Zone1 What have you learned RE religion from this forum?

What have you learned RE religion from this forum?

  • 3 that true Christianity makes the world a livable place

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 that most people hate Catholics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 there are too many "Christian" denominations (confusing doesn't begin to say it)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 people demand that others adopt their views on Jesus, blast them if they don't

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 1 through 3, 6, 7 and 8

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What have you learned RE religion from this forum?
No. I understood religion before I got here.
You learned some of that from the USMB? Wow! How old are you?
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protestants are particularly closed minded, esp the virulently anti-Catholic ones. It's amazing.. Catholics generally accept protestants unless they believe some really outrageous and false thing about Jesus but protestants RARELY accept Catholics. It's gotten to the point I have to "warn" people when I first meet them that they won't like me! I know they won't because they never have... They accept me if I don't tell them I'm Catholic, but how long can I keep THAT away from new acquaintances? It's who I am... so yeh...
protestants are particularly closed minded, esp the virulently anti-Catholic ones. It's amazing.. Catholics generally accept protestants unless they believe some really outrageous and false thing about Jesus but protestants RARELY accept Catholics. It's gotten to the point I have to "warn" people when I first meet them that they won't like me! I know they won't because they never have... They accept me if I don't tell them I'm Catholic, but how long can I keep THAT away from new acquaintances? It's who I am... so yeh...
To Protestants Catholics are as different religiously as are Jews.
I have learned that my love of the Lord and my Faith is as strong as it has ever been. I will listen to others but will not be swayed when so much is at stake.
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To Protestants Catholics are as different religiously as are Jews.
well, too bad most "catholics" don't ALSO see that the 2 are very different. No, they figure that protestants also believe in Jesus, so there's apparently common ground but there isn't... not to speak of, and most Catholics need to realize this.. that their protestant "friends" likely are not friends at all...
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I have learned that my love of the Lord and my Faith is as strong as it has ever been. I will listen to others but will not be swayed when so much is at stake.
people need to be swayed by TRUTH. If they reject truth, it could cost them eternity (in that we agree)

If the Catholic Church (I do NOT speak of the Vatican!) is what it claims to be.. the TRUE Church founded by Christ... Seriously, I feel exceedingly anxious for those who refuse to even consider that..
well, too bad most "catholics" don't ALOS see that the 2 are very different. No, they figure that protestants also believe in Jesus, so there's apparently common ground but there isn't... not to speak of, and most Catholics need to realize this.. that their protestant "friends" likely are not friends at all...
There are few differences, but those differences are quite profound.
people need to be swayed by TRUTH. If they reject truth, it could cost them eternity (in that we agree)

If the Catholic Church (I do NOT speak of the Vatican!) is what it claims to be.. the TRUE Church founded by Christ... Seriously, I feel exceedingly anxious for those who refuse to even consider that..
The truth is that we are saved by grace. Not by which denomination we belong to.
Nothing. Most people are so afraid of the unknown that they cling to whatever makes them feel better.
that doesn't mean everyone who does that is in heresy and / or on his way to Hell. Some people really do have the Truth.. (and it doesnt always make us feel good, let me tell you!) They just don't have ALL Truth because only God has that...

One thing I have learned at this Religion section is... well, it was said best by one of the Catholic clergy whne listening to the (get this apropos name) Diet of Worms, or I believe it was there anyhow, where Luther was questioned about what he believed, so that the Church could ascertain what was heresy and what was orthodox Christianity.

The clergy looked at another clergy, possibly while Luther was speaking, and said

"That man would never make me a Protestant"

You protestants here would never make me or any sane, catechized Catholic a protestant... From what I can ascertain through study and through that most important teacher of all, Experience, protestants are more heretical/rebellious/prideful than even I thought..
Nothing. Most people are so afraid of the unknown that they cling to whatever makes them feel better and attack anyone who questions them.
This is quite a generalization. I was once an Atheist, didn't fear death then, nor now, but, I do fear being dragged in to the poor characteristics of civilization and individuals.

People complain about gaslighting by companies and government, what could possibly be worse than following someone with a dark heart and damning yourself when you pass? I'd prefer to tap into the noble, gentle traits that we all possess, rather than the diabolical and abusive.
This is quite a generalization. I was once an Atheist, didn't fear death then, nor now, but, I do fear being dragged in to the poor characteristics of civilization and individuals.

People complain about gaslighting by companies and government, what could possibly be worse than following someone with a dark heart and damning yourself when you pass? I'd prefer to tap into the noble, gentle traits that we all possess, rather than the diabolical and abusive.
so why do you put up with a diabolical spouse?

and also, are you referring to someone here or what? I don't get your comment... about following someone... wrong and damning yourself...
so why do you put up with a diabolical spouse?

and also, are you referring to someone here or what? I don't get your comment... about following someone... wrong and damning yourself...
My own generalization. They might could be on the site or those you associate with in the "real world". Bottom line, don't follow the deceitful who will destroy their fellow man and lie for personal.gain. Follow the virtues of a gentle Jewish Rabbi who changed the world.
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that doesn't mean everyone who does that is in heresy and / or on his way to Hell. Some people really do have the Truth.. (and it doesnt always make us feel good, let me tell you!) They just don't have ALL Truth because only God has that...

One thing I have learned at this Religion section is... well, it was said best by one of the Catholic clergy whne listening to the (get this apropos name) Diet of Worms, or I believe it was there anyhow, where Luther was questioned about what he believed, so that the Church could ascertain what was heresy and what was orthodox Christianity.

The clergy looked at another clergy, possibly while Luther was speaking, and said

"That man would never make me a Protestant"

You protestants here would never make me or any sane, catechized Catholic a protestant... From what I can ascertain through study and through that most important teacher of all, Experience, protestants are more heretical/rebellious/prideful than even I thought..
Once you get through the "what/where is the true church" of your walk with God you realize that the true church is a spiritual organism comprised of any and all spirit-led people whatever church they happen to be a member of.
that doesn't mean everyone who does that is in heresy and / or on his way to Hell. Some people really do have the Truth.. (and it doesnt always make us feel good, let me tell you!) They just don't have ALL Truth because only God has that...

One thing I have learned at this Religion section is... well, it was said best by one of the Catholic clergy whne listening to the (get this apropos name) Diet of Worms, or I believe it was there anyhow, where Luther was questioned about what he believed, so that the Church could ascertain what was heresy and what was orthodox Christianity.

The clergy looked at another clergy, possibly while Luther was speaking, and said

"That man would never make me a Protestant"

You protestants here would never make me or any sane, catechized Catholic a protestant... From what I can ascertain through study and through that most important teacher of all, Experience, protestants are more heretical/rebellious/prideful than even I thought..
So what if you were marooned on a deserted island without a rosary? Would you have to wait for a priest to come by before you could talk with God?

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