What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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I don't want us shooting women and children coming across the border illegally, but...

Barring that...

Damned-near anything goes, as an 'acceptable cost', in controlling Illegal Immigration...

Controlling our own borders and the nature and quantity of the people coming-in, in this Post-Large-Scale-Immigration Age, are existential matters.

I choose myself, and my family, and my fellow countrymen, and their culture, and their future, over uncontrolled tidal waves of Illegal Aliens trespassing upon our soil.
Despite all Trump's praises of how well he's doing catching illegal immigrants at our southern border, the Homeland Security Data tells a different story.

From October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 there were 286,290 apprehensions or 429,432 for 12 mos. at the southern border, all well below the apprehensions in Obama's last 4 years in office.
2016 563,204
2015 444,825
2014 569,237
2013 489,498

Considering all the Hoopla about border apprehensions, I was expecting a huge increase but maybe the estimates of decreased illegal crossing are correct. Trump is sure pushing hard for more arrests but you can't arrest what isn't there.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Southwest Border Migration FY2017 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

And do you know why that is? It's because people are more scared to come here illegally. This article from a year ago:

Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent.

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way
I don't want us shooting women and children coming across the border illegally, but...

Barring that...

Damned-near anything goes, as an 'acceptable cost', in controlling Illegal Immigration...

Controlling our own borders and the nature and quantity of the people coming-in, in this Post-Large-Scale-Immigration Age, are existential matters.

I choose myself, and my family, and my fellow countrymen, and their culture, and their future, over uncontrolled tidal waves of Illegal Aliens trespassing upon our soil.
Despite all Trump's praises of how well he's doing catching illegal immigrants at our southern border, the Homeland Security Data tells a different story.

From October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 there were 286,290 apprehensions or 429,432 for 12 mos. at the southern border, all well below the apprehensions in Obama's last 4 years in office.
2016 563,204
2015 444,825
2014 569,237
2013 489,498

Considering all the Hoopla about border apprehensions, I was expecting a huge increase but maybe the estimates of decreased illegal crossing are correct. Trump is sure pushing hard for more arrests but you can't arrest what isn't there.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Southwest Border Migration FY2017 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

And do you know why that is? It's because people are more scared to come here illegally. This article from a year ago:

Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent.

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way
The only problem with your argument is illegal immigration started going down long before Trump became president. Illegal immigration has been falling since 2000 when illegal crossings were at 1.6 million. 2017 was the lowest year for illegal border crossing in 43 years.

Greatly enhanced border security that started in 90's but really got going after 911 and has continued to improve to this day has been a primary reason.


A growing shortage of workers in Mexico coupled with higher wages makes illegal border crossings much less attractive.

The problem Trump has is that illegal immigration at the southern border is being feed by illegals crossing the Mexico's southern border. In the past, Mexico welcomed those migrants because they brought money into the economy of southern Mexico. Today they come in ever increasing number with little money and no intention of leaving. About half of the them head tor the US border. The rest remain in southern Mexico causing problem. It's only going to be a question of time before Mexico's new president puts an end to the open southern border. When that happens, illegal immigration will be a trickle and you can kiss Trump's big beautiful wall goodbye.
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I don't want us shooting women and children coming across the border illegally, but...

Barring that...

Damned-near anything goes, as an 'acceptable cost', in controlling Illegal Immigration...

Controlling our own borders and the nature and quantity of the people coming-in, in this Post-Large-Scale-Immigration Age, are existential matters.

I choose myself, and my family, and my fellow countrymen, and their culture, and their future, over uncontrolled tidal waves of Illegal Aliens trespassing upon our soil.
Despite all Trump's praises of how well he's doing catching illegal immigrants at our southern border, the Homeland Security Data tells a different story.

From October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 there were 286,290 apprehensions or 429,432 for 12 mos. at the southern border, all well below the apprehensions in Obama's last 4 years in office.
2016 563,204
2015 444,825
2014 569,237
2013 489,498

Considering all the Hoopla about border apprehensions, I was expecting a huge increase but maybe the estimates of decreased illegal crossing are correct. Trump is sure pushing hard for more arrests but you can't arrest what isn't there.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Southwest Border Migration FY2017 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

And do you know why that is? It's because people are more scared to come here illegally. This article from a year ago:

Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent.

