What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Seems more like unnecessary human rights violations.
So when a cop stops somebody for speeding and DUI, and arrests him, and his kids are separated from him, you'd say this is an "unnecessary human rights violation" ?

And when the drunk driver is incarcerated, where would you suggest the kids go ? Into jail with him ?

We are talking about the new policy of separating families as a deterrant. Obviously if it's new, it was not done previously.
No one is going to jail. If you think we we going to waste money on non-violent offenses like this then you are crazy. Let's jail people for jaywalking.
So if the congressmen who made the law (US Code 8, Section 1325) were standing in front of you, you'd tell them point-blank that they're crazy for passing it ?

I think it's a good law, and part of the PROTECTIVE laws that our ancestors provided us with to PROTECT us. If no one's going to jail for it, they should be. And in the worst, miserable, hellhole prison we can find, so they won't want to go back there.

And if you need a tutorial on what we're being protected from, I can supply that, quickly. since I realize that liberals are the most information-deprived people in America, from watching their liberal OMISSION media all the time.

PS- jaywalking doesn't have the long list of harms that illegal immigration does.
I would obey the friggun law, Coyote. I'd much rather maintain my relationship with my child than to use them as a tool to leverage another government for my illegal presence within their borders. I will have none of it. Children are not tools, they are children. Innocent children who essentially have no control over their situations. Ultimately the onus lies on the parents, they set such a vicious cycle in motion.

Not even in a moment of sheer desperation would I ever dare to subject my child to that. I would have to have gone completely insane to do something so barbarous.
What if your daughter was raped by a gang and your other daughter threatened with the same if you did not pay up? What if the police were bankrolled by that gang? Not fictional, these are the sorts of things recounted. What would you do?

I would get my kids the hell out of Dodge any way I can.
An additional response to this post would be:

Seek asylum, don't break our laws.

Don't use asylum as a means to circumvent our immigration laws. If your situation is that severe, our government has a means for you to get here and be safe from your malefactors. Asylum. A-s-y-l-u-m.

Seek asylum, don't break our laws.

ACLU: Trump administration forcibly separating asylum-seekers from their children

Hutch Starskey please forward this letter to the White House. Thanks in advance.

Dear U.S. Government,
Please separate every child from every illegal, criminal wetback parent you capture. It’s time we get and stay extremely aggressive in the WAR with the illegal cockroaches from the dirty brown south. Don’t worry about how ignorant, bleeding heart fools may perceive this action, they hate accountability and law and order. They can not understand basic principles such as cause and effect....ALL good Americans that matter fully support this effort.

All good, real Americans

Asylum seekers aren't illegals, dope.

Nobody gives two shits about the .0002% dope... TRY AGAIN.
See how LefTards work...Suddenly every illegal wetback is an “asylum seeker”....hahaha...the whacks are always trying to repackage wetbacks and blur reality. Poor Loons...nobody sane buys your bullshit anymore.
Human rights abuses are not a tool used by America.

No, but by using these children as tools, you have already violated their human rights.

Thanks for playing.

The Trump admin is the only one using children as tools, dope. That's the point.
They're using the threat of seperation as a deterrent.

Seems like a logical deterrent, so unless the parent is so negligent as to knowingly bring a child across the border when they know they will be separated, then it is that parents choice to do so. That is exactly what a deterrent is.

Seems more like unnecessary human rights violations.

Sorry you feel that way.

And if you do, then is it also a human rights violation when the couple that forces their child to shoplift gets separated from them as well? Or the couple that dispatches their child to get illegal drugs from the pusher down the street get separated?

Why is one illegal activity to be treated different from another?

The children aren't being charged. The policy is separating families for the express purpose of being a deterrent and has nothing to do with the actual crime. It's a step too far.
Agreed. Their parents being illegal aliens is a damned good reason, isn't it?

A person showing up at a border crossing and seeking assylum is not an illegal alien.
Illegals are being coached on how to ask for asylum at the border.
It's often the only engish they know.
Hilarious to see 'young men' with MS13 tats all over their bodies pleading to be let into the US! And it's happenijg every day."I used to be in MS13 but now I want to attend MIT on a full scholarship".


Seeking asylum is a legal process. The admin is charging applicants as illegal crossers and separating families as a deterrent to future applicants. That is a policy move and not the law.

Asylum seekers....the new illegal immigrant.
Forcing a child to break the law will typically result in separation of the parent from the child. It deters those that would force a child into criminal activities.

There is nothing new here.

Asylum seekers....the new illegal immigrant.

I wonder what congress thinks of this policy.

Rep. Mark Meadows: Separation of families at border a "horrible law," should be changed - CBS News

"Here's one of the interesting things, as we've been in these negotiations on trying to fix the immigration problem. This came out just the other day, and I said, 'I can't imagine that it's the law that you have to separate these individuals,'" Meadows told "Face the Nation" on Sunday. Meadows is chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and one of Mr. Trump's most influential allies on Capitol Hill.
He added, "Now, obviously human trafficking is a big deal. You know, how do you know that they're really the parents in a family unit? So we would have to address that, but I think conservatives and moderates, Democrats and Republicans all agree that keeping a family together is the best strategy, and it's something we need to address and will address."

