What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

Paragraph 1: we did not have to do this before and most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. In addition we have always separated children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking, our people are trained to look for it. Lastly, do to the huge number of kids YOUR POLICY has thrown into the system, with no preparation or thought, they are now being exposed to the very predators you claim to want to protect them from.

Paragraph 2: then why won’t you own your policy?

Paragraph 3: are you trying to say that the only way to protect our borders is this? And if not this, then it is completely open borders? There are no other solutions?

what is your solution? be specific.

when a family crosses our border illegally, what specifically would you do to/with them? There are only a few options: 1. send them all back, 2. hold them all in a secure facility until they can be vetted, 3. let them all in with no strings attached.

What would you do? Instead of bitching, give us some answers.

waiting for your answer, coyote. Where did you run off to? Got no answer? no surprise, you libs never do.
I have a real life. Apparently you don’t.

I answered your initial questions. It is your turn to answer mine.

Or run away.
was it unacceptable when Clinton, bush, and Obama were doing it? This didn't start with Trump. Clinton signed it into law and he, bush, and Obama all followed it.

your ignorance is making you stupid.

Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

I asked her several times: we have over 7.5 billion people on this planet, most of those places nowhere near as great as the US. So how many of those 7.5 billion should we allow in?

See my response to Redfish.

Is this policy the only acceptable solution?

The solution is to close the borders and let nobody in. But nobody will even go there unfortunately.
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.
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Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

Paragraph 1: we did not have to do this before and most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. In addition we have always separated children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking, our people are trained to look for it. Lastly, do to the huge number of kids YOUR POLICY has thrown into the system, with no preparation or thought, they are now being exposed to the very predators you claim to want to protect them from.

Paragraph 2: then why won’t you own your policy?

Paragraph 3: are you trying to say that the only way to protect our borders is this? And if not this, then it is completely open borders? There are no other solutions?

what is your solution? be specific.

when a family crosses our border illegally, what specifically would you do to/with them? There are only a few options: 1. send them all back, 2. hold them all in a secure facility until they can be vetted, 3. let them all in with no strings attached.

What would you do? Instead of bitching, give us some answers.

waiting for your answer, coyote. Where did you run off to? Got no answer? no surprise, you libs never do.
I have a real life. Apparently you don’t.

I answered your initial questions. It is your turn to answer mine.

Or run away.
We lose our cultural identity and millions of jobs to an abstraction, that is real as death. So given all the generations that have immigrated here before LEGALLY, which all were human and wanted a better life too. What makes Mexican illegals so much more better than previous immigrants that fought and struggled legally to attain their dreams? And did so and respected and observed American culture and immigration law? What makes Mexicans so so special they don't? That's the question of the day.

kes Mexicans immune from immigration laws? They are ...drum roll here, ladies and gents
Speaking of ignorance...umh...yes. It did start with Trump. The Trump administration created a NEW POLICY of 100% seperation and prosecution. They used existing laws to support the NEW POLICY.

Please show us where Clinton, Bush or Obama seperated all families, including asylum seekers, at the border. Otherwise - if you are going to support this policy, at least OWN it.

If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

Paragraph 1: we did not have to do this before and most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. In addition we have always separated children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking, our people are trained to look for it. Lastly, do to the huge number of kids YOUR POLICY has thrown into the system, with no preparation or thought, they are now being exposed to the very predators you claim to want to protect them from.

Paragraph 2: then why won’t you own your policy?

Paragraph 3: are you trying to say that the only way to protect our borders is this? And if not this, then it is completely open borders? There are no other solutions?

what is your solution? be specific.

when a family crosses our border illegally, what specifically would you do to/with them? There are only a few options: 1. send them all back, 2. hold them all in a secure facility until they can be vetted, 3. let them all in with no strings attached.

What would you do? Instead of bitching, give us some answers.

waiting for your answer, coyote. Where did you run off to? Got no answer? no surprise, you libs never do.
I have a real life. Apparently you don’t.