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way
Increasing border security is a good thing but there's an interesting problem that occurs with increased security. The more security you put on the border, the fewer people enter but also fewer people leave. The increased security has made it more dangerous for people to leave by going through border crossing or crossing illegally so they stay much longer. There was a time when people would come across the border for a few weeks to work in the fields and return home. Today when they come, they stay.
I don't want us shooting women and children coming across the border illegally, but...

Barring that...

Damned-near anything goes, as an 'acceptable cost', in controlling Illegal Immigration...

Controlling our own borders and the nature and quantity of the people coming-in, in this Post-Large-Scale-Immigration Age, are existential matters.

I choose myself, and my family, and my fellow countrymen, and their culture, and their future, over uncontrolled tidal waves of Illegal Aliens trespassing upon our soil.
Despite all Trump's praises of how well he's doing catching illegal immigrants at our southern border, the Homeland Security Data tells a different story.

From October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 there were 286,290 apprehensions or 429,432 for 12 mos. at the southern border, all well below the apprehensions in Obama's last 4 years in office.
2016 563,204
2015 444,825
2014 569,237
2013 489,498

Considering all the Hoopla about border apprehensions, I was expecting a huge increase but maybe the estimates of decreased illegal crossing are correct. Trump is sure pushing hard for more arrests but you can't arrest what isn't there.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Southwest Border Migration FY2017 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

And do you know why that is? It's because people are more scared to come here illegally. This article from a year ago:

Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent.

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way
The only problem with your argument is illegal immigration started going down long before Trump became president. Illegal immigration has been falling since 2000 when illegal crossings were at 1.6 million. 2017 was the lowest year for illegal border crossing in 43 years.

Greatly enhanced border security that started in 90's but really got going after 911 and has continued to improve to this day has been a primary reason.


A growing shortage of workers in Mexico coupled with higher wages makes illegal border crossings much less attractive.

The problem Trump has is that illegal immigration at the southern border is being feed by illegals crossing the Mexico's southern border. In the past, Mexico welcomed those migrants because they brought money into the economy of southern Mexico. Today they come in ever increasing number with little money and no intention of leaving. About half of the them head tor the US border. The rest remain in southern Mexico causing problem. It's only going to be a question of time before Mexico's new president puts an end to the open southern border. When that happens, illegal immigration will be a trickle and you can kiss Trump's big beautiful wall goodbye.

Border arrests are not exactly proportional to border crossings. As Fox reported, there has been a 70% decrease in crossings--not arrests.
I don't want us shooting women and children coming across the border illegally, but...

Barring that...

Damned-near anything goes, as an 'acceptable cost', in controlling Illegal Immigration...

Controlling our own borders and the nature and quantity of the people coming-in, in this Post-Large-Scale-Immigration Age, are existential matters.

I choose myself, and my family, and my fellow countrymen, and their culture, and their future, over uncontrolled tidal waves of Illegal Aliens trespassing upon our soil.
Despite all Trump's praises of how well he's doing catching illegal immigrants at our southern border, the Homeland Security Data tells a different story.

From October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 there were 286,290 apprehensions or 429,432 for 12 mos. at the southern border, all well below the apprehensions in Obama's last 4 years in office.
2016 563,204
2015 444,825
2014 569,237
2013 489,498

Considering all the Hoopla about border apprehensions, I was expecting a huge increase but maybe the estimates of decreased illegal crossing are correct. Trump is sure pushing hard for more arrests but you can't arrest what isn't there.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Southwest Border Migration FY2017 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

And do you know why that is? It's because people are more scared to come here illegally. This article from a year ago:

Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent.

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way
Increasing border security is a good thing but there's an interesting problem that occurs with increased security. The more security you put on the border, the fewer people enter but also fewer people leave. The increased security has made it more dangerous for people to leave by going through border crossing or crossing illegally so they stay much longer. There was a time when people would come across the border for a few weeks to work in the fields and return home. Today when they come, they stay.

Riddle me this:

So somebody successfully comes here illegally by whatever means. Now they are here, but for some reason, can't use the same system to return to Mexico.

So what happens to an illegal who just goes over customs and is a Mexican or CA citizen even though here illegally? What do they do, tell them to remain in the US illegally? Arrest them and have the US imprison them? After all, we don't do that here. We cater to them. We have sanctuary cities, we give them drivers licenses, our banks gives them loans and our landlords give them rent, their children freely attend our schools, they have anchor babies. But because they are trying to return home, now they are in trouble?

