What Have You Done?

Cross the aisle?

Republicans refused to even be in the same room with Obama

You think it taking two fricken years before Obama showed up on Capitol Hill had anything to do with that...moron,
Link to that BS?

Yup, don't want you to overwork yourself.
Obama to meet for first time in two years with House Republicans
You might notice your link proves he met with them immediately and got nothing but b*******. He never got anything but b******* from the GOP, just like you stupid.

They gave him their best. He deserved nothing less.

How so?
You might notice your link proves he met with them immediately and got nothing but b*******. He never got anything but b******* from the GOP, just like you stupid.

They gave him their best. He deserved nothing less.

Nothing like promising to fight the president on every tiny point to be a patriot... If you're racist assholes...

His agenda was anti-American. They did well to block him.
How was it Anti American? In the middle of an economic meltdown that was worse than anything in 80 years, caused by the GOP corruption, the GOP refused any of the usual Solutions to those problems, you are a disgrace and so is whatever party you're in, Dupe.
You think it taking two fricken years before Obama showed up on Capitol Hill had anything to do with that...moron,
Link to that BS?

Yup, don't want you to overwork yourself.
Obama to meet for first time in two years with House Republicans
You might notice your link proves he met with them immediately and got nothing but b*******. He never got anything but b******* from the GOP, just like you stupid.

They gave him their best. He deserved nothing less.

Nothing like promising to fight the president on every tiny point to be a patriot... If you're racist assholes...
they forget what McConnell said before Obama was in the WH a month they wanted him out and they'd do anything to achieve that end The hell with our country
You are incredibly misinformed about liberals... And everything else it appears. Change the channel, at least you used to make some sense... Yes, Liberals are interested in truth and facts, unlike the total BS GOP propaganda machine that runs your brains...

Here's your chance, blanko....

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption. But thanks for the depressions... At this point the Democrats should spend all their time fact-checking all your ridiculous brainwashed b*******, Dupe. Never have so many citizens believed so much crap and Hate... Great job GOP...
like google? LOL dude too fking funny, how about facebook? how about NBC, ABC, CBS, how are all of thes GOP corps doing? everyday, everyday, can't make this shit up at all.
How no, not like Facebook, stupid. Like respected Outlets like CBS New York Times Washington Post London Times BBC PBS other respected media all around the world. The only Outlets that agree with you GOP dupes are your propaganda machine here and Murdoch's Outlets in the UK. A disgrace.
Isn't it funny about how the clintons corruption the foundation corruption Obama corruption Pelosi corruption never make it anywhere near a courtroom, super dupe? Etc etc etc you live on an imaginary planet...

Charles Ortel


Summary Review of Selected Intentionally FalseRepresentations in Clinton Foundation Public Filings

To informed analysts, the Clinton Foundation appears to be a rogue charity that hasneither been organized nor operated lawfully from inception in October 1997 todate--as you will grow to realize, it is a case study in international charity fraud, ofmammoth proportions.In particular, the Clinton Foundation has never been validly authorized to pursuetax-exempt purposes other than as a presidential archive and research facility basedin Little Rock, Arkansas. Moreover, its operations have never been controlled byindependent trustees and its financial results have never been properly audited byindependent accountants.In contrast to this stark reality, Bill Clinton recently continued a long pattern ofdissembling, likening himself to Robin Hood and dismissing critics of his“philanthropic” post-presidency, despite mounting concerns over perceived conflictsof interest and irregularities.
Bill Clinton compares himself, foundation to Robin Hood
...agreed to children born out of wedlock...


What do you propose is done about this?

C'mon....you know what I'm going to do: just as I always have: Use my bully pulpit to educate folks like you.

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

72% of juvenile murderers, and 60% of rapists came from single mother homes.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live?” Tyndale House , 2004, p.323

70% of teen births occur to girls in single mother homes.
David T. Lykken, “Reconstructing Fathers”, American Psychologist 55, 681,681, 2000

70% of drop-outs, and 70% of teen suicides come from single mother homes.
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents,” IMPRIMIS 26, N0. 6, June 1997

70% of runaways, 70% of juvenile delinquents, and 70% of Child murderers, come from single mother homes.
Richard E. Redding, “It’s Really About Sex”, Duke Univ. Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Jan.1, 2008

“Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous, and more likely to end up divorced.”
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, No.6, June, 1997

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

63% of all youth suicides,
70% of all teen pregnancies,
71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
80% of all prison inmates, and
90% of all homeless and runaway children came from single mother homes.
Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)

Children brought up in single mother homes are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide,
9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
14 times more likely to commit rape,
20 times more likely to end up in prison,
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Chuck Eddy, “The Daddy Shady Show”, Village Voice, Dec. 31, 2002

“America has more than twice as many teenage births as other developed nations.”
Isabel V.Sawhill, to House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources, June 29, 1999

86% of American teen births are out of wedlock.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future of Marriage In America”, Rutgers Univ., The National Marriage Project, 2007

600,000 out of wedlock births in 1979.
Patrick Fagan and William H.G.Fitzgerald, “Why Serious Welfare Reform Must Include Serious Adoption Reform. Heritage Foundation Reports, July 27, 1995

Less than 1% of children born to never married women were placed for adoption from 1989 to 1995.
U.S. DHHS, Child Welfare Information Gateway, “Voluntary Relinquishment For Adoption, Numbers and trends, 2005

My mission is education, and my record is 100% accuracy.