I answered your initial questions. It is your turn to answer mine.

Or run away.
We lose our cultural identity and millions of jobs to an abstraction, that is real as death. So given all the generations that have immigrated here before LEGALLY, which all were human and wanted a better life too. What makes Mexican illegals so much more better than previous immigrants that fought and struggled legally to attain their dreams? And did so and respected and observed American culture and immigration law? What makes Mexicans so so special they don't? That's the question of the day. What makes Mexicans immune from immigration laws?
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.

And we love it. It's about time somebody put the media and critics in their place. If it's one thing that always bothered me about Republican politicians, it's that they never fought back like Trump does. They just kept getting hit and saying "Thank you sir may I have another." Sickening already.

And Trump never needed to be President for any reason. He had anything and everything any man could ask for on this earth. He gave that up and more to take this job, and yes, it's a job. If you and your ilk could be honest with yourselves (and I doubt you will) do you think Trump has a better life today than three years ago or worse?
If you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't enter our country illegally. Its really quite simple. If you are claiming asylum we need to verfy who you are and whether your asylum claim is valid. that may entail a temporary separation from your kids. Tough, that's just the way it is. If you send your kids alone, they will be put into protective custody to protect them from sexual perverts and child predators.

there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Why do you want the USA to open its borders to the entire world?

Paragraph 1: we did not have to do this before and most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. In addition we have always separated children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking, our people are trained to look for it. Lastly, do to the huge number of kids YOUR POLICY has thrown into the system, with no preparation or thought, they are now being exposed to the very predators you claim to want to protect them from.

Paragraph 2: then why won’t you own your policy?

Paragraph 3: are you trying to say that the only way to protect our borders is this? And if not this, then it is completely open borders? There are no other solutions?

what is your solution? be specific.

when a family crosses our border illegally, what specifically would you do to/with them? There are only a few options: 1. send them all back, 2. hold them all in a secure facility until they can be vetted, 3. let them all in with no strings attached.

What would you do? Instead of bitching, give us some answers.

waiting for your answer, coyote. Where did you run off to? Got no answer? no surprise, you libs never do.
I have a real life. Apparently you don’t.

I answered your initial questions. It is your turn to answer mine.

Or run away.
We lose our cultural identity and millions of jobs to an abstraction, that is real as death. So given all the generations that have immigrated here before LEGALLY, which all were human and wanted a better life too. What makes Mexican illegals so much more better than previous immigrants that fought and struggled legally to attain their dreams? And did so and respected and observed American culture and immigration law? What makes Mexicans so so special they don't? That's the question of the day. What makes Mexicans immune from immigration laws?

I don’t know about Mexicans, the vast majority of illegal crossings righ now seem to be from Central American countries.
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.
/——/ He didn’t need to run for president for his own ego. He had power and money. Everything he has done as president has been to make America great. And your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from his supporters is a gigantic fail.
What Donald Trump sought was power to command the media, to be regarded as the most powerful man in the world, a man no one could snub without consequences. Becoming president was the ultimate revenge upon anyone who had disparaged him or ridiculed him. When Donald Trump spoke, the world would listen. As president, he would always have the last word so he would never have to endure the ridicule Obama dumped on him in 2011.

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Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.
/——/ He didn’t need to run for president for his own ego. He had power and money. Everything he has done as president has been to make America great. And your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from his supporters is a gigantic fail.
What Donald Trump sought was power to command the media, to be regarded as the most powerful man in the world, a man no one could snub without consequences. Becoming president was the ultimate revenge upon anyone who had disparaged him or ridiculed him. When Donald Trump spoke, the world would listen. As president, he would always have the last word so he would never have to endure the ridicule Obama dumped on him in 2011.