Still haven't gotten an explanation as to why it was okay in the barry era.
No, but by using these children as tools, you have already violated their human rights.

Thanks for playing.

The Trump admin is the only one using children as tools, dope. That's the point.
They're using the threat of seperation as a deterrent.

Seems like a logical deterrent, so unless the parent is so negligent as to knowingly bring a child across the border when they know they will be separated, then it is that parents choice to do so. That is exactly what a deterrent is.

Seems more like unnecessary human rights violations.

So whats your solution?

Eliminate the horrible policy.

Thats not an answer.
We are talking about the new policy of separating families as a deterrant. Obviously if it's new, it was not done previously.
It's NOT a new policy. It's been the policy (law) all along. It just wasn't being enforced by lawless Obama, who was setting EWI criminals free by way of "catch & release"

So what's you answer to my question, Mr Dodge ? When the drunk driver is incarcerated, where would you suggest the kids go ? Into jail with him ?
I can guarantee that all of this is just an attempt by the leftists to reform the law so that endless amount of illegals can freely enter the country.

They want to reform the policy, because Trump is tremendously effective at keeping the illegals out of the country. A new loophole must be created so that the illegal 3rd world hordes can get in and vote democrat.

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
I think policies like this one are dragging us down to that level. You do not need a policy like this in order to successfully maintain law and order at the border.

Families can be and have been detained together. This move is meant to inflict the maximum pain as a deterrant. It is using human rights violations as a tool. The tools of dictators.

Forcing a child to break the law will typically result in separation of the parent from the child. It deters those that would force a child into criminal activities.

There is nothing new here.
It's all new.
Those seeking asylum are not breaking the law. It is a legal process.

The problem is, that everyone can make that claim.

Yes, a legal claim. Charging them as illegals and seperating families is a punative action against those involved in a legal process for no other reason than to dter future applicants. An unnecessarily harsh policy.
We are talking about the new policy of separating families as a deterrant. Obviously if it's new, it was not done previously.
It's NOT a new policy. It's been the policy (law) all along. It just wasn't being enforced by lawless Obama, who was setting EWI criminals free by way of "catch & release"

So what's you answer to my question, Mr Dodge ? when the drunk driver is incarcerated, where would you suggest the kids go ? Into jail with him ?

Nonsense. If it wasn't new, Sessions wouldn't have announced the new policy. :cuckoo:
The Nuremberg trials were about crimes against humanity. This fits.
In other words, you don't know of any law that the Trump admin can be held legally liable for implementing this policy, but you propose that they be held legally liable for what there is no law to hold them legally liable for, right ? Right, BB ? Right ?
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No, but by using these children as tools, you have already violated their human rights.

Thanks for playing.

The Trump admin is the only one using children as tools, dope. That's the point.
They're using the threat of seperation as a deterrent.

Seems like a logical deterrent, so unless the parent is so negligent as to knowingly bring a child across the border when they know they will be separated, then it is that parents choice to do so. That is exactly what a deterrent is.

Seems more like unnecessary human rights violations.

Sorry you feel that way.

And if you do, then is it also a human rights violation when the couple that forces their child to shoplift gets separated from them as well? Or the couple that dispatches their child to get illegal drugs from the pusher down the street get separated?

Why is one illegal activity to be treated different from another?

The children aren't being charged. The policy is separating families for the express purpose of being a deterrent and has nothing to do with the actual crime. It's a step too far.

Where is it written that a child must be charged to be separated from the parent. I certainly didn't write that. It's the parent that commits the crime by sending the child (who has diminished capacity) to perform an illegal activity.

There is nothing new here. Why is it that someone from a different country is to be treated any different, when committing a crime, than an american citizen?

That's crazy.
Yes, a legal claim. Charging them as illegals and seperating families is a punative action against those involved in a legal process for no other reason than to dter future applicants. An unnecessarily harsh policy.
FALSE! It is to deport those who have no legal status to be here, and who are lucky if they aren't imprisoned for violating US Code 8, Section 1325.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

Seeking asylum is a legal process. The admin is charging applicants as illegal crossers and separating families as a deterrent to future applicants. That is a policy move and not the law.
You got a link to the LAW, to show that ? And a source for the claim of charging asylum applicants as illegal crossers ?

And do you think anyone who claims to be seeking asylum really is ? Ever occur to you that maybe they're lying ? It's not unusual for criminals to say what they think will keep them from being arrested.

I wonder if the US should really be granting asylum anyway, even if it's legit. Everything in life has a limitation - including a nation's population capacity. Do we really want to be the homeless shelter for the world ?

Asylum claims are for the system to figure out.

Charging those who arrive at border crossings seeking asylum as illegal crossers and seperating them from their children is not legit.

ACLU: Trump administration forcibly separating asylum-seekers from their children
Yes, a legal claim. Charging them as illegals and seperating families is a punative action against those involved in a legal process for no other reason than to dter future applicants. An unnecessarily harsh policy.
FALSE! It is to deport those who have no legal status to be here, and who are lucky if they aren't imprisoned for violating US code 8, Section 1325.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
I'm talking about asylum seekers at border crossings. I've only posted it a half a dozen times.