Any questions?
Why do you oppose abortion and birth control given the above?

Why do you endorse the taking of innocent life?
We Democrats win in the majority and we win in the minority

Yes we ARE that good


It drives the butthurt snowflakes crazy

Snow White Hillary is not in prison, cuz as her name implies....

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.

1. Travelgate: After their election, the Clintons fired the White House Travel Office...which had served 7 administrations, and turned it over to their pals. As part of this, they brought bogus corruption charges against the civil servants therein.

The individuals were cleared on all counts.

The Independent Council found that Hillary lied when she claimed she wasn't behind the scam. “The overwhelming evidence establishes that she played a role in the decision to fire the employees. … Thus, her statement to the contrary under oath was factually false.”

a. " Hillary described Travelgate with cool indifference as, “perhaps worthy of a two-or-three-week life span, instead, in a partisan political climate, it became the first manifestation of an obsession for investigation that persisted into the millennium.” But for Billy Dale, it wasn’t a partisan manifestation. It was the termination of a thirty-plus-year career, and a fight for his freedom. If convicted, he faced a maximum of twenty years in prison and up to $500,000 in fines.”

Read more: How Hillary Clinton sicced the FBI on the White House travel office

b. For you or I that would mean a perjury charge and criminal record for trying to destroy an innocent American who had served honorably under eight administrations and lying about it. For Hillary it meant a future as the junior New York Senator and then President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State." Ibid.

2. @ 0:58 Hillary's pal Vince Foster was involved in several of the Clinton scandals. When he was found dead: was that why Hillary had Foster's files ransacked before investigators could view them?

WASHINGTON, July 26— A Secret Service officer today flatly contradicted the White House account of the night of Vincent W. Foster Jr.'s death, telling the Senate Whitewater panel that he had seen Hillary Rodham Clinton's top aide remove files from Mr. Foster's office. The aide vehemently denied doing it.

Testifying under oath before the special Senate committee investigating Whitewater, the officer, Henry P. O'Neill, said that on July 20, 1993, several hours after Mr. Foster's body was found in a Virginia park, he saw Mrs. Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret A. Williams, carrying two handfuls of folders from Mr. Foster's office." 2 Conflicting Accounts on Files From White House Aide's Office

3. @ 1:47 To see how a President Hillary would 'rule,' take a look at her methods when Bill put her in charge of the earlier attempt at a take-over of healthcare: " WASHINGTON, Dec. 1— A Federal district judge said today that he intended to impose sanctions on Clinton Administration officials for their "misconduct" in a court case involving the disclosure of documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's task force on health care..... "The court understands plaintiffs' frustration with the defendants' misconduct during the course of this litigation, and the court intends to impose sanctions." Misconduct Found on Clinton Health Plan

The Kremlin would be proud!


4. @4:07 Whitewater....15 Clinton pals were convicted of 40 federal crimes.

5. @4:35 Cattlegate...."... computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.

The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits -- as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account,...." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpsrv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm

a. "....guided through the risky trades by James Blair, a friend and top lawyer for one of Arkansas' most powerful companies, Tyson Foods Inc." Business | Hillary Clinton Invested $1,000, Netted $100,000 Through Trading | Seattle Times Newspaper

b. "....Tyson was everything shed been taught to despise at Wellesley and Yale, a greedy capitalist who hated labor unions and had no compunction about polluting Mother Earth for financial gain. Yet she allowed Blair, Big Daddys right-hand man, to manage her financial affairs. Second, assuming the speculation in Marshalls Magazine is correct, she was the conduit for a bribe." Democrook: Hillary Clinton


6. @5:38 Raw naked power: Filegate. The Clintons illegally obtained FBI files on potential political enemies. "... in 1996 when it was discovered that the Clinton White House illegally obtained FBI files on adversaries, and used them to smear them, continues to this day. Strangely, although Mrs. Clinton is the principal defendant, and although there is sworn testimony, obtained during earlier discovery that Mrs. Clinton was the mastermind of this illegal scheme, the Court has never granted Plaintiffs requests to depose her —.... civil lawsuit which seeks to hold her accountable for illegally violating the privacy rights of American citizens she and her husband Bill Clinton viewed as political adversaries during their administration in the 1990s." http://www.freedomwatchusa.org/hillary-clinton-tries-to-escape-from-on-going-filegate-case

a. "It was also during this Filegate case that it was learned that President Clinton, on the advice of his top political adviser, James Carville, had illegally released Privacy Act protected information from White House files to smear Kathleen Willey, a woman who was a material witness in the impeachment proceedings, as she was also sexually harassed by the “philanderer in chief” while working for him in the White House."