Your claim here holds no water.
Nope... they've depressed wages in multiple trades and job-categories already and that needs to come to an end.

Heaven forbid, employers be obligated to offer a Living Wage to their worker-bees rather than exploiting Alien Near-Slave Labor.

Maybe you need to talk to the white folks who hire the Hispanic Nanny who is just like a member of the family or the guy who picks up a truckload of Day Laborers at the Home Depot when his DIY project turns out to be harder than HGTV made it look.

Driving is a skill which is why you can't find people to do the job any longer. Some have DUI's, some have too many points, some get into the field but constantly get in accidents or accumulating too many CSA or license points. It's not something everybody can do (including you) for any length of time.

So these foreigners come here, drive until they run into too many problems, take their American dollars and go back to their own country. In the meantime it relieves employers from having to pay quality money for quality American drivers.

so essentially, they can easily replace you. Got it.

Too bad you didn't get a skill that can't be easily replaced.
so essentially, they can easily replace you. Got it.

Too bad you didn't get a skill that can't be easily replaced.

Yeah, a skill, like writing resumes? :21::21::21:

You're a laugh a minute Joe. The truth is they are in all kinds of manual labor including construction doing work union guys used to do for five times the wage because they were considered skilled workers. The ones that come here legally would make your way of living look like child's play because they do have the education you don't.

But keep ragging on truck drivers. We know how anti-worker you leftists are along with your party. It's why your party keeps sinking further and further in the hole and how we took over. We WORKING Americans have come to realize that the Democrat party is about destroying the American worker. Oh, and next time you go grocery shopping, don't forget to thank one of us truck drivers for bringing in all those goodies you're buying, because without us, you would Fn starve to death.
Yeah, a skill, like writing resumes?

Something you could benefit from, given you are in an awful job and can't get a better one with 3.9% unemployment...

You could start by not writing one in crayon, that helps.

But the fact that an immigrant can get a job in your field, with no problem, tells me it isn't that complicated of a skill.

You're a laugh a minute Joe. The truth is they are in all kinds of manual labor including construction doing work union guys used to do for five times the wage because they were considered skilled workers. The ones that come here legally would make your way of living look like child's play because they do have the education you don't.

And that's the problem, dummy. Who destroyed the unions? It wasn't "immigrants", it was big corporations passing "right to work" laws and "at will" employment. and you clowns keep voting for more.


But keep ragging on truck drivers. We know how anti-worker you leftists are along with your party. It's why your party keeps sinking further and further in the hole and how we took over. We WORKING Americans have come to realize that the Democrat party is about destroying the American worker. Oh, and next time you go grocery shopping, don't forget to thank one of us truck drivers for bringing in all those goodies you're buying, because without us, you would Fn starve to death.

Guy, most truck drivers are okay guys... in fact, I've done resumes for a few of them and they got better jobs. Funny how that works.

The thing is, other working folks who weren't born here aren't your enemy, it's the rich guys who keep taking away your rights that your grandfathers all risked life and limb to win on picket lines and strikes. and yet you run down the unions guys and call them lazy, and claim to be a friend to the worker supporting a Billionaire who hired illegal aliens instead of union guys.

Got it.
...Maybe you need to talk to the white folks who hire the Hispanic Nanny...
Yep... they do, indeed, need to be 'talked to', at-law.

...who is just like a member of the family...
Yep... sing me another chorus of 'Mammy', eh?

Dee House Nigra Mammies (and Mamacitas) be jus' lake fambly an' gits all dee breaks and dasn't haffta stay in dee fiels wiff dee resta dee hans.

...or the guy who picks up a truckload of Day Laborers at the Home Depot when his DIY project turns out to be harder than HGTV made it look...
Yep... he does, indeed, need to be 'talked to', at-law. Along with the Home Depot manager who knowingly allows Illegal Aliens to gather on premises that he manages.

...Too bad you didn't get a skill that can't be easily replaced.
The Ruling-Elitist Mindset that lost the November 8, 2016 general election for the Democrats... honest-to-Christ, you jokers just don't get it, do you?
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Trump said over and over, "I wanted to do this for myself", not for the nation.