ACLU: Trump administration forcibly separating asylum-seekers from their children
A person showing up at a border crossing and seeking assylum is not an illegal alien.
Illegals are being coached on how to ask for asylum at the border.
It's often the only engish they know.
Hilarious to see 'young men' with MS13 tats all over their bodies pleading to be let into the US! And it's happenijg every day."I used to be in MS13 but now I want to attend MIT on a full scholarship".


Seeking asylum is a legal process. The admin is charging applicants as illegal crossers and separating families as a deterrent to future applicants. That is a policy move and not the law.

Asylum seekers....the new illegal immigrant.
Forcing a child to break the law will typically result in separation of the parent from the child. It deters those that would force a child into criminal activities.

There is nothing new here.

Asylum seekers....the new illegal immigrant.

I wonder what congress thinks of this policy.

Rep. Mark Meadows: Separation of families at border a "horrible law," should be changed - CBS News

"Here's one of the interesting things, as we've been in these negotiations on trying to fix the immigration problem. This came out just the other day, and I said, 'I can't imagine that it's the law that you have to separate these individuals,'" Meadows told "Face the Nation" on Sunday. Meadows is chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and one of Mr. Trump's most influential allies on Capitol Hill.
He added, "Now, obviously human trafficking is a big deal. You know, how do you know that they're really the parents in a family unit? So we would have to address that, but I think conservatives and moderates, Democrats and Republicans all agree that keeping a family together is the best strategy, and it's something we need to address and will address."

Still haven't gotten an explanation as to why it was okay in the barry era.

It wasn't.
ACLU: Trump administration forcibly separating asylum-seekers from their children

Seeking asylum is a legal process. The admin is charging applicants as illegal crossers and separating families as a deterrent to future applicants. That is a policy move and not the law.
You got a link to the LAW, to show that ? And a source for the claim of charging asylum applicants as illegal crossers ?

And do you think anyone who claims to be seeking asylum really is ? Ever occur to you that maybe they're lying ? It's not unusual for criminals to say what they think will keep them from being arrested.

I wonder if the US should really be granting asylum anyway, even if it's legit. Everything in life has a limitation - including a nation's population capacity. Do we really want to be the homeless shelter for the world ?

Asylum claims are for the system to figure out.

Charging those who arrive at border crossings seeking asylum as illegal crossers and seperating them from their children is not legit.

ACLU: Trump administration forcibly separating asylum-seekers from their children

"The System" cannot handle the load when EVERY PERSON claims to be seeking "Asylum". Most come for ECONOMIC reasons, or because they flee criminal activity. Neither is what would commonly be described as an asylum seeker.
The other day I saw a photo of a women trying to cross the border with NINE children! The problem is ALL of the children were approximately the same age! Ranging from about three to five years old.
Miracles really do happen in S.A. Roman Catholic families I guess.
The Trump admin is the only one using children as tools, dope. That's the point.
They're using the threat of seperation as a deterrent.

Seems like a logical deterrent, so unless the parent is so negligent as to knowingly bring a child across the border when they know they will be separated, then it is that parents choice to do so. That is exactly what a deterrent is.

Seems more like unnecessary human rights violations.

So whats your solution?

Eliminate the horrible policy.

Thats not an answer.

It is indeed an answer. Creating a policy that uses human rights violations as a deterrent for furure applicants to a legal process is not a solution at all. It's making an existing legal pathway a nightmare so people don't try to use it.

Change the law if it's a problem.
Illegals are being coached on how to ask for asylum at the border.
It's often the only engish they know.
Hilarious to see 'young men' with MS13 tats all over their bodies pleading to be let into the US! And it's happenijg every day."I used to be in MS13 but now I want to attend MIT on a full scholarship".


Seeking asylum is a legal process. The admin is charging applicants as illegal crossers and separating families as a deterrent to future applicants. That is a policy move and not the law.

Asylum seekers....the new illegal immigrant.
Forcing a child to break the law will typically result in separation of the parent from the child. It deters those that would force a child into criminal activities.

There is nothing new here.

Asylum seekers....the new illegal immigrant.

I wonder what congress thinks of this policy.

Rep. Mark Meadows: Separation of families at border a "horrible law," should be changed - CBS News

"Here's one of the interesting things, as we've been in these negotiations on trying to fix the immigration problem. This came out just the other day, and I said, 'I can't imagine that it's the law that you have to separate these individuals,'" Meadows told "Face the Nation" on Sunday. Meadows is chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and one of Mr. Trump's most influential allies on Capitol Hill.
He added, "Now, obviously human trafficking is a big deal. You know, how do you know that they're really the parents in a family unit? So we would have to address that, but I think conservatives and moderates, Democrats and Republicans all agree that keeping a family together is the best strategy, and it's something we need to address and will address."

Still haven't gotten an explanation as to why it was okay in the barry era.

It wasn't.
ACLU: Trump administration forcibly separating asylum-seekers from their children

Then why weren't you bitching when barry did it?
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