7. @ 6:35 Chinagate. Foreign countries funneled millions into Clinton's campaign. ".... Hillary then masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president’s and the Democratic Party’s re-election efforts ."

a. "When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, Chinese missiles were greatly limited in terms of their range and accuracy. But as journalist Richard Poe noted in 2003, “Thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.”.... "'We like your president. We want to see him reelected,' former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung.

"Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton’s way.

"Clinton’s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.

"Clinton recieved funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun and others." http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=644

b. "Agents for the Chinese government and military funneled millions into President Clinton’s re-election campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.

The DOJ reported “A pattern of events suggests a level of knowledge within the White House–including the President’s and First Lady’s offices–concerning the injection of foreign funds into the reelection effort.” http://lybio.net/tag/hillary-clinton-a-career-criminal-video/


8. @6:35 ChinaGate Against campaign finance law, China donated to Bill Clinton's campaign so as to influence US policies. Agents for the Chinese government, and the military, funneled millions into Clinton's campaign.

DoJ: ...knowledge within the President's and First Lady's Offices...concerning the injection of foreign funds in the reelection effort.


9. @7:10 Using the IRS against political enemies....a Democrat tactic. A senior IRS official admitted that Clinton opponents were singled out for audit....including Bill Clinton's female accusers.


10. @ 7:45 PardonGate He issued pardons to 450 individuals including cocaine traffickers, terrorists and kidnappers. Several pardons directly benefitted Hillary Clinton, with ties to her NYSenate bid. Marc Rich was actually a fugitive on the run at the time...on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List....while his wife donated thousands to Hillary Clinton's Senate Campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.


11. @12:00 As Senator....introduced three minor bills which became law in seven years. That includes naming a post office.


12. @12:33 Enthusiastically voted for the Iraq War


13. @13:10 "....prosecutors revealed Monday that the mastermind of Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s “shadow campaign” also funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to aid Mrs. Clinton’s bid for the White House.

Jeffrey E. Thompson’s scheme included diverting more than $608,000 in illicit funds to a New York marketing executive, Troy White, who organized “street teams” to raise Mrs. Clinton’s visibility in urban areas during her Democratic primary battle against Barack Obama.

.....from February to May 2008, Thompson used two firms to disburse $608,750 in “excessive and unreported contributions to pay for campaign services in coordination with and in support of a federal political candidate for president of the United States and the federal and the candidate’s authorized committee.” That candidate was Mrs. Clinton." http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/10/hillary-clinton-campaign-received-funds-jeffrey-th/


14. @ 13:39 " State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ... and neither can Hillary Clinton!
· Jen Psaki, the State Department's chief spokesperson, seemed blindsided by a question about Clinton's accomplishments

· A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki's gaffe was shown

· Clinton herself couldn't articulate what she was 'most proud of' during her time as America's top diplomat when asked just weeks ago

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ts-neither-Hillary-Clinton.html#ixzz4B04XlE93

Not one achievement in her 4years collecting a salary from the taxpayers.

15. @ 14:33 " The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report." http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/4/state-dept-misplaced-6b-under-hillary-clinton-ig-r/


16. @ 14:48 " Hillary's State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists" http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...efused-to-brand-boko-haram-as-terrorists.html
Even though FBI, DoJ and CIA had requested it, so they could pursue group.Result was kidnapping of 300 Nigerian school girls.
17. @ 14:58 A special investigator for the State Department found that with Hillary in charge, the following investigations were blocked or called off:
a) Sexual assaults by state dept security officials in Beirut
b) "Endemic" use of prostitutes by Hillary's security detail
c.) Drug use by state dept contractors in Baghdad
d) Solicitation of child male prostitutes by US ambassador in Belgium
18. @16:10 Benghazi cover-up
Hillary testified that she had submitted all documents related to the inquiry. 20 months later....41 new documents were found....including changes to Susan Rice's talking points.
More documents are being withheld.

19. "State Dept. Promises to Release Clinton Emails on Day That Literally Doesn’t Exist" http://lawnewz.com/columnists/state...on-emails-on-day-that-literally-doesnt-exist/

20. This, from the Mexican paper...the NYTimes:

"In April 2012, representatives from Qatar were apparently hoping to get “five minutes” with former President Bill Clinton while in New York to present him with a $1 million check for his foundation as a birthday gift from the previous year.

While it is unclear whether that meeting ever took place, the offer,mentioned in one of thousands of hacked Clinton campaign emailsreleased by WikiLeaks last week, was an example of the complex ethical issues the Clinton Foundation faced in managing relationships with foreign governments when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. It also raised questions about whether the foundation had fully followed procedures it had voluntarily agreed to in order to avoid those very issues."


You might notice your link proves he met with them immediately and got nothing but b*******. He never got anything but b******* from the GOP, just like you stupid.

They gave him their best. He deserved nothing less.

Nothing like promising to fight the president on every tiny point to be a patriot... If you're racist assholes...

His agenda was anti-American. They did well to block him.
How was it Anti American?

"We are five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America". One does not "fundamentally" change that which one supports. His ensuing programs were garbage, and they have mostly been dismantled.