And he said not for the nation? Have a link to that?
"not for the nation" was my comment. I doubt you will find any comment from Trump indicating that his reason for running for president was anything other than he was doing it for himself just like everything he has ever done.
/——/ He didn’t need to run for president for his own ego. He had power and money. Everything he has done as president has been to make America great. And your pathetic attempt to separate Trump from his supporters is a gigantic fail.
What Donald Trump sought was power to command the media, to be regarded as the most powerful man in the world, a man no one could snub without consequences. Becoming president was the ultimate revenge upon anyone who had disparaged him or ridiculed him. When Donald Trump spoke, the world would listen. As president, he would always have the last word so he would never have to endure the ridicule Obama dumped on him in 2011.

/——— That is only your opinion. The only way you can sleep at night is to convince yourself that Trumps motives are purely self serving. I could create the same narrative about Obozo and Hildabeast.

Hate to break it to people, but as long as the country runs properly and moves in the right direction, I'm not overly concerned about the President's personal motivations. I'm his constituent, not his psychiatrist or his minister.
I don't want us shooting women and children coming across the border illegally, but...

Barring that...

Damned-near anything goes, as an 'acceptable cost', in controlling Illegal Immigration...

Controlling our own borders and the nature and quantity of the people coming-in, in this Post-Large-Scale-Immigration Age, are existential matters.

I choose myself, and my family, and my fellow countrymen, and their culture, and their future, over uncontrolled tidal waves of Illegal Aliens trespassing upon our soil.
Despite all Trump's praises of how well he's doing catching illegal immigrants at our southern border, the Homeland Security Data tells a different story.

From October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 there were 286,290 apprehensions or 429,432 for 12 mos. at the southern border, all well below the apprehensions in Obama's last 4 years in office.
2016 563,204
2015 444,825
2014 569,237
2013 489,498

Considering all the Hoopla about border apprehensions, I was expecting a huge increase but maybe the estimates of decreased illegal crossing are correct. Trump is sure pushing hard for more arrests but you can't arrest what isn't there.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Southwest Border Migration FY2017 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

And do you know why that is? It's because people are more scared to come here illegally. This article from a year ago:

Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent.

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way
The only problem with your argument is illegal immigration started going down long before Trump became president. Illegal immigration has been falling since 2000 when illegal crossings were at 1.6 million. 2017 was the lowest year for illegal border crossing in 43 years.

Greatly enhanced border security that started in 90's but really got going after 911 and has continued to improve to this day has been a primary reason.


A growing shortage of workers in Mexico coupled with higher wages makes illegal border crossings much less attractive.

The problem Trump has is that illegal immigration at the southern border is being feed by illegals crossing the Mexico's southern border. In the past, Mexico welcomed those migrants because they brought money into the economy of southern Mexico. Today they come in ever increasing number with little money and no intention of leaving. About half of the them head tor the US border. The rest remain in southern Mexico causing problem. It's only going to be a question of time before Mexico's new president puts an end to the open southern border. When that happens, illegal immigration will be a trickle and you can kiss Trump's big beautiful wall goodbye.

Border arrests are not exactly proportional to border crossings. As Fox reported, there has been a 70% decrease in crossings--not arrests.
I think it's being a bit naive to believe the number of arrests are not related to the number of crimes. A reduction in arrests from 1.6 million to 300,000 certainly points to a lot less people crossing, particular since the border security has increased significantly during the period.
Something you could benefit from, given you are in an awful job and can't get a better one with 3.9% unemployment...

You could start by not writing one in crayon, that helps.

But the fact that an immigrant can get a job in your field, with no problem, tells me it isn't that complicated of a skill.

A high school kid can do your job. He can't do mine. The problem is these illegals can't do my job either; and least not in any safe way. More and more companies are creating regulations that the driver must remain inside while getting unloaded. Why was it not like that years ago? Because we didn't have a rash of Fn foreigners driving away from the dock while still getting unloaded. People have gotten severely maimed, disabled for life, or killed because these stupid MF's are too lazy to get out of the truck to make sure nobody is still going on it. These people have the IQ of a liberal and total lack of common sense.

So no, they can't do my job, at least for any length of time. Like I said, when they get into trouble, back over the border or back on the ship they go.

And that's the problem, dummy. Who destroyed the unions? It wasn't "immigrants", it was big corporations passing "right to work" laws and "at will" employment. and you clowns keep voting for more.

