What I am now seeing at the grocery store

Well, first of all we should give thanks that we even have grocery stores under the current regime.

4 more years of a democratic puppet and we will be most fortunate if America still exists....as a independent nation.....
In Chicago they are planning on opening government run grocery stores. This is the future of America.
These are conservative numbers. The prices I have seen are way higher. One loaf of sourdough bread is $5.99. A pound of sliced ham is $16.00. I was going to get a watermelon. It was $22.00. I settled for $8.00 in six watermelon slices.
They love to talk about "core inflation", filtering out gas and grocery costs.
Many businesses are just using inflation as an escuse to gouge the public.

Price gouging should be investigated
All those increased costs of fuel, transportation, fertilizers, and some poor harvests in food production areas globally has risen the costs of groceries. Not to mention modest increases in costs of labor has also added to inflation.

The influx of too much "free money" by the Fed has consequences....ones we are paying now.
Someone should have limited their issuance of so much cheap money....that would have curbed the inflationary pressures we are facing. Sure the dollar would have been "too strong" and stifled the export sales for a while...but not as long as the effects this inflation is going to have on the world market.

Inflation is somewhat relative. The Euro and Yen also have undergone extensive inflation just like the dollar because their central banks copied the telegraphed actions of the Federal Reserve.

But if you look...the value of the dollar is still ballparked in the same values relative to the Euro and the Yen. The problem comes from wages not actually keeping pace with inflation. Who really got a 25% salary increase last year without changing employers? That's where the price gouging really happened....not from increased commodity costs.
the great reset all planned by the wef. universal basic income.
Bull. Great reset my ass.
Well, first of all we should give thanks that we even have grocery stores under the current regime.

4 more years of a democratic puppet and we will be most fortunate if America still exists....as a independent nation.....

Give me a break! Two lines of opinion without any links or any content at all? Too funny, the lame attempts at Flaming.
These are conservative numbers. The prices I have seen are way higher. One loaf of sourdough bread is $5.99. A pound of sliced ham is $16.00. I was going to get a watermelon. It was $22.00. I settled for $8.00 in six watermelon slices.

You need to shop smarter.

It's going to get worse before it gets better.

Bear with me here....I can see an upstart grocery chain going local and undermining Walmart as a result.

Walmart is gouging. Lately I've noticed many of the name brands are cheaper than the Walmart house brand stuff.

And never, ever buy Walmart beef. :nono:


Or that beef in a tube. That shit always, ALWAYS has tooth chipping bone shards. ALWAYS...

Bullshit. Used it many times, that has NEVER happened.

you are getting ripped off.

A pound of sliced ham is under 10 bucks here and a watermelon is 6.99.

Hey, it's almost like...she doesn't live there!

I want to know where some of these people live that they are paying more than 3 times as much for a watermelon than we do here.


They love to talk about "core inflation", filtering out gas and grocery costs.

Also known as "rigging the numbers."
Many businesses are gouging, trying to make up for losses due to the lockdown.
The big question is how well is such a decision going over for them? What they obviously don't realize is that price gouging might only make things worse for themselves because when prices get too high, people either go without or simply just take their business elsewhere.

God bless you always!!!


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