In the middle of an economic meltdown that was worse than anything in 80 years, caused by the GOP corruption

Dodd-Frank, and Al Sharpton's racial arm twisting of lenders, among other things, were not of GOP origin.

the GOP refused any of the usual Solutions to those problems, you are a disgrace and so is whatever party you're in, Dupe.

Bailing out failing businesses is not a usual solution, and I am a member of no political party.
You might notice your link proves he met with them immediately and got nothing but b*******. He never got anything but b******* from the GOP, just like you stupid.

They gave him their best. He deserved nothing less.

Nothing like promising to fight the president on every tiny point to be a patriot... If you're racist assholes...

His agenda was anti-American. They did well to block him.
How was it Anti American?

"We are five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America". One does not "fundamentally" change that which one supports. His ensuing programs were garbage, and they have mostly been dismantled.

In the middle of an economic meltdown that was worse than anything in 80 years, caused by the GOP corruption

Dodd-Frank, and Al Sharpton's racial arm twisting of lenders, among other things, were not of GOP origin.

the GOP refused any of the usual Solutions to those problems, you are a disgrace and so is whatever party you're in, Dupe.

Bailing out failing businesses is not a usual solution, and I am a member of no political party.
Just the corruption and meltdown were of GOP origin, duped. Fannie and Freddie went from 75% to 25% of the market in 2003 and Pals of GOP started selling toxic mortgages bundling and selling them around the world... Great job!
...agreed to children born out of wedlock...


What do you propose is done about this?

C'mon....you know what I'm going to do: just as I always have: Use my bully pulpit to educate folks like you.

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

72% of juvenile murderers, and 60% of rapists came from single mother homes.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live?” Tyndale House , 2004, p.323

70% of teen births occur to girls in single mother homes.
David T. Lykken, “Reconstructing Fathers”, American Psychologist 55, 681,681, 2000

70% of drop-outs, and 70% of teen suicides come from single mother homes.
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents,” IMPRIMIS 26, N0. 6, June 1997

70% of runaways, 70% of juvenile delinquents, and 70% of Child murderers, come from single mother homes.
Richard E. Redding, “It’s Really About Sex”, Duke Univ. Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Jan.1, 2008

“Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous, and more likely to end up divorced.”
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, No.6, June, 1997

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

63% of all youth suicides,
70% of all teen pregnancies,
71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
80% of all prison inmates, and
90% of all homeless and runaway children came from single mother homes.
Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)

Children brought up in single mother homes are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide,
9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
14 times more likely to commit rape,
20 times more likely to end up in prison,
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Chuck Eddy, “The Daddy Shady Show”, Village Voice, Dec. 31, 2002

“America has more than twice as many teenage births as other developed nations.”
Isabel V.Sawhill, to House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources, June 29, 1999

86% of American teen births are out of wedlock.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future of Marriage In America”, Rutgers Univ., The National Marriage Project, 2007

600,000 out of wedlock births in 1979.
Patrick Fagan and William H.G.Fitzgerald, “Why Serious Welfare Reform Must Include Serious Adoption Reform. Heritage Foundation Reports, July 27, 1995

Less than 1% of children born to never married women were placed for adoption from 1989 to 1995.
U.S. DHHS, Child Welfare Information Gateway, “Voluntary Relinquishment For Adoption, Numbers and trends, 2005

My mission is education, and my record is 100% accuracy.

Any questions?
Why do you oppose abortion and birth control given the above?

Why do you endorse the taking of innocent life?
The Supreme Court says you're a lying dupe...
You might notice your link proves he met with them immediately and got nothing but b*******. He never got anything but b******* from the GOP, just like you stupid.

They gave him their best. He deserved nothing less.

Nothing like promising to fight the president on every tiny point to be a patriot... If you're racist assholes...

His agenda was anti-American. They did well to block him.
How was it Anti American?

"We are five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America". One does not "fundamentally" change that which one supports. His ensuing programs were garbage, and they have mostly been dismantled.

In the middle of an economic meltdown that was worse than anything in 80 years, caused by the GOP corruption

Dodd-Frank, and Al Sharpton's racial arm twisting of lenders, among other things, were not of GOP origin.

the GOP refused any of the usual Solutions to those problems, you are a disgrace and so is whatever party you're in, Dupe.

Bailing out failing businesses is not a usual solution, and I am a member of no political party.
Just the corruption and meltdown were of GOP origin, duped. Fannie and Freddie went from 75% to 25% of the market in 2003 and Pals of GOP started selling toxic mortgages bundling and selling them around the world... Great job!

Now, watch how I smash this verbal custard pie in your kisser, blanko:

1. "During the Great Depression, as borrowers defaulted on mortgages en masse and banks found themselves strapped for cash, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress created Fannie Mae in 1938..."
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com

2. His drones, Liberals, went on to compound the problem, and the illegality....
"The FHLMC was created in 1970 to expand the secondary market for mortgages in the US. Along with the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), Freddie Mac buys mortgages..."
Freddie Mac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. OK....ready???
Had Democrats not invaded the private housing economy, and created Fanny and Freddie....contrary to the federal powers enumerated in article 1, section 8......
....would there have been a mortgage meltdown?

