What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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We, as a country, need to stop feeling sorry for people who enter our country illegally. Liberal empathy is why we have such stupid immigration laws. and BTW the 14th amendment was passed to cover the children of freed slaves, not everyone who decides to enter our country illegally and give birth.
The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
What his base wants.

OMG, that's totally shocking! Trump is the first politician EVER to think doing what his constituents elected him to do is important! What a newsflash! What a scandal!
Since people that are in the country illegally are undocumented and not about to declare themselves as such, you are correct there are no accurate statistics as to their numbers or activities. However, there are some pretty good estimates from census data. We also have fairly good data on the number of people overstaying visas but again it is an estimate. We have excellent data on legal immigrants.

Not according to factcheck because our prisons don't keep records of legal or illegal, just that a foreigner broke a law and was sentenced.
Agreed, however blindly following an immigration system that is badly broken is not the answer either. People on both sides should be speaking out about creating a system that will actually make America a better place rather than opening or closing our borders to everyone.

There is nothing wrong with our immigration system.......nothing. Again, we allow over 700,000 people a year to become members of our country, and that's not counting work Visa's or green cards. The only people that say our system is broken are those that don't want to follow by the rules or those politicians that will benefit from immigrants by voting.
The only people that think our immigration system isn't broken are those that know nothing about it. The backlog in immigration court is over 250,000 cases, due primarily to the hearing process and the number of immigration issues that require a court hearing. A simple request for a 30 day visa extension generally takes two months for approval. The law allows unlimited delays of deportation. The jobs skills and education of the applicant is usually irrelevant in determining who is allowed to immigrate. The major factor used to determine who is allowed to work in the country, is not occupations, skills, or education but rather who has family in the US. We spent tens of millions of dollars on the E-Verify system and only certain government contractors are required to use it. There are an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants working in the country, however the law is so weak, that only a few employers of illegals are ever brought to justice. In 2014, out 417 companies sited for hiring illegals, only 3 were fined and no one went to prison. Privacy considerations in the law, prevent ICE from keeping accurate records of who is legally in the country. Our immigration laws discourage professional people from immigrating to the US and the Visa process for critical technical skills is absolutely insane. We waste billions dollars on detention when electronic ankle collars have proven 99.8% effective. Then there are quotas that have not been adjusted in decades, Dreamers that face deportation, and asylum seeks outside the US that the law requires they violate the law to petition for asylum.

It you think there is nothing wrong with our immigration laws you either know nothing about them or you are so biased you won't admit it.

The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.

And the vast majority do not agree with how Trump is handling it.
What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

Don't care so long as it is 100% every dirt-bag illegal that sneaks into this country before one American can be harmed. Treat them just as Mexico treated Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi when they arrested and locked him up in prison for a year, tortured him, and almost drove him to suicide because he accidentally got caught in a lane that forced him to turn and cross the border into Mexico as he was moving with his life possessions.

Why Is a US Marine in a Mexican Jail? The Case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi | Boston.com
The only people that think our immigration system isn't broken are those that know nothing about it. The backlog in immigration court is over 250,000 cases, due primarily to the hearing process and the number of immigration issues that require a court hearing. A simple request for a 30 day visa extension generally takes two months for approval. The law allows unlimited delays of deportation. The jobs skills and education of the applicant is usually irrelevant in determining who is allowed to immigrate. The major factor used to determine who is allowed to work in the country, is not occupations, skills, or education but rather who has family in the US. We spent tens of millions of dollars on the E-Verify system and only certain government contractors are required to use it. There are an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants working in the country, however the law is so weak, that only a few employers of illegals are ever brought to justice. In 2014, out 417 companies sited for hiring illegals, only 3 were fined and no one went to prison. Privacy considerations in the law, prevent ICE from keeping accurate records of who is legally in the country. Our immigration laws discourage professional people from immigrating to the US and the Visa process for critical technical skills is absolutely insane. We waste billions dollars on detention when electronic ankle collars have proven 99.8% effective. Then there are quotas that have not been adjusted in decades, Dreamers that face deportation, and asylum seeks outside the US that the law requires they violate the law to petition for asylum.

It you think there is nothing wrong with our immigration laws you either know nothing about them or you are so biased you won't admit it.

