What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," ...The Trump administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.

1. An egomaniac?

2. Obama ring a bell?

name one president in history who was not an egomaniac, or any politician for that matter. Narcissism and politics are synonomous.

Obama tried to destroy our country, he succeeded in dividing us like never before. and still he was not treated the way Trump has been treated.

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that you are out of touch with the majority of americans and that your heroes Obama and Clinton are liars, cheaters, and frauds.
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," ...The Trump administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

like all libs, she will run now since she has been defeated by truth, logic, facts, and common sense.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

like all libs, she will run now since she has been defeated by truth, logic, facts, and common sense.

Well......that's how libs roll. We on the right believe in teaching a man how to fish, and on the left, they believe in giving a man a fish.

How are the people of these other countries ever going to make things better if they have a place they can run away to? Nobody likes to fight, but sometimes it's the only way to improve your situation. And if we keep taking them in, when will it stop? Will it ever stop? As bad as things are supposedly, they keep bringing kids into that world and expect us to give them our empathy and country. Sorry, but I'm not a supporter of that. And if you do come here, then you will be treated the way we want to treat you.
/——/ He didn’t need to run for president for his own ego. He had power and money. Everything he has done as president has been to make America great. And your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from his supporters is a gigantic fail.

Well, yeah, he kind of did. He only ran after Obama publicly humiliated him at the WHCD.
/——-/ OK Spanky, you run with that logic. Funny no one else had said that in 2 years. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

No, Trump never had a policy of 100% separation. For those who had a legitimate claim to apply for asylum, they were given the paperwork and process in which to apply and kept their children.

The Trump policy is anybody caught sneaking in is not eligible for asylum, nor are people that are coming here with a phony excuse for it.


He did.

Those claiming asylum have indeed been seperated. Their legitimacy or eligibility is not determined UNTIL they go through a series of steps including an interview, which is not done spur of the moment. It's simple to google for the info - asylum seekers have been seperated. Google Trumps 100% policy. It's no secret. Quit pretending other presidents did the same thing. They didn't.

the law that created this situation was signed by Clinton, was not overturned by Bush or Obama, and is being followed today. Its tough, but its necessary. The separations are temporary and the kids are well cared for.

this entire issue is nothing but another fake news creation to try to smear Trump. But like all the others, it only works on the ignorant and blind like you.
No. That law did not create the situation. Trump’s policy did. You support it but are too cowardly to own it.

Let’s talk about temporary. Like the hundreds of kids who’s parents were already deported. As the judge said, if the government can not find the parents, they have created hundreds of orphans. Does that sound temporary to you?

It’s your policy.
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," ...The Trump administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

Paragraph 1: we did not have to do this before and most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. In addition we have always separated children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking, our people are trained to look for it. Lastly, do to the huge number of kids YOUR POLICY has thrown into the system, with no preparation or thought, they are now being exposed to the very predators you claim to want to protect them from.

Paragraph 2: then why won’t you own your policy?

Paragraph 3: are you trying to say that the only way to protect our borders is this? And if not this, then it is completely open borders? There are no other solutions?
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," ...The Trump administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

See my response to Redfish.

Is this policy the only acceptable solution?
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

like all libs, she will run now since she has been defeated by truth, logic, facts, and common sense.

You have failed to produce anything resembling truth, logic, facts or common sense.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

See my response to Redfish.

Is this policy the only acceptable solution?

The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.
The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.
You Lie as much a Trump! We gave Trump 4 times more money than the $2 billion he said it would take him to build the wall. Now he wants 35 times more for PC swamp political pay-offs. Screw that SWAMP!!!!!!
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," ...The Trump administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

Paragraph 1: we did not have to do this before and most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. In addition we have always separated children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking, our people are trained to look for it. Lastly, do to the huge number of kids YOUR POLICY has thrown into the system, with no preparation or thought, they are now being exposed to the very predators you claim to want to protect them from.

Paragraph 2: then why won’t you own your policy?

Paragraph 3: are you trying to say that the only way to protect our borders is this? And if not this, then it is completely open borders? There are no other solutions?

what is your solution? be specific.

when a family crosses our border illegally, what specifically would you do to/with them? There are only a few options: 1. send them all back, 2. hold them all in a secure facility until they can be vetted, 3. let them all in with no strings attached.

What would you do? Instead of bitching, give us some answers.
was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

See my response to Redfish.

Is this policy the only acceptable solution?