Speak up, blanko!!!!

We Democrats win in the majority and we win in the minority

Yes we ARE that good


It drives the butthurt snowflakes crazy

Snow White Hillary is not in prison, cuz as her name implies....

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton.

1. Travelgate: After their election, the Clintons fired the White House Travel Office...which had served 7 administrations, and turned it over to their pals. As part of this, they brought bogus corruption charges against the civil servants therein.

The individuals were cleared on all counts.

The Independent Council found that Hillary lied when she claimed she wasn't behind the scam. “The overwhelming evidence establishes that she played a role in the decision to fire the employees. … Thus, her statement to the contrary under oath was factually false.”

a. " Hillary described Travelgate with cool indifference as, “perhaps worthy of a two-or-three-week life span, instead, in a partisan political climate, it became the first manifestation of an obsession for investigation that persisted into the millennium.” But for Billy Dale, it wasn’t a partisan manifestation. It was the termination of a thirty-plus-year career, and a fight for his freedom. If convicted, he faced a maximum of twenty years in prison and up to $500,000 in fines.”

Read more: How Hillary Clinton sicced the FBI on the White House travel office

b. For you or I that would mean a perjury charge and criminal record for trying to destroy an innocent American who had served honorably under eight administrations and lying about it. For Hillary it meant a future as the junior New York Senator and then President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State." Ibid.

2. @ 0:58 Hillary's pal Vince Foster was involved in several of the Clinton scandals. When he was found dead: was that why Hillary had Foster's files ransacked before investigators could view them?

WASHINGTON, July 26— A Secret Service officer today flatly contradicted the White House account of the night of Vincent W. Foster Jr.'s death, telling the Senate Whitewater panel that he had seen Hillary Rodham Clinton's top aide remove files from Mr. Foster's office. The aide vehemently denied doing it.

Testifying under oath before the special Senate committee investigating Whitewater, the officer, Henry P. O'Neill, said that on July 20, 1993, several hours after Mr. Foster's body was found in a Virginia park, he saw Mrs. Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret A. Williams, carrying two handfuls of folders from Mr. Foster's office." 2 Conflicting Accounts on Files From White House Aide's Office

3. @ 1:47 To see how a President Hillary would 'rule,' take a look at her methods when Bill put her in charge of the earlier attempt at a take-over of healthcare: " WASHINGTON, Dec. 1— A Federal district judge said today that he intended to impose sanctions on Clinton Administration officials for their "misconduct" in a court case involving the disclosure of documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's task force on health care..... "The court understands plaintiffs' frustration with the defendants' misconduct during the course of this litigation, and the court intends to impose sanctions." Misconduct Found on Clinton Health Plan

The Kremlin would be proud!


4. @4:07 Whitewater....15 Clinton pals were convicted of 40 federal crimes.

5. @4:35 Cattlegate...."... computerized records of her trades, which the White House obtained from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, show for the first time how she was able to turn her initial investment into $6,300 overnight. In about 10 months of trading, she made nearly $100,000, relying heavily on advice from her friend James B. Blair, an experienced futures trader.

The new records also raise the possibility that some of her profits -- as much as $40,000 – came from larger trades ordered by someone else and then shifted to her account,...." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpsrv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm

a. "....guided through the risky trades by James Blair, a friend and top lawyer for one of Arkansas' most powerful companies, Tyson Foods Inc." Business | Hillary Clinton Invested $1,000, Netted $100,000 Through Trading | Seattle Times Newspaper

b. "....Tyson was everything shed been taught to despise at Wellesley and Yale, a greedy capitalist who hated labor unions and had no compunction about polluting Mother Earth for financial gain. Yet she allowed Blair, Big Daddys right-hand man, to manage her financial affairs. Second, assuming the speculation in Marshalls Magazine is correct, she was the conduit for a bribe." Democrook: Hillary Clinton


6. @5:38 Raw naked power: Filegate. The Clintons illegally obtained FBI files on potential political enemies. "... in 1996 when it was discovered that the Clinton White House illegally obtained FBI files on adversaries, and used them to smear them, continues to this day. Strangely, although Mrs. Clinton is the principal defendant, and although there is sworn testimony, obtained during earlier discovery that Mrs. Clinton was the mastermind of this illegal scheme, the Court has never granted Plaintiffs requests to depose her —.... civil lawsuit which seeks to hold her accountable for illegally violating the privacy rights of American citizens she and her husband Bill Clinton viewed as political adversaries during their administration in the 1990s." Hillary Clinton tries to escape from on-going Filegate case

a. "It was also during this Filegate case that it was learned that President Clinton, on the advice of his top political adviser, James Carville, had illegally released Privacy Act protected information from White House files to smear Kathleen Willey, a woman who was a material witness in the impeachment proceedings, as she was also sexually harassed by the “philanderer in chief” while working for him in the White House."
Proof Hillary isn’t fit to be president


7. @ 6:35 Chinagate. Foreign countries funneled millions into Clinton's campaign. ".... Hillary then masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president’s and the Democratic Party’s re-election efforts ."
Proof Hillary isn’t fit to be president

a. "When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, Chinese missiles were greatly limited in terms of their range and accuracy. But as journalist Richard Poe noted in 2003, “Thanks to Bill Clinton, China can now hit any city in the USA, using state-of-the-art, solid-fueled missiles with dead-accurate, computerized guidance systems and multiple warheads.”.... "'We like your president. We want to see him reelected,' former Chinese intelligence chief General Ji Shengde told Chinagate bagman Johnny Chung.

"Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton’s way.

"Clinton’s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents; his top donors in 1996 were U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China.

"Clinton recieved funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents, among them James and Mochtar Riady who own the Indonesian Lippo Group; John Huang; Charlie Trie; Ted Sioeng; Maria Hsia; Wang Jun and others." Bill Clinton - Discover the Networks

b. "Agents for the Chinese government and military funneled millions into President Clinton’s re-election campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.

The DOJ reported “A pattern of events suggests a level of knowledge within the White House–including the President’s and First Lady’s offices–concerning the injection of foreign funds into the reelection effort.” Hillary Clinton A Career Criminal Video | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.


8. @6:35 ChinaGate Against campaign finance law, China donated to Bill Clinton's campaign so as to influence US policies. Agents for the Chinese government, and the military, funneled millions into Clinton's campaign.

DoJ: ...knowledge within the President's and First Lady's Offices...concerning the injection of foreign funds in the reelection effort.


9. @7:10 Using the IRS against political enemies....a Democrat tactic. A senior IRS official admitted that Clinton opponents were singled out for audit....including Bill Clinton's female accusers.


10. @ 7:45 PardonGate He issued pardons to 450 individuals including cocaine traffickers, terrorists and kidnappers. Several pardons directly benefitted Hillary Clinton, with ties to her NYSenate bid. Marc Rich was actually a fugitive on the run at the time...on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List....while his wife donated thousands to Hillary Clinton's Senate Campaign, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund and the DNC.


11. @12:00 As Senator....introduced three minor bills which became law in seven years. That includes naming a post office.


12. @12:33 Enthusiastically voted for the Iraq War


13. @13:10 "....prosecutors revealed Monday that the mastermind of Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s “shadow campaign” also funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to aid Mrs. Clinton’s bid for the White House.

Jeffrey E. Thompson’s scheme included diverting more than $608,000 in illicit funds to a New York marketing executive, Troy White, who organized “street teams” to raise Mrs. Clinton’s visibility in urban areas during her Democratic primary battle against Barack Obama.

.....from February to May 2008, Thompson used two firms to disburse $608,750 in “excessive and unreported contributions to pay for campaign services in coordination with and in support of a federal political candidate for president of the United States and the federal and the candidate’s authorized committee.” That candidate was Mrs. Clinton." Hillary Clinton campaign received funds from Jeffrey Thompson


14. @ 13:39 " State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ... and neither can Hillary Clinton!
· Jen Psaki, the State Department's chief spokesperson, seemed blindsided by a question about Clinton's accomplishments

· A CNN panel erupted into laughter when Psaki's gaffe was shown

· Clinton herself couldn't articulate what she was 'most proud of' during her time as America's top diplomat when asked just weeks ago

Read more: State Department spokeswoman can't name Hillary Clinton's diplomatic achievements ... and neither could Hillary Clinton | Daily Mail Online

Not one achievement in her 4years collecting a salary from the taxpayers.

15. @ 14:33 " The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report." State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


16. @ 14:48 " Hillary's State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists" Hillary's State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists
Even though FBI, DoJ and CIA had requested it, so they could pursue group.Result was kidnapping of 300 Nigerian school girls.
17. @ 14:58 A special investigator for the State Department found that with Hillary in charge, the following investigations were blocked or called off:
a) Sexual assaults by state dept security officials in Beirut
b) "Endemic" use of prostitutes by Hillary's security detail
c.) Drug use by state dept contractors in Baghdad
d) Solicitation of child male prostitutes by US ambassador in Belgium
18. @16:10 Benghazi cover-up
Hillary testified that she had submitted all documents related to the inquiry. 20 months later....41 new documents were found....including changes to Susan Rice's talking points.
More documents are being withheld.

19. "State Dept. Promises to Release Clinton Emails on Day That Literally Doesn’t Exist" State Dept. Promises to Release Clinton Emails on Day That Literally Doesn’t Exist

20. This, from the Mexican paper...the NYTimes:

"In April 2012, representatives from Qatar were apparently hoping to get “five minutes” with former President Bill Clinton while in New York to present him with a $1 million check for his foundation as a birthday gift from the previous year.

While it is unclear whether that meeting ever took place, the offer,mentioned in one of thousands of hacked Clinton campaign emailsreleased by WikiLeaks last week, was an example of the complex ethical issues the Clinton Foundation faced in managing relationships with foreign governments when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. raised questions about whether the foundation had fully followed procedures it had voluntarily agreed to in order to avoid those very issues."