The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.
Not according to factcheck because our prisons don't keep records of legal or illegal, just that a foreigner broke a law and was sentenced.
There is nothing wrong with our immigration system.......nothing. Again, we allow over 700,000 people a year to become members of our country, and that's not counting work Visa's or green cards. The only people that say our system is broken are those that don't want to follow by the rules or those politicians that will benefit from immigrants by voting.
The only people that think our immigration system isn't broken are those that know nothing about it. The backlog in immigration court is over 250,000 cases, due primarily to the hearing process and the number of immigration issues that require a court hearing. A simple request for a 30 day visa extension generally takes two months for approval. The law allows unlimited delays of deportation. The jobs skills and education of the applicant is usually irrelevant in determining who is allowed to immigrate. The major factor used to determine who is allowed to work in the country, is not occupations, skills, or education but rather who has family in the US. We spent tens of millions of dollars on the E-Verify system and only certain government contractors are required to use it. There are an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants working in the country, however the law is so weak, that only a few employers of illegals are ever brought to justice. In 2014, out 417 companies sited for hiring illegals, only 3 were fined and no one went to prison. Privacy considerations in the law, prevent ICE from keeping accurate records of who is legally in the country. Our immigration laws discourage professional people from immigrating to the US and the Visa process for critical technical skills is absolutely insane. We waste billions dollars on detention when electronic ankle collars have proven 99.8% effective. Then there are quotas that have not been adjusted in decades, Dreamers that face deportation, and asylum seeks outside the US that the law requires they violate the law to petition for asylum.

It you think there is nothing wrong with our immigration laws you either know nothing about them or you are so biased you won't admit it.

The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.

And the vast majority do not agree with how Trump is handling it.

wrong, the lying media and the lying dems are filling your head with :bs1:

and for the record, you are not part of the vast majority, you are part of a tiny minority who actually think that socialism works.
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The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

geez, grow up, rule = govern in modern parlance.
Not according to factcheck because our prisons don't keep records of legal or illegal, just that a foreigner broke a law and was sentenced.
There is nothing wrong with our immigration system.......nothing. Again, we allow over 700,000 people a year to become members of our country, and that's not counting work Visa's or green cards. The only people that say our system is broken are those that don't want to follow by the rules or those politicians that will benefit from immigrants by voting.
The only people that think our immigration system isn't broken are those that know nothing about it. The backlog in immigration court is over 250,000 cases, due primarily to the hearing process and the number of immigration issues that require a court hearing. A simple request for a 30 day visa extension generally takes two months for approval. The law allows unlimited delays of deportation. The jobs skills and education of the applicant is usually irrelevant in determining who is allowed to immigrate. The major factor used to determine who is allowed to work in the country, is not occupations, skills, or education but rather who has family in the US. We spent tens of millions of dollars on the E-Verify system and only certain government contractors are required to use it. There are an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants working in the country, however the law is so weak, that only a few employers of illegals are ever brought to justice. In 2014, out 417 companies sited for hiring illegals, only 3 were fined and no one went to prison. Privacy considerations in the law, prevent ICE from keeping accurate records of who is legally in the country. Our immigration laws discourage professional people from immigrating to the US and the Visa process for critical technical skills is absolutely insane. We waste billions dollars on detention when electronic ankle collars have proven 99.8% effective. Then there are quotas that have not been adjusted in decades, Dreamers that face deportation, and asylum seeks outside the US that the law requires they violate the law to petition for asylum.

It you think there is nothing wrong with our immigration laws you either know nothing about them or you are so biased you won't admit it.

The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.

And the vast majority do not agree with how Trump is handling it.

Well, I guess we'll find out whether you're right in November, won't we?
The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

Rule as in make decisions.
The only thing "wrong" with our immigration laws is that they haven't been enforced.......
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
What his base wants.

That too.
The law is the law regardless of what some may think. The only reason this has become an issue is the result as to whom sits in the oval office.
Your statement shows how little you know about them.

Laws that do have strong public support often do not have strong support by law enforcement and government.

the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

geez, grow up, rule = govern in modern parlance.
Actually, a president does not rule, he serves. Of course we will never hear that from Trump as he has never served anyone other than himself, not even his country.
the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

geez, grow up, rule = govern in modern parlance.
Actually, a president does not rule, he serves. Of course we will never hear that from Trump as he has never served anyone other than himself, not even his country.

Kind of like Bill Clinton???????
Don't care so long as it is 100% every dirt-bag illegal that sneaks into this country before one American can be harmed. Treat them just as Mexico treated Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi when they arrested and locked him up in prison for a year, tortured him, and almost drove him to suicide because he accidentally got caught in a lane that forced him to turn and cross the border into Mexico as he was moving with his life possessions.