Who destroyed the unions? The unions destroyed themselves. They made it impractical for a business to continue. They virtually took over companies telling them how to run their business from who gets hired to who gets fired. In between, they told the companies who they are going to promote because unions promoted idiots to a next level of production based on how long they've been in the union instead of who is the most capable of handling the more complicated jobs.

This was especially true of the UAW. They were the worst. People that thought they had so much power they didn't give a rats ass how bad of a job they were doing. The union says as long as you're moving and breathing, nobody could fire you.

That's why unions disappeared.

Guy, most truck drivers are okay guys... in fact, I've done resumes for a few of them and they got better jobs. Funny how that works.

The thing is, other working folks who weren't born here aren't your enemy, it's the rich guys who keep taking away your rights that your grandfathers all risked life and limb to win on picket lines and strikes. and yet you run down the unions guys and call them lazy, and claim to be a friend to the worker supporting a Billionaire who hired illegal aliens instead of union guys.

Got it.

They are all at fault but you refuse to come to terms with that. Your wealth envy and jealousy leaves you too myopic to understand the entire situation. So yes, when people come here taking American jobs, they are my enemy, and they should be an enemy to any real working American.
A high school kid can do your job. He can't do mine.

Sure he can... it's one of the few jobs you can get these days without college.
I actually had a whole elaborate refutation to Ray, but that's off topic, so i'm not going to bother.

Point is, the immigrant isn't your enemy. If you can't keep your personal brand valuable where some guy off the boat replaces you, then that's on you, man.
...Point is, the immigrant isn't your enemy...

For Legal Immigrants, you're right... they are not 'enemies'.

For Illegal Aliens, you're dead wrong... they are, indeed, the enemy; an economic and political enemy.

...If you can't keep your personal brand valuable where some guy off the boat replaces you, then that's on you, man.
No, it's about higher labor marketplace saturation and lowered compensation rates triggered by a tidal wave of Illegal Aliens.

It's about watching out for the American Working Man (and Woman), not those here Illegally.

Imagine just how despised the Democratic Party has become, to lose White Straight Christian Blue-Collar America; their historical mainstay.

For Legal Immigrants, you're right... they are not 'enemies'.

For Illegal Aliens, you're dead wrong... they are, indeed, the enemy; an economic and political enemy.

Ray wants to end all immigration, not just undocumented immigration.

No, it's about higher labor marketplace saturation and lowered compensation rates triggered by a tidal wave of Illegal Aliens.

It's about watching out for the American Working Man (and Woman), not those here Illegally.

again, the average working man doesn't want to do the jobs that undocumented workers want to do.

Imagine just how despised the Democratic Party has become, to lose White Straight Christian Blue-Collar America; their historical mainstay.

I think you are a little confused here, buddy. The last time the Democrats won a majority of White People was 1964.

The GOP and their corporate owners have done a very, very good job of appealing to your racism, as well as your sexual and religious fears to get you to keep voting against your own economic interests. Which is why the GOP won every election between 1968 and 1988. It's also why during that period, the White Working middle class got ABSOLUTELY GUTTED by union busting, right to work, at-will employment... as well as the inevitable gravity of automation and globalization, which everyone in the world has had to deal with.

But then after 1992, enough minorities and right minded white folks had it with the GOP, and if we actually, you know, let the people pick presidents instead of corporations, they won every presidential election after 1992 despite the rich pouring tons of money into clowns like Bush and Trump.
But then after 1992, enough minorities and right minded white folks had it with the GOP, and if we actually, you know, let the people pick presidents instead of corporations, they won every presidential election after 1992 despite the rich pouring tons of money into clowns like Bush and Trump.

If money is what wins elections, why isn't Hil-Liar President now? She outspent Trump three to one.

I don't know if you noticed this or not, but the GOP owns the Senate, owns the Congress, owns the White House, and owns 2/3 of the Governorships across the country.

The momentum seems to be on our side--not yours. Why? Because we had a helping of Socialism, and it left a bad taste in our mouths. Under Ears, we were fined for not complying with government demands, our children were forced to eat food they didn't want to eat, our daughters in school were in fear that weirdos in dresses would be able to invade their space in bathrooms and showers.

No Thank You said America. We said we want a wall, immigration control, and normal people running the country instead of every kind of new flake the Democrats come up with.
A high school kid can do your job. He can't do mine.