Email About Qatari Offer Shows Thorny Ethical Issues Clinton Foundation Faced

Yes we know you're brainwashed by BS... It's a giant conspiracy of the US justice system. Sure... Only the bought off crackhead Fox Etc DJ's know the truth... Foundation is rated A or higher
Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Thank goodness the Republican Party was created to free the slaves, and then give women the vote.
Another whack job confusing the GOP of 1860 with Cobservatism

You flunked history at Columbia didn't you?

Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

1. "Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

This expansion of federal authority–which Ulysses S. Grant promptly used in 1871 to crush Klan activity in South Carolina and other areas of the South–outraged Democrats and even alarmed many Republicans. From the early 1870s onward, white supremacy gradually reasserted its hold on the South as support for Reconstruction waned; by the end of 1876, the entire South was under Democratic control once again."
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

2. Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, made his first Supreme Court selection a KKKer, Hugo Black.
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

3. Bill Clinton, the epitome of the Democrat Party, has been a racist his entire life.
Challenge me to prove that...
...double dog dare ya'....
TODAYS KKK is exclusively Republican
/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
...agreed to children born out of wedlock...


What do you propose is done about this?

C'mon....you know what I'm going to do: just as I always have: Use my bully pulpit to educate folks like you.

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

72% of juvenile murderers, and 60% of rapists came from single mother homes.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live?” Tyndale House , 2004, p.323

70% of teen births occur to girls in single mother homes.
David T. Lykken, “Reconstructing Fathers”, American Psychologist 55, 681,681, 2000

70% of drop-outs, and 70% of teen suicides come from single mother homes.
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents,” IMPRIMIS 26, N0. 6, June 1997

70% of runaways, 70% of juvenile delinquents, and 70% of Child murderers, come from single mother homes.
Richard E. Redding, “It’s Really About Sex”, Duke Univ. Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Jan.1, 2008

“Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous, and more likely to end up divorced.”
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, No.6, June, 1997

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

63% of all youth suicides,
70% of all teen pregnancies,
71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
80% of all prison inmates, and
90% of all homeless and runaway children came from single mother homes.
Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)

Children brought up in single mother homes are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide,
9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
14 times more likely to commit rape,
20 times more likely to end up in prison,
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Chuck Eddy, “The Daddy Shady Show”, Village Voice, Dec. 31, 2002

“America has more than twice as many teenage births as other developed nations.”
Isabel V.Sawhill, to House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources, June 29, 1999

86% of American teen births are out of wedlock.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future of Marriage In America”, Rutgers Univ., The National Marriage Project, 2007

600,000 out of wedlock births in 1979.
Patrick Fagan and William H.G.Fitzgerald, “Why Serious Welfare Reform Must Include Serious Adoption Reform. Heritage Foundation Reports, July 27, 1995

Less than 1% of children born to never married women were placed for adoption from 1989 to 1995.
U.S. DHHS, Child Welfare Information Gateway, “Voluntary Relinquishment For Adoption, Numbers and trends, 2005

My mission is education, and my record is 100% accuracy.

Any questions?
Why do you oppose abortion and birth control given the above?

Why do you endorse the taking of innocent life?
The Supreme Court says you're a lying dupe...

And....you find the Supreme Court correct?
So....you agree with Dred Scott decision,and see blacks as no more than property?
How very......Liberal .....of you.

What do you propose is done about this?

C'mon....you know what I'm going to do: just as I always have: Use my bully pulpit to educate folks like you.

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

72% of juvenile murderers, and 60% of rapists came from single mother homes.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live?” Tyndale House , 2004, p.323

70% of teen births occur to girls in single mother homes.
David T. Lykken, “Reconstructing Fathers”, American Psychologist 55, 681,681, 2000

70% of drop-outs, and 70% of teen suicides come from single mother homes.
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents,” IMPRIMIS 26, N0. 6, June 1997

70% of runaways, 70% of juvenile delinquents, and 70% of Child murderers, come from single mother homes.
Richard E. Redding, “It’s Really About Sex”, Duke Univ. Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Jan.1, 2008

“Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous, and more likely to end up divorced.”
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, No.6, June, 1997

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

63% of all youth suicides,
70% of all teen pregnancies,
71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
80% of all prison inmates, and
90% of all homeless and runaway children came from single mother homes.
Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)

Children brought up in single mother homes are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide,
9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
14 times more likely to commit rape,
20 times more likely to end up in prison,
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Chuck Eddy, “The Daddy Shady Show”, Village Voice, Dec. 31, 2002

“America has more than twice as many teenage births as other developed nations.”
Isabel V.Sawhill, to House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources, June 29, 1999

86% of American teen births are out of wedlock.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future of Marriage In America”, Rutgers Univ., The National Marriage Project, 2007

600,000 out of wedlock births in 1979.
Patrick Fagan and William H.G.Fitzgerald, “Why Serious Welfare Reform Must Include Serious Adoption Reform. Heritage Foundation Reports, July 27, 1995

Less than 1% of children born to never married women were placed for adoption from 1989 to 1995.
U.S. DHHS, Child Welfare Information Gateway, “Voluntary Relinquishment For Adoption, Numbers and trends, 2005

My mission is education, and my record is 100% accuracy.

