thaddeus Stevens) created a bill saying that black people should get 40 acres and a mule.

13. Most Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

14. Most Republicans voted in favor of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

15. Republican president Ronald Reagan signed into law the bill making Dr. King birthday a national holiday.

16. Republican president George Bush Sr brought Federal charges against the 4 white police officers that beat up Rodney King.

17. Republican president George W Bush gave Africa 48 billion dollars in funding.

18. Republican president George W Bush has given more money to Africa than any other U.S. president.

19. In George Bush first term, the US more than doubled development assistance to Africa and helped secure $34 billion in debt relief for 19 African countries.

20 George Bush created the President's Malaria Initiative, committing $1.2 billion to fight Malaria in Africa.

21. In 1956 Republicans endorsed and supported Brown VS Board of Education, which desegregated public schools in America.

22. Republican president Richard Nixon desegregated public schools.

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