Sure he can... it's one of the few jobs you can get these days without college.
I actually had a whole elaborate refutation to Ray, but that's off topic, so i'm not going to bother.

Point is, the immigrant isn't your enemy. If you can't keep your personal brand valuable where some guy off the boat replaces you, then that's on you, man.

Yes, it is on me, and as an American, I'm going to fight and support any politician that's going to keep lowlifes from other countries taking our jobs, lowering our pay scale, changing our language and culture. I'm going to do whatever I can to secure our country from the invaders.
I don't want us shooting women and children coming across the border illegally, but...

Barring that...

Damned-near anything goes, as an 'acceptable cost', in controlling Illegal Immigration...

Controlling our own borders and the nature and quantity of the people coming-in, in this Post-Large-Scale-Immigration Age, are existential matters.

I choose myself, and my family, and my fellow countrymen, and their culture, and their future, over uncontrolled tidal waves of Illegal Aliens trespassing upon our soil.
Despite all Trump's praises of how well he's doing catching illegal immigrants at our southern border, the Homeland Security Data tells a different story.

From October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 there were 286,290 apprehensions or 429,432 for 12 mos. at the southern border, all well below the apprehensions in Obama's last 4 years in office.
2016 563,204
2015 444,825
2014 569,237
2013 489,498

Considering all the Hoopla about border apprehensions, I was expecting a huge increase but maybe the estimates of decreased illegal crossing are correct. Trump is sure pushing hard for more arrests but you can't arrest what isn't there.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Southwest Border Migration FY2017 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

And do you know why that is? It's because people are more scared to come here illegally. This article from a year ago:

Over the last six months the Trump administration has made good on its promise to enhance border security and enforce our immigration laws. In the first half of 2017, illegal border crossings fell by an estimated 70 percent.

Reps. McCaul, Goodlatte: Better border security and immigration enforcement is on the way
The only problem with your argument is illegal immigration started going down long before Trump became president. Illegal immigration has been falling since 2000 when illegal crossings were at 1.6 million. 2017 was the lowest year for illegal border crossing in 43 years.

Greatly enhanced border security that started in 90's but really got going after 911 and has continued to improve to this day has been a primary reason.


A growing shortage of workers in Mexico coupled with higher wages makes illegal border crossings much less attractive.

The problem Trump has is that illegal immigration at the southern border is being feed by illegals crossing the Mexico's southern border. In the past, Mexico welcomed those migrants because they brought money into the economy of southern Mexico. Today they come in ever increasing number with little money and no intention of leaving. About half of the them head tor the US border. The rest remain in southern Mexico causing problem. It's only going to be a question of time before Mexico's new president puts an end to the open southern border. When that happens, illegal immigration will be a trickle and you can kiss Trump's big beautiful wall goodbye.

Border arrests are not exactly proportional to border crossings. As Fox reported, there has been a 70% decrease in crossings--not arrests.
I think it's being a bit naive to believe the number of arrests are not related to the number of crimes. A reduction in arrests from 1.6 million to 300,000 certainly points to a lot less people crossing, particular since the border security has increased significantly during the period.

You don't get arrested just for committing crimes. If you are caught here crossing our border illegally, they arrest you. So lower arrests means less people crossing our borders. Trump is doing a kick ass job at that along with giving invaders something to fear.
If money is what wins elections, why isn't Hil-Liar President now? She outspent Trump three to one.

um, no, she didn't... but you do go on with your myths.

I don't know if you noticed this or not, but the GOP owns the Senate, owns the Congress, owns the White House, and owns 2/3 of the Governorships across the country.

Not for long...

The momentum seems to be on our side--not yours.

No, it isn't. You guys haven't won a national popular vote since 1988 without scaring the shit out of people. You use Gerrymandering and voter suppression and all sorts of other stuff, and you STILL have to get the Russians to rig elections for you.

Yes, it is on me, and as an American, I'm going to fight and support any politician that's going to keep lowlifes from other countries taking our jobs, lowering our pay scale, changing our language and culture. I'm going to do whatever I can to secure our country from the invaders.

again, the Rich have used useful idiots like you throughout history... 150 years ago it was the Irish, 100 years ago the Germans and 50 years ago the Poles... and you really couldn't keep them out.

Because the Rich who get you all upset and looking for scapegoats are the ones who invited them in to take the jobs you think are beneath you.
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