Any questions?
Why do you oppose abortion and birth control given the above?

Why do you endorse the taking of innocent life?
The Supreme Court says you're a lying dupe...

And....you find the Supreme Court correct?
So....you agree with Dred Scott decision,and see blacks as no more than property?
How very......Liberal .....of you.
They may have updated that Dred Scott decision dingbat
Another whack job confusing the GOP of 1860 with Cobservatism

You flunked history at Columbia didn't you?

Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

1. "Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

This expansion of federal authority–which Ulysses S. Grant promptly used in 1871 to crush Klan activity in South Carolina and other areas of the South–outraged Democrats and even alarmed many Republicans. From the early 1870s onward, white supremacy gradually reasserted its hold on the South as support for Reconstruction waned; by the end of 1876, the entire South was under Democratic control once again."
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

2. Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, made his first Supreme Court selection a KKKer, Hugo Black.
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

3. Bill Clinton, the epitome of the Democrat Party, has been a racist his entire life.
Challenge me to prove that...
...double dog dare ya'....
TODAYS KKK is exclusively Republican
/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
View attachment 153521
that is so dumb, Dupe... Southern conservatives will always own it. They are now GOP and your pals...
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

In general, D's, L's and P's are not haters like you. Most have empathy, and are not narcissists and not sociopathic; you are both, and it is apparent within your every tread & post.
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

In general, D's, L's and P's are not haters like you. Most have empathy, and are not narcissists and not sociopathic; you are both, and it is apparent within your every tread & post.

'If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.'

Soooo.....how old are you?

"In general, D's, L's and P's are not haters like you. Most have empathy, and are not narcissists and not sociopathic; you are both, and it is apparent within your every tread (sic) & post."


I've noticed that those who have spent a great deal of time shuttled through the psychiatric system have developed a certain facility with the jargon they've seen on their charts....

Seems your post is autobiographic.....

Get well soon.
Last edited:
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

In general, D's, L's and P's are not haters like you. Most have empathy, and are not narcissists and not sociopathic; you are both, and it is apparent within your every tread & post.

'If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.'

Soooo.....how old are you?

"In general, D's, L's and P's are not haters like you. Most have empathy, and are not narcissists and not sociopathic; you are both, and it is apparent within your every tread (sic) & post."


I've noticed that those who have spent a great deal of time shuttled through the psychiatric system have developed a certain facility with the jargon they've seen on their charts....

Seems your post is autobiographic.....

Get well soon.

PC's denial is chronic, she is one very sick puppy. Not only are her(?) threads and posts fueled by hate, they are a litany of logical fallacies.
Another whack job confusing the GOP of 1860 with Cobservatism

You flunked history at Columbia didn't you?

Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

1. "Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

This expansion of federal authority–which Ulysses S. Grant promptly used in 1871 to crush Klan activity in South Carolina and other areas of the South–outraged Democrats and even alarmed many Republicans. From the early 1870s onward, white supremacy gradually reasserted its hold on the South as support for Reconstruction waned; by the end of 1876, the entire South was under Democratic control once again."
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

2. Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, made his first Supreme Court selection a KKKer, Hugo Black.
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

3. Bill Clinton, the epitome of the Democrat Party, has been a racist his entire life.
Challenge me to prove that...
...double dog dare ya'....
TODAYS KKK is exclusively Republican
/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
View attachment 153521
Why do you dunces always need to use photoshopped fake photos to lamely try to make your point?
Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

1. "Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

This expansion of federal authority–which Ulysses S. Grant promptly used in 1871 to crush Klan activity in South Carolina and other areas of the South–outraged Democrats and even alarmed many Republicans. From the early 1870s onward, white supremacy gradually reasserted its hold on the South as support for Reconstruction waned; by the end of 1876, the entire South was under Democratic control once again."
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

2. Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, made his first Supreme Court selection a KKKer, Hugo Black.
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

3. Bill Clinton, the epitome of the Democrat Party, has been a racist his entire life.
Challenge me to prove that...
...double dog dare ya'....
TODAYS KKK is exclusively Republican
/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
View attachment 153521
Why do you dunces always need to use photoshopped fake photos to lamely try to make your point?
They have a ridiculous talking point for everything... And that is all.
Another whack job confusing the GOP of 1860 with Cobservatism

You flunked history at Columbia didn't you?

Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

1. "Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

This expansion of federal authority–which Ulysses S. Grant promptly used in 1871 to crush Klan activity in South Carolina and other areas of the South–outraged Democrats and even alarmed many Republicans. From the early 1870s onward, white supremacy gradually reasserted its hold on the South as support for Reconstruction waned; by the end of 1876, the entire South was under Democratic control once again."
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

2. Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, made his first Supreme Court selection a KKKer, Hugo Black.
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

3. Bill Clinton, the epitome of the Democrat Party, has been a racist his entire life.
Challenge me to prove that...
...double dog dare ya'....
TODAYS KKK is exclusively Republican
/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
View attachment 153521
Shit boi.

You gotta go back 75years for that connection

KKK are Republicans.....NOW

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