The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.

it was done in the 1920s, in order to give recent immigrants (legal ones) time to assimilate and become americans. It worked.
The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.
You Lie as much a Trump! We gave Trump 4 times more money than the $2 billion he said it would take him to build the wall. Now he wants 35 times more for PC swamp political pay-offs. Screw that SWAMP!!!!!!

with each new post, you confirm your ignorance, stupidity, and partisan BS.
Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

See my response to Redfish.

Is this policy the only acceptable solution?

The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.

it was done in the 1920s, in order to give recent immigrants (legal ones) time to assimilate and become americans. It worked.

Exactly, but now we must carter to them by creating bilingual signs, bilingual voting ballots, choice of language over the phone, and some jobs now require being bilingual to take on jobs that deal with the public. They are not assimilating like people used to. And mind you learning a language couldn't be simpler with the internet, CD's and video's they have today unlike the 1920's. The problem today is liberals have sent out the message that they don't need to put any effort into becoming part of this country. Don't worry, if you are too lazy to change for us--we'll change for you. It needs to be stopped.
The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.
You Lie as much a Trump! We gave Trump 4 times more money than the $2 billion he said it would take him to build the wall. Now he wants 35 times more for PC swamp political pay-offs. Screw that SWAMP!!!!!!

WTF did Trump ever say it would cost two billion dollars? And when did anybody give him eight?

Trump recent.y asked for 25 billion, so it's not 35 times more. 35X2=70 public school victim.
Here in Oregon, I would rather meet up with an immigrant in the woods than a federal goon..the Bundys felt the same and for the same reasons. Immigrants feel the same about us.

You know how you know joeb and the pigs like him are anti-American marxists? They encourage people to fight ICE...but they think people who fight any federal goon in the rural areas should be shot.
"They got Gunther".
If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

See my response to Redfish.

Is this policy the only acceptable solution?

The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.

it was done in the 1920s, in order to give recent immigrants (legal ones) time to assimilate and become americans. It worked.

Exactly, but now we must carter to them by creating bilingual signs, bilingual voting ballots, choice of language over the phone, and some jobs now require being bilingual to take on jobs that deal with the public. They are not assimilating like people used to. And mind you learning a language couldn't be simpler with the internet, CD's and video's they have today unlike the 1920's. The problem today is liberals have sent out the message that they don't need to put any effort into becoming part of this country. Don't worry, if you are too lazy to change for us--we'll change for you. It needs to be stopped.

Today’s immigrants are assimilating and learning the language if anything faster and more completely than those of generations past. scared little children today are the same as scared little children back in the time of the know nothing party. Pathetic.

Hysterical idiots who have a full blown mental break down at the thought of pressing a button on the phone are beyond ridiculous.
Breaking up families is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!!!

was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

Paragraph 1: we did not have to do this before and most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. In addition we have always separated children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking, our people are trained to look for it. Lastly, do to the huge number of kids YOUR POLICY has thrown into the system, with no preparation or thought, they are now being exposed to the very predators you claim to want to protect them from.

Paragraph 2: then why won’t you own your policy?

Paragraph 3: are you trying to say that the only way to protect our borders is this? And if not this, then it is completely open borders? There are no other solutions?

what is your solution? be specific.

when a family crosses our border illegally, what specifically would you do to/with them? There are only a few options: 1. send them all back, 2. hold them all in a secure facility until they can be vetted, 3. let them all in with no strings attached.

What would you do? Instead of bitching, give us some answers.

waiting for your answer, coyote. Where did you run off to? Got no answer? no surprise, you libs never do.
I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

See my response to Redfish.

Is this policy the only acceptable solution?

The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.

it was done in the 1920s, in order to give recent immigrants (legal ones) time to assimilate and become americans. It worked.

Exactly, but now we must carter to them by creating bilingual signs, bilingual voting ballots, choice of language over the phone, and some jobs now require being bilingual to take on jobs that deal with the public. They are not assimilating like people used to. And mind you learning a language couldn't be simpler with the internet, CD's and video's they have today unlike the 1920's. The problem today is liberals have sent out the message that they don't need to put any effort into becoming part of this country. Don't worry, if you are too lazy to change for us--we'll change for you. It needs to be stopped.

Today’s immigrants are assimilating and learning the language if anything faster and more completely than those of generations past. scared little children today are the same as scared little children back in the time of the know nothing party. Pathetic.

Hysterical idiots who have a full blown mental break down at the thought of pressing a button on the phone are beyond ridiculous.

Who is having a mental breakdown? I'm just saying it goes to show people are not assimilating, and until we no longer need signs and bilingual answering machines, keep the border closed.
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