Yeah, um, this is what they caught him with when he was trying to cross their border.


If we caught a Mexican trying to cross our border with this much firepower, we'd lock his ass up, too.
the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

geez, grow up, rule = govern in modern parlance.
Actually, a president does not rule, he serves. Of course we will never hear that from Trump as he has never served anyone other than himself, not even his country.

you are FOS, Trump didn't need to put himself through all this shit. He had everything a man could want, but he decided to try to help the country.

Now, if we are talking narcissists, lets discuss Obama and Bubba Clinton, and crooked Hillary.
Don't care so long as it is 100% every dirt-bag illegal that sneaks into this country before one American can be harmed. Treat them just as Mexico treated Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi when they arrested and locked him up in prison for a year, tortured him, and almost drove him to suicide because he accidentally got caught in a lane that forced him to turn and cross the border into Mexico as he was moving with his life possessions.

Yeah, um, this is what they caught him with when he was trying to cross their border.

View attachment 208076

If we caught a Mexican trying to cross our border with this much firepower, we'd lock his ass up, too.

Yeah, um, well dude, if they caught me traveling moving to a new home with my life possessions, they'd catch me with a hell of a lot more! And, yeah, well, um, dude, he proved he entered by mistake and when he got there, it was him that initiated the contact going to authorities there and telling them of the traffic mistake and what he had in the back of his vehicle, why, and that he just wanted to turn around and go back to the USA.

BUT THEY LOCKED HIM UP, tortured him, stripped him naked, tied him to his bed spread-eagle, almost committed suicide, and OBAMA lifted not his phone or his pen to do a thing because he wasn't a black guy, and it took A year and private efforts and money to finally secure his release.

AND NOT ONE MEXICAN decried his circumstance.

So when you cry that illegals make a point to invade our country, sneak in here illegally, bringing kids with them and are merely separated into clean, well-fed facilities and cared for while the adults are processed through the courts, all I can say is:

:boo_hoo14: CRY ON SOMEONE ELSE'S SHOULDER! Illegals ought to be arrested, stripped, water hosed and beaten, then starved, beaten some more and thrown back where they belong after performing hard labor to pay for the cost of their coming here.

PS: Oh and um, well, BTW, when he got home and straightened out, (this was several years ago long before even running) Trump heard about it and sent the guy a nice big fat check to help him get back on his feet! Obama? Not even a phone call. Not black enough.

Trump Writes $25K Check to Sgt. Tahmooressi

Just one of MANY cases where Trump has helped people out, and never sought publicity for it.
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Back to the OP. What human cost is acceptable in enforcing immigration laws? Whatever it takes to enforce those laws.

Simple, end of story.
the vast majority of americans want our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

geez, grow up, rule = govern in modern parlance.
Actually, a president does not rule, he serves. Of course we will never hear that from Trump as he has never served anyone other than himself, not even his country.

Yeah, I can remember what a "humble servant of the people" Obama was.
Which is not going to happen until we fix our laws, enforce them fairly and consistently.

If you ask Americans if they think our immigration laws should be enforced, the answer is going to be yes. However, if you ask them if they oppose or favor the deportation all illegal immigrants, the majority (66% in a recent Gallup Poll) are in opposition. If you ask them whether illegal immigrants help or hurt the nation, they are about equally divided.

Illegally immigration is firmly rooted in America culture. Over the last 75 years we have had periods off and on enforcement and that will not change without changes in our laws. The president, regulators, immigration judges, and immigration officers have a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. As long as that exists, the future is going to look a lot like the past.

The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

geez, grow up, rule = govern in modern parlance.
Actually, a president does not rule, he serves. Of course we will never hear that from Trump as he has never served anyone other than himself, not even his country.

Yeah, I can remember what a "humble servant of the people" Obama was.

Oh yeah. The humblest of them all. LOL
The one great thing about Trump is he doesn't preside according to screwed polls. He rules on what he feels and believes in.
Presidents don't rule, not even Trump.

geez, grow up, rule = govern in modern parlance.
Actually, a president does not rule, he serves. Of course we will never hear that from Trump as he has never served anyone other than himself, not even his country.

Yeah, I can remember what a "humble servant of the people" Obama was.

Oh yeah. The humblest of them all. LOL

Which is not to say that Flopper is wrong about what the Presidency SHOULD be. It's just that the idea that the President is some sort of ruler, held not only by politicians but by the regular people, started long before Trump came on the scene.
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