/——— That is only your opinion. The only way you can sleep at night is to convince yourself that Trumps motives are purely self serving. I could create the same narrative about Obozo and Hildabeast.
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.
/——/ He didn’t need to run for president for his own ego. He had power and money. Everything he has done as president has been to make America great. And your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from his supporters is a gigantic fail.
What Donald Trump sought was power to command the media, to be regarded as the most powerful man in the world, a man no one could snub without consequences. Becoming president was the ultimate revenge upon anyone who had disparaged him or ridiculed him. When Donald Trump spoke, the world would listen. As president, he would always have the last word so he would never have to endure the ridicule Obama dumped on him in 2011.

/——— That is only your opinion. The only way you can sleep at night is to convince yourself that Trumps motives are purely self serving. I could create the same narrative about Obozo and Hildabeast.

Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.
/——-/ Yeah, we see how you libtards take the high road when referencing President Trump. Calling him Hitler and Orange Clown 24/7 is very uplifting. Trouble is, someone hits Trump - he hits back. You prefer the old days when Republicans just rolled over and played dead.
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.
/——-/ Yeah, we see how you libtards take the high road when referencing President Trump. Calling him Hitler and Orange Clown 24/7 is very uplifting. Trouble is, someone hits Trump - he hits back. You prefer the old days when Republicans just rolled over and played dead.

And what really drives them nuts is not only do we voters approve of it, we encourage it.
Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.
/——-/ Yeah, we see how you libtards take the high road when referencing President Trump. Calling him Hitler and Orange Clown 24/7 is very uplifting. Trouble is, someone hits Trump - he hits back. You prefer the old days when Republicans just rolled over and played dead.
I certainly have no objection to a president defending his policies when they are attacked. In fact, I expect it.

However, what Trump is doing is launching personal attacks in answer to criticism of his policy and his actions as president. By not defending his actions and resorting to mean spirited personal attacks he makes himself and the presidency look inept and weak.

Trump supporters love to see the president fight back because they see it as an act of courage but in reality it's Trump trivializing the presidency. One of the hardest things for a president is to keep his mouth shut and ignore taunts and focus on what is really important.

Trump has looked for conflict where it is not, created it where it does not exist. No target is too small, petty or unpresidential. Where most leaders take to heart Teddy Roosevelt quote, "Speak softly and carry a big stick', Trump seems to be totally oblivious.
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Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Isn’t it time that bleeding heart suckers add some credibility to this whining by starting with the condemnation of the piece of shit criminal wetback parents first?
Whatta ya say...seem like rudimentary logic to you?

I have a plan to build the border wall quickly and cheaply:

1). Our Army invades Mexico and steals all the materials and resources needed to make it while killing any drug lords or Federales they see.
2). Take all the illegal aliens arrested at the border and elsewhere and put them to work building the wall as repayment for their crime.
3). When finished, deport them back to Mexico free people, their crimes served.
4). Cut off all ties and end all trade with Mexico and tell them they can keep their money, people and trade now. They don't owe us a thing.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Isn’t it time that bleeding heart suckers add some credibility to this whining by starting with the condemnation of the piece of shit criminal wetback parents first?
Whatta ya say...seem like rudimentary logic to you?

I have a plan to build the border wall quickly and cheaply:

1). Our Army invades Mexico and steals all the materials and resources needed to make it while killing any drug lords or Federales they see.
2). Take all the illegal aliens arrested at the border and elsewhere and put them to work building the wall as repayment for their crime.
3). When finished, deport them back to Mexico free people, their crimes served.
4). Cut off all ties and end all trade with Mexico and tell them they can keep their money, people and trade. They don't owe us a thing.

Excellent ideas.
I pretty sure all good Americans that matter will fall in behind that movement.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Isn’t it time that bleeding heart suckers add some credibility to this whining by starting with the condemnation of the piece of shit criminal wetback parents first?
Whatta ya say...seem like rudimentary logic to you?

I have a plan to build the border wall quickly and cheaply:

1). Our Army invades Mexico and steals all the materials and resources needed to make it while killing any drug lords or Federales they see.
2). Take all the illegal aliens arrested at the border and elsewhere and put them to work building the wall as repayment for their crime.
3). When finished, deport them back to Mexico free people, their crimes served.
4). Cut off all ties and end all trade with Mexico and tell them they can keep their money, people and trade now. They don't owe us a thing.
I thought that was Trump's plan. It sure sounds his ideas.
And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.
/——-/ Yeah, we see how you libtards take the high road when referencing President Trump. Calling him Hitler and Orange Clown 24/7 is very uplifting. Trouble is, someone hits Trump - he hits back. You prefer the old days when Republicans just rolled over and played dead.
I certainly have no objection to a president defending his policies when they are attacked. In fact, I expect it.

However, what Trump is doing is launching personal attacks in answer to criticism of his policy and his actions as president. By not defending his actions and resorting to mean spirited personal attacks he makes himself and the presidency look inept and weak.

Trump supporters love to see the president fight back because they see it as an act of courage but in reality it's Trump trivializing the presidency. One of the hardest things for a president is to keep his mouth shut and ignore taunts and focus on what is really important.

Trump has looked for conflict where it is not, created it where it does not exist. No target is too small, petty or unpresidential. Where most leaders take to heart Teddy Roosevelt quote, "Speak softly and carry a big stick', Trump seems to be totally oblivious.

And that's what we love about him. That's besides the fact that if you leave Trump alone, chances are he'll leave you alone. Hit Trump, and he hits back only harder.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Isn’t it time that bleeding heart suckers add some credibility to this whining by starting with the condemnation of the piece of shit criminal wetback parents first?
Whatta ya say...seem like rudimentary logic to you?

I have a plan to build the border wall quickly and cheaply:

1). Our Army invades Mexico and steals all the materials and resources needed to make it while killing any drug lords or Federales they see.
2). Take all the illegal aliens arrested at the border and elsewhere and put them to work building the wall as repayment for their crime.
3). When finished, deport them back to Mexico free people, their crimes served.
4). Cut off all ties and end all trade with Mexico and tell them they can keep their money, people and trade now. They don't owe us a thing.
/——-/ Trump should just buy Mexico, turn it into a giant set of golf course, tear everything down except the best hotels and restaurants then hire the Mexicans to work there.
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.

His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.
/——-/ Yeah, we see how you libtards take the high road when referencing President Trump. Calling him Hitler and Orange Clown 24/7 is very uplifting. Trouble is, someone hits Trump - he hits back. You prefer the old days when Republicans just rolled over and played dead.
I certainly have no objection to a president defending his policies when they are attacked. In fact, I expect it.

However, what Trump is doing is launching personal attacks in answer to criticism of his policy and his actions as president. By not defending his actions and resorting to mean spirited personal attacks he makes himself and the presidency look inept and weak.

Trump supporters love to see the president fight back because they see it as an act of courage but in reality it's Trump trivializing the presidency. One of the hardest things for a president is to keep his mouth shut and ignore taunts and focus on what is really important.

Trump has looked for conflict where it is not, created it where it does not exist. No target is too small, petty or unpresidential. Where most leaders take to heart Teddy Roosevelt quote, "Speak softly and carry a big stick', Trump seems to be totally oblivious.

And that's what we love about him. That's besides the fact that if you leave Trump alone, chances are he'll leave you alone. Hit Trump, and he hits back only harder.
Hitting back and hitting back harder can certainly work in a campaign but it's not the way to win as president. Sure, it will get the oohs and ahhs of supporters with blood in their eyes for all that oppose their man, but it will work against the president the longer he is office.

Donald Trump lives by the advice he dispensed in his best-selling business book The Art of the Deal: “Fight Back — always hit back against critics and adversaries, even if it looks bad.” He has run his campaign under the banner of “You hit me, I hit you back twice as hard.” But how well does that work as president?

Trump's philosophy works quite well when making real estate deals with people he will never have to deal with again and celebrates who he chooses not to work with. However, the president does not have those options. The very people he insults today will be the people he has to work with tomorrow. Does anyone believe John McCain is not going to do everything he can, even from his death bed to get back at Trump, or "Rocket Man", who has an ego as big Trump's and no tolerance for ridicule is not going stab Trump and the US in back at first opportunity.

Successful political deals depend on all parties walking away feeling they are winners or at least they have won something. However, that is not the Trump philosophy which explains why he's unable to strike deals with congressional leaders.

Trump claimed he had an agreement with North Korea, NATO, Canada, France etc when there was no deal at all. Trump is totally out of his depth in negotiating international political deals because they are never zero sum deals, depend on faith and trust the in the deal maker, and there is a clear understanding how each side benefits.
His life is much worse than it was before, and he knew that getting in: being followed everywhere by the SS, living that way for the rest of his life, enemies possibly targeting him for execution.

What person other than one that loves his country so much would make such sacrifices given the life he had before becoming President?

You people can't give this guy any credit no matter what he does. It's senseless to discuss it with your preconceived opinion about him. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He's even given up every paycheck since taking the job, and you can't even give him credit for that.

Hate brings out the worst in people, that's one thing we've learned from liberals in this country.
Worse. I doubt that. He is making money as never before. Trump in his own words says he lives for the fight. He sees himself as a gladiator, fighting not the for the nation but for himself, something he has been doing for many years before he ran for president.

The Presidency has just given him a bigger platform and more clout. Presidents typically ignore most criticism from other politician and the media, refusing to stoop to petty name calling and personal attacks, but not Trump. Go low, and Trump will go lower.
/——-/ Yeah, we see how you libtards take the high road when referencing President Trump. Calling him Hitler and Orange Clown 24/7 is very uplifting. Trouble is, someone hits Trump - he hits back. You prefer the old days when Republicans just rolled over and played dead.
I certainly have no objection to a president defending his policies when they are attacked. In fact, I expect it.

However, what Trump is doing is launching personal attacks in answer to criticism of his policy and his actions as president. By not defending his actions and resorting to mean spirited personal attacks he makes himself and the presidency look inept and weak.

Trump supporters love to see the president fight back because they see it as an act of courage but in reality it's Trump trivializing the presidency. One of the hardest things for a president is to keep his mouth shut and ignore taunts and focus on what is really important.

Trump has looked for conflict where it is not, created it where it does not exist. No target is too small, petty or unpresidential. Where most leaders take to heart Teddy Roosevelt quote, "Speak softly and carry a big stick', Trump seems to be totally oblivious.

And that's what we love about him. That's besides the fact that if you leave Trump alone, chances are he'll leave you alone. Hit Trump, and he hits back only harder.
Hitting back and hitting back harder can certainly work in a campaign but it's not the way to win as president. Sure, it will get the oohs and ahhs of supporters with blood in their eyes for all that oppose their man, but it will work against the president the longer he is office.

Donald Trump lives by the advice he dispensed in his best-selling business book The Art of the Deal: “Fight Back — always hit back against critics and adversaries, even if it looks bad.” He has run his campaign under the banner of “You hit me, I hit you back twice as hard.” But how well does that work as president?

Trump's philosophy works quite well when making real estate deals with people he will never have to deal with again and celebrates who he chooses not to work with. However, the president does not have those options. The very people he insults today will be the people he has to work with tomorrow. Does anyone believe John McCain is not going to do everything he can, even from his death bed to get back at Trump, or "Rocket Man", who has an ego as big Trump's and no tolerance for ridicule is not going stab Trump and the US in back at first opportunity.

Successful political deals depend on all parties walking away feeling they are winners or at least they have won something. However, that is not the Trump philosophy which explains why he's unable to strike deals with congressional leaders.

Trump claimed he had an agreement with North Korea, NATO, Canada, France etc when there was no deal at all. Trump is totally out of his depth in negotiating international political deals because they are never zero sum deals, depend on faith and trust the in the deal maker, and there is a clear understanding how each side benefits.
/——/ How can you declare those deals are dead? Let the man finish negotiating before you pick and choose